Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 373: Gill-shaped petals

Lin Yuan felt the mental feedback from the red thorn.

He immediately cast his gaze on the leaf-shaped diamond-step trap on his chest.

As Lin Yuan used his mental power to feel the situation in this leaf-shaped diamond-step trap.

Lin Yuan saw that the red thorn was “babbling” digesting the flesh and blood of dimensional creatures in this diamond-level trap.

The mouth of the sacrificial offering trembled like a furnace in its rapid rotation.

While it trembled, it also brought the roar of the dimensional creature’s flesh and blood when it melted.

In the mouth of the sacrificial offering, the tongue of sacrificial offering secreted a special acid for the flesh and blood of creatures of different dimensions.

Ensure that the Mouth of the Sacrifice, the Forge of Flesh and Flesh, will never be overloaded.

The acid-etched queen bee is comfortably lying on the huge fleshy flower above the mouth of the offering.

From time to time, from the hive built by the self-built in the mouth of the sacrifice, carry out the acid larvae produced by the golden rank skills.

Then the acid-eaten queen bee flew up, and carried the acid larva into the huge open mouth on the mouth of the red thorn offering sacrifice like a treasure.

It’s like a servant offering treasure to the queen.

It’s just that the queen accepted the treasure offered without any response, without showing the slightest response.

But the acid-eaten queen bee is enjoying it, dancing on the fleshy flower in the mouth of the offering.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help holding his forehead with his hands.

Since the acid-etched queen bee lived in the big house, Lin Yuan who licked the red thorns could hardly stand it anymore.

After Lin Yuan inspected the appearance of a red thorn in the Spirit Locking Space.

It was found that the red spines did not change much in appearance.

Simply Linyuan glanced at the huge living room of his big house, and directly summoned the red thorns from the leaf-shaped diamond-step trap.

The red thorn that was summoned was like a huge pumpkin-like sphere that was vicious and beautiful.

It’s just that dozens of mouths of offerings are grinning on this huge pumpkin-shaped sphere.

The tongue of the offering is stirred in the offering mouth, helping the offering mouth to digest the remaining food.

The sixty eyes of the sacrificial offering blinked frequently, and every time they blinked, a weird sheen appeared on the surface.

The twelve blooming red thorns in the digestive cavity are useless red flowers nearly one meter in size.

The one who is already gorgeous cannot be more gorgeous.

When Lin Yuan summoned the red thorn, he focused on the huge flower with a diameter of one meter.

Lin Yuan can directly see where the appearance of the red spines has changed.

The twelve huge red flowers with a diameter of one meter before did nothing.

To say that the only value of these flowers before, is probably to increase the value of the red thorns.

At the same time, the red thorns can also make a sound like a musical instrument based on these twelve flowers.

But now among the twelve huge red flowers with a diameter of nearly one meter long, there are many filamentous omentum growing on the layered petals.

It looks as if this huge red flower is made up of nearly a hundred red gills.

Until this moment, Lin Yuan finally knew why Red Thorn suddenly realized the ability to breathe underwater.

From a plant-derived organism that can only grow on land, it has become an amphibious organism.

The twelve huge red flowers with a diameter of nearly one meter now look like this, which is the reason why the red thorns can survive underwater.

Lin Yuan was looking at the situation of the leaf-shaped diamond-level sleepy chest earlier.

I found the flesh and blood of water world dimensional creatures piled up in the leaf-shaped diamond-step trap.

The flesh and blood of the water world dimension creatures of the Golden Order have all disappeared.

Cooperating with the changes in the twelve huge flowers of the red thorn.

It is conceivable that the red thorn was after eating those water world dimension creatures.

The mutation that occurs after digesting the flesh and blood energy of the dimensional creatures of the Golden Stage Water World.

At this moment, Mobius’ voice rang in Lin Yuan’s mind.

“Lin Yuan, it is a great thing that the red thorn can mutate the ability to breathe underwater.”

Lin Yuan nodded, Lin Yuan was also very surprised by the mutation of the red thorn.

Lin Yuan has never had any spiritual objects that can fight in the water.

Although Yinling Yulong Xiaohei is a water creature.

