Earth’s Best Gamer Chapter 440: Internet addiction teenager Li Yuanba

   The sand and dust on the barren yellow mud floor are flying, and a bird’s nest with a full diameter of one meter hangs above the black dead tree like a bee.

   “叽, 叽, 叽……”

  Several birds with black feathers are competing for food.

   A human head with pale black and green hair and messy hair. The eyes and face have been pecked by the beak, and black blood oozes from the bird’s nest to the ground below.

   There is a larger black bird standing at the top of the nest, a pair of red eyes radiating blood, with vigilance and defensive eyes, watching the “booming” passing under the tree A carriage drawn by four yellow horses and wrapped in mahogany at a height of one foot.

   “Black blood crow, a third-order creature, it is not a big threat to us!”

   From the position of the car window, Li Qing took back the “Razer” pistol that was transformed from the stone of civilization rewarded by “Hundreds of Water Struggles”, and reached the level of ninth-level excellent quality “Razer” pistol.

   “Are you sure, there is no difference between our moving direction and the route?”

   Then, he turned his head to the Yellow Turban scout who was kneeling next to him.

   “Yes, absolutely right!”

   The Yellow Turban Scout named Li Dayan said with sweat on his forehead.

  ”We came here from this direction. At that time, we ran into a group of hungry wolves with blue eyes and damaged two brothers… The head of the man in the birdhouse just now should be Li Er, who died yesterday, I still remember the origin of the scar on his ear…”

  ” Fairy, I’m sure, that Guobei county seat is not far ahead, about one kilometer away!”

   Then, he looked at Ji Ye, who was in the middle of the carriage and was using his “experience” with his eyes to be proficient in the Dawei Tianlong tattoos, and his voice was cautious and authentic.

   I can’t help but he is uneasy and humble!

   Last night, when Ji Ye killed the three-headed Yasha monster that was chasing him, he showed the ability to fly to the sky and escape the ground like a god.

   And the “golden carriage” he was riding in today made him a little more frightened. The whole car was made of pure gold. The interior is bigger and the exterior looks much bigger. This car is full With more than a dozen people and certain supplies, there is no sense of crowding.

   Although, he didn’t understand why the “Xianren” had determined the location of “Guobei County” through the “Xianren” method, and even supported this huge carriage and the people in the carriage together in the air. They flew more than a dozen miles before landing, and then walked towards Guobei County according to their original trajectory when they came out of Black Mountain.

   “Guobei County…”

   Hearing this name, in the interior of the carriage, under the white gauze of Nie Xiaoqian who was separated from the outside by a curtain, his eyes were a little curious.

   is not too nervous.

  Because she has died once, and all her identity memories are gone, although she roughly knows her original life from players such as Su Nongying and Shang Yan.

   But to be honest, neither Guobei County nor the tree demon grandma don’t feel much!

  The reason why I came here was also because I was worried that after “Young Master” left Dragon City, he would be unaccustomed to lack of people to serve.

  ”Here, when you turn ahead, you can see Guo Beicheng!”

   At this time, Li Dayan was a little excited and authentic through the external image projected by the “Dragon Ball” inside the golden chariot.

   and indeed as he said, after turning.

   An ancient city that looked a bit dilapidated, with no walls around it, appeared in the eyes of the people of Longcheng.


  , the moment four yellow horses pulled the modified golden dragon cart into the city.

   Suddenly, a scream of killing sounded, and a large group of fierce people, holding swords and other weapons in their hands, slew out from both sides of the main street into the city!

   “Not good!”

   “There is an ambush!”

   “Well, protect the city lord!”

  In the golden dragon cart, several Tiefutu suddenly stood up, and one Tiefutu immediately controlled the somewhat dumbfounded Li Dayan.

   However, the next moment, their faces are stunned again.

   “ding, ding, ding…”

   Because these people didn’t come in a carriage, they were killing each other on the street in front of them.

   “Kill him!”

  ”The fugitive, which one is the fugitive?”

   “The one with the big beard.”

   Besides, I was still killing people, and the blood was hit by the knife, and in a blink of an eye, five or six people fell on the ground.

   “Sure enough, it is Guo Beicheng from “A Chinese Ghost Story”…”

   And seeing this scene, Ji Ye is completely sure that this is indeed from Guo Beicheng in the world of “A Chinese Ghost Story”, rather than in the real history or in Liao Zhai novels.

  ”Stop it, stop it!”

