Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 167: Parent’s beloved son

Along the way, Lin Yuan corrected Wen Yu’s name to himself. It would be weird if Wen Yu still called himself Little Highness outside.

Not only does Lin Yuan find it strange, but if passers-by hear it, no one will take it seriously. They will only think that they have encountered a secondary disease.

Contempt for a while and silently cursed a mental illness in my heart.

Soon, the Sunlight Egret flew to the place agreed with Liu Jie.

Lin Yuan and Wen Yu went down to the Sunlight Egret, and Wen Yu directly urged the spiritual power to put away the silver-level Sunlight Egret.

Lin Yuan saw Liu Jie standing not far away at a glance. At this time, a middle-aged man with a flat head stood beside Liu Jie.

I saw this middle-aged man with a flat face and a small flat head. When he looked over, Lin Yuan almost blurted out the flat head brother!

Lin Yuan couldn’t help but think of a stalk from a previous life.

The desert is not chaotic, and it’s the final word!

Liu Jie saw Lin Yuan greet him immediately, and said with a smile on his face.

“Master Lin Yuan hasn’t seen you in a long time.”

Lin Yuan looked at Liu Jie and felt that Liu Jie was much more energetic than when he saw it two months ago.

Previously, Liu Jie had a sense of decadence, but now the decadence is gone, making Liu Jie look a lot younger.

Liu Jie nodded when he saw Wen Yu beside Lin Yuan.

Wen Yu hurriedly returned the gift, looking at the Second Star Creator’s Retainer badge hanging on Liu Jie’s chest, Wen Yu knew that the man in front of him was Lin Yuan’s Retainer Knight.

I am Lin Yuan’s assistant in name, and after all, the relationship is not as close as the obedience knight.

Wen Yu discovered before that Lin Yuan did not wear a maker badge on his chest. This discovery made Wen Yu understand that Lin Yuan is a very low-key person in his bones.

Lin Yuan smiled directly and stretched out his hand towards Liu Jie.

Liu Jie looked at Lin Yuansaid’s outstretched hand and his eyes flashed with excitement, surprise and peace of mind.

Liu Jie waved his hand, and held Lin Yuan’s hand tightly.

Liu Jie understood what Lin Yuan meant when Lin Yuan extended his hand.

When Lin Yuan said that he could treat the worm mother, he made an agreement with him by shaking hands.

Now that Lin Yuan stretches out his hand again, it means that the worm mother has recovered.

Liu Jie quickly suppressed his ecstasy and introduced Lin Yuan to the flat-headed man standing on the side.

“Lin Yuan, this is the owner of this land.”

Pingtou looked at Lin Yuan, he was polite, and said straightforwardly.

“Let’s go in first. You are now looking at this piece of land and you are not satisfied. We will discuss the price if we decide to want it.”

The Flathead brother said it very sincerely, obviously he was very anxious to take this land.

Liu Jie has shown the information on this piece of land to Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan really likes this piece of land if he looks at the information alone.

Lin Yuan, Liu Jie, and Wen Yu followed Pingtou into this somewhat dilapidated gate, and into this gate, Pingtou quickly said again.

“The Reiki Resurrection in this place used to be a holiday resort, but most of the facilities inside have been old after more than a hundred years, and many things have been moved.”

The flat head brother was a little embarrassed when he said that, it is reasonable to say that these things should be dismantled in advance by himself, but it takes a lot of money to dismantle so many old facilities.

Demolition of these facilities is actually not difficult. It is rare that the foundations of these facilities must be lifted out after the facilities are demolished. This is a major project.

At this moment, Wen Yu suddenly said.

“If you come in, no matter what you live in, everything in it must be demolished and rebuilt.”

Wen Yu looked at Brother Flathead when he said this, and he smiled awkwardly.

Lin Yuan looked at the scene in front of him, even though the old facilities in front of him were an eyesore.

But if Lin Yuan bought this piece of land, he didn’t intend to keep these old facilities. Since everything has to be rebuilt, Lin Yuan doesn’t care much about the current old facilities. The key point is surroundings.

The area of ​​this land is huge, and there is a small artificial lake next to it.

This piece of land can even be used to directly build a manor.

Seeing that Lin Yuan hadn’t spoken, and continued to look at the scenery inside, Brother Flathead couldn’t sit still a bit and said.

“This land is eligible to build club unions. The area of ​​this land is more than twice as large as those of the first-level club unions. Someone has thought about buying this land to build clubs. Guild.”

But when it comes to this, this flathead brother can’t go on.

The people who considered buying this land to build a club guild before looked at this land again and gave up after thinking about it. The reason is that the land is too big to be developed by the club guild.

But Brother Flathead didn’t want to sell this land separately.

Because this piece of land can only be called a large area and beautiful scenery.

If it is opened, it will no longer sell for the price.

Actually, Brother Flathead knows that buying this piece of land is equivalent to buying a piece of empty land with nothing.

The price of this piece of land alone is not cheap. If you want to distribute this piece of land again, I don’t know how much it will cost.

Liu Jie followed Lin Yuan and said.

“Lin Yuan, if you want to talk about a large area~IndoMTL.com~ this piece of land is definitely the first choice, and the environment is very good, but if you want to build on this piece of land, it is not a small amount.”

Lin Yuan nodded. If this piece of land is to be rebuilt, it will indeed cost a lot of money.

But Lin Yuan is not short of money now. There is no problem in building this land. Moreover, Lin Yuan has already moved to form a club union before, but he has not made up his mind.

Buy this land now, and even if you want to form a club union in the future, no matter how you use it, it will be sufficient.

At the same time, the spirit creatures of Lin Yuan’s contract have so far are smart, sound, red thorn, spirit gathering goldfish Xiaohei and blue flash purple butterfly.

Although Lin Yuan put them in the lock spirit space most of the time.

But like Xiaohei, the goldfish, the blue flash and purple butterfly, the cleverness has been stuck by Lin Yuan.

So there is no improvement in the Spirit Gathering Space, so you might as well let them out to let them feel the blue sky and white clouds under this vast world.

In the future, Lin Yuan will cultivate a lot of spiritual things, some of which are extremely good, Lin Yuan may stay by himself.

Lin Yuan can’t always keep these spirit creatures in the diamond-level trap.

With such a large area of ​​land, these spiritual creatures cultivated by Lin Yuan can also have a shelter.

Like the Huiyue Hall on Qingyue Mountain, there are some rare and rare spiritual objects playing around, so it can be called a fairyland on earth.

Seeing that Lin Yuan still didn’t say anything, Flathead became even more unsure.

Plattou is really anxious to sell this land.

Because Pingtou now needs money to train his son, so that his son will not be left behind by his peers because of resources.

Parent’s beloved son. The plan must be far-reaching!

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