Immortal Realm’s Smuggling Kingpin Chapter 30: School Lieutenant (Part 2)

Little Boer naturally sat on Luo Qian’s head. With experience in the Holy Realm and the ancient battlefields, Luo Qian is now happy to take Little Boer with him. Before he left, he was still educating Little Boer:” My dear, you brighten up your tricks along the way, and you must remind Dad of any baby you see. No matter the baby is good or not, grab it first, maybe it’s useful…”

Little Baoer was young, and his mind was not as black as Luo Qian’s. He didn’t understand what his father meant to “grab”, that is to say, even if the baby is in others’ arms, he must tell his father!

Luo Qian came out of the loss with his son. Apart from Zhang Zhao, no one in the Demon World could open this secret room outside. Luo Qian trusted Zhang Zhao. If the Demon World was in chaos, the Luo Shi Hotel could not be maintained. This was the only way to retreat from the Demon World. Sofia is not a member of the fairy world after all. Although Luo Qian does not have the conservative view of “non-my race, his heart must be different”, there is always nothing wrong with being careful.

Sophia and Zhang Zhao hurried over to chat with Luo Qian for a while, and they took out the account book tacitly and reported to him the operating status of the Roche Hotel in the Demon World. Since the last time Shaun’s conspiracy was frustrated, the Roche Hotel has become a big hit in the devil world. In the remaining few branches, no one dared to harass. The business has been very good for a while, many wealthy, but nothing. The people who depended on the forces all hid in the Roche Hotel.

“By the way, why didn’t you see Lu Kuangtao and his son?” Luo Qian asked. Sophia and Zhang Zhao glanced at each other. The woman replied: “Their father and son went hunting.” “Hunting?” Luo Qian was a little confused. Sophia is obviously very dissatisfied with the behavior of Lu Kuangtao and his son not paying attention to guarding the hotel, but often going out to “hunting”. She bluntly said: “Everything here: Warcraft, crystals, ores, they seem to be very interested, even the ordinary magic crystals. Don’t let it go. I go out hunting every few days to hunt down monsters. Collect all kinds of materials, and the time outside is much longer than the time in the hotel.”

Luo Qian understood: Lu Kuangtao and the others knew that they would leave the Demon Realm sooner or later, so they should reserve as many things as possible to gain more benefits for their tribe.

There is nothing wrong with this. Although a bit selfish, there is nothing wrong with the Roche Hotel after all. Luo Qian didn’t want to pursue it either. He gave Lu Kuangtao a jade talisman and asked him to return immediately and go back to the immortal world with him.

Unexpectedly, this jade talisman would not be sent. Sophia said that Lu Kuangtao and the others had been out for five days, and they would be back in two days. Unexpectedly, the jade talisman would be sent out, and Lu Kuangtao took another seven days to return. !

He came back this day. Luo Qian stood on the wall of the Roche Hotel, looking at Lu Kuangtao below: Not only did they fill up the storage space, but they also carried a lot of people on their backs. They captured some gentle beasts, with every head on their backs. Tuo is full of dangdang!

Luo Qian smiled bitterly: “Patriarch Lu. You are not fleeing…” Lu Kuangtao’s face blushed when he said that he couldn’t speak. Regardless of that many, Lu Zhen said below: “These things are of great use to us, so naturally we need to reserve more.” Luo Qian curled his lips: “I didn’t say that I won’t bring you here in the future. Are you going to plunder the Devildom?”

Lu Kuangtao was overjoyed: “Really?”

He suddenly became vigilant again, holding Luo Qian’s arm and asking, “What do you have?” Luo Qian really wanted to help Mo Xiu this time, but he didn’t expect Lu Kuangtao to suddenly ask this sentence. It made him “injured”.

“It’s free. But you stay in my hotel, it’s not free.” Luo Qian said. The bill needs to be settled, and I can bring you over, but living in my hotel requires money for board and lodging.

Lu Kuangtao couldn’t believe it. When did Luo Dadong’s family be so generous? “Are you sure you didn’t make me happy?” Luo Qian sighed, “It’s not that I suddenly became generous, but that you really don’t have much oil to squeeze…” Lu Kuangtao was dumb, thinking about it, it seemed to be true.

One thousand five hundred magic repairs, there are really a lot of big and small bags, except for the harvest they harvested this time. There were also many hunts before, and things were kept in the hotel. It took Lu Kuangtao a whole day to organize people to pack all these things. Every magic cultivator carried a backpack about the size of his own. Luo Qian looked upset. These things were likely to have accidents when passing through the teleportation array, but after he explained it politely, it was not just Lu Kuangtao. Those demons were unwilling to discard these materials. They all knew that although Luo Qian promised that he could bring Demon Cultivation to the Demon Realm to practice, but they definitely had no chance. For them, these things are what they rely on for their practice after returning to the immortal world, so they naturally refuse to throw them away.

