Earth’s Best Gamer Chapter 471: Fusion: Transcendent Tier 2, Nightmare Halberd!

“Put this dragon whale into the cold water and watch!”

After letting the navy soldiers on the mirage dragon ship put this dragon whale that has turned on evolution under control.

Ji Ye took the “Thousand-Year Ice Dragon Sword” and came to the grassland on the shore.

“What’s the situation?”

“I have been trained to be able to fight in action…”

Li Guang, dressed as a “Yasha Ming Wang Jia”, nodded to Ji Ye.

Beside him, the strength has reached the pinnacle of the eighth step of Transcendence, and Erha sits on a teenager, but he is the fifteen-year-old who has participated in the live interview of Dragon City and won hundreds of international generals. The genius “child”.

He is holding a fist-sized gray ball in his hand. It is the “mist” that Ji Ye used to condense with the Yin and Yang Shuanglong. It has the function of manipulating “unicorns”.

This genius boy did not enter Dragon City through a “special invitation”, but he happened to be one of the fourth batch of selected ones.

Because he was born with the ability to “multi-purpose with one heart”, he was quickly trained after entering the Dragon City, and now his strength has been pushed above the fifth rank.


In front of the two, there are 20 unicorns lined up to form a battlefield. Each unicorn sits on top of a person, holding a long-range weapon such as bows, arrows and guns made by Guangjin. Wearing armor made of “Buddha Gold”, a pair of scimitars and a bottle of “holy water” collected from the unicorn area are hung on his waist!

This is the “Unicorn Camp” newly formed by the “Heaven Army” of Dragon City. The two leaders are Qin Yueyu and Hu Sanniang, and all the personnel are women!

The reason why the entire “Unicorn Camp” is full of women is the collective appeal of some female players.

Most of the combatants in Dragon City are men, especially male players in special arms occupy 90%. After all, although they won’t really die in the land of inheritance, they are The ability to withstand pain and attack still has the upper hand for men.

However, now that there are tens of thousands of Dragon City personnel, there is certainly no shortage of female players who dare to go to the battlefield.

After Longcheng obtained these unicorns, Qin Yueyu and Hu Sanniang took the initiative to apply when they were discussing the formation of a new “celestial army”.

After discussing with the rest of the management, Ji Ye also agreed.

Because, the 20 female players that make up the “Unicorn Camp” are all level 5 or above, and they have passed extremely strict training, and each of them is rated above elite, and their combat effectiveness is complete. Not worse than some men.

Furthermore, if Ji Ye remembers correctly, the “unicorns” in Western legends are all female mounts.

There are even sayings that the power of healing and light in the unicorn symbolizes light, holiness and nobility, and only the purest virgin can be recognized by it.

“Hey, don’t move around!”

Several female combat players sitting on the backs of unicorns, some shouted at the unicorns that were constantly twisting under them.

It’s not because they are not virgins.

Perhaps, real unicorns do have a cleanliness that non-virgins cannot ride on them.

However, these unicorns in Dragon City themselves have been swallowed by the mist, so naturally there is no such thing as the so-called selection of masters.

However, in order to make up for the lack of souls of these unicorns, relying solely on the problem that the “child” alone cannot fully take care of during the battle, under the advice of Jiu Shu, all of these unicorns’ bodies are temporarily The land has incorporated the souls of some lower-level male players through the “soul transfer charm”.

To a certain extent, they cooperate with the “children” to jointly manipulate the body of the unicorn, and exert the maximum combat effectiveness of this creature with dual morphing attributes.

The reason why they are all male is because female players are definitely not willing to be riding under them by their own sex.

As for men…

Posture up and down or something, it doesn’t exist!

“City Lord!”

In addition to these 20 female “Unicorn Camp” players, Dragon City has actually formed another kind of heavenly army “Nightmare Camp” in the past two days. The beasts are 50% similar, but the unicorn on the head is black, and the flames in the eyes are tumbling, and the hooves are also made up of red nightmare horses.

[Nightmare Horse]

Level: Transcendence Level 5

Class: Elite

Explanation: The fallen unicorn induced by the’Power of Nightmare’ has mastered the extraordinary power of darkness and flame.

The power of the nightmare!

This naturally comes from the “Nightmare Horn” that contains extraordinary power after the mist was destroyed.

