Immortal Realm’s Smuggling Kingpin Chapter 13: Deeming Death as Home (Part 1)

Qi Ren sent a greeting note, asking Luo to move to the mansion.

Since the last auction, Luo Qian has not seen Qi Ren and Thunder Tiger again. These two predators conspired to seize Zhang Xiunian’s Haihe Horse Farm, but they did not know the result. But Zhang Xiunian is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He doesn’t want to lose-lose at this time. He has to rely on Thunder Tiger’s sales channels for the time being.

When he arrived at the Black Jade ticket number, Thunder Tiger was there. The two of them looked a little gloomy. Luo Qian guessed that these two guys must have kicked the iron plate – Zhang Xiunian is not good at each other after all.

Thunder Tiger said straight to the point: “Brother Luo, I am looking for you this time. One is to discuss with you the next plan, and the other is to ask for your opinion on something.”

“I bought another game console recently, but this time, there was an accident.” Thunder Tiger said a little embarrassed: “There is a guy, after he took the 3 million top-grade immortal jade , But temporarily changed my mind and prepared to use one thing to settle the account. It is difficult for Lao Qi and I to decide, after all, this thing belongs to you.”

Luo Qian asked, “What is he going to use to settle the account?” Thunder Tiger took out something embarrassed: “I blame this thing. That guy has always kept his promises, but he didn’t expect it to be like this this time. “It seems that the background of the people who relied on the account is not simple, otherwise Thunder Tiger will definitely not consider bartering, and must do everything possible to get the money back.

Luo Qian realized this, and decided in his heart, no matter what the person used to pay off, he would recognize it. It’s just a game console anyway. Everyone has to cooperate in the future, don’t make Thunder Tiger too embarrassed.

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In Leihuo’s hand, is a black jade board with two weird characters: Ghost Lian. Luo Qian was taken aback: “What is this?” Leihuo said: “This is a secret technique for making artifacts, but it must be a soul immortal to cultivate. Therefore, although this thing is precious, it is for most people, It’s also a useless display.”

Luo Qian looked down at the “Ghost Refining Secret Art” in his hand, concealing his greedy gaze, and asked in a calm voice: “What order is this Secret Art?” Thunder Tiger stretched out his hand and patted the jade board. , A crisp sound, the jade board turns into nine: “From the first to the ninth, there are all.”

Luo Qian almost roared out excitedly: A complete set of the secret technique of the soul fairy craft! *, if you really run into a rich soul fairy, this set of secret techniques can at least buy tens of millions of top-grade fairy jade!

But as Thunder Tiger said, this thing is an expensive display for ordinary people. Although its true value is very high, it can only be seen and cannot be held.

But Luo Qian now has a ready-made soul-cultivating fairy-Xiao Xiangzi.

It is true that Xiao Xiangzi has no money now, but Luo Qian needs him. The jewelry smuggled from the lower realms has no effect. Only through Xiao Xiangzi’s wonderful hands can they double their value. Of course, Luo Qian currently only believes in Xiao Xiangzi.

Thunder Tiger saw Luo Qian keep his head down, thinking he was unhappy. After all, the three million that can be obtained has become a pile of black jade, and everyone will be very unhappy. Thunder Tiger sighed and said: “Brother Luo, we are not unreasonable for this character, but it is not worth it because three million fights and loses to both ends. So I want to settle things down. This time he owes us a favor. He understands in his heart. It must be helpful to us. So, look at…”

Thunder Tiger was a little embarrassed, he deliberately came to persuade Luo Qian, but he was embarrassed to speak.

Luo Qian waved his hand: “Since Lao Lei, you have said so, can you still agree to be a brother? Okay, this thing is the game console. But this thing, how can the three of us divide it?” He pretended to ask, why would the Thunder Tiger, who was ashamed of his heart, feel embarrassed to share with him? He hurriedly stuffed nine jade boards into his coat: “Brother Luo, although this thing is not valuable, it is a secret technique anyway. It caused you to lose so much. Just treat it as a small apology for the two of us. “Luo Qian wanted to evade, and Qi Ren also said: “Xiao Luo, you better accept it, or else, I want to credit one and a half million in your account.” Luo Qian smiled. Pretending to be reluctant, he set off firecrackers with joy in his heart and took it down.

Thunder Tiger saw him accept it, and felt a little better. Then he said, “This is the end of the game console. Next, we have to quit the computer game. I have already thought about the plan. I will invite ten credibility, Customers who are in the forefront of wealth, try to play on my Wangyunfeng, try to be as mysterious as possible. The first auction was also conducted among these ten people, and then the veil was lifted step by step, and the second auction took 30 people. Fifty people participated for the third time… and finally transitioned to the mass auction. What do you think?”

Luo Qian did not expect that this seemingly honest Thunder Tiger would be so cunning that he could even come up with the ultimate sales technique of maintaining mystery. He couldn’t help but nodded and said: “I think it will work, Lao Lei, I will leave everything to you.”

“After the first auction of computer games, I am going to start supplying game consoles for a long time. Each one is initially priced at 500,000 top-grade immortal jade. How are you, Ronaldinho, can the goods be available?” Leihuo asked .

Luo Qian nodded: “No problem.”


The secret technique “Ghost Lian” left the black jade ticket number, Luo Qian whistled and came to Xiao Xiangzi’s door. Xiao Xiangzi

Recently, the frequent “interference” is obviously a bit dissatisfied-no one will be happy.