However, as an auxiliary aquatic creature that supplements spiritual power, Xiaohei, the ichthyosaur, does not have the ability to fight.

But when the red spines were completely transformed into amphibious creatures.

Then the red thorn can burst out of the same strength underwater as on land.

The red thorn spreads the sea of ​​flowers it has spawned on the bottom of the water, and can indirectly control the waters of a party.

This kind of mutation directly makes the strategic significance of the red thorns a huge improvement.

At the same time, Lin Yuan was also secretly shocked by the blood and flesh of this water world dimensional creature.

Like the blood and flesh of the Zerg dimensional creature and the abyssal dimensional creature that the red thorn swallowed before.

One type increases the acidity in the red thorn, and the other increases the resistance and wilt of the red thorn.

However, the flesh and blood of dimensional creatures in the water world has directly opened up a new battlefield for the red thorn.

Lin Yuan said when he heard Mobius’ words in his mind.

“Unfortunately, the flesh and blood of the gold-level water world dimensional creatures in the leaf-shaped diamond-level trapped spirit box is too small.”

While speaking, Lin Yuan touched the red thorn’s petals that had turned into gill-shaped huge flowers.

Lin Yuan looked carefully.

Lin Yuan discovered that the gill-shaped petals on this huge flower only appeared on the outer layer.

Many of the petals on the inner layer still remain the same as before.

Obviously, the red thorn’s ability to breathe underwater has not yet fully mutated successfully.

The red thorns also need to consume more flesh and blood of the golden-level water world dimensional creatures.

After the red thorn was summoned by Lin Yuan, he immediately woven the vine without thorns into a wicker chair.

The red thorn controlled the vine and directly sent the wicker chair under Lin Yuan’s ass.

He also shook the wicker chair twice to signal Lin Yuan to sit down quickly.

At the same time, the twelve huge flowers sounded together.

But this time, Lin Yuan was surprised to find that the sound of the red thorn blowing with flowers was a bit like his own name.

After that, Lin Yuan felt the complacency sent by the red thorn to him.

It’s like a little Lolita who is seven or eight years old. She scored 100 points in the exam and waited for her father to praise her.

Lin Yuan was very happy that the red thorns could pass through the huge flower whose petals were already fish gills, and made the sound of his own name.

This shows that Red Thorn has faintly possessed the ability to learn languages.

There are signs of this kind of language learning ability.

As long as someone carefully teaches it, after a while.

Red thorns can be as smart as they can communicate directly with Lin Yuan.

All of Lin Yuan’s spirits now are undoubtedly Mobius with the highest intelligence ~ IndoMTL.com~ followed by intelligence.

Then between Yinyin and the red thorn should be Yinyin’s more intelligent.

It’s just that Yinyin still can’t speak.

Because the ability to sing and learn words is similar to that of a parrot.

Yin Yin is the talent of the singer bird to quickly memorize a melody, and then sing it after memorizing it.

However, Lin Yuan believes that as long as the quality and level of sound are improved.

It won’t take long for Yinyin to speak directly.

As a plant-derived creature, the red thorn can have such a high level of intelligence when the fantasy of the silver tier changes.

I want to come on the one hand and it is inseparable from the enlightenment of the endless summer enlightenment will rune.

On the other hand, in Lin Yuan’s view, it should be related to the way the red thorns obtain energy.

Red thorns grow by absorbing huge flesh and blood energy.

This huge flesh and blood energy can fully promote the development of the red thorn’s IQ through the absorption of the red thorn.

This is somewhat similar to the history of human development.

Humanity really began to develop civilization after humans had eaten meat and turned from herbivores to omnivores.

In a sense, eating meat is power.

Of course, Lin Yuan added another sentence in his mind.

If you eat meat, pork is best! And the meat of the black-backed boar made by Uncle Li!

Feeling the red thorn’s urgent need for praise, Lin Yuan sat on the stool woven by the red thorn vine and praised the red thorn without hesitation.

“The red thorn is awesome! The red thorn will call my name so soon.”

“Red thorns are the smartest!”

The treatment of red thorns, which is equivalent to the spirituality of seven or eight-year-old children, is actually no different from the treatment of seven or eight-year-old humans.

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