In the past few days, in addition to “Gatlin Bodhisattva” and “Millennium Ice Dragon Sword”, Ji Ye has also incorporated an extraordinary item.

This is the horn of the nightmare that has a “perfect” rating, but the attributes show “broken”!

His original intention is to see if there is a way to “repair” it.

However, when Ji Ye used his talent to fuse this “corner of the nightmare”, something strange happened.

That is, his consciousness was drawn into a gray space just like the fusion of “Buddha Shadow Light Gold”.


In this space, there is a body that looks illusory and dim, with a nightmare with a faint and extraordinary aura on the body, and the body is full of scars and frantically moving, and the gray mist around it is constantly trying to surge Into its body.

Let this nightmare whine continuously, and some dim red flames appeared on the body to force the gray mist out!

However, the flame disappeared in a blink of an eye, but was engulfed by new fog.

“Hey Lv Lv!”

And when Ji Ye’s consciousness appeared.

The supernatural nightmare king, who has been seriously injured and flabby, seems to have found a way to survive.

It was the dark red flame on the four hoofs, forcibly rushing out of the road, carrying a large amount of gray fog like bone-attached maggots, rushing towards Ji Ye’s direction.


In the face of this scene, which was obviously intended to “cause trouble”, Ji Ye raised a sharp eyebrow.


The next moment, there was a dragon chant that shook the soul.

However, a black, straight and thick sword appeared on his body!

After rushing out of the body, it transformed into a ten-foot-long black “Dragon Soul” in the air and threw out sharply.


With a single knife, not only the half-illusory and weak “Nightmare” was cut in half, and even the entire gray mist space was split apart.

[“Kill the Nightmare King (Extraordinary Tier 1 · Quasi-leader), Experience: 10498, Merit: 807, Rare Merit: 30!”]

After that, a kill prompt appeared in Ji Ye’s head.

Even, from this, he obtained an extraordinary level of quasi-leader civilization soul!


After leaving the “mist space”, Ji Ye opened his eyes, and looked at the “corner of the nightmare” in his hand and spoke softly.

After a little thinking, Ji Ye continued to start “fusion”.

However, this time it is not a single fusion, but the “Nightmare Horn” that shows broken attributes and the “Karma Fire Trident” taken out of the Void Ring!


Along with the silver light emerging from the two treasures containing extraordinary power, the sound of something burning on the horn of the nightmare can be faintly heard.

Even, some gray mist rushed out, but in the fused silver light, it was compressed again and became the material of this round of fusion.

It was a few hours before the bright silver light in the treasure chest dissipated.

A dark red flame was tumbling on the black trident in front of Ji Ye. The shape has not changed much from the original, but the attributes have changed a lot.

[Nightmare·Karma Fire Halberd]

Level: Extraordinary Second Order

Class: Perfect·Rare

Explanation: A nightmare soul and horns, a karma fire trident, and a weapon formed after the fusion of an unknown force, which has initially entered the transcendent level, possesses’depravity’,’summon nightmare’, and’dreamland’ The three supernatural powers of “Domination” and “Karma Burning Body”!

Another extraordinary Tier 2 weapon.

There is no doubt that the power of this weapon is not under the “Hundred Dragon Soul Knife”, and it even exceeds in some respects.

After all, this is the same “perfect” quality as the finishing touch.

And its attribute, when the first “depraved” is aimed at unicorns, it can turn those unicorns into “nightmare” by virtue of the “power of nightmare”, although it will not appear too much in the level. Changes, but the attributes have changed from “Thunder and Light” to “Flame and Darkness”!

The second “Summon Nightmare” is to use this “Nightmare·Karma Fire Halberd” to summon a semi-substantial “Nightmare King” to assist in the fight.

In contrast, the “dream master” in Article 3 is the real transcendent category, which can invade the ability of others’ dreams and spy into others’ subconscious world.

After Ji Ye inspired this ability.

It was a little curious to shuttle through the dreams of the entire Dragon City personnel, and it really found a lot of little secrets!

“Xiaojie, you are so awesome!”

“Student Ajie, you won the honor for our Hengjiang Second Middle School!”

“Brother Jie, when I was ignorant, I dared to **** my sister-in-law with you. This is one million. You must not care about a small person like me.”

