Immortal Martial God Chapter 520: General, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Eternal Warlord!

General Chapter 520

“Four channels of the heavenly rank and above, that is to say, the talents of the four channels of the heavenly rank and above can touch the sword of the dead.” Mengdie moved his eyes and said: “This sword is evil though. , But it is a weapon of Xuanpin after all.”

“It’s a pity to just give up like this.”

Xiang Nan also has the same idea. Taking the sword of the dead can free the souls who have been trapped here for countless years.

From a selfish point of view, he came to Mohai as a treasure hunter. Wouldn’t it be too stupid to not take a treasure?

“Good brother, what is your talent level and how many veins does it have?” Mengdie asked curiously. She really didn’t care about these things before, so she never asked.

“Tianpin thunder veins.” Xiang Nan didn’t tell the secret of his godliness, he knew that he still couldn’t explain what Xuan Qingzhu did.

“That’s a pity.” Mengdie shook his head.

Xiang Nandao: “It’s not necessarily. The sword of the dead contains the breath of death, but my thunder vein is one of the attributes of light, and it should have a lot of restraint on the breath of death.”

“Huh? That’s right. Sunshine, thunder and lightning, aura of aura, Buddha light, etc., are all attributes of light, and you own the third, you can try it.” Mengdie became interested again.

“Let’s go, take a closer look, if it really doesn’t work, there is no regret.” Xiang Nan picked up Mengdie on his back and began to run towards the sword of the dead.

However, when they ran one mile away from the sword of the dead, Mengdie suddenly began to vomit.

“What’s the matter? The green fire poison is happening again?” Xiang Nan hurriedly put Mengdie down, but after a glance, he found that Mengdie was not vomiting green blood, but a black viscous liquid. .

“Not good, the breath of death is too close to you, and it has already begun to corrode the living creatures.” Xiang Nan thought of this immediately, and hurriedly backed away with the Mengdie. Butterfly’s vomiting situation improved immediately.

“Sure enough.” Xiang Nan frowned.

The Mengdie gasped and said: “The sword of the dead has not been subdued. At this time, it will attack all the creatures approaching it as enemies. Only if you subdue it can I approach it.”

“Well, I just didn’t expect that the breath of death is so powerful, it is so strong that it can pose a threat to the living.” Xiang Nan took a deep breath and said: “It should be safer here. Wait for me.”

Speaking, Xiang Nan put down Mengdie and approached alone.

When he entered the range of one mile again, he didn’t feel any discomfort. He continued to walk more than a hundred meters, and suddenly a huge monster climbed out of the ground.

That was an abnormal skeleton general. The general was over ten meters tall. Xiang Nan looked up and looked at him, only to feel that the general had brought him tremendous visual pressure.

“Good brother, don’t set up the formation first!” Mengdie shouted from behind: “You attack him with normal attacks first, and then attack him, see how effective the Tiangang Demon Formation can be.” /

“Okay.” Xiang Nan felt it first. The Skeleton General’s realm was about above the good fortune realm. It is difficult to make accurate judgments based on Xiang Nan’s realm.

But now, the strength of General Skeleton is only the appearance of Guiyuan Bajiu. This is not Mohai suppressing it, but 240,000 years have passed. It has not undergone any cultivation, and its strength has declined very much. Awesome.

Xiang Nan held a giant knife and rushed directly up. He didn’t use the golden body to be unbreakable, and he didn’t set up the Tiangang Demon Formation.

He condensed his vitality into the giant sword, then jumped up at the skeleton general and cut it down with a single blow.

The Skeleton General holds a saber-cutting knife, but his saber-cutting knife is only five meters long, and his height is ten meters, because the weapon does not grow abnormally.


The three-meter giant knife blasted against the five-meter super-large saber, and Xiang Nan was immediately shocked by the terrifying force.

His person turned back more than a dozen times in the air, and after landing, his feet still slipped back thirty or forty meters, and he even felt a sweet throat, almost spurting out a mouthful of blood.

“What a strong strength!” Xiang Nan’s heart moved.

The Skeleton General, holding the saber knife, has already rushed towards Xiang Nan.

“Try this again!” Xiang Nan roared, and immediately released the power of the Vermillion Bird, and his physical strength increased six times!


As the saber slashed down, Xiang Nan raised his sword to greet him, and the two big swords banged against each other. This time, Xiang Nan did not retreat.

He just jumped up and kicked directly on the chest of the general skeleton. The power of this kick was very violent.

But the General Skeleton was actually kicked back two steps, and then he greeted him again, facing Xiang Nan to sweep the army.

“The Raptors swing their tails!” Xiang Nan also used a trick, a martial skill similar to sweeping the army.

The giant swords of the two blasted together again. This time, Xiang Nan and General Skeleton both stepped back at the same time, their bodies a little unstable.

Seeing this scene, Mengdie’s eyes widened in surprise, the dark road Xiangnan’s Vermillion Bird’s power is already against the sky, and it can even crush the half-demon body across the border, but now he is fighting this skeleton general. The outcome is irrelevant.

“Yaoguang means!”

When the Skeleton General rushed up again, Xiang Nan raised his hand with a Yaoguang finger, whose light pointed force, with a swish, pierced the skeleton of the Skeleton General’s heart.

“Sure enough, it is best to use the attribute of natural restraint.” Xiang Nan nodded and said: “I already know the strength of this general skeleton, now I use the Tiangang Demon Array to weaken him!”

Speaking of Xiang Nan taking off on the spot, he quickly set up a Tiangang Demon Array on the ground with his Yuheng fingers.

When he landed, he simply withdrew the golden body without breaking, and used his ordinary strength to fight the general skeleton.

However, at this time, Xiang Nan could still be evenly matched with General Skull.

“So strong!” Xiang Nan’s eyes flashed with a gleam: “Tiangang Demon Formation, it turns out that the dark creatures can be weakened to such an extent.”

“Okay, the experiment is over, just kill him.” Mengdie shouted.

“Yeah.” Xiang Nan nodded, raising his hand to a Yaoguang finger.

After that finger force hit the general skeleton, an explosion occurred on the spot, blasting the general skeleton into a piece of bone.

Xiang Nan nodded, and said: “It seems that the priority of attribute mutual restraint is still higher than force suppression.”

“Fortunately I learned…”

Before Xiang Nan spoke, the bones of General Skeleton who were smashed to pieces regrouped in an instant and became General Skeleton again.

“Resurrected!” Xiang Nan took a half step back, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Sure enough, as the stone tablet said, the dead who are controlled by the sword of the dead will have the endless “privilege” of resurrection.

“Yaoguang finger!” Xiang Nan smashed the skeleton general with a Yaoguang finger, and then he rushed up, standing in the core area of ​​the broken bones, and a quenching sun came on the spot.

The violent sunlight blasted down, directly hitting the broken bones, and blasted the broken bones into dust!

But as soon as this action was completed, the powdered fans healed in an instant, and it was useless for even a second, and they turned into general skeletons.

“You won’t die like this?” Xiang Nan took a breath.

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