Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 291: Foot card exchange

Lin Yuan stood by the window in his own house, watching the scattered snowflakes falling outside the window.

Wang Du doesn’t see snow many times a year.

Lin Yuan previously experienced in the controlled three-level abyssal dimensional crack, not sure if this snow was the first snow of the year in the capital.

But as a child who grew up in Xia County, Bauhinia City, it has been a lifetime since Lin Yuanyuan saw snow last time.

Lin Yuan opened the window and stretched out his hand.

The first snow is not cold, and when it falls in the palm of the hand, it disappears immediately if it feels cold.

After Lin Yuan finished the phone call with Chu Ci, he felt that his previous arrangements were a bit inadequate.

Chu Ci cannot spend the New Year with himself this year. It is impossible for Lin Yuan to not feel a trace of loss in his heart.

But Lin Yuan thought of when he was talking to his master about his plans for training.

But I didn’t think that as a junior, I would have a reunion dinner with my master.

Now there is only about one month left before the New Year.

This time, Lin Yuan felt that his gains were worthwhile.

So Lin Yuan planned to return to the capital before the start of the new year and go to the Huiyue Palace to spend the New Year with his master.

In the past few days, Lin Yuan has been repairing in this hotel.

At the same time, he also hung the lotus beads that Lin Yuan would also cultivate in the Suo Ling Space in his own shop that couldn’t buy it.

Lin Yuan hung the lotus flower beads that were enough to make the creator crazy in his own shop that couldn’t afford to lose money, and didn’t immediately start selling them.

Only ten pots were hung up in the shop for display.

Lin Yuan understands that if he wants to use these ten pots of lotus beads to get more benefits.

The first thing is to attract the eyes of more creators.

Lin Yuan spent careful thoughts on the trading of these ten lotus beads.

The ten flowers of Jinlian Zhulinyuan all chose to trade through exchanges.

As for the things that Lin Yuan chose to change, they were the strange flames produced in the abyssal cracks.

Lin Yuan didn’t plan to choose the trading partner by himself this time, but directly went to the channel of Star.com and adopted the method of surfacing.

Every buyer who wants to buy a lotus pearl can use the strange flame prepared by himself as a bargaining chip for a secret shot.

After a period of time, the ten buyers who paid the most for Strange Flame received a lotus flower each.

This trading method of surfacing for goods is the most boring of all trading methods.

Because no one knows how much their ultimate opponent will pay.

So if I want, I can only desperately increase the price.

Just desperately to increase the price, even if you get a lotus flower in the end, you may suffer because the price is too high.

Lin Yuan didn’t have only one Camellia beads, but a whole ten.

This means that as long as the top ten buyers bid by placard, no matter how much they bid, they can get a lotus flower.

Lin Yuan’s transaction of using a lotus lotus bead in exchange for a brand-name exchange of flowers at Xingwang’s shop was through Xingwang’s official channel.

This shows that the exchange of these ten lotus beads is absolutely fair.

When Lin Yuan decided to adopt this exchange method, he already knew that these ten lotus beads displayed in his Star Net shop would surely be able to exchange for himself a lot of strange flames.

Know that there are very few chances for the Duo Jinlian Zhu to appear in the market.

The audience of Duo Jin Lian Zhu is originally the creator, and the creator is the small wave of people with the most wealth and resources in the world.

Of course, Lin Yuan didn’t think about using a lotus lotus pearl in exchange for the element shell.

But obviously the price of a lotus flower is not comparable to that of an element shell.

Therefore, Lin Yuan could only dispel the idea of ​​trying to exchange a lotus flower for the element shell.

If I release the news of such an exchange, even if my star network shop can come up with a large number of lotus beads, then my shop will instantly become a “snake swallow elephant”. Jokes.

Although according to the price point of view, the price of about 20 lotus beads is relative to one element shell.

However, the exchange between spiritual things and spiritual things has always been limited to the same number of spiritual things of the same value.

Just like a person holding a lot of glass worth the same as jade in his hand, no one would be willing to exchange a piece of high-quality jade in his hand for a pile of broken glass.

So for Elemental Shell, Lin Yuan could only find another way.

Duo Jinlianzhu can’t be bought in Lin Yuan’s shop these days.

Attracted the attention of a large number of creators, and even among them were four-star creators.

Duo Jinlianzhu is rare, but at the level of the four-star creator, it is not difficult to get a single Jinlianzhu.

But a precious resource like a lotus flower, even a four-star creator with a lotus flower, always wants to save some more.

The lotus lotus bead is useful to the creator is the dew secreted from the leaves of the lotus bead.

However, the dew secreted from the leaves of each plant is limited~IndoMTL.com~ If there are more plants, then the four-star creators don’t have to think about it when preparing the essence. How to save the dew secreted by the lotus beads.

Lin Yuan can’t buy these ten lotus beads from the Xiaofeixingwang shop.

There was a storm that almost caught up with a small auction of treasures on the star network.

Because Lin Yuan has not upgraded the shop that he can’t buy, Lin Yuan’s shop is still only a first-class shop.

However, for Lin Yuan, the area of ​​this level of shop is enough.

Because Lin Yuan has always followed the boutique route, not the department store route.

Lin Yuan’s can’t buy it. Although Xingwang’s small store has only been open for a few months, the reputation and points of the store are enough to upgrade to a Samsung store.

Just one step away from a four-star store.

If Lin Yuan had not been restricting the supply of elite-level spirit-absorbing goldfish and silver-level green dill, I’m afraid that if you can’t buy it now, the shop has been able to upgrade to a four-star store.

Lin Yuan’s shop has only been in business for a few months, and Lin Yuan has not spent much time in the shop.

Of course, word of mouth is not to be said, even the points have almost caught up with the store that Zhou Jiaxin has been operating for nearly ten years.

Now, Lin Yuan, the first-level store, has previously released that you can exchange source items and day and night spirit silver for any kind of copper-level epic-quality spirit objects.

Fame is already baozha.

In addition to the present display of these ten lotus beads, Lin Yuan, although still a one-star store on Xingwang, suddenly became a boutique store that has attracted much attention on Xingwang.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help sighing, if it were in his previous life, his star network store should be called an online celebrity store!

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