Luo Qian had no choice but to give each of them a storage ring. Although it was only five cubic meters of the first-level storage ring, 1,500 pieces still made Luo Qian a bit painful. It was just a moment of indignation, that the hand-off blurted out, it was really hard to change his words.

The guests of the Roche Hotel do not know what they are feeling at this time. The 1,500 Moxiu who were emitting dangerous goods signals left, and they were also relieved. If these guys don’t go out, they will always wander in the hotel, and they will make you shudder when they meet you. Being neighbors with these people is really not a good idea. However, if these people are gone, it means that the defensive power of the entire Roche Hotel is greatly weakened. If anything bad happens, the hundreds of guards in the hotel are not very safe. So these guests are still very conflicted. There are still a few timid people who broke into Sophia’s office and asked her to ensure the safety of the guests. Sophia is tirelessly assuring these people that the Roche Hotel will guarantee the safety of all the guests’ personal and property, and suddenly a guard ran in panic outside: “The manager is not good, the scout reports that a large number of troops are approaching us * “The guests panicked all of a sudden, screaming to keep the magic repairs. Sophia had another plan in mind.

The horn sounded. The Roche Hotel hasn’t been so nervous for a long time. When the horn rang, the guards emerged from their nests like soldier ants and quickly boarded the city. Luo Qian and Sophia stood on the watchtower, and an army far away rolled up the dust in the sky and rushed over, like a huge cloud demon. Flew over against the ground.

“Whose man is it?” Luo Qian asked. Sophia shook her head: “They did not play any banner, but according to the scout report, this one

With a terrible murderous air, the army is neat and timid, the most powerful ground force in the silent world in the march: the troll legion! The number is around three thousand. “

Sophia stopped talking, and Luo Qian glanced at her: “What do you want to say?” “That’s it, boss. You took away 1,500 magic repairs, and the hotel’s defense power was greatly reduced. , It makes it difficult for me to appease those guests.” Luo Qian smiled: “I understand. But if this battle, we can win with the power of those 1,500 demons, will they easily appease Some?” Sophia was taken aback, and blurted out: “It’s impossible. There are only more than 300 guards in the hotel. Even if they have experienced battles, they are not the opponents of the 3,000 troll army. Boss, you I still don’t understand the horror of the troll army…”

Luo Qian smiled and waved his hand: “Patriarch Lu, don’t look at it. Let your people start teleporting, 1,500 people, it will take some time.” Lu Kuangtao on the side also felt a little unlikely “Luo Dong’s house, let’s stay and help you. There are a lot of enemies.” Luo Qian shook his head: “Do as I said. You don’t need to take care of the rest.”

Luo Qian insisted on insisting, and Lu Kuangtao thought that he must have arrangements. Otherwise, it is impossible to let myself leave, so I didn’t say much, and started teleporting with his men.

Sophia saw that Luo Qian had really let Moxiu go, and she was shocked: “Boss, you are crazy! You think that the number of three thousand troll army is not as large as the previous attack, but you don’t understand. , The troll army is the most elite force in the devil world. Although they can’t fly, they can defeat even the flying army by *air magic. These three thousand troll army groups will uproot our Roche Hotel!”

Luo Qian pointed to his head and said, “What do you think this is?” “Your head.” Luo Qian smiled weirdly: “It’s not water in it-don’t worry, I will arrange it myself. “But, but…” Sophia hesitated for a while because she had no confidence in Luo Qian’s so-called arrangement.

Outside the walls of the Roche Hotel, troll legions are rolling in. Trolls are a species unique to the devil world. They are almost as huge as Bimon. They have long black hairs. Higher trolls are mixed with long black hairs, mixed with long silver hairs, and higher grades will grow golden ground. hair.

Trolls are cruel by nature and describe horror. They have two fangs from their big mouth and two black horns on top of their heads. They have a certain amount of wisdom and natural power, as well as different magical gifts. The demon army is rare in the devil world.

They will make weapons and armors by themselves. Of course, because of their huge consumption of intelligence and materials, no troll can wear a full-body armor like a knight. Most trolls just block their hearts. Put on a thick protective goggles and tie it to the body with three wide straps. The heart is their weakness, except for this, even the head can’t kill them.

Three thousand trolls arrived under the city, their army neatly arranged in a huge square. The first two rows of trolls stepped aside to the sides, and a senior troll with a bunch of long golden hairs on the top of his forehead in the center came out, and a person stood on its shoulders: Demon King Shaun.

