Fearsome Farmer Chapter 546: Division of titles

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“My lord, it has been determined that besides removing the head, bones, and outer skins, the dragon slaying feast will be about 900,000 catties. In addition, the dragon slaying feast is not affected by the curse, or even if it is affected, it will be at this moment. It makes no sense.”

Hou Er personally reported to Li Siwen, “In addition, I plan to stay here for a while to see if I can find out some of the properties of this cursed black mist, because I found that the knight’s potion can only cure the symptoms, not the root cause, not relying on We are going to suffer a big loss this time with this magical power of calming storms.”

Li Siwen also nodded, and at the same time thought: “If the water ghost grass can only cure the symptoms, then the so-called ghost mother grass of the Kunlun natives should be the same. This matter is a bit strange. The few Kunlun natives are afraid that all If there is a problem, grab it and take a set of bloodletting therapy.”

Hou Er nodded and promised and went busy, and then it was the turn of Lord Xiong, Lord Tiger, Lord Leopard, Lord Fox, Yun Niang, Liang Jin, Guerrilla, Qin Shu, Da Ya, Xue Lao San, etc. See you at Jin.

It is very rare. This is the first time the leaders of the five main battle regiments, two Pure Land regiments, and two second-line regiments gathered together since last year. This shows the seriousness of this incident.

Don’t look at the process of killing the beast swallowing the sky is like slaughtering a wild dog. There is no disturbance at all, but just look at the forces and resources deployed by Li Siwen to know how cruel it is.

This includes the guerrilla North Navy regiment, the Black Mountain regiment of Lord Xiong, the Skyscan regiment of Da Ya, the Ice and Snow regiment of Xue Lao San, the Southwest regiment of Liang Jin, and the Lord Tiger, Yun Niang, and Qin Shu himself. At the scene, even Lord Fox, who had been in charge of monitoring the Flame Demon Pit at Dongshan Lake, was transferred.

There are almost 130 half-step legends on the scene…

If this is not enough, the beast swallows the sky, then Li Siwen’s territory strength must be marked with a million question marks.

Moreover, this also explains the terrible aspects of Li Siwen’s territory from the side, the kind that makes people think about it.

Almost to reach the legendary realm, the warriors (big households) have done nothing!

At this moment, Yun Niang first explained the one hundred and one newly promoted Benlei shooters.

“They are still not very strong in the strict sense. They were forced to start the job transfer by relying on the power of the Dragon Slaying Banquet. Therefore, they still need to continue to sharpen them. Of course, this time will not be too long, half a year or a year. Although they have advanced to Half-Step Legends, their overall combat effectiveness is still very weak. They cannot be used as full-scale players like other Half-Step Legends. Therefore, I suggest that this batch of Penlei shooters should not be used as generals. Use it as a super soldier or legion sniper.”

“Then I’d like to suggest that with the increase in the population of our territory, the increase in the legion, and even the increase in the legendary half-step, we need to re-determine the identity standards of the nobility, and in addition, we must also subdivide some powers. Nowadays, a corps only divides the corps commander, commander, deputy commander, squadron leader, and squad leader. This is not feasible. I suggest directly referencing the structure of Gonghou Bozinan and the structure of commander, general, commander, and lieutenant.”

“The former is the standard of aristocratic status, and the latter is the military system. Of course, this is just a suggestion. After all, there are so many half-step legends on our side. Everyone is half-step legend, although there will be no such thing. This is the stupidest kind of rebellion, but in wartime, whoever wants to listen to who wants to control who, if only rely on the usual prestige, and who is stronger to command, I am afraid that things will go wrong!”

“In addition, we need to carry out more detailed military regulations on our existing military rules, and formulate corresponding rewards and punishment systems. Since food is the most cost-effective item in our territory, I suggest that dragon banquets be used. Excellent food is all used as reward items, except for daily needs, non-military merits or other credits cannot be obtained.”

After Yun Niang’s words are finished, the meaning is already very obvious. You Li can’t be the lord forever. If you are the lord, what should we do?

Oh, we are standing up to the status of duke, marquis, and earl one by one, but you are your little lord, shame us, if we set the system and the structure of the subordinates as early as possible, there will be no real What stupid treason and rebellion, otherwise you are not worried, we are not worried, and indeed no one will rebel, but there will always be people who think it is inappropriate, and you will always feel that your foundation is unstable.

When a perfect upper and lower hierarchical system comes out, when a perfect military system comes out, what kind of rebellion is there?

“I agree.” Master Xiong said.

“I also agree that Lord Lord often said that there is no rule to make a circle. It should be the case.” Tiger Lord also spoke.

“Roar!” Leopard master agreed.

“Tweet!” Master Fox agreed.

These are the five giants of the territory so far.

Li Siwen stopped other people’s intention to speak at this time. After thinking about it, I also felt that this matter could not be postponed any longer. It was always this kind of free and undisciplined, not to mention it, and outsiders felt that it was irregular.

Once it is not formal, it is easy to be questioned.

After all, life is alive, rules are two words! Nice novel

At the moment, he said: “The establishment of a nation is not appropriate. Before the rules of the world are stable, this is a joke. Gonghou Bozinan sounds very simple, but it can’t be used by anyone. There is a word called Therefore, the aristocratic status is temporarily set at three levels, son, male, scholar, son is a viscount, a male is a baron, and a scholar can be a kind of honorary title, such as knight, warrior, warrior, strongman, alchemist, Strategist, bachelor, etc.”

