Fearsome Farmer Chapter 58: Safe House Project

  Because of such an emergency, Li Siwen had to postpone what he needed to do today for a few hours in order to restore his strength and health. By the way, he had a drink of 82 years-dew pressure shocked.

   After he calmed down completely, he reconsidered the gains and losses.

  ”You can’t escape. If you say that when the wild boar family was destroyed three days ago, I would really have the ambition to run away if the Lord of the Bane had killed him. But now, I only have the ambition to fight to the end, because after abandoning this place , I’m afraid I’ll never find such a good place to do territory, not to mention all the things I’ve paid before, if you lose it, it’s really not good.”

   “Then the most urgent matter, besides the stone wall project that must be carried out immediately, I also need to fix a few things.”

  ”One, use the iron ingot left before to see how to maximize the value of these 15 points of labor value, for example, to build a knife, an iron pot, some iron nails, buckets, etc. I have to maximize my strength while also improving my overall survivability in this world.”

  ”Secondly, I won’t give up in this territory. Even if the lord of the reckless man comes, I will fight to death and death. So, continue to increase the soul development and pile up the life and physical strength. I can’t beat it, but at least there is a chance to save my life.”

  ” Third, the tree house stone wall project not only cannot be stopped, but the tree house must be strengthened from all aspects to make it my safe house 1.0. I can see through this world, it looks very beautiful on the surface, but secretly I don’t know how many moths are hidden. The threat of the stubborn lord is nothing compared to a fart.”

  ”Fourth, I need to be more cautious and patrol the territory more carefully to prevent similar poisonous insects from invading again. Of course, hemostatic grass and anti-inflammatory grass also need to continue to mature in large quantities.”


   At ten o’clock in the morning, Li Siwen’s stamina was fully restored, and he also prepared a gourd anti-inflammatory hemostatic powder for himself when he was free, and made a fine steel saw blade with the value of natural work. A steel knife, a wrought iron pot, a three-meter-long wrought iron chimney, two hundred 20-centimeter-long pig iron nails, a wrought iron bucket, and that iron ingot is enough.

  With the help of Heavenly Work Value, the creation of these items is not a problem at all, but the consumption is very distressing. For example, the stainless steel saw blade consumes 5 points, the stainless steel knife consumes 3 points, the iron pot consumes 2 points, and the chimney consumes At 1 point, the nail consumes 2 points, and the bucket consumes 2 points, which consumes 15 days’ worth of work.

   All of the above are what he can use in the near future, which has a huge effect on the development of light industry in the territory.

   But he didn’t plan to use steel saw blades for logging. It was only used for fine carpentry work. It is easier and faster to cut wood or a mountain axe.

   Next, Li Siwen tied the herbal gourd on his body, cut a piece of leopard skin, wrapped the 20-centimeter-long stainless steel knife, and tied it to his left arm so that he could quickly pull it out when needed.

   Then, he drew a half bucket of muddy water from the well and deposited it in the tree house. Then he put on the mountain axe on his back, routinely went to the farmland to weed, and cut down the trees to gain vitality. Then, he Returning to the tree house, he cut a straight wooden pole and made a measuring ruler based on his height.

   This is very important. If he wants to build a safe house 1.0, he can’t toss like he did before. The scale and square structure must be at least accurate to less than ten centimeters, or what a safe house?

   After some measurements and calculations, Li Siwen set three standards for his safe house plan.

   One: The sealing project of the tree house, including insect-proof, rain-proof and cold-proof. Of course, this cannot be done overnight, but a strategic plan must be in place!

  Second: The defensive project of the tree house includes the foundation, wooden wall, and stone wall. Now that the foundation and wooden wall have been completed, the stone wall project will start.

   Third: The practical project of the tree house, including rest, storage, and operation room. On the basis of the original tree house, a second-story tree house should be built, which will have about 100 square meters of usable space more than the current one. .

   Because Li Siwen thinks his tree house is a bit small.

   Apart from anything else, he has to store food for the whole winter, which is not what the current tree house space can accommodate.

   He also needs to build a kang, a stove, and place more than one water tank and vegetable tank, and he has to store some dry wood in the tree house.

   And he will use a wooden spear in the future. Doesn’t the rope need enough space?

   These must be considered comprehensively, try to avoid duplication of construction, waste of time is equal to waste of life, brother!

  ” And if you decide to start the second-story tree house project, you have to consider the foundation and perimeter defense. Now the first-story tree house is five meters high and the foundation is one-meter deep stone. Adding a one-meter deep log can basically satisfy the safety of the first-story tree house, but what about the second-story tree house, where should I focus on it?”

   Li Siwen stands on the second-story wooden wall of the tree house. If the bearing point of the second-story tree house is placed here, the space of the second-story tree house will be at least 150 square meters. It’s cool to think about it, but the defense will be weaker, and simply relying on a stone wall is not very reliable.

  ”If this is the case, the foundation of the stone wall should be expanded to at least five meters wide~IndoMTL.com~two meters deep, and the height of the stone wall on the ground will reach nine meters high. It feels like I am building a pyramid Uh, uh uh! What the **** is this!”

   Li Siwen hesitated, the amount of work is too large, and it will inevitably delay other things. Is he necessary? This two-story tree house, coupled with the stone wall project, and the burning of bricks and tiles, cannot be taken away in less than half a month.

  During this time, he couldn’t get food, and he couldn’t put too much energy on the farmland. Even the increase in strength would be delayed.

   If something happens halfway, it’s tantamount to tossing.

   After hesitating for a long time, Li Siwen glanced at the Daxue Mountain to the east, and finally made a decision. He is not a reckless lord, so he will not make the same mistake, and he is alone without a solid, solid base. Row? No matter how strong an individual is, he can’t fight endlessly.

  He is not a **** of war, he is a farmer, don’t do it.

  ”Then let’s decide, officially start the safe house plan. Taking advantage of the right weather now, I have enough food and water in my hand. I have a series of basic tools for light industry in my hand. Don’t build a safe house. When will it stay? Well, five hundred catties of dried fish have been specially approved as a strategic resource for starting the safe house, saving time for finding food and collecting dew, working 18 hours a day, and striving to win within half a month!”

  ”Now, while the earth bricks are still dry, I first dig the foundation of the stone wall, and at the same time, I cut down the big trees of suitable thickness during the rest time, and the level 4 logging skills always choose to retain the vitality value, because I need A large amount of solid wood, and free time, I take water and mud from the well to make bricks and tiles. Several projects are carried out alternately and synchronously. Time is precious, so you can’t waste it!”

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