“Ajie, the general manager is looking for you personally and wants to talk with you about cooperation…”

For example, there is a rookie player who returns to Earth in his dream, in front of his relatives, friends, boss, and passers-by, enjoying all kinds of compliments and compliments with pride.

“Zhou Yu is mine, Yan Qing is mine, Hua Rong, Zhao Yun are mine…mine, mine…”

There are also female players sleeping on the bed, drooling in their mouths.

Beside her in her dream, Zhao Yun with silver armor and white horse, Yanqing with flowers embroidered all over her body, Huarong with sword eyebrows and stars, and white Confucian crowns, are all around her with diligence, all kinds of concave shapes!

Of course, as the lord of a city, he is not inferior to those who appealed.

Ji Ye herself also appeared in the dreams of some players.

For example, a core female player who looks very cold in daily life and wears glasses is a core female player who is not allowed to enter. The content in the dream turned out to be “love at first sight” in the palace’s city lord’s mansion. And staged a palace fight with the imaginary rivals. After the palace fight failed, he entered the cold palace for ten years, and Gu Ying felt sorry for himself.

“Your Majesty!”

When I finally saw him, his expression suddenly appeared full of surprise, and his eyes were full of tiger and wolf colors.

Ji Ye was very embarrassed and “run away” through dreams!

There is no idea that you will be wrong. After all, “Nightmare” is also a widely spread creature on the earth, and it will cause problems if it messes up.


It just so happens that Ji Ye just broke into the dream of a monster that resembles a flathead brother in the outer area of ​​Dragon City, and put that one in the same dream, lying on one side. The master of the dream on the mother flat-headed brother was frightened and his limbs trembled.

Then, grinning, roaring and attacking his uninvited guest.

However, this flat-headed brother didn’t get close to Ji Ye at all, and was directly burnt to ashes by the “karma fire” flying from the nightmare head under his feet!

At the same time, the real fifth-order badger-like creature also collapsed suddenly, but from the surface of the body, there was no slightest injury.

Even, after injecting the soul with the “Hundred Dragon Soul Knife”, he can manipulate his body to move!

This kind of picture is obviously a bit familiar.

“I probably guessed what kind of method these mists used to wipe out all the unicorns with flying and healing abilities!”

Ji Ye’s face is a little serious.

“City Lord, those gray mists are suddenly tumbling, and there is an area in the middle that seems to be on fire.”

In particular, after Ji Ye was completely integrated and left the “treasure house”, he immediately received a message from the personnel guarding the “Mist” from the “Skynet” channel.

“Are there any changes in the mists approaching us?”

“This one didn’t. Instead, it moved away from us a little bit, and the density seemed to be darker!”

“Well, that’s okay. You continue to guard and observe closely!”

Next, Ji Ye will increase the number of people who originally defended the “Mist” front line to a full 1,000 people, and arranged for Li Chun and Zhu Wu, who have mastered the strength of the “Feng Shui Grand Array” and are about to break through the extraordinary. .

“Everyone, all drink the ‘Nan Lu Xing Shen Soup’ prepared by Commander An. During the defense, no one can sleep!”

And, strictly ordered one sentence.

In addition, he secretly handed the soul of civilization of an extraordinary level to Su Nongying who was staying at the stronghold, and ordered a few words.

After that, Ji Ye got up and went to a newly built secret underground military base in the Land of Radiation.

“City Lord!”

“Are you ready?”

Facing a pile of scientific researchers wearing protective clothing and a few heavy metal boxes with yellow three-leaf logos piled beside Ye nodded.

“Well, thanks to the construction drawings of your’six clean bombs’, which gave us the idea of ​​miniaturization. Otherwise, it is really difficult to fully achieve the requirements!”

He Lao’s face was bloodshot, and he looked a little tired.

However, because of the nourishment of Dragon City’s large amount of nectar and stone milk, his body is now in his 50s or 60s, so there won’t be any major problems.

“This time, let the aliens also see the true ‘supernatural power’ that belongs to us on earth!”

As for a player who majored in nuclear engineering at a university, his expression was quite a bit excited.

“Yes, we should also let the aliens know what’the world’s nuclear peace’ is all of a sudden!”

Ji Ye also has a smile on her face.

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