I Made the World Mutate Chapter 811: Check in

This is the authority of the land god, which can take in ghosts.

The young ghost cast a grateful look, but Xiao Mu’s mood was not well.

The power of the land **** can only hold the ghost temporarily. With Xiao Mu’s strength, it can only hold it for three days at most. After three days, the ghost will enter the city’s palace.

The restriction of authoritarianism made Xiao Mu feel a deep sense of powerlessness, and saving the young ghost is not something he can do.

Not even a mansion.

The area managed by the monarch is called the Yin Cao Jifu, which can decide whether the ghosts go or stay, but in the end, these ghosts will be sent into reincarnation sooner or later.

Xiao Mu shuddered at the thought of reincarnation.

The paper sword hangs high on the reincarnation circuit, and no ghost can pass from below safely.

The strong man behind the paper sword is terrifying, cutting off the cycle of reincarnation, harvesting all the ghosts and turning them into energy, and his behavior cannot even be stopped by Emperor Miao Yi.

“These ghosts will eventually disappear, and there will be no chance of reincarnation.”

Xiao Mu glanced at the young ghost. The young ghost was nestling next to his mother, feeling the last warmth in the world, and casting grateful glances at Xiao Mu from time to time.

Xiao Mu sighed and turned to leave.

He tried his best!

Crack! Boom!

Thunder thunder and roar constantly in the air, and the gray-black octagonal palace lantern phantom hangs high in the sky.


A bright yellow gas rose from the west, followed by a bright yellow seal from the sky.

This bright yellow air is dazzling, releasing the majesty of the supreme emperor.

The emperor was so angry that a great sound suddenly came from the bright yellow seal, and the world-ruling magnificent light cast down from the sky, covering the earth.

In that instant, the entire world was covered by the great light cast by the emperor’s seal, the entire world became warm in an instant, and the cold and loneliness disappeared in an instant.

Thank you King!

The ordinary people and mutators on the ground turned their heads and looked around unconsciously, expressing gratitude for ruling the world.

The emergence of the ruler of the world has maintained this land, and the authority of the lamp of retribution has been restricted. You cannot act recklessly in this land, and reap whoever wants to harvest.

However, immediately afterwards, the illusory retribution lights were divided into thousands, thousands, thousands, and countless ones were thrown into this land.

So that in the end? This land is full of illusory retribution lights.

This illusory lamp of retribution can be seen everywhere? But not everyone can see it, monitoring everyone on the earth? Retribution is performed on the humans on this earth at any time.

Crack! Boom!

Somewhere? The brightness of the illusory retribution lamp suddenly increased. Someone suffered retribution, struck by lightning, and died instantly.

The same is the authority of the gods? The human seal cannot restrain the lamp of retribution? It can only maintain fairness on this land, so that those who perform retribution cannot act arbitrarily.

But in spite of this, the retribution cannot be changed and continues to be performed.


There was a sad sound from heaven and earth at the same time, and a gray-white giant book appeared on the top? Two sacred words were faintly visible on the cover of the giant book.

No one knows this kind of words, but everyone who sees these two words knows that these two words are ‘destiny’.

As soon as the fate book came out? Everyone’s fate was affected.

The fate book descended from the sky. Want to enter the world? Control your destiny in the world and use the power of destiny.

Human Emperor’s Seal quivered slightly? Like an enemy.

Among the four heavenly gods? Fate ranks first? The power of the fate book is still above the lamp of retribution.

The fate has fallen from the sky and will enter the world.


A purple-gold qi rushed into the sky, and on the top of the sky, an invisible force covered the earth like a cover, fully manifesting.

The book of destiny was blocked by the cover and could not fall down for a while.

A big hand suddenly stretched out from an invisible place, grabbed the destiny book, and smashed it against the invisible cover.

Boom! boom! boom!

The book of destiny and the invisible cover have a big collision, and every collision shakes the mountain, as if the world is about to collapse at that moment.

Everyone is shaking, everyone is unsteady and sits on the ground unconsciously. Some people who were physically weak were shaken to death on the spot, and were immediately led by the Nether Passage into the Heaven and Earth Mansion.


Just not far from Xiao Mu, there was a scream, which was miserable at first, but it turned into relief in the blink of an eye.

The woman who was crying on her son’s body was shaken to death, and the ghost was attracted by the newly-appearing ghost channel and sucked into the sky.

“Mom! Mom! Save my mom, please, save my mom!”

