Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 34: The thin blood of the dragon species

   Lin felt a lot of aura when he approached the pool.

   The middle-aged woman pointed to the goldfish in this pond and said.

  ”The small ones in the pond are all ordinary grade. The red goldfish, which is more than twice the size of other spirit-sucking goldfish, is elite.”

   Lin Yuan asked curiously.

  ”What are the prices of ordinary and elite spirit-absorbing goldfish?”

  The middle-aged woman chuckled.

   “You don’t need to call out a boss, I should be a lot older than you, just call Sister Xin.”

  ”Normal-level spirit sucking goldfish, regardless of species, are all 0.5 points.

   Elite-level spirit-absorbing goldfish, my price is one piece of five glory coins. “

   Even if Lin Yuan wanted an elite spirit-absorbing goldfish, the price would be very high, but he couldn’t help but slap his tongue when he heard that he was asking for a piece of five brilliant gold.

   Zhou Jiaxin added when Lin Yuan looked a little surprised.

  ”The price of this elite spirit sucking goldfish is already very cheap, because the species of this elite spirit sucking goldfish is very poor. If it is a better one, the price can be sold at least for seven glory coins. Above, the prices of ordinary-grade spirit-sucking goldfish sold in other places are also different. However, in my case, the price of ordinary-grade spirit-sucking goldfish is the same. Buying it back is just a pick. I want this thing to evolve. Few creators are willing to take orders.”

   Lin Yuan nodded after listening.

  Spirit-sucking goldfish is actually a collective name for all kinds of goldfish before the rejuvenation.

  Like what dragon eyes, gilt, Lanshou, Thai lion, butterfly tail, these species of goldfish are all spirit-absorbing goldfish.

   It’s just that these different spirit-absorbing goldfish are not much different between the ordinary and elite levels, but after reaching the Bronze level, they evolve in a different direction.

  Lin Yuan wanted to buy this time the dragon eye species among the spirit-absorbing goldfish.

   It is said that if the dragon eye species undergoes prehistoric reance, it is certain that the thin dragon species blood will be stimulated.

   Then it would just jump the dragon gate, although this possibility is extremely slim.

   There were also dragon-eye spirit-absorbing goldfishes that were cultivated into bronze ranks by high-level creators before, and they had a prehistoric reance, awakening the dragon bloodline.

   The spirit sucking goldfish that had awakened the blood of the dragon was directly hung in the treasure pavilion of Star Net for auction.

   was finally sold at a sky-high price.

   Now Lin Yuan wants to try whether he can inspire the dragon-blooded blood of this dragon-eye goldfish at the time of the bronze steps.

   In fact, even if it can’t be stimulated, it is not bad for Lin Yuan. The basic skills of the spirit-absorbing goldfish are already strong enough.

   Lin Yuan wants to buy a spirit sucking goldfish for an experiment, and see how long it takes to upgrade one by himself.

   Let’s see if the promotion speed of the spirit sucking goldfish will be doubled in the spirit lock space with strong aura.

   If you are fast enough to advance the spirit-absorbing goldfish in your spiritual lock space, then your future store can sell elite-level spirit-absorbing goldfish.

   The popularity of shops like this will soon start.

   Of course, all of this will have to wait for Lin Yuan to complete the order for the five web-spraying spiders.

   Because now Lin Yuan really doesn’t have enough capital to buy the spirit-absorbing goldfish.

  Lin Yuan selected a dragon-eye goldfish of general grade and general quality that was black and healthy enough from this pond.

   The remaining Qian Linyuan intends to buy more energy ores to increase the concentration of aura in his spiritual lock space, and see what the limit of his spiritual lock space can carry aura.

   Lin Yuan Cong Xin bought a full 2,000 catties at the price of 500 federal coins per catty of inferior energy ore, and now Lin Yuan only has 0.9 Hui Yao coins.

   Lin Yuan was not idle at this one-point nine brilliant coins, and bought some butterfly shells.

  The butterfly beast is a kind of deep-sea creature, while the butterfly shell is polished from the shell of the butterfly beast, and it has a variety of flower patterns.

  The shells of the butterfly shells come in many colors, and the price of the butterfly shells of various colors is not much different.

   Lin Yuan chose yellow butterfly shells, and the flower shape chose to polish it into ginkgo leaves. The finely polished butterfly shells glowed like pearls.

   The main function of these butterfly shells is actually to feed spirit-sucking goldfish.

   As a spiritual material,    butterfly shells can slightly promote the awakening of the blood of water system spirits.

  Furthermore, these golden yellow polished to look like ginkgo leaves and butterfly shells are spread on the copper-colored pool bottom of the Locking Space, which is like a peaceful and pleasant view of late autumn, and the appearance is also very beautiful.

   The price of the zero nine brilliance coins was spent, and Lin Yuan only bought a handful of butterfly shells.

   There are about a hundred pieces of butterfly shells, which should be enough to **** a golden fish for three to five months.

   Lin Yuan thinks that it is best to lock the spirit space to quickly promote the growth of the spirit-absorbing goldfish.

   It’s not difficult to raise the level of the spirit-absorbent goldfish, because I directly purify the aura in the air and introduce it into the spiritual object, so that it can be directly absorbed, so that it will not be rejected by the spirit-absorbent goldfish.

   But it takes more than ten times to upgrade a spirit sucking goldfish than other spirit creatures.

   It’s not worth the gain to evolve the goldfish myself.

   Lin Yuan also wanted to improve his own strength while evolving the spiritual things.

   I don’t want to waste my own aura speed by cultivating spiritual goldfish.

   Zhou Jiaxin did not expect that she would receive such a large order after spending so much time in the store.

   asked Lin Yuan more.

  ”You buy so many inferior energy ores to cultivate a large number of inferior spiritual things, right?”

   Lin Yuan smiled and said without nodding or shaking his head.

  ”Sister Xin~IndoMTL.com~I do need to consume some inferior energy ore on weekdays.”

   Zhou Jiaxin looked at Lin Yuan, only to feel that Lin Yuan’s body had the fresh vegetation breath after the rain that made people inexplicably close.

   Zhou Jiaxin directly applied for Lin Yuan’s star network account.

  ”In this way, we can add a friend. Next time you need something, just tell me directly. If there are some spiritual materials that are not available in the store, as long as you can afford the price, I can help you get it.”

   Lin Yuan readily agreed that most of the spiritual materials sold in shops selling spiritual materials are low-level or intermediate-level goods.

   Even if the high-end spiritual material store has it, it will never be displayed in the store.

  All Reiki professionals are trying their best to evolve spiritual things, so some rare spiritual materials have always been in short supply.

   plus Zhou Jiaxin’s Starnet account, it saves Lin Yuan a lot of trouble. If you need anything in the future, just order it directly.

   Although the spiritual materials in this third-level store are not the cheapest, the quality is very good.

   “In a while, I may have to buy some energy ore, butterfly shells, and maybe a few more spiritual goldfish from Sister Xin.”

   “Is energy ore still only inferior energy ore?”

   Lin Yuan nodded, naturally the higher the level of the energy ore, the purer the aura contained in it, and the easier it is to guide the aura in the energy ore for slow absorption by the spiritual thing.

   But the spirit pool in the lock space can directly decompose the inferior energy ores into auras. In this comparison, of course, the inferior energy ores are the most cost-effective.

   Zhou Jia remembered it, but she was slightly surprised.

   Inferior energy ores can only be used to cultivate normal or elite level spiritual objects. How large is a spiritual object cultivation base that consumes so many low-level energy ores?

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