“Viscount and baron can have the honorary title of a shih at the same time, but it is not necessarily the viscount and baron who owns the shining title.”

“As for the military system, the rank of the corps commander is set as the commander, and the rank of the deputy commander is the general. The commander of the camp is still the commander, and the rank of the deputy commander is the captain.”

“The commander has the highest authority to command and control the corps, and a corps must have two generals, one is the left general, the other is the right general, um, the left is the respect, the right is the second, the commander can set up a guard, Both left and right generals can serve as the commander of the battle camp, but the camp of the left general can dispatch and command the battle camp of the right general.” (Author’s note: There are different opinions about whether to respect the left or the right. Just for the convenience of memory, after all, sometimes the brain is not good, and it is easy to make various common sense mistakes, such as five million tons of jokes~)

“In the territory, there is a difference between the main battle corps and the second-line army. Then, in the corps, there must also be the difference between the main battle camp and the auxiliary battle camp. The battle camp led by the generals must be the main battle camp. The commander of the auxiliary battle battalion is the commander, and in the legion, anyone who has reached a half-step legendary strength can obtain the post of school lieutenant, but according to their personal abilities, they can be divided into commander’s school lieutenant and red line school lieutenant. There are three kinds of Captain Yingyang.”

“The commanding authority of the commanding lieutenant must reside under the command of the commander, the left and right generals, and the battle camp, but he can control the command of the commanding lieutenant and Yingyang.”

“The role of the lieutenant is to rush into the battle and serve as a pioneer.”

“Lieutenant Yingyang refers to those who can act alone, have the ability to defend themselves, and move forward and retreat freely. They often need to replicate patrols, guard, open roads, and explore, and the nature is equivalent to that of scouts.”

“As for the military laws and regulations, I think they have been formulated in great detail, so I don’t need to talk about them. In terms of food rewards and punishments, this can be redefined.”

“I suggest that it be defined as ordinary food, boutique food, superior food, perfect food, and not to mention ordinary and boutique food. Superior food can be similar to dry rice, gentleman wine, fox wine, and black ice Tea and these.”

“The perfect food can refer to Dragon Slaying Banquet, Gentleman Pear Nectar, Monarch Nectar, Monarch Fruit, General Fruit.”

“In the realm, a viscount can get the perfect food quantitatively, and those with a baron can get excellent food quantitatively, and those with any kind of honorary title can also get a small amount of excellent food, others don’t have to Set up.”

Li Siwen set the three rules in the simplest way in one breath, and everyone looked at each other.

“What about you?” Yun Niang asked, the most important thing can’t be solved.

“Me? Let’s be the lord for a while, and wait until the situation stabilizes.” Li Siwen unquestionably said, how precious time is now, so I’m a little bit silly, but look at everyone He hesitated for a while with the guy’s gaze, but he didn’t expect these guys to look forward to such a false name.

“Well then, I will give you the titles now.”

“Old rules, judge according to seniority and merit. I will first draw up a list of viscounts, and we will talk about it if you have different opinions.”

“The first batch of Viscounts in the territory, Lord Tree, Lord Bear, Lord Tiger, Lord Leopard, Lord Fox, Lord Yun, Old Song, Lao Zhang, Hou Er, Xue Er, what do you think?”

“I… I am not worthy of virtue, Lord Lord, how can my old Zhang He De, must not!” The first one who jumped out was Lao Zhang, his face blushed with excitement, just kidding, Even if he has already practiced the dragon slaying technique to level 5, he is not qualified to be tied with these big guys, especially he is still a logistics unit, and he is not in his turn in terms of seniority. As for Lao Song, can he compare with Lao Song?

“Lao Zhang, don’t be humble, take your credit…” Li Siwen said sincerely, but Lao Zhang didn’t agree with him life and death, and no one beside him made peace. It seems everyone thinks so.

Besides Lao Zhang, no one else jumped out and said that they were not qualified. It was not that they were not humble, but that they were qualified to stand in the first row. If they were still humble, it would be equivalent to letting the next The people in the platoon were embarrassed. They would not be like a certain lord, who could obviously be the king, but they must be the lord!

“Um~IndoMTL.com~ Then Lao Zhang, you will be the first-row baron. You shut up and don’t talk anymore!” Li Siwen made a decision, so Lao Zhang drew back with joy. I think he is qualified to be a baron.

“The first batch of baron, soybean, old Qiao, Hou Da, Qin Shu, guerrilla, Liang Jin, Niu San, Niu Si, Niu Wu, Dasha, Lao Zhang, Lao An, Daha, Xue Da, Xue The third child, Da Ya, Wang Tiehui, Rhubarb.”

Li Siwen quickly read out the list of barons, and no one had any objections this time, because as I said before, it is not to say that the more powerful you are, the better you will be.

Therefore, like this time, such as Sledgehammer, Dachun, Big Red Eagle, Green Wolf, Old Tang, and the newly promoted Half-Step Legend were not selected.

As for Rhubarb, this special baron, even though they have not joined the territory until now, they have nowhere else to go. Li Siwen is not interested in being stubborn with them, and they have used the rhubarb for their credit. The baron is more than enough.

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