Sean once again stood under the Roche Hotel, replaying the demon king’s battle that had just passed before his eyes bit by bit. Shaun gritted his teeth and made a quack. If it weren’t for the person standing in the city, how could he be so embarrassed? The three major demon kings besieged himself, calculated that they were organized and scheming, but they would also kill the school, but after all, they were outnumbered. After a series of classic battles with fewer and more victory, the serious consumption still defeated his army.

However, Sean is a typical hero. Although he was defeated, he was not discouraged, and he would not be like the King of Chu and kill himself with a horizontal sword because of his defeat. He is looking for a chance to make a comeback. This troll army is the last trump card in his hand. If he wins this battle, then this trump card key, as the forerunner of the big counterattack, must be unstoppable. But he lost, and it is impossible for him to regain the defeat by this army.

Sean thought of a place: Roche Hotel. There are countless treasures hidden in the Roche Hotel. As long as he has obtained these wealth and led the troll army loyal to him, he will still have a chance to stand by. So when the battle was bad and irretrievably, Sean took his best troops. Appeared outside Luo’s gate.

Luo Qian touched his head and was a little unhappy: This **** Sean, the ghost is still there, but you just came here, just to use your most elite troops to verify the power of the treasure I recently acquired.

Such a troll army destroys the city and destroys the village. What’s more, it just captured a Roche hotel with only one wall? The guests in the hotel were completely deserted, originally thought they were just ordinary troops. Unexpectedly, such a powerful troll army came. There was a mess in the hotel, and some even wanted to open the back door and escape! When people are in a panic, they really make a lot of ridiculous choices.

Luo Qian glanced at Sophia: “Send all the guards to maintain order.” Sophia was taken aback: “Boss, are you really crazy?” Luo Qian was too lazy to explain to her, and said coldly: “Photo I told you to do it!” Sophia touched her forehead, she was sure that the boss was crazy. But the crazy boss is still the boss, she ordered the guards to go down to maintain order. At the same time, I wondered how to escape in a while.

Luo Qian is not the only one fighting. There are more than one hundred guards on the wall. These people are not willing to execute orders because they are not so confident in Luo Qian. Leave Luo Qian alone on the wall. He hangs up and it doesn’t matter, but if it hurts himself, he has to give his name. Facing a legion of three thousand trolls, once the castle is breached, all people have a dead end.

Luo Qian looked at those people. The emotions in their eyes clearly regarded him as a lunatic. Luo Qian smiled bitterly and teased Little Bao’er who was sitting on top of his head: “My dear son, are you saying that Dad is crazy?” Little Bao’er pulled Luo Qiandi’s hair. The height here made him a little scared, lying tightly on top of Luo Qian’s head, like a piece of gum.

Sean knows that hundreds of thousands of troops are chasing behind him, and he doesn’t know where this army is chasing. Therefore, it would be better to be able to solve the Roche Hotel without blood. He and Luo Qian have no time to resolve their grievances. .

Sean rode on the shoulders of the senior troll and said loudly to Luo Qian: “Mr. Luo, we have a good experience of working together, and I hope to continue this kind of cooperation today. I am just asking for money this time. I can allow you to take people out of the hotel. I promise with the dignity of the devil that I will not attack you.”

Sean’s sound waves cover the entire hotel, and many guests are there.

He asked Luo Qian to accept this condition. After all, he thought that the Demon King was willing to use his own guarantee, indicating that he was indeed sincere.

A smile appeared at the corner of Sean’s mouth. The wall was not very thick or very high. He had already heard the sound inside. Look at the fence again. More than a hundred people are standing sparsely, but Sean feels something wrong in his heart. His natural suspicious character makes him very strange: Where are the people who made him suffer last time? ? Those people are strangely dressed and can be distinguished at a glance. But there are no such people on this wall!

He couldn’t help being careful, and at the same time he changed his mind: Originally, he really thought that if Luo Qian withdrew, he would not attack, and now even if Luo Qian withdrew, he would not let these people go. I want to use tactics against my Demon King Sean, huh, and I don’t want to think about my career!

Sean patted the sitting high-level troll lightly. This troll is the leader of the entire troll army. Sean has a soul contract with it. When Sean’s heart moves, this troll will I have already understood what he meant. There was a low growl in the throat of the senior troll, and there was a commotion in the troll army behind it.

“Mr. Luo, how is it, have you considered it?”

Luo Qian looked at the guests in the hotel. They all came out of the room, gathered on the grass, and yelled at Luo Qian on the wall with their necks back. The more than one hundred guards could not Control them. Luo Qian ignored them and looked at Xiao En outside quietly.

“His Majesty, you have never been a desperate person, but this time you personally led the elite troops to attack. Strange, what about your generals?” Sean’s generals were all killed in the battle. He is now There really is no general who thought he could be sent to the battlefield.

