Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 243: Huiyao Sanctuary

Hang up the phone, Lin Yuan went downstairs.

It was late at night, but a cold rain started in the capital.

At this time, the weather in the capital of the city will immediately become a bit colder than the cold rain.

The climate in the capital city is not rainy, and it doesn’t go down a few times throughout the year.

It’s not like the Xia County of Bauhinia City, where the sun is rainy and rainy throughout the year, and the sun is not visible for a few days.

Lin Yuan could not help but sing softly while watching the rain curtain.

[In the cool rain curtain outside the window,

Floating song tempted me to listen.

The reflection of the sword in the flute on the water surface,

It is a verse that hides hate in love. 】

It’s just that Lin Yuan didn’t pay attention when singing a cappella, and the sound that was flying around on his shoulder before suddenly stopped flying.

I listened carefully to the songs I sang, and looked very serious, as if I was remembering something.

Lin Yuan looked at the rain curtain outside the window and couldn’t help thinking, maybe it won’t rain the next time it falls.

It’s the first snow this year.

The snow comes, and within a month, the most lively season of the Federation will begin.

The s game of the guild league started in early January and continued to play until nearly April.

As soon as the guild league s match ended, it was time for Lin Yuan to compete in the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Lin Yuan left the room and saw Liu Jie and Wen Yu were studying the red sandalwood longevity fish tank.

This red sandalwood longevity aquarium is filled with the perfect quality Yunling hibiscus of the first-class copper level.

At this time, there are ninety-nine firefly butterflies of the first-class bronze level perfect quality on the Yunling Hibiscus.

There are also 99 hydrangea made up of five-Fu Lanshou goldfish with perfect first-grade bronze level, swimming around three dragon-like dragon-like phoenixes with epic qualities of tenth level bronze.

What a fairy scene.

In the old days, the house still needed to be lit at night, but now there are a lot of auras released by these five-Fulanshouling goldfish.

This red sandalwood longevity aquarium is constantly rising with purple light like purple clouds.

In addition, the furniture made of jade-like wood, soaked in this spiritual environment, also exudes a bright light.

The light emitted by these completely jade-like woods under a large amount of aura gives a feeling of peace of mind and body.

Suddenly under this kind of warm halo, the fatigue of the whole body can be quickly relieved.

Wen Yulin said with excitement immediately after coming down.

“Master, these magical objects are paired with a fish tank made of completely jadeized red sandalwood. The combination of landscaping is comparable to the famous works of those five-star spiritualists.”

Lin Yuan smiled upon hearing this.

Scenery is nothing more than restoring the scene that you have in your heart in reality. Every artificial scene is generally the most beautiful scene in your heart.

No matter how exquisite the ornaments made by the five-star spirits are, in Lin Yuan’s heart, it is still not as good as his own auspicious scenery formed by the perfect combination of spiritual materials and spiritual objects.

Liu Jie frowned upon hearing Wen Yu’s words.

Liu Jie is also someone who has seen the world, but he was shocked for a long time when he saw this red sandalwood longevity fish tank.

On the one hand, because the scenery is so beautiful, but more because of the luxury of the red sandalwood longevity fish tank.

I don’t know how amazing these so many completely jadeized red sandalwood woods are, but they are a little insignificant compared to the spiritual objects that are matched.

Liu Jie’s heart is shocked the more I look at these matching spirit creatures.

Nearly three hundred copper-level perfect quality artifacts, which are very expensive in their original species, are paired with the three-tailed dragon-like winds that are completely epic-quality bronze-level koi.

This kind of match only seems to be able to feel the deep strength of the foundation at a glance.

However, Liu Jie discovered that Wen Yu was just marveling at the beauty of this scene when she saw it.

But I was not surprised at the luxury of this scene, which is enough to prove that Wen Yu has seen many things before.

But Liu Jie was just shocked, but he had no other thoughts.

These findings have added pressure to Liu Jie’s heart, and made Liu Jie’s desire to become stronger.

Because Liu Jie didn’t want to be a rebel knight who could not protect his master.

Liu Jie rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the kitchen.

“Lin Yuan, Wen Yu, I have wrapped the small wontons. Just cook them directly in the pot. You two will sit on the table and wait for me for a while.”

Liu Jie will go out to practice tomorrow morning, so this supper tonight is the last reunion dinner that Lin Yuan, Wen Yu and Liu Jie had before the Huiyao Baizi sequence campaign.

Shortly after Liu Jie left, that is, two days later, Lin Yuan also planned to set out to practice.

After eating, Lin Yuan leaned back on the chair and exhaled contentedly.

This small bowl of wontons made by Liu Jie is extremely light, but with a bit of spicy white pepper, eaten when it is hot, the spicy feeling is indescribable in this rainy night.

After eating this practical meal, Lin Yuan landed on Xing.com.

Lin Yuan first logged on to the Star Net as his own creator, and hung up the large batch of silver-tier green Luo and elite-level spirit-absorbing goldfish in his own non-buyable shop.

