Immortal Martial God Chapter 1965: Changed, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Eternal Warlord!

“Who?” Ya Ya asked hurriedly.

Xiang Nandao: “A senior I know can enter the underworld himself.”

“We are almost reaching the Maelstrom. This is very close to the Wuzhou Boundary. Let’s go to the Wuzhou Boundary first.”

“Hope, that senior is still there.”

The Jiuhua woman has always settled in the Wuzhou Boundary. Although the Wuzhou Boundary has fallen, Xiang Nan believes that if she does not want to be found, no one should be able to find her.

Based on this, in fact, Jiuhua women do not have to escape from the Five Continents Realm to avoid the Glory God Cult.

If she gets bored in the Five Continents Realm and wants to go to other places, there is no way.

Xiang Nan took the attitude of giving it a try and let the colorful finches penetrate the space and into the primitive universe.

Here, it is in the range of the star ring.

“It’s nearby, colorful, rush over!” Xiang Nan said.

The colorful sparrow immediately turned into a colorful light and flew towards the planet of the Wuzhou Realm.

After arriving at the Wuzhou Boundary, Xiang Nan saw a scene that made him heartache.

Here used to be his only hometown, but now, the Wuzhou Realm is full of wolves, and billowing black smoke covers the entire sky.

The entire Five Continents Realm has been devastated, and the once green mountains and rivers are completely invisible.

There are huge excavations everywhere.

The Glory Gods looted all the resources of every human world at all costs, and they took the captured Wuzhou Realm as a natural mine.

And do your best to dig out every spiritual stone and every spiritual grass here.

The appearance of another phenomenon also made Xiang Nan unexpected.

He landed on the ground, here is the former Jiuxiao Continent, and this area is the most beautiful seaside port in the Jiuxiao Continent ever.

Now this seaside port is no longer as beautiful as it used to be. The entire sky is shrouded in gray smoke, and the light is similar to the darkness before dawn.

The earth is dry and semi-desert.

Looking around, a neat and orderly arrangement of spiritual grass appeared on the ground.

“Xiang Nan boy, this world is dying, the ground under our feet is completely dead.” Da Snake said with a heavy heart.

Xiang Nan frowned and nodded, and said, “Can you see the reason.”

Snake said: “Have you seen those spirit grasses? These spirit grasses are absorbing the nutrients of the earth all the time, squeezing the vitality of this world.”

“This phenomenon is just the opposite of what we saw in China. You don’t need to guess or know, it must be a ghost of the Shining God Sect.”

Glorious God Sect has planted a large number of spirit grasses in China, and they use spirit grass to “irrigate” China, giving it aura.

In the Five Continents Realm, they did the opposite. They used a completely opposite method to plant spiritual grass here, but instead of using spiritual grass to “irrigate” the world, they used spiritual grass. , To deprive the world of vitality.

This method can quickly and effectively produce a large number of high-grade spiritual grass, and in a very short time, the spiritual grass can grow.

This is the case in the Five Continents World, presumably other human worlds ruled by the Glorious God Sect are the same.

The Glory Sect not only occupied the sanctuary, but even refused to let it go. Now it has become a super-planet, a large number of human worlds.

They looted everything frantically, the resources they could plunder, and even “drained” the vitality of the entire planet to cultivate a large number of high-grade spiritual grass and use it to improve the realm of believers.

And the appearance of the scene before him made the tone of the serpent’s speech extremely low.

Here is also the native land that Da Snake deeply loves.

Xiang Nan pulled out a spirit grass from the ground. This spirit grass was only a seedling and only had the third grade, but it looked like it had just been planted, less than a week ago.

He shook his head, threw away the seedlings of the spirit grass, and said: “It grows too fast. In a week, a seedling of a first-grade spirit grass can grow to a third-grade!”

“How quickly the Vigorous God Sect is plundering the vitality of the Five Continents.”

“Presumably, a large number of high-grade spiritual grass planting areas should be heavily guarded.”

Snake said: “I know you are angry, in fact I am even more angry than you, but now you can’t take the time to clear out those planting areas one by one.”

“Your time should be spent on more important things.”

“I understand.” Xiang Nan nodded and took off.

The invasion of the Shining Gods is like a huge flood.

The Five Continents Realm is just a small tributary of the flood. If Xiang Nan spends too much time here to hinder the cultivation of spiritual grass by the gods, its efficiency is far behind the development of the glorious gods.

The only way is to quickly raise the level and directly intercept the false gods! Cut the bane from the source.

High in the sky, Xiang Nan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “Senior Jiuhua, are you there?”

After a minute, there is no response.

Xiang Nan continued to fly again, changed to another area, and continued to call the Jiuhua woman.

When he called for the seventh time, he finally responded.

In front of Xiang Nan, a faint glimpse of light appeared, and immediately after that shadow, she became a woman of the Jiuhuang pupil tribe.

“You are looking for me.” The woman said: “The Demon King has two months left before it can usher in a critical stage. I can’t give you a clear answer yet.”

Xiang Nan hurriedly clasped his fists and said, “Senior, this time I am looking for you, not for the demon emperor, but for such a thing.”

Speaking, Xiang Nan reported his thoughts.

Ya Ya has been observing the Jiuhua woman, but she still couldn’t see through this woman’s tricks.

After listening to the Jiuhua woman, she said: “I can do this. Give me Yanzong’s disciple that day.”

Xiang Nan gave Yaya a look, but Yaya hesitated and said: “This woman has an unknown origin, can you trust her.”

“I don’t believe she has such great abilities, unless you prove it to me.”

Xiang Nandao: “Ya Ya!”

Ya Ya was very unconvinced, but still obeyed Xiang Nan and gave the Yanzong disciple that day to Jiuhua Woman.

The Jiuhua woman is expressionless, with two deep fingers, touching the eyebrows of Yanzong’s disciple that day, within three seconds, she nodded: “Well, I have locked in his soul sign.”

“Wait for me.”

After that, the woman’s body suddenly sank, sank to the ground, and disappeared.

Ya Ya said: “Hey? She…”

She only had time to say two words, and the Jiuhua woman reappeared, and, in her hand, she was holding a human-shaped soul!

Immediately afterwards, the Jiuhua woman shot the soul directly into the body of the Tian Yanzong disciple.

That disciple actually opened his eyes!

Ya Ya took a deep breath: “How did you do it?”

The Jiuhua woman, looked at Xiang Nan solemnly at this time, and said: “I can inspire his soul and let him restore his memory in a short time, but doing so will cause great damage to this soul. It will even wipe him out.”

“Are you still going to do this.”

Xiang Nan was cruel and said: “Do it!” The Jiuhua woman gave Xiang Nan a deep look and said: “Xiao Nan, you have changed.”

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