Wasteland Code Survival Chapter 864: High fever (2

George shouted at Qi Lin.

As soon as Song Xiaodie was pulled out of the range of the energy shield, Qi Lin quickly activated the energy shield, and the blood-colored spider web that had covered her body was almost burned out in a flash.

In order to split enough cobwebs, the entire bloodblade has been “melted” away. Qi Lin’s burn almost wiped out “it”–the scorched bloodblade did not turn into The blood mist turned into fragile scorched black powder, scattered on the ground.

A strong smell permeated, but at the same time, the strange feeling brought by the blood blade disappeared in an instant. When Thor’s hammer was completely covered by the blood-colored spider web, Qi The blood in Lin’s body was about to boil, and there was tumbling blood flowing up his throat, and even the close-fitting clothes were dyed red by the blood leaking from the pores. Although it was covered by armor, it was not visible from the outside. , But Qi Lin has completely turned into a blood man. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

As the blood blade was burned, this suffocating feeling gradually faded, and the “blood tide” in the body slowly calmed down.

Qi Lin can basically be sure that this blood blade, which looks like a life, has been “dead” completely——

At the moment the blood blade burned, Song Xiaodie also let out a scream, and then fainted so straight.

“She…she seems to have passed out…” George said uncertainly. Now the situation is not as tense as before, but instead, there is a strong fear in his heart-if he just pulled When this ancestor blood clan, the other party did not resist, but rushed towards him…

At this time, George realized that the claws on the crossbow and the steel cable were covered with sweat, and even the long wolf hair on the back of his hand was wet.

“Well, I really fainted…” Qi Lin got out of Thor’s Hammer, took off the jacket and tactical vest outside, and took off the shirt that was made sticky and greasy by the blood. , Threw it aside, and put on the jacket again-the broken capillaries had been completely repaired, the blood congestion under the cortex had all been drained out of the body, and the impact of the blood blade on him was almost eliminated. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Of course, this is only a short-term impact. It is conceivable that if the blood blade is attached to the body for a long time, even if there is Thor’s Hammer as a barrier, the consequences may be difficult to be optimistic. This thing is for living things. The special gravity of the blood in the body is really terrible… The most terrible thing is that this gravity will continue to strengthen with the delay of time…

Qi Lin cautiously walked to Song Xiaodie, who was in a coma, and first pulled the crossbow arrow from her leg – as soon as the arrow detached, many squirming granules grew near the pierced wound. In two seconds, the one-centimeter-diameter wound was blocked, and after a few more seconds, the blood scab covering the wound fell off, and the skin there became as smooth and smooth as before, and it didn’t look like it had been penetrated by a crossbow bolt hole. Look like.

The recovery ability of the blood race is indeed terrifying…

Qi Lin took out a pair of high-strength alloy shackles and handcuffed Song Xiaodie’s hands and feet, and then patted her face gently. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

It’s very hot. The temperature of Song Xiaodie’s face is like a patient with a high fever, which is extremely abnormal in the blood.

Although many of the legends about blood races are made up stories, there is one thing they are not wrong-blood of blood races is cold, and their body temperature is much lower than normal humans, even if it is hot In summer, the blood race’s body is also like a piece of ice for thousands of years.

Skins have pores and sweat glands just like humans, but they rarely sweat, and germs like colds and fevers can’t invade their bodies at all, because the genes of the bloods can be regarded as extremely powerful. “Virus”.

“George, if a kinsman…her body is very hot, it seems to be burning…what is going on?”

“The body is very hot? It looks like it’s burned?” George froze for a moment, then said slowly, “Although I have never seen such a situation, neither has my father, nor my grandfather… But I found a similar situation in an extremely rare book…”&1t;i>&1t;/i>

“Is the word uncommon used to describe classics?”

“Sorry, my Chinese is not as good as you guys who speak it as a native language. In short, it’s a very unpopular and rare book. You can understand what I mean—it’s said that the blood family has a fever. Symptoms are generally as follows.”

“Hurry up and talk–“

“The first type, a large amount of pure silver was poured into the body, and the second type, was thrown into the sun at noon. Of course, we know that the blood family is not afraid of silver or the sun, so these two situations are basically All nonsense.”

“What about the third type?”

“Her genes that originally belonged to humans are fighting against those of the blood race… You should know that she should have had body temperature before she was fully awakened.”

When George said this, Qi Lin immediately remembered. Before Song Xiaodie became an ancestor, although her body was colder than ordinary people, at least she was still at a relatively normal body temperature. , And at that time, the human genes in her body still occupied a dominant position. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Qi Lin seemed to remember something suddenly, stretched out his hand to prop up Song Xiaodie’s eyelids, and the blood in her pupils has become much lighter than before…

“George, does this mean she will become human?”

“I don’t know… Maybe she will change back to her original state, maybe she will change back to a human being temporarily, and she may become a blood clan at any time… Of course, it is also possible that she will die… It’s like evolution. When the sera were fused, the genetic conflict caused the collapse. If the blood gene and the human gene fight and lose in her body, her body will fall into an extremely weak state, her immunity will almost disappear, and she will basically not live long.”

As soon as George finished speaking, Song Xiaodie’s body trembled violently, and a lot of cold sweat was oozing out of her body.


Fortunately, Qi Lin and the others were well prepared. O592 pulled out a thick blanket from the huge backpack behind him, Qi Lin took it, and wrapped Song Xiaodie’s body into the blanket. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

“How can we help her…George, what can we do for her?”

“I don’t know… Antibiotics and antipyretics, human medicines, are basically ineffective for the blood. If you can get ice, maybe you can use cold compresses to help her relieve… But in fact, there are no eggs. At this time, she can only rely on her…” George shook his head.