Although this large number of silver-tiered green Luo and Lingling goldfish were hung up by Lin Yuan.

However, Lin Yuan made settings on the smart robots in this shop, and it was still updated once in about a week, but this time the amount of new updates increased a lot.

Lin Yuan glanced at the fan base who couldn’t buy the Los Angeles store, and found that several new people had joined the fan base in his store.

Most of these newcomers are winners who stand out among the many buyers who are waiting to grab the goods by virtue of hand speed and luck.

It’s just that one of these newcomers in the fan base of the Lin Yuan Star Shop made Lin Yuan a little surprised.

This person is listening.

Listening is the opportunity to enter the group after completing the exchange transaction in your own store, which is different from other buyers who rely on squatting to grab the goods.

The chance to join the group for listening is a bit similar to the way of bitter eggs.

Calculating the time, the transaction completed between Lin Yuan and Listening is only more than three hours.

So it takes more than three hours to listen to the fan base at most.

But in these three hours, listening directly took over the voice of my fan base.

In the past, Lin Yuan’s fan groups focused on Zhou Jiaxin and Ludantou.

But now after Listening joined, just a few hours ago, the two voice points of Ludantou and Zhou Jiaxin had completely converged on Listening.

This makes Lin Yuan feel very strange. Listening is different from the vast majority of the fans in his own shop.

Most of the other people came in to better squat in the silver-tier Qingluo and the elite-level spiritual goldfish.

Such transactions range from tens of thousands of huiyao coins to hundreds of thousands of huiyao coins.

However, listening to the group obviously hopes to get the opportunity to trade the Bronze Rank epic-quality spiritual objects again.

So the transaction volume of listening often reaches tens of millions of brilliant coins.

Of course, Lin Yuan would not accept the transaction price of tens of millions of Glory coins, because the meaning of the source item is far greater than the value of the source item.

Lin Yuan thought that after Listening came in, he proclaimed himself a bigwig and took over the right to speak.

But when Lin Yuan looked down, he couldn’t help being surprised.

After listening to the group, there is nothing too special.

Listening can easily gain the favor of most people in the group just by speaking.

This is a very terrifying ability. This ability does not come from talent and strength, but from high emotional intelligence.

However, Lin Yuan didn’t pay too much attention to listening, so he changed his black identity and logged on to Star.

This time, Lin Yuan didn’t go to Zhenwu Pavilion to buy spiritual objects and spiritual materials as usual, nor did he go to the Star Net Tower to climb the tower.

Instead, I went directly to the very sacred official institution on the Star Net Tower, the Radiant Temple.

Huiyao Sanctuary is responsible for the qualification verification, selection and ranking of the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Lin Yuan went to the Huiyao Sanctuary this time because he wanted to directly use the star network achievements to obtain an opportunity to compete in the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Of course, not everyone who wants to go to the Huiyao Temple is qualified to go.

If you want to enter the Huiyao Temple, you must first perform an identity verification, and then Lin Yuan can apply to the Starnet official to enter the Huiyao Temple on the Starnet~IndoMTL.com~ Of course, such opportunities are only limited to the Starnet. The Huiyao Temple, as for the real Huiyao Temple, only members of the real Huiyao Baizi sequence are qualified to set foot.

Because of Lin Yuan’s previous record of 102 consecutive victories, after reaching the 100th floor of the Star Net Tower from the first floor of the Star Net Tower, after two ladder promotion matches, he has won a winning streak to enter the ladder. Exclusive achievements for Ladder.

Although there is no virtual image of Lin Yuanhei in the ladder of achievement at this time.

However, Starnet officials have contacted Lin Yuan several times during this period, seeking Lin Yuan’s wishes to design a virtual image of Lin Yuanhei.

As early as when Lin Yuan was notified by the Star Network to get the exclusive achievement of the ladder, the exclusive achievement of Lin Yuanhei’s identity in the ladder had already been verified by the Huiyao Federation official.

Only before the black avatar appears on the ladder of achievement, Starnet will not officially announce it.

So Starnet officials immediately gave Lin Yuan the qualification to enter the Huiyao Temple.

However, after Lin Yuan entered the Huiyao Temple, can he complete the verification of the Huiyao Temple and become a seeded player to select the Huiyao hundred sub-sequences to compete for that there are only ten Huiyao hundred sub-sequences each year. Qualifications.

It depends on whether Lin Yuan can meet the selection conditions of the Huiyao Baizi sequence in addition to other aspects of strength.

At the same time, the Huiyao Baizi Sequence will also investigate Lin Yuan’s resume, which is actually the test of character.

Every member of the Huiyao Baizi sequence is the backbone of the Huiyao Federation, representing the younger generation of the Huiyao Federation.

So the requirements for character are even more stringent than other aspects.

As soon as Lin Yuan came to the Huiyao Temple on the Star Network, he was immediately shocked by the magnificent atmosphere of the Huiyao Temple in front of him.

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