Immortal Martial God Chapter 713: Sad Race, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Eternal Warlord!

Chapter 713 The Sad Race

It was definitely an unwise choice to walk in the air. Xiang Nan could only land down, supporting the five hundred people and running at a fast speed.

In this way, after losing the altitude advantage of walking in the air, he can no longer ignore the complicated mountains and jungles. That is to say, he has to go around after encountering trees, and after encountering high mountains. Row.

It is self-evident that the vitality disc with a diameter of one thousand meters is very expensive for a warrior.

Rao is Xiang Nan, and he can’t hold on for long. He has to stop and rest for a while every twenty minutes, and use the sky thunder to replenish the consumed vitality.

In the third hour, all the team members were motionless, and stood on the vitality disk in a daze.

To make matters worse, Xiang Nan saw that **** valley again! This is his third time here.

“Can’t get out.” Xiang Nan frowned, and he used his thunder light to see, trying to crack the inaccessible area.

Unfortunately, there is no lost formation here, and what Lei Guangguang can see can’t help Xiang Nan go out.

He simply gritted his teeth, and directly supported the crowd to climb high, until he rose beyond the most foggy area, and headed north in the air of two hundred meters.

As a result, he found a scene that surprised him even more. In the sky, he was already in the “Aurora” range.

The colorful aurora made him unable to judge the direction at all. He thought he was advancing in a straight line, but after flying for a long distance before landing, he found that he was still in the pink mist!

In front of him, there is still the **** valley.

“This extremely cold secret realm is really dying. No wonder they chose to use the Frostwolf to travel on land instead of using a flying boat to directly cross the first ring. It turns out that these aurora have such a strange effect.”

Xiang Nan rubs his temples. The terrain here can make people lose their way, and the aurora in the sky has a similar effect. There is really no way into the sky.

“How should I go out?” Xiang Nan was also worried. He has rich combat experience but not enough expedition experience.

In the magic sea, I have never encountered such a scene.

Just when Xiang Nan was at a loss, a shadow slowly appeared in the fog ahead.

The shadow is strong, about four meters tall, but because of the short distance, he can’t see his appearance clearly.

Xiang Nan took a breath. This is the second time he has encountered a human being four meters tall.

The four-meter-tall Yuan Meng has already been the only person Xiang Nan has seen in his previous life and this life. He is the only person who has reached such a height. It should be the only mutant among the tens of billions of humans.

Here, he found the second one!

“Hey!” Xiang Nan shouted at the figure: “Friend, do you know how to get out of here.”

The sturdy figure seems to be observing Xiang Nan, but it gives Xiang Nan the feeling that he is in a daze.

Xiang Nan couldn’t help but shouted again.

The sturdy figure waved his hand and turned and walked in one direction.

Xiang Nan was overjoyed, and immediately took the team members and ran towards the sturdy figure, wanting to join him.

But the man seemed very timid and cautious, Xiang Nan ran, he ran quickly, and when Xiang Nan slowed down, he also slowed down, always keeping a certain distance from Xiang Nan.

“Maybe he doesn’t want to let people see his true face.” Xiang Nan understood very well, so he didn’t force to meet that person.

After walking for twenty minutes, Xiang Nan must stop to replenish his vitality, and the sturdy figure stood not far away waiting for Xiang Nan quietly. From here, you can see that the person scratches his head from time to time.

This habit of scratching his head is the one that Xiang Nan has seen on that person no less than a hundred times.

After Xiang Nan finished replenishing his vitality, he began to move forward, and the man led the way again.

The sturdy little giant seemed to be a little hungry. He was in front of him, plucking the bark from the tree and putting it in his mouth to eat.

After seeing this scene, Xiang Nan felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart for some reason. He took out half of the roast deer and threw it at the little giant.

The little giant seemed very happy, but he dared not approach the roast deer.

Xiang Nan led the team back for a while, and the little giant ran over with a buzzing cheer, and picked up the venison.

Then everyone continued to move forward, Xiang Nan followed the little giant, replenishing his vitality every twenty minutes.

This was repeated. About three hours later, the pale pink mist in front gradually disappeared, and everyone appeared in an open primitive jungle, and the dense fog here turned white.

“Great!” Xiang Nan was overjoyed: “Finally came out.”

And the little giant waved to Xiang Nan and wanted to leave.

“My friend, don’t leave, how can I thank you?” Xiang Nan was very grateful to the little giant. He didn’t want to miss his “beneficiary” just like this, so he turned into a residual image and chased him directly.

After seeing this scene, the little giant was so frightened that he ran wild, but his speed was not as fast as Xiang Nanlai’s.

Xiang Nan arrived in front of the little giant almost in the blink of an eye. After he saw the little giant’s appearance, he was stunned as if struck by lightning.

The little giant was also stunned. He panicked, and he punched Xiang Nan in the chest!

Xiang Nan hurriedly dodged, and after the little giant finished his fist, he ran wildly and ran away lifelessly.

Xiang Nan was still stunned, and it took a long time to take a breath and exhale two words: “Orc!”

Now, Xiang Nan finally knew why that little giant didn’t dare to meet him.

In this world, races related to beasts can be roughly divided into four types.

The first type is wild beasts, which are ordinary jackals, tigers and leopards, the second is monster beasts, and the third is the monster race after the transformation of the monster beast.

The fourth type is the orc.

The orcs are not a form, but a race.

The orcs are neither the result of the transformation of monsters, nor the demonization of humans, but a variant made by humans in a very ancient period. It was born after the combination of monsters and humans. Of a deformity.

But the whole world does not have even the slightest tolerance for orcs!

Humans believe that the appearance of orcs is a great shame to humans.

The monsters and monsters do not like orcs. They think that the orcs have contaminated their pure blood.

In the entire human history, there have been more than ten times when humans and monsters have massacred the orcs!

Every slaughter is tragic, causing the extinction of countless races.

But the point is that the race of orcs is simple and kind. They not only have feelings for humans, but also have feelings for monster races and monsters.

Even after the orcs have suffered so many tragic massacres, they still have fear of humans and at the same time have a cordial mood.

They even saw that humans lost their way in the fog, and they were willing to lead Xiang Nan the way, even if they were still afraid of humans and were afraid to meet them.

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