Wasteland Code Survival Chapter 431: Purified crystals

Qi Lin roughly estimated that the number of juveniles in this underground cavity is about 60 to 70. This is a force he cannot ignore, or if these juveniles attack him together , He probably only had to turn around and escape.

The most important thing is that Qi Lin has run out of ammunition for the Gauss pistol.

Even if one can kill a juvenile with one shot, it is not enough. Moreover, it is still unknown whether these stronger juveniles can be killed with one shot.

The nearest larva of Qi Lin is on the edge of the underground cavity. It lay lazily on a pile of ore about half a meter high. The ore underneath it, regardless of size, quantity or quality, It is much worse than the larvae located in the center of the underground cavity-between the “dizi” and “dizi”, there is also a long-term status, or a distinction of strength. Those with low status and weak strength are naturally They will be marginalized. Although they get more resources than those outside “concubines”, they are much less than the core “concubines”.

Obviously, the juvenile in front of Qi Lin’s eyes is in such an awkward position among the monsters.

Almost all the ore scattered around this larva was snatched by its kind, and in the process, this larva did not dare to compete with its kind.

For a moment, Qi Lin couldn’t help feeling that this little guy was a little pitiful.

But it was just a moment of thought. You must know that the juveniles in the tunnel outside are worse than him, but when facing foreign enemies, they are still very fierce.

In order to enter this underground cavity, Qi Lin must first find out the sensing range of these larvae.

The sensing range of the juveniles killed by Qi Lin in the tunnel outside is mostly about ten to fifteen meters. This sensing has nothing to do with hearing, sight or even smell. Qi Lin feels that these monsters are likely to be Through the biomagnetic field around the human body, or the energy fluctuations emitted to find the target.

The larvae inside the underground cave are much larger than those outside, and the sensing range of all these guys is more than 15 meters.

Qi Lin tried to get closer, about fifty meters away from the larva.

No response.

Forty meters.

No response.

Thirty-five meters.

There is still no response.

Qi Lin took another step. Just stepping into the range of 30 meters, the tentacles of the juvenile body that was touching the ore around suddenly stopped, stretched into the air, and made a ready to go. Gesture.

The range of sensing is 30 meters, but judging from the length of the tentacles of this juvenile body, although it can sense the existence of Qi Lin 30 meters away, it cannot attack those 30 meters away. Qi Lin.

It is waiting for Qi Lin to get closer.

However, Qi Lin’s goal has been achieved. Even if he retreats back, the juvenile body immediately lost Qi Lin’s induction. The tentacles turned a few times in the air with some doubts, and then slowly dropped. .

“The sensing range is 30 meters…but this is only the weakest of them. The others are definitely more than 30 meters…” Qi Lin silently noted in his heart, pressing against the edge of the cave, and began to move towards one side. The direction moves slowly.

According to Qi Lin’s observations, these larvae are not merely absorbing the radiation emitted by the uranium ore. In their abdomen, there are organs similar to mouthparts. Continually secrete a strong corrosive acid pus, which will corrode and dissolve the ore. Finally, these larvae will be swallowed by the dissolved mixture.

In addition to swallowing bituminous ore containing uranium, in the tail of these larvae, there is another opening. This opening should be their excretion opening-every time the larvae will dissolve the dissolved substances The waste residues are discharged from the drain.

After observing for a while, Qi Lin chose a solitary juvenile in a remote location. The distance between this juvenile and other juveniles was more than 50 meters, even if Qi Lin launched an attack on it, Will be detected by other larvae.

Selecting the target, Qi Lin raised the Gauss pistol and pulled the trigger at the juvenile body!

The 2.5mm-caliber electromagnetic bomb easily penetrated the front half of the juvenile body, and smashed one-third of its body into pulp. I saw the tentacles of the juvenile wave frantically. After a few minutes, he lost all his strength and hung down, and the remaining two-thirds of his body also stopped convulsing and collapsed on the pile of ore.

Qi Lin looked at the other juveniles around and found that none of these guys had noticed the death of this same kind, and they were still devouring the ore on their own. This was the cat’s waist and walked to the one that was killed. Next to the larvae.

The juvenile bodies in the tunnel outside before were too small. The whole body was blown when the Gauss pistol was shot down, and even a relatively complete body could not be left. Naturally, Qi Lin had no way to deal with it. Take the smelly and disgusting pus to study carefully.

Looking at this half of the juvenile corpse, Qi Lin took out a tungsten steel dagger and began to dissect it.

However, it didn’t take long for Qi Lin to discover the problem—the blood of the juvenile body is more corrosive than the adult monster. Although tungsten is a metal that has strong corrosion resistance, this tungsten steel dagger is an alloy. The tungsten content in it is not high, and the body of this juvenile body has been corroded and riddled with holes before it can be cut.

Tungsten steel can’t withstand the radiation of larval blood, and bone blades with calcium and phosphate as the main components are naturally even worse.

Qi Lin swept around everything he had, and silently took out the ceramic inserts from the body armor.

The main component of ceramics is silicon oxide. Like glass, this substance itself is an acidic oxide. It is difficult to react with strong acids other than hydrofluoric acid. Even if it is used to hold aqua regia, there is nothing at all. problem.

Using a bone mallet to smash the ceramic bulletproof plate, Qi Lin selected a palm-sized ceramic fragment with a sharp edge as a scalpel, and sliced ​​the corpse of this juvenile little by little~IndoMTL.com ~ This creature is really similar to slugs. The body’s water content is absolutely more than 90%. Among the large amount of pungent odor liquid, Qi Lin can only find some tissues similar to hoses and nails. It covers the glands that are not too big. As for many other organs, the ceramic pieces immediately turn into liquid when they are fiddled with them. They are mixed with blood and tissue fluids, and they cannot be distinguished at all.

Qi Lin held the ceramic piece with **** and kept poking inside the corpse. He felt as if he was playing with a pile of shit…Moreover, it was still sparse…

Just when Qi Lin couldn’t bear this disgusting feeling and was about to give up, the tip of the ceramic piece suddenly hit something hard.

“Huh? What is this?”

Qi Lin’s first reaction was that it was an ore residue that had not been completely digested, but when he picked out the hard object, he discovered that it was an emerald green crystal the size of a soy bean. Although small, the amount of radiation contained in it is comparable to a large pile of uranium-containing bituminous ore beneath the corpse.

Obviously, this is the essence of the juvenile purified from the pitch uranium ore——

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