   However, after a few deaths, these people stopped again.

   only because the golden dragon car that entered the city was covered and concealed with mahogany on the surface, but the exaggerated shape and the extravagant domineering revealed by the details could not be completely concealed.

   is very natural and has attracted the attention of these people.

   “Hey, my knife seems to be missing. Who of you saw it?”

   “My silver seems to have fallen, hey, did it fall under your car? Get out of the way, I want to check it!”

   “These horses look like I lost them yesterday!”

  After looking at each other, these people shouted and raised the knife in their hands with greed in their eyes!

   There are only two people in the driving seat, which is larger than the inside of an ordinary carriage.

   One is Dian Wei holding the reins in his hand and restraining his murderous aura.

   The other is Li Yuanba, who looks like a teenager. At this time, he is holding a silver-gray PSP and playing with his head down.

  Whether it was the light and sword shadow just now, the flesh and blood, or the deliberate questioning of these people now, he didn’t bother to lift his head, but focused his eyes and pressed the buttons with both hands.

   In fact, after using his soul of civilization to transform this “magic weapon” on the recommendation of a young player who just joined the base yesterday, this hero in the Sui and Tang Dynasties quickly indulged in Among them, he has successfully passed the night for twelve hours so far.

   Not to mention, because of his infinite physical strength, Li Yuanba doesn’t need to sleep at all, and no one can compare it to “liver”.

   was sitting outside because he felt that the crowds in the carriage were too annoying, which prevented him from playing games.

   But compared to his almost invincible combat power at the same level, this game-playing talent is obviously the inverse.

   After nine hours, the simple difficulty “Kui Ye” on the screen is still wandering around the map of the temple.

  ”The levels of these people are all above the seventh mortal level, and among them there are a few people of the mortal level, but no one is above the fifth mortal level!”

  In the golden dragon cart, Li Qing said.

   These people are physically better than the players.

   This is also normal, after all, a Chinese Ghost Story belongs to a world where gods and ghosts exist, and the strength of warriors can also be very powerful.

   is like “Swordsmanship No. 1 in the world” Yan Chixia, the Zuo Qianhu who dared to attack Cihang Purdue in the second part, is more powerful than the conventional historical world.

   “Damn it, dead again!”

   “Fuck me all, let’s make a noise, I killed you…”

   After the “Kui Ye” in the game console fell under the “simple” Medusa once again, Li Yuanba fell into anger and raised his head to a bunch of people in Guobei County. Shouted a sentence.

   “What, I heard that right, did he call us ‘get off’?”

   “Ha, the hair under this kid hasn’t grown up yet, so let us make way. I have never heard of it!”

   When a group of people heard Li Yuanba’s roar, their expressions were shocked.

   Then, he laughed out loud as if he heard a joke.

   After all, compared to the amazing size, they feel a little afraid of Dian Wei.

   A scrawny child like Li Yuanba is visually invisible to anyone.

  ”This carriage is so tightly wrapped, there must be a fugitive inside. Everyone will take down the carriage and catch people out and send them to the county office to receive a reward!”

  A big man, his eyes are full of greedy words.

   could not help rushing forward, and the nine-ring sword in his hand slashed directly at the “red wooden carriage”.

   “I said, if you make another noise, you will die!”


   The next moment, more than a meter long, the nine-ring sword made of pure iron shattered directly.

   Then, the whole body of this big man burst out in the air, and the exploded blood rushed more than ten meters above the street, staining the whole street and even the nearby shops!

   “Ah, ah, ah…”

   There were several people who were fragmented and flew out of the nine-ring big knife fragments and iron rings to hit them, and fell to the ground with pain in their mouths.


   The street, which was originally quite noisy, suddenly became silent.

   A bunch of swordsmen with greedy gazes, their complexions suddenly changed, and a lot of sweat oozes from their foreheads.


   There was even someone who splashed blood and meat on his face and vomited directly.

   Even if they are accustomed to seeing death by licking their blood, the scene of being blown up with a fist is also timid.


   “They are crowded, everyone withdraws, and they won’t fight today.”


   then moved quickly, embarrassedly pulling up his affected companions on the ground and fled.

  In a blink of an eye, the whole street suddenly became empty.

   However, not everyone ran away. For example, a thin man who was not lucky enough to be hit by a flying hoop and fell to the ground, with a broken leg, could only crawl on the ground.

   “Say, what status are you…”

   Dianwei walked over, and one hand would grab it like a chicken.

   “My… my name is Song Ming, I am the seventh head of the’Big Tiger