Luo Qian has almost guessed Sean’s intentions. He laughed loudly and said: “Sean, when you treached, did you ever think you would have today! Ask me to withdraw from the hotel? It’s ridiculous. Today is annihilation. Your best time, do you think I will miss this opportunity?”

Luo Qiandi’s calmness made Xiao En more and more alarmed. The impression of the last fiasco was deeply burned in his mind, Luo Qian was extremely cunning, and his strength behind him was unfathomable. These Sean all know. He is so calm, he must have something to rely on.

“What about your mysterious warriors, why didn’t you see them?” Sean asked. Luo Qian chuckled, seemingly unaware that it was Sean spying on his strength. “They have all left.”

Sean is determined that they are no longer there, so what is there to be afraid of? He looked at the mighty troll army behind him, and couldn’t help but scold himself for being too careful, even if those people were still there. The strength of his own three thousand trolls is twice as high as the last time. If those people are still there, it will be a revenge for the last time!

In the hotel, guests heard that Luo Qian had let the demons go, and the noise suddenly became louder. Some people even began to question Luo Qian’s IQ very rudely. Luo Qian heard it irritably. Squinting at the guards on the wall: “Go down and let those guys shut up for me!” The guards didn’t look at him, standing on the wall holding their weapons.

Luo Qian was annoyed and said: “When I clean up Sean, you will all be fucked!” Those people didn’t pay attention to his threats. Seeing Luo Qiandi’s eyes, the meaning was clearly: you solve it first Let’s talk about the trouble at hand.

Outside the fence. Xiao En was no longer willing to waste time anymore. The pursuit of hundreds of thousands of troops behind him left him like a man on his back, and he couldn’t delay any more time! He raised his hand: “Mr. Luo, give you time to consider. I have dozens of voices. If you still don’t agree to withdraw from the hotel, I will order a storm!”

“One, two…”

Luo Qian said impatiently: “Don’t be so troublesome, I’ll help you finish losing. Ten!” Sean was furious, and his palm suddenly fell: “Kill” was already ready with his order. The troll army is dispatched. The 1,500 heads in the front shrank, and the formation looked like a snake with Sean going backwards, and the 1,500 trolls from the back pulled apart and pushed forward quickly. Luo Qian couldn’t help but admired: He could train a species with low intelligence like trolls to be like this, and Earth is indeed an elite teacher. No wonder Sean is so arrogant.

Fifteen hundred trolls rushed, the power is unimaginable! A behemoth more than ten meters high, even if it has only one head. It can also knock through the poor walls of the Roche Hotel. The earth is beating like a drum, the trolls are speeding like the wind, and they are covered with long hairs floating behind them, the black hole eyes become blood red, and the fangs become more and more terrifying. The running troll had to release a round of magic. The magic missiles of various colors drew an arc like a mortar shell and fell into the Roche Hotel.

The energy barrier of the hotel opened, and the troll’s first round of magical attacks returned without success. But the magical light that exploded like a firework above the head made the frightened birds in the hotel screamed and fled more like a pan. Seeing the ferocity of those trolls, Luo Qian was not sure that the Golden Armored Mechanic Troops could deal with these guys. To be on the safe side, he should summon them all at once.

The golden light soared into the passed through the energy barrier of the Roche Hotel, but it seemed to hit the invisible sky, and the golden star that pierced into the sky fell. The Qibing descended from the sky, and three thousand two hundred gold armored robots fell in the air, headed by the gold armored robots 1 and 2. Two golden captains fell in the air, a group of golden light gushing out of their bodies, and their arms spread out and suddenly pushed, golden light seemed to bombard a troll body. The huge body of the troll was immediately knocked out, pretending to be a big pit and glide long distances, the golden light passed through the breastplate, directly blasting its heart into a mass of fleshy mud, and the seven orifices of the troll lying on the ground bleed. , The pale fangs had been dyed red, and it seemed impossible to survive.

Three thousand two hundred golden-armored robots, a golden star leaped on the troll. Although the trolls are fierce, the golden robots are equally powerful. More importantly, the Golden Armored Robot will never die, and even if he is beaten, he can fly back and continue fighting.

Although the troll’s resilience is also very strong, it is insignificant compared to the golden armored robot. One depends on the *recovery force, the other cannot be broken at all, the result can be imagined.

At first, Luo Qian was worried that the Golden Armored Robot could not cope with it, but the battle situation gradually became one-sided. Luo Qian was relieved and looked at Xiao En in the distance with a smile.

His Royal Highness turned around and ran away without saying a word. I’m still cursing in my heart: This bastard, I knew he was conspiring…

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