The ghost of the boy desperately grabbed the ghost of the woman, trying to pull it out of the ghost tunnel, panicked.

That was the **** he originally wanted to enter, but now his mother will also enter.


Xiao Mu sighed and used the land god’s authority on women.

The momentum of the women being sucked into the Nether Channel was blocked, and the Nether Channel disappeared.

“Thank you!”

The mother and son thanked Xiao Mu in unison, and then left.

Xiao Mu looked at the leaving figure of the mother and son, but his heart was gloomy. The mother and son can only stay in the world for three days at most. After three days, they will still be sucked into the sky by the Nether Passage and be transported to the Chenghuang Mansion. .

At the moment, what Xiao Mu, the earth god, can do is only temporarily take in the ghost.

He can also use the power of the city god, but that is what happens after the power of the land **** is exhausted.

Boom! boom! boom!

In the sky, the giant book and the invisible big cover kept colliding. In a short period of time, they collided hundreds of times and thousands of times.

The invisible cover kept trembling, and the power of fate flew in the air.


The sharp purple-golden light suddenly lit up, illuminating the entire world in the blink of an eye. On the ground, in mid-air, a large purple-golden shadow suddenly appeared.

The phantom of this purple-golden big seal is too big, bigger than this world. It appears from this world, but extends to another world, as if covering the entire universe.




In the whole world, all creatures and creatures chanted, and everyone and every creature had the same message in their hearts. No one had seen this great seal, but everyone knew who this great seal represented.

Everything is worshipping, and all living things, including animals, plants, and everything are bending towards this big seal.


As soon as this purple-golden big seal appeared, the authority of the Emperor of Heaven was revealed in this world, even though this big seal was just a shadow projected by power, not a real big seal.


A purple-gold handwriting flew out from the big seal, extending like an arrow to the giant book outside the sky, like the big seal suddenly falling down, stamping a chapter on the cover of the giant book.


The light of the giant book suddenly dimmed, and the power of destiny receded.

“God, haha! Sure enough…”

There was a hoarse laughter from high in the sky, but with unquenchable joy, immediately followed, the fate book disappeared, and the giant hand disappeared.

The phantom of the purple-golden seal suddenly dissipated and merged directly into the earth.

The power of this phantom supports the large invisible shield outside the earth, providing continuous strength for the shield.

“What happened? The Emperor? The Emperor is in the world?”

The brief contact made Xiao Mu look dumbfounded.

The changes in the situation are too sudden. The giant books and giant hands that just appeared are undoubtedly the Taijia Emperor and the treasure of destiny.

The Emperor of Taijia couldn’t wait any longer, and wanted to use the fate book to forcibly break the invisible cover outside the world and completely penetrate the hand of fate into the world.

The seal of the emperor appeared, using the authority of the emperor to block the fate book, so that fate could not truly enter this world for the time being.

“Fate, life and death, reincarnation, and retribution, among the four powers, fate ranks first. Fortunately, the power of fate has not really extended into this world, otherwise I really don’t know what this world will become?”

“What will fate do? What will it do? Control everyone’s fate and control everyone’s achievements at will?”

“What will happen if I am controlled by fate? Will I be unable to continue to practice? Will there be no chance to break the realm? Will there be a regression in practice?”

Xiao Mu couldn’t help making guesses, and every result of guessing made him feel terrified.

He didn’t really come into contact with the power of destiny, but the power of destiny still made him shudder.

Recalling the siege of the ancestor of the curse, with the strength of the ancestor of the curse, when encountering the talisman of destiny, he was restricted by fate, unable to fly through the clouds and fog, and had to be forced to land, let alone the current self?

“Fortunately, fortunately! The Emperor of Heaven has appeared and prevented destiny from entering the world!”

“But, didn’t it mean that the emperor was in the heaven? Didn’t it mean that the emperor was dead? Why does the authority of the emperor still appear? Where is the emperor?”

Xiao Mu is confused. He has heard too much information about the Emperor of Heaven. Everyone has their own opinions, and everyone’s opinions are not necessarily accurate.

Kara! Boom!

The sound of thunderbolt resounded from the horizon again, and the power of retribution was still pushing everyone on the earth, but fortunately, the power of the human emperor’s seal was scattered, limiting it in this world, so that retribution cannot Do whatever you want.

I want to improve my strength, otherwise I will not be able to deal with the power of retribution.

There is still a lack of palace monarchs in the world, and it is impossible to establish a yin in the world and take in the ghosts, but even if there are palace princes, it is useless.

