Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 234: The Goat of the Blood Bath

As a creator, Lin Yuan can feel the physical condition of the mother of the blood bath at this time.

The mother of the blood bath is now obviously unable to suppress the blood energy that is about to boil out of her body.

At this time, Lin Yuan is using real data to check the current situation of the mother of the blood bath.

On the basis of real data, Lin Yuan finally determined the problem that the Mother of Blood Bath is facing now.

It turns out that the mother of the blood bath is about to be promoted to the quality, and the quality is promoted from the first level of mythology to the second level of mythology.

The promotion of the quality of the mother of the blood bath was originally a good thing, but Lin Yuan’s brows frowned more tightly at this time, appearing unusually anxious.

Because the spirit item level has reached the lord level, and the will rune has been transformed into a regular rune from a fantasy kind of spiritual creature to a mythical kind of spiritual creature.

Every time the quality of mythological creatures improves, they will be baptized by heaven and earth.

Lord-level fantasy five-change spiritual creatures break through the limit of fantasy species and transform into mythological qualities when they reach the level of myth.

The baptism of heaven and earth was to transform the rune of will that he had previously understood in his body into a rune of rules.

Under such a baptism of heaven and earth, it is extremely difficult for the spiritual creatures to endure nine deaths.

But when the spirit creature of the lord-level mythological species rose from the first level of mythology to the second level of mythology.

This second baptism of heaven and earth is the most difficult stage in the life of a spiritual creature.

Because if the first realm of mythology wants to reach the second realm of mythology, it is a process of sublimation and complete transformation of the spiritual creature gene template.

After the quality has been transformed from the first level of mythology to the second level of mythology, the spiritual things can condense into a humanoid body and switch back and forth between beast and humanoid.

So this time the baptism of heaven and earth is a process of completely destroying the body and reshaping it again to achieve sublimation and transformation. A slight mistake will perish under the baptism of heaven and earth.

For the myths of the lord rank promotion and transformation, Lin Yuan had already fully understood after the detailed explanation of the month after the month during the Q&A exercises with the month after the month.

However, the situation of the Mother of Blood Bath at this time is much weird than what my master Yuehou said before.

The spiritual quality of the normal lord-level mythological species is promoted from the first level of mythology to the second level of mythology.

When the energy accumulation reaches a certain level, use the regular runes in your body to mobilize this energy to communicate with the world and make the world come down for baptism.

However, the mother of the blood bath is obviously passive now, and it is not the huge blood energy that she has mobilized with the regular runes in her body.

Lin Yuan asked anxiously.

“Mother of the Blood Bath, what shall I do?”

The weird but nice voice of the mother of the blood bath was extremely hoarse at this time, and a word was held out intermittently.

“I can only hold on for another forty minutes. These forty minutes will take me to the wild as far away from the capital as possible.”

When Lin Yuan heard this, he ran straight out of the manor.

At the same time, Lin Yuan used his mobile phone to order a diamond-level black swallow that could only fly once during the run.

The flying speed of this diamond-level black swallow is more than ten times faster than the platinum-level black swallow.

Lin Yuan estimated the time for the diamond-ranked godly black swallow to arrive here, and then ran toward the south of the royal capital against the diamond-ranked godly black bird.

As soon as the south side of the royal capital goes out, there is an endless forest 300 kilometers away.

The diamond-level **** walking black swallow flies for forty minutes, enough to fly to the depths of the endless forest, allowing the mother of blood bath to receive the baptism of heaven and earth in the depths of the endless forest.

Lin Yuan looked at the painful look of the blood bathing mother on her hand, and didn’t know what to say to comfort her.

Lin Yuan didn’t dare to help out, for fear that the infusion of his pure aura would cause negative effects on the Mother of Blood Bath.

After running madly for three minutes, Lin Yuan happened to see the diamond-level Divine Swallow that had just landed there.

Lin Yuan took the mother of the blood bath and jumped onto the back of Shenxing Heiyan.

The diamond-level **** walking black swallow immediately fluttered its wings and headed towards the destination that Lin Yuan had just placed the order on his mobile phone.

Lin Yuan reached the back of Shenxing Heiyan and immediately gasped for breath.

The three minutes of violent running just now almost exploded all of Lin Yuan’s physical energy, making Lin Yuan feel the burning pain in his chest even now.

The situation of the mother of the blood bath is getting worse and worse, the blood energy of the whole body has changed from bright red to dark red.

Like a flaming blood flame, the clouds in the sky were broken into mist and drifted away.

The diamond-level God-walking Black Yan felt the energy in the mother of the blood bath, and immediately screamed in terror, looking a little flustered.

However, under Lin Yuan’s reassurance, the Diamond-Rank Divine Walking Black Swallow flew faster towards the depths of the endless forest due to fear.

At this time, Lin Yuan was constantly feeling the blood gas changes in the mother of the blood bath, and suddenly felt that there was an extremely weak but unusually fresh blood energy in the blood of the mother of the blood bath.

Lin Yuan was surprised. Could it be that the mother of the blood bath is still injured now.

Under the heyday of the spiritual things of the first realm of the lord rank, it is very difficult to go through the baptism of the second realm of the myth.

But when the mother of the blood bath is so embarrassed and her body is injured again, can she really survive the baptism of this second realm of mythology?

Lin Yuan and the mother of the blood bath have been invisible to the mother of the blood bath as an elder who silently guards him.

So Lin Yuan’s heart has been hanging at this time.

The diamond-level black swallow is extremely fast. In less than 30 minutes, it has been deep into the endless forest for nearly a thousand miles.

At this moment, the Mother of Blood Bath in Lin Yuan’s hand suddenly jumped towards the sky~IndoMTL.com~ let out a screaming cry.

From the basketball-sized body of the Mother of Blood Bath in mid-air, Lin Yuan could see what seemed to be broken red crystals separated from the body of the Mother of Blood Bath.

These broken red crystal-like things fell in the endless forest, immediately causing the plants near the red crystal to skyrocket.

A 30-meter-high tree has grown to a hundred meters away in an instant.

Lin Yuan’s heart suddenly tightened, these red crystal-like things were nothing but the high-purity blood in the mother of the blood bath.

A terrible scream resounded in the air, and the mother of Blood Bath’s body the size of a basketball instantly became the size of a mountain.

The eight slender spider legs are sharp and unusually sharp, and blood-red sting hairs are covered with dark red spiders the size of a mountain.

The jewel-like compound eyes gleamed with scarlet light. Suddenly, the scarlet light of the compound eyes exploded and immediately dispelled the clouds, leaving the originally cloudy sky spotless.

The Mother of Blood Bath turned her head and glanced at Lin Yuan, and said hoarsely.

“Lin Yuan, now you are riding the black swallow to leave here for a hundred miles, and you will come back after the baptism of heaven and earth is over. If we become the baptism of heaven and earth, we will go back together. Yours.”

When the mother of the blood bath said this, her tone was very calm, just with a trace of remembrance, but she was not sad.

The whole life of wild spirit creatures is born by nature.

From an early age, he has to experience countless dangers and competitions. Every lord-level mythical creature walked onto this peak on the corpse of countless spiritual creatures.

From the time she embarked on this road, the mother of the blood bath had already realized that she would have such a day sooner or later.

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