“Master, the surveillance camera caught Abel’s trail, and his men are coming here.” Cortana’s voice suddenly rang, making Qi Lin instantly realize that their current situation is still very dangerous. , Don’t stay here for a long time, you must take Song Xiaodie to transfer immediately.

Before entering the slum, Qi Lin asked Cortana to connect to the surveillance system of Vault 2o9 through the organization’s intranet, and used the shadow force’s authority to obtain all surveillance cameras. He was originally He planned to use surveillance video to find Song Xiaodie, but after George took out his “developer”, Qi Lin switched to this system to monitor Abel’s movements. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

“Project all current camera images.” Qi Lin immediately ordered.

Six projections appeared on the wall of the room. Abel was blocking the entrance of the slum with a large group of people at the moment, and five heavily armed hunting teams were walking along five different tunnels. Qi Lin pushed forward where they were.

All the outlets have been blocked, and even if Qi Lin and the others can kill one of these five teams and break through it, they must finally face Abel and the others who are guarding the entrance and exit of the slum.

In normal times, Qi Lin would dare to walk out in front of Abel, but now it is different. He has found Song Xiaodie, and Song Xiaodie’s identity at the moment is taken by the entire organization. The wanted “dangerous person”, if Qi Lin can secretly take Song Xiaodie out, the organization will naturally open one eye and close one eye, but if it is intercepted by Abel, even if Qi Lin takes the shadow force After moving out, there was no way to protect Song Xiaodie. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

This fellow Abel, only when this is determined, will he lead someone there and wait for Qi Lin to deliver him.

“Damn…Is this guy that Abel? Fakfak, it’s over, it’s really over…” George looked at Abel’s face in the surveillance camera and said cursingly.

“His goal is Song Xiaodie. Even if he can’t find Song Xiaodie, his main goal is also me. He shouldn’t come to trouble you first.” Qi Lin patted George on the shoulder and said.

“But the problem is that I seem to be the one who is the best bully–doesn’t you Chinese people have a saying that all the persimmons are soft? I feel like I am the softest persimmon!”

“So… we can only bite the bullet and kill.” Qi Lin sighed. If it were more real, George was the one who had the least problem except Qi Lin himself. ——Song Xiaodie is a wanted criminal and a key target of the research institute. Needless to say, the identity of o592 is also very sensitive. This big guy is an out-and-out trouble. Other people may not recognize him as a biochemical person. But Abel, who has dealt with reformers all the year round, does not belong to this list. If he recognizes the true identity of o592, I am afraid that things will become more complicated. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

“Do you really want to kill? Now the entire Vault 2o9 should be under martial law… Besides, he is also the project leader of the research institute. This identity is not a normal little fish…” George has already begun to persuade him. He really regrets it. He knew that he would fall to the current situation. Even if the other party paid ten times higher, he would never take this single job-Damn, Dangdang God stick deceives those stupid and rich local tyrants, how good is it, as to take all their lives?

Qi Lin and the others have sufficient equipment and ammunition. If they really want to use force to break through, they will definitely not be stopped by Abel’s men alone, but the problem is that once the two sides have a military conflict, If the battle fails to end within a short period of time, the garrison, military police, and guards will inevitably intervene. At that time, the whereabouts of Song Xiaodie and o592 will not be determined by Qi Lin.

“There must be a battle. The fighting time cannot be more than one minute, and no life can be left. I will let Cortana hack all the surveillance cameras, and then as long as I can take Fluttershy and o592 out of Vault 2o9 , I have a way to deal with follow-up matters.”&1t;i>&1t;/i>

“One minute…Is this impossible?”

George looked at the picture on the projection screen and said reluctantly.

There are more than a hundred people beside Abel. A whole row of alloy shields blocked the entrances and exits of the entire slum. In the gap between the shields, you can vaguely see the muzzle of machine guns and sniper rifles, two The Tarantula power armor, which is close to three meters in height, stands behind the shield array, and the muzzle of the black hole is aimed at the depths of the tunnel.

Don’t say whether you can kill all of these people in one minute. Whether you can break through this line of defense alive is a big problem. If you kill it, it’s quite simple.

In addition to these regular troops, Qi Lin also saw several tall and sturdy figures behind the shield formation. These people were all wrapped in fat blouses with heavy masks on their faces—— Needless to think about it, Qi Lin also knew that this must be the new type of reformer Abel created. These dozen reformers may be the most powerful existence in this team. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Solving the battle in one minute…it’s really hard.

“There are still fifteen minutes.” At this moment, o592 who had not spoken all of a sudden said.

“What?” Qi Lin didn’t understand the meaning of his words, turned his head, and looked at the big biochemical man blankly.

“There are fourteen minutes and fifty-five seconds left-Mr. Qin said, he will give us a chance to break away, just 20 minutes after we find the blood girl.”

Qi Lin: “Qin? Did that guy say that?”

George: “Mr. Qin? Who is Mr. Qin?”

Although Qi Lin has always felt that this guy Qin is not very reliable~IndoMTL.com~ but at this time, it seems that there is no harm in believing him once-Abel should not enter the slum temporarily, and the one he sent The few teams were not yet able to threaten Qilin and the others. &1t;i>&1t;/i>


“There are still ten minutes.” o592 doesn’t need to look at his watch, his body contains an extremely accurate timing system among the mechanical components.

Qi Lin and George have been staring at the projection screen on the wall, while Song Xiaodie, who was in a coma, was stuffed into Thor’s Hammer by Qi Lin—this can protect him and prevent the other Will find her in the first time.


“Five minutes left.”


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