Immortal Martial God Chapter 1280: Invite, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Eternal Warlord!

Chapter 1280 Invitation

The martial arts system taught by Bai Wuya was originally developed by fellow practitioners of Xuanwu. In later generations, people broke Bai Wuya’s system into two branches, one is pure martial arts and the other is pure Xuandao. .

The profound way in Bai Wuya’s system is still in its initial state, and there are no specific aspects such as alchemy refining tools in it. It is the profound way that later generations have researched and explored on their own.

This is also the reason why the Bai family can answer the old Mo Ling’s questions, but there are not a few powerful profound cultivators in the Bai family.

At the same time, another question from Xiang Nan also came out. People in his own world had accepted the preaching of Bai Wuya 300,000 years ago.

So, who in this world created a specific martial arts system? Is it also Bai Wuya? But in this world, Bai Wuya is only a character from five thousand years ago.

Does Bai Wuya know how time travels?

Suddenly, Xiang Nan’s mind flashed, and suddenly he thought of a small detail.

In the realm of the void world of a certain master, he once saw a paragraph written by that person. This person wanted to reverse time and go back to the past with super speed.

But he failed in the process, and wrote a desperate sentence called “Can’t escape.”

Xiang Nan only feels buzzing in his mind. He can’t think of any connection between the two, he just feels that there must be an overlap between the two.

At this time, the long-awaited discussion on Taoism is over. At noon, it is the last link, worshipping the ancestors.

Xiang Nan remained silent. He lowered his head, sketching the prototype of Taiyi Magic Art in his mind, and gradually visualized it with full wings.

Once you get the specific direction and framework of the martial arts and martial arts, the next step is to fill the flesh, that is, create your own formula.

During this period in the New World, Xiang Nan’s knowledge of the martial arts system theory has made rapid progress, which made his understanding of martial arts more transparent.

Bai Wuya’s basalt co-cultivator system is a chaotic system, basalt martial arts are condensed together, but all are rudiments.

And what Xiang Nan wants to do is the “light system”, which combines the pure martial art that has been developed to the extreme with the pure metaphysics again.

To be honest, this is difficult.

Now, all the people who talked about the Tao have left the altar, and a circle of bright lights lit up around the altar.

The twenty young priests, wearing sacrificial robes, walked slowly to the center of the altar.

The twenty people each held a tray respectfully in their hands. On the tray was a book. The content of the book should be the identity and genealogical ranking of these sacrifices.

It describes in detail when they were born in the year, month, and date, their surnames and their first names, how many descendants they are from the Bai family, who they learned from, and who their parents are.

Each book is a symbol of their own status, but as one of the authentic descendants of the Bai family, Xiang Nan, who has the five veins of the Heavenly Spirit, does not have such a book.

The White River was suspended in the air, glanced at the twenty sacrifices, nodded and said: “Yes, twenty of you, each talent potential is superior, no matter who is trained as a future elder, it is very good .”

After that, Baihe raised his hands high and said: “Please, please ancestral hall.”

As soon as the voice fell, from the sky, the colorful divine light suddenly turned into a road, and the end of the road is no longer a white cloud, but a majestic building, with a stone monument standing at the entrance of the building.

It is written on the stone tablet: “Forbidden land of the Bai family, the ancestral halls.”

Everyone was amazed by this mysterious scene.

So, twenty young priests were also excited. They took off the loose hoods on their heads and looked at the ancestral hall with great eagerness, hoping to get the qualification to enter the ancestral hall.

Xiang Nan’s eyes moved, and among the twenty sacrifices, there was nothing but nothing!

It seems that what Bai Wudao said is true. He said that he was not defeated, and he was clearly the leader of the Tianzi generation in the Bai family.

It’s just that Bai Wudao’s age is three or four years younger than the age of the other nineteen sacrifices. Maybe it’s because Bai Wudao was defeated by Xiang Nan recently, and he practiced hard. The surge was only one session ahead of schedule and became the sacrifice of this session.

In other words, Bai Wudao knew that Xiang Nan was present, but in such a solemn environment, he did not pay more attention to Xiang Nan.

Only at this moment, when Bai Wudao looked longingly at the ancestral hall, he occasionally turned his head and glanced at Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan saw a lot of things in Bai Wudao’s eyes, the strongest one was the extremely obvious fighting spirit!

Once Bai Wudao returned from cultivating in the ancestral hall, he would have the confidence to completely crush Xiang Nan.

What Xiang Nan didn’t expect was that not only did he look at himself in vain, but even Bai Lingquan, who was re-hosting the ancestor worship ceremony, looked at himself.

Na Bai Lingquan said: “In the ancestral hall, only one person can enter and leave. Every three years, you can enter and leave ten times, a total of ten people.”

“In previous years, twenty priests fought each other for the selection of candidates, and the top ten were selected to be eligible to enter the ancestral hall. This year’s rules have been slightly changed.”

Speaking, Bai Lingquan looked at Xiang Nan again, and said: “I heard that in the past six months, a young warrior has challenged the martial arts sect, and he has not encountered an opponent where he has passed.”

“It’s a pity that these strange people were wasted, and now I let the twenty priests of my Bai family come and fight this young master.”

“As everyone sees, and everyone hopes, the ten best performers in the hands of the magical young man can enter the ancestral hall.”

Speaking of this, Bai Lingquan pointed to Xiang Nan and said: “Please, Xiang Nan.”

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

The ancestor worship session has never allowed outsiders to participate, but everyone is even more surprised that Xiang Nan is also here!

The word Xiangnan is well-known within a radius of 50 million li.

For a time, countless people became excited.

The legendary invincible Xiang Nan met the world-class giant Bai family, and even had to fight with the twenty priests of the Bai family. Who wins and who loses?

And the myth of Nan Xiang’s invincibility, in the Bai family, can it continue?

Xiang Nan himself didn’t expect that Bai Lingquan would suddenly name himself.

He didn’t know what to think in his heart. He didn’t expect that when he stepped on the Baijia altar for the first time, he was actually a sparring identity…

“If I don’t agree.” Xiang Nan looked at Bai Lingquan coldly.

The frying pan suddenly started at the scene. No one could have imagined that Xiang Nan would be so bold that he refused Bai Lingquan’s invitation!

Xiang Nan and the Bai family are tacit, both know that they are hostile to each other, and it is impossible for the Bai family to let Xiang Nan leave alive.

But this kind of thing can’t be said on the surface. At such a solemn ancestor worship ceremony, Bai Lingquan can’t say: If you don’t come up, I will kill you?

Bai Lingquan didn’t expect Xiang Nan would refuse. In his capacity, who would dare to refute his face?

But Bai Lingquan had no choice. He still pretended to be calm and calm, and smiled broadly: “Since Xiang Nan refuses to appreciate his face, then…”

“I’m on.” Xiang Nan suddenly stopped Bai Lingquan and said with a smile: “I accept your invitation.”

Xiang Nan suddenly changed his mind, which made everyone feel incomprehensible.

But Xiang Nan’s mood is extremely complicated. Facing Bai Lingquan’s invitation, he has anger and hatred in his heart, but things have to be resolved.

The bond between myself and the Bai family can never be hidden, at least I will not agree.

Since the hatred must begin, just choose today.

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