Immortal Martial God Chapter 1067: Xiaohe, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Eternal Warlord!

The first thousand and sixty-seventh chapter Xiaohe

“Enclose Junior Sister! Don’t let him take advantage of it!” Xing Luo shouted.

Six people surrounded Naneng and the female archer to prevent Xiang Nan from suddenly coming over and attacking.

Xiang Nan grabbed the sky-breaking hammer with his backhand, rounded it, and smashed it against the star’s head.

“Broken the sky and return!” Behind, a monster clan gave a cold cry.

The sky-breaking hammer was almost hitting Xingluo’s head, and it suddenly rose up and flew in the direction of the monster race behind him.

Xiang Nan was taken aback, and he didn’t expect that the Sky Breaking Hammer could be controlled freely by the Demon Race. At this time, his whole person was taken to fly backwards.


The monster race’s right hand swiped, and the sky-breaking hammer dropped suddenly to the ground halfway through!

Xiang Nan let go in time, staggered his body towards the handle of the hammer, and bounced off to the left.

At the same time, seven or eight sword beams smashed the sky-breaking hammer at the same time, almost hacking Xiang Nan Chaos to death.

As for the place where Xiang Nan shot backwards, there was a monster rushing over standing. Xiang Nan slammed a forward somersault, stepping on the shoulders of the monster, followed by another forward somersault, holding knives in both hands. .

The giant knife pierced through the back of the monster race with a puff, not to the hilt!

Another demon race chased up with a sky-breaking hammer and slammed Xiang Nan’s shoulder.

Xiang Nan Hengdao block.


The sky-breaking hammer hit the knife face-on, and the hammer was so powerful that it smashed Xiang Nan away.

A ring of violent shock waves rushed in all directions.

In the midst of flying horizontally, Xiang Nan just twisted his body, slapped his left hand towards the sword stabbed by Xingluo, and slapped his palm back against the sword, while Xiang Nan took advantage of the force and jumped, the giant sword headed towards Xingluo’s neck Cut horizontally.

The starfall roared: “Ice defense!”

A big hockey puck suddenly appeared, Xiang Nan’s giant knife snorted, and the entire hockey puck was smashed into the hockey puck. The blade just touched Xing Luo’s shoulder, and more power was taken off by the hockey puck.

Two demon races rushed over. One shook out a long whip and wrapped Xiang Nan’s left arm, while the other held a sky-breaking hammer and smashed it down Xiang Nan’s head.

Xingluo threw off the hockey puck, and the whole person threw out, his body spiraled, and the long sword flew like a flying speed, piercing towards Xiang Nan’s heart.

“Long Linggang!”

A gas shield suddenly appeared, boom boom boom!

Several intensive attacks, while smashing the air shield.

“Dragon Spirit Break!” Xiang Nan took away the gas shield, and the green dragon wrapped the blade, and together he split the demon clan holding the sky-breaking hammer in half.

Peng! Peng!

The other Yaozu and Xingluo kicked their heavy foot on Xiang Nan’s right shoulder at the same time.

Xiang Nan’s right shoulder was directly kicked to pieces! The shoulder that had been split by half was now completely disconnected.

Xiang Nan grabbed the knife with his left hand, and turned his head back is a big knife!

The Starfall realm was extremely high, and his reaction was quick. He instantly bent over and escaped a knife.

But the monster clan couldn’t dodge, and Xiang Nan cut off half of his head.

All five monster races are destroyed!


A streamer arrow struck.

Xiang Nan just cuts the monster clan, and has no time to dodge, he immediately wants to escape into the void, but the female archer has been looking for opportunities, and this arrow came just right!

Xiang Nan couldn’t even enter the void, and was shot through the chest by the streamer arrow!

The arrow penetrated Xiang Nan’s entire body, only a half inch from his heart!

“Cough…” Xiang Nan coughed out a mouthful of blood, the streamer arrow stuck in his chest, and the tail of the arrow was still trembling.

Xing Luo turned back, and a sword pierced Xiang Nan’s eyebrows.

Xiang Nan flashed a step to the left, pressing his knees against Xingluo’s chest, and the giant knife made a vertical split, which actually split the Xingluo in half!

“Hi…” The other disciples of Xue Xuezong were all stunned.

That Xiang Nan has been pierced into his chest by a streamer arrow, and he still has combat effectiveness! Can also smash the star to death easily.