Reincarnation, retribution, destiny, life and death, the orthodox system, all kinds of authority restrict each other, no one is invincible, no one can control the authority of others.

At this time, for me, the only thing I can do is to enhance my own strength and strengthen authority.

The stronger the authority, the greater the change I can make.

Just now, fortunately, it was me. My land god’s authority is more powerful than ordinary land gods. If I change to an ordinary land god, I am afraid that I can only take in the ghosts of the mother and child for one day at most, and then have to send the city **** mansion after a day.

And I can take them in for three days.

If I can become a monarch, with the powerful authority of the monarch, plus my own authority, maybe I can make more changes.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Xiao Mu’s heart, making him feel for the first time that in the current world, it is impossible not to improve his strength. If he does not improve his strength, he may be retributed at any time, suffer death, and enter the cycle of rebirth.

And the reincarnation circuit is not safe at all.

A group of gray-white clouds suddenly rose from the distant ground, and a familiar figure stood on this group of clouds.

It’s Zhou Xuanmen!

Xiao Mu recognized this figure at a glance.

After Zhou Xuanmen vacated, he immediately flew in the direction of the **** of retribution, to prevent the **** of retribution from spreading the power of retribution to the world.

It seems that Senior Zhou can’t sit still anymore and wants to repay the gods!

Xiao Mu looked excited, but he couldn’t help much.

After seeing Zhou Xuanmen flying into the sky, his figure went all the way to the west and flew in the direction of the **** of fruit.

This figure is getting smaller and smaller, and soon out of Xiao Mu’s sight.

Boom! boom!

The sound of clashing hands came, the mountains and earth in the distance were shaking, and the cursing force nearby was sucked away, and they went to help.

The thunder and thunderbolts continued, and Zhou Xuanmen and the God of Guobao fought fiercely.

The battle lasted only about half an hour. The power of cursing and the power of retribution went to each other. The God of Retribution fled to the distance, and Zhou Xuanmen returned to Mulin Village.

However, even though Zhou Xuanmen drove away the **** of retribution, it did not stop the power of retribution from spreading in the world.

He is a curse system, not a retribution system, and he cannot use his authority to restrict retribution.

The lamp of retribution is still everywhere, and retribution is happening from time to time. Everyone may suffer retribution at any time.

Even on top of Xiao Mu’s head, from time to time, you can see the illusory shadow of the retribution lamp.

The lamp of retribution has never let him go, and has been trying to lock him into the target range of retribution.

Xiao Mu, who has a variety of supernatural powers, can only use the illusion to deceive the lamp of retribution through time and again, and avoid the retribution to come to him.

“Go back and talk about it. I wonder what happened to the Zhao family and the Zhu family?”

“If such a big thing happened, everyone should have gone back. I’ll go back to Zhao’s house and talk about it.”

“Wait for the news of the Life and Death Sect from Li Jiesheng, seize the treasures of good fortune, and then act according to the plan to find the legacy of Baifujun.”

“At that time, we will decide whether to move out of Zhao’s house.”

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Xiao Mu’s mind, and soon he had a goal, and he started the earth escape technique and returned to Zhao Jing’s home.

The breath of life came from the Zhao family, but there was no light. There is no doubt that the power of retribution has affected the Zhao family, including Zhu Ping and Li Gujian.

Swish swish!

Xiao Mu deliberately used escape technique to enter, letting the voice of escape technique reach everyone in the Zhao family.

“Is it Brother Mu?”

“Brother Mu~IndoMTL.com~but you are back!”

“Brother Mu!”

The inquiring voices of Zhao Jingyan, Zhu Ping, and Li Gujian sounded, and the first guess was that Xiao Mu returned.

“Brother Zhao, Sister-in-law, Brother Zhu, Xiao Li, everyone is fine, right?” Xiao Mu, who has the fine channel method, has already sensed everyone’s breath, but still habitually asks.

“It really is Brother Mu!”

“Brother Mu, it’s really you!”

The people in the room were surprised and happy, “We are all fine, Brother Mu, please come in soon!”

Suddenly there was a light on in the room, although the light was meaningless to the mutants, Zhao Jingyan, Zhu Ping, Li Gujian, and Tian Zhen walked to the door of the room one by one.

The first time he saw the four of them, Xiao Mu discovered that, above each of the four, they could vaguely see the phantom of the retribution lamp high above their heads.

The power of retribution has come to everyone, and they have begun to interfere in everyone’s future.

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