Immortal Martial God Chapter 95: Pale World, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Eternal Warlord!

Chapter 95 The Pale World

After landing, Xiang Nan’s breath stopped for more than ten seconds!

His skin was open and fleshy, and as many as seven bones in his body were completely broken! Especially the chest ribs that suffered a frontal collision had six consecutive broken ribs.

The most serious thing was his right arm, which was the hand he used to hold the weapon. After the arm bone was broken, the bone even pierced the skin, revealing a spur of a thick bone.

Xiang Nan lay motionless on the ground, his consciousness a little confused.

In his heart, he let out a sigh.

Have you failed… In the end, I still couldn’t make it through the martial arts city election.

I have used the power of Baiyan and thunder without reservation, but I am still not Wang Jingyun’s opponent.

I just sigh that my realm is too low, it’s too useless…

Actually, this is really no wonder Xiang Nan. When he was reborn on Xiang Nan, he was just a small body tempering seven-layer warrior.

In less than two months, he has risen from the seven-layer body tempering to the sixth-layer congenital. This speed has already shocked everyone.

As for the battle between him and Wang Jingyun, from the very beginning, he was in a state of losing his energy and his energy was about to run out.

I can only say that I have the intention to kill the enemy, but I am powerless.

Xiang Nan smiled bitterly in his heart. He didn’t expect that he would die in the hands of a woman in both lives. One was Xuan Qingzhu and the other was Wang Jingyun, who was inseparable from Xuan Qingzhu’s viciousness.


At this moment, Xiang Fei’s heart-piercing wailing suddenly came from a distance.

Xiang Nan lay on the ground and turned his head, what he saw with his eyes made him jealous!

In the distance, Wang Jinghai, who has been in “invisible” state, at this moment, Zheng smiled and drew a long sword from Xiang Zhonghua’s heart.

Xiang Nan didn’t know where his strength came from. Although he had broken his ribs and right arm, he stepped on the ground with one foot and rushed towards Xiang Zhonghua against the ground.

When that grinning Wang Jinghai saw such a scene, his eyes widened in fright, and he turned his head and ran away.

Actually, Xiang Nan is completely out of combat effectiveness now, and his ability to pounce is the last limit.

But Wang Jinghai had an inexplicable fear of Xiang Nan in his heart! As soon as he saw Xiang Nan coming over, his brain went into confusion and desperately began to run away.

“Zhonghua!” Xiang Nan rolled a few times after landing, and took Xiang Zhonghua in his arms with his left hand.

Wang Jinghai’s sword is in the center! At this time, Xiang Zhonghua’s heart was filled with dark red blood, gurgling out.

Xiang Nan’s eye circles immediately turned red, thinking that Xiang Zhonghua had bought time for himself regardless of his life and death to fight against Mo Hai, Xiang Nan’s tears rolled down.

“Xiang, Xiang Nan…” Xiang Zhonghua smiled reluctantly, but the smile was extremely bleak.

“I, I’m so unwilling…” Xiang Zhonghua gasped and cried: “I don’t want to, I really don’t want to die…”

“Brother! Don’t talk, don’t talk.” Xiang Nan panicked, groping wildly in Na Jie, no matter what kind of spiritual grass he caught, he just blindly filled Xiang Zhonghua’s wound.

Xiang Zhonghua shook his head: “I’m sorry Xiang Nan, you protected us so desperately. In the end, we dragged you down.”

“However, once we gave up the Xiang family and chose to escape…”

“It was you, cough cough, it was you and the second master who took us in graciously regardless of previous complaints.”

“And this time…”

Xiang Zhonghua’s face is extremely pale, and his eyes are covered with a layer of dead dust, but the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned: “But this time…I, I didn’t run away…”

“This time I didn’t…I chose, I chose to fight alongside you…I didn’t escape…Run…Hey, hey…”

Following Xiang Zhonghua’s last mournful laugh, his body collapsed suddenly, and his breath disappeared.

“Zhong Hua.” Xiang Fei cried sadly, covering her face.

“Zhonghua, brother! Don’t die! Don’t die!” Xiang Nan hugged Xiang Zhonghua, thinking of Xiang Zhonghua’s life and death to buy time for himself, to fight with Mo Hai, thinking of Xiang Zhonghuasuo That said, I am also a man, and I also have dignity.

Xiang Nan felt pain in his heart.

In the end, I still failed to protect Zhonghua.

Gradually, Xiang Nan could no longer hear all the sounds, only the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears.

Peng Peng…Peng Peng…

The greatest grief in the world is nothing more than seeing the kinsmen I care about the most, being slaughtered, but I can’t do anything about it.

At this moment, Xiang Nan felt that the world had lost its color.

This time, I did not run away! Xiang Zhonghua’s last words before his death began to ring in Xiang Nan’s mind, just as a thunder suddenly exploded outside the clouds in the sky!

Xiang Nan slowly stood up.

He looked at Wang Jingyun’s sister and brother blankly, and muttered to himself in a daze: “I was betrayed by my beloved woman and taken away everything that belonged to me.”

“And this life…”

Everyone opened their ears, desperately trying to hear what Xiang Nan said, but they were too far away, and Xiang Nan’s voice was too weak.

“In this life, I have acquired something more important than talent, that is family affection.”

“But you guys…”

Sad to the extreme, anger to the top!

A power ignorantly germinated in Xiang Nan’s body, and that power began to explode.

The medicinal properties of the demon Yuanguo were suddenly lifted to the limit by Cui!

The terrible medicinal properties are like a volcanic eruption, and Xiang Nan’s body rushes wildly.

All the wounds in his body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the bone spurs that pierced the skin were retracted.

An indescribable aura appeared on Xiang Nan, and that aura was burning! It sprayed out from top to bottom, blowing Xiang Nan’s long hair into the air.

The six innate bottlenecks were finally broken through!

The six major congenitals later…the seven congenitals!

That power is still climbing!

Innate Eightfold!

Xiang Nan seemed to be unaware of his realm. He was in tears, and only the scene before Xiang Zhonghua’s death was in his mind.

Who said that men do not flick when they tear?

“My God! Look, Xiang Nan’s strength is skyrocketing!” Everyone yelled in surprise.

Xiang Nan’s aura is so brave that he even blows the dilapidated sand around him everywhere.

“But this life…” Xiang Nan clenched his fists mournfully: “In this life, you have deprived me of my most cherished relatives.”


Xiang Nan let out a heart-piercing scream, which pierced through the jungle, echoing between heaven and earth.


Even Wang Jingyun was stunned. She lost her voice: “This…this is impossible! This makes no sense!”

Speaking, Wang Jingyun raised her hand as a steel barrier, Tianchong!

The shock wave swallowed Xiang Nan in an instant.

But when the shock wave passed, the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, and a figure slowly became clear in the smoke and dust.

Xiang Nan lowered his head and stood still, with two long scratches under his feet.

At that moment, Xiang Nan suddenly raised his head, and his eyes renewed their brilliance.

He clenched his fist, recalled the black scale giant knife, and roared angrily: “Wang Jinghai! I stripped you alive!!”

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