Luo Qian mysteriously said: “Don’t be dissatisfied, and welcome me in quickly, otherwise I don’t have to be cheap for today’s business.” Xiao Xiangzi frowned when he saw him soaring. With a wave, a sheep intestine path appeared under his feet, and said stiffly: “Then Luo Dadong, please come in.”

Luo Qian went inside, looked around, and asked casually: “Little chest, what school do you belong to, and what kind of exercises do you cultivate?” Xiao Xiangzi replied, “No school, no school, all I cultivate Fanshu, because I have been giving you equipment recently, I have reached the level of Tier 4 immortals.”

Although he has reached Tier 4, he can’t compare with other Tier 4 instrument repairs with secret arts. The gap between Fanju and Secret Skill is as huge as the gap between civilian technology and military technology.

Luo Qian sits down with a big sword, Golden Horse, and waved his hand: “Take tea.” Xiao Xiangzi patiently brought a cup of tea: “Okay, Lao Luo, tell me what’s going on.” Luo Qian held the tea bowl. , Dropped a piece of black jade casually: “Here, take a look.”

Xiao Xiangzi suspiciously, holding the black jade board for a while, looking at it in surprise, and said in surprise: “This is, this is the secret technique of soul immortality…It’s a pity, it’s only a Tier 1, but even if it’s only Tier 1, Very valuable.” He said he was about to put it in his arms. Luo Qian sneered, Xiao Xiangzi sneered: “Why, Brother Luo didn’t give it to me?”

Luo Qian put down the tea bowl and said with a serious face: “Xiao Xiong, we have worked together for so long, how am I treating you?” Xiao Xiangzi recalled carefully. Although Luo Qian is sometimes annoying, but from the perspective of cooperation , That is really one of the top ten partners. Never default on payment, and profit sharing is fair. Xiao Xiangzi has often benefited from him these days. He nodded and said with a thumbs up: “I don’t have to say, you are a very good partner.”

Luo Qian continued: “Do you think, from a partner’s point of view, how much should I sell you for such a secret technique for repairing horcruxes?” Xiao Xiangzi’s expression changed, but he said: “Luo Brother, you know, me, this, I can’t afford the price…”

Luo Qian also nodded: “Yes. I’m really sorry then, I want to take it back.” He stretched out his hand to get the black jade, and Xiao Xiangzi quickly said: “Brother Luo, Brother Luo, I will provide you for free for the next ten years. How about doing a part-time job?” Luo Qian chuckled and threw out another piece of black jade board, followed by another piece, another piece…nine pieces in a row. Xiao Xiangzi’s eyes straightened: A complete set of Soul Immortal Artifacts Secret Technique, from level 1 to ninth, how many lifetimes will he have to work to repay this debt? But asking him to give up is definitely more painful than cutting his mind. With this set of secret techniques, he can be crowned the palace of the master craftsman of the immortal world, maybe even among the ranks of the top masters!

What a temptation this is! Xiao Xiangzi swallowed and spat unconsciously.

Luo Qian said: “Xiaoxiong, I never treat partners badly, but I treat myself better.” Xiao Xiangzi immediately said: “Brother Luo, from today onwards, I will be a fellow at Luoshi Pharmacy! “Luo Qian smiled and shook his head: “You are not our buddy, you are the treasurer of our Roche jewelry, and the number one craftsman. I will give you 10% of the stock, how about?” Xiao Xiangzi did not want to agree, “No Question.”

Hand~play~xiao~say, hand~play~version~novel, text~word~version~novel, all in it

General Luo Qian didn’t have a black jade board left: “These days you practice hard, and then refine a batch of jewelry. I will give it to the immortal couple of Yinquan Yin as a wedding gift.”

Since he has become his own, the treatment is naturally different. Xiao Xiangzi gave Luo Qian a jade charm, allowing him to enter and leave his residence freely. Luo Qian allowed him to concentrate on his cultivation, and he didn’t need to worry about the preparations of Luo’s jewellery.

Luo Qian walked out of Xiao Xiangzi’s thatched cottage, and there was a crazy laugh behind him. Luo Qian couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled. Although he didn’t care much on the surface, he was actually quite proud in his heart.

Out of the Xiushui Qian went to find Du Nong. The two discussed the preparation of Luo’s jewelry, Luo Qian decided to open Luo’s jewelry to the “Six Sources”. After all, the jewellery industry is an industry consumed by high-end consumers. If it is only confined within the Thirty-Six Mountains, it will not do much.

Du Nengding purchased a small jewelry workshop in Ningyao Mountain, and he plans to build a large jewelry shop based on this.


Naturally nonsense is free:

(Shi San hasn’t updated this morning, six brothers gave me monthly tickets, which made me feel ashamed. Haha, Shi San wrote about everyone!)

(In terms of updating, this book will not have the speed of “Feeding God”. Shi San decided to control the speed, improve the quality, and guarantee two updates and 6,000 words every day, and irregular outbreaks. Shi San can also guarantee 10,000 every day Second, if you rush too fast in that case, you will be a little bit unable to keep up with your thinking. The final result is the mid-term of “The God of Feeding”. It is very boring to write. I’m sorry for the money you spent reading books. The most important thing is, I’m sorry for your support And expectations, so please understand, haha.)

PS: I would like to recommend to you all~ Go to Novel Network (w_w_w.s_d_x_s_) to read and download all text.

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