Wasteland Code Survival Chapter 754: Resonance

Along with the rotation of the energy gathering vortex, Qi Lin’s injury gradually recovered. He was holding a heavy eight-sided gourd and looking at the No. 5 sample that did not choose to attack actively, he couldn’t help but fall into thinking. in.

In the field of defense enhancement and gravity, these two abilities can be said to complement each other. With the cooperation of the two, the melee ability of this sample No. 5 is really too strong, only an energy form that is hardly affected by gravity. Long-range attacks can cause effective damage to it. In addition, both bullets and arrows, their power will be greatly weakened after entering the gravity field, just like those who have entered the spirit system using mental power to create “sticky” “Zone”, when the warhead or arrow touches the body of Sample No. 5, the remaining kinetic energy is not enough to penetrate the crystallized skin.

Qi Lin can choose to delay the time, but he can’t guarantee that the next sample No. 5 will still lie on the spot like an iron tortoise. Using gravity to receive it, he can completely force Qi Lin into the dead end of the field. When Qi Lin wants to rush out again, it will be difficult.

Recalling what I felt just now, the gravity at the closest place to Sample No. 5 is about ten times that of gravity, and everything in this area has to bear the pressure of ten times its own weight.

Be aware that when the rocket is launched, astronauts in an overweight state only need to withstand 4-7 G acceleration of gravity, even if it is the well-known Huaxia astronaut training base, the overweight training room The centrifuge here will only give astronauts eight times the acceleration of gravity, which is almost the limit of a normal human being.

Ten times the gravity is enough to crush ordinary people. Even the evolutionary with extremely strong physical fitness will inevitably suffer various damages to the various organs in the body after a long time in this state.

In this tenfold gravity domain, it is very difficult to stand upright, let alone make various attacks.

Qi Lin roughly estimated that he would almost need to increase the speed of the energy gathering vortex to 3,500 rpm in order to move freely in the tenfold gravity domain and leave enough room for reaction to sudden changes in gravity.

Three thousand five hundred revolutions…This is more than twice the normal speed, but it only makes Qi Lin look like an ordinary person in the tenfold gravity field. If you want to bring a heavy eight-sided gourd, I am afraid that this number has to be increased by a few hundred revolutions.

When facing opponents like this, the heavy eight-sided gourd is obviously not an ideal weapon-the weight of this thing is fifty kilograms, and with the blessing of ten times the gravity, that is half a ton…

Under the influence of the field of gravity, Qi Lin’s power advantage as a high-level evolutionary has disappeared. This half-ton weapon is simply a burden.

At this time, the lighter weapons are definitely more convenient to use, but another problem immediately arises-light weapons, such as short knives and daggers, can’t hurt the highly defensive number five at all. sample.

The crystals condensed on the surface of sample No. 5 should be a kind of corundum, with a Mohs hardness of nine. Unless Qi Lin can get a diamond drill bit, he wants to penetrate the crystal layer. It is certainly not possible to rely on the cold weapons provided by the organization.

“It’s really an iron tortoise… I have no way of starting…” He has already figured out the gravity range of Sample No. 5, which can reach a distance of up to 50 meters. Qi Lin stepped on this boundary line. , Keep spinning around this “iron tortoise”.

Gravity limits the power Qi Lin can burst out, and the crystal body provides perfect protection for the opponent. For a while, Qi Lin can’t think of an effective countermeasure.

At this moment, Sample No. 5 finally lost his patience. He stomped his foot vigorously, and the entire Colosseum trembled slightly. Then, he slowly pushed towards Qi Lin. .

“Sample No. 5 has begun to attack!” The smile on Abel’s face became more and more brilliant. “And this challenger who relied on drugs to defeat Sample No. 2 seems to have not thought of fighting against No. 5. The method of sample number, I am afraid this battle test will end early—”

However, Abel didn’t see it. Just when Sample No. 5 started to move, Qi Lin’s eyes flashed.

Think of a way!

Just as the No. 5 sample lifted his feet and stomped the ground, and the shock spread throughout the Colosseum, Qi Lin suddenly thought of a story he had heard–

At the beginning of the 19th century, when a group of Napoleon’s soldiers passed a bridge in Angers, France, under the order of an officer, the bridge suddenly vibrated strongly, and then broke and collapsed. A large number of soldiers and onlookers fell into the water and unfortunately lost their lives~IndoMTL.com~ This is not a tofu project. With the structure of the bridge, even if it carries ten times the number of soldiers, this will never happen. After investigation, the culprit responsible for the breakage of the bridge was the uniform pace of the soldiers when they crossed the bridge.


When the soldiers were marching, the rhythm and frequency of their steps coincided with the natural frequency of the bridge itself, resulting in resonance. The resonance caused the bridge’s vibration to increase geometrically, and the amplitude instantly exceeded the bridge’s ability to withstand it. Limit, which led to this accident.

The soldiers cannot step on the bridge, and the bridge itself will not collapse for no reason, but when the frequencies of the two are the same, the two can be regarded as the same physical system, and the kinetic energy in the system will be stored Get up, then release instantly through resonance, causing huge damage.

Similarly…If Qi Lin can know the frequency of the crystal layer on the surface of sample No. 5, and then use the same frequency to knock, using resonance, the indestructible crystal layer can be easily crushed!

“Frequency… Frequency is critical!”

Thinking of this, Qi Lin immediately put down the eight-sided golden gourd, and then empty-handed, he rushed toward the No. 5 sample that was forced towards him.

“Oh, my God…what did the challenger do? He discarded the weapon in his hand! Obviously, his approach was correct, but it was also compelling. In the powerful gravity field of Sample No. 5. The heavier the weapon, the harder it is to exert its power… But, what threat can the empty-handed challenger pose to Sample 5?”

As the distance shortens, the gravity that the body feels is increasing sharply…five times, seven times, nine times…and together with gravity, there is also the rotation speed of the energy gathering vortex inside Qi Lin…

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