At this time, Xiang Nan stood on the spot with his waist humped, his whole body dripping with blood, and the shoulder bone of his right shoulder was chopped off, leaving only one muscle attached to his arm.

And there was a streamer arrow stuck in his chest, and the blood kept pouring out.

But the five monster races, plus Xingluo’s corpse, were placed miserably on the ground.

After a fierce battle, Xiang Nan beheaded five Peeping Sky Eightfolds, a master of Peeping Sky nine layers!

The female archers looked at Xiang Nan in shock. Rao was that Xiang Nan was already seriously injured, and no one dared to rush forward.

They all felt that from the body of the Southern Territory warrior, an overbearing aura was exuding.

Xiang Nan took a deep breath, pulled the arrow out with one hand, dropped it on the ground casually, and turned to face the last seven Xue Xuezong experts.

“Are you still going to fight?” The female archer’s heart beat suddenly.

Xiang Nan actually laughed.

He licked the blood on his lips: “If you hit it all, then just hit it to the end!”

The female archer only felt her heart beating, and the pupils of her eyes began to shrink.

“Junior Sister!” Luo Xuezong was the last strong man to glimpse the sky, gritted his teeth and said: “This kid is going to die!”

“We are going to contain him, you find a chance to shoot him to death!”


After that, the nine-strength Peeping Sky rushed towards Xiangnan first.


A streamer arrow cut through the sky.


“Junior Sister, you…” The nine-tiered Keeping Master suddenly turned his head, looked at the female archer in shock, and looked down again.

I saw a galactic bow…streaming arrow stuck in my heart!

The other five disciples were all startled, and turned around and aimed their weapons at the female archer.

Xiang Nan also froze for a moment, he looked at the female archer in surprise.

The female archer smiled weakly at Xiang Nan: “I…I think…I want to fight with someone like you.”

“What! Junior sister, what nonsense are you talking about!” The five Luoxuezong disciples couldn’t believe their ears.

The female archer smiled and shed tears, and said to Xiang Nan: “I have never, never met a warrior like you. I want to fight with you.”

“Huh…” Xiang Nan let out a long sigh, then laughed: “You can think about it, I have many enemies, and they all want to kill me.”

“If you want to join my team, you have to face endless pursuits.”

The female archer nodded vigorously: “I’m not afraid! I don’t want my talent to be buried! But these people will never be my best comrades!”

“I am an archer! But every time, I have to be in the forefront! No one can help me withstand the frontline battle!”

“Ha, haha! Don’t you think this is too ridiculous!”

“So you have taken my fancy.” Xiang Nan said.

The female archer nodded: “Yes! I like you! I saw with my own eyes you fighting like a madman to protect the people you care about!”

“I am jealous of them! Why can they have you, a teammate who is desperate for them like you! I want it too! I want to be your teammate, and want you to protect me like a loved one.”

“If I can fight with someone like you, even if I die, I don’t mean to waste my life. At least I live better than others!”

“Not a strategy?” Xiang Nan raised his eyebrows.

The female archer said: “I swear by Dao heart!”

Xiang Nan laughed.

The five Luoxuezong disciples looked at each other, and then slashed at the female archer.

Xiang Nan flickered, and directly dragged the female archer away, and returned to the ice palace from the teleportation array.

“My God!” When the young man saw the female archer, he was shocked: “Why did you bring her in!”

Before Xiang Nan had time to answer, he was weakened.

The female archer hurriedly grabbed Xiang Nan and said quickly: “The Galaxy Bow is not that simple. If you are shot by arrows, the power of the arrows will corrode your body for a long time.”

“Sit down quickly, I will help you to force out the remaining power!”

“What the **** is going on?” The young man was caught off guard, and he couldn’t understand the situation.

“Can’t you see it yet.” The old man Tianji smiled and said: “This girl, I was convinced by Brother Xiang Bei.”

“How is it possible?” the young man asked in surprise.

“Why is it impossible?” The old man Tianji said: “Who doesn’t want to fight with people like Xiang Bei? Are you willing to give your life for him too.”

“Because we are all in him, we saw a kind of martial artist’s first thing, it is that thing that drives us into the martial arts, let us fight, fight.”

“Money? You can never buy everyone, but Xiang Bei’s martial artist quality can infect us pretentious guys.”

“What’s your name.” Xiang Nan asked, sitting weakly on the ground.

The female archer sat behind Xiang Nan with her hands on his back and said: “My name is Xiaohe, the dawn of dawn, the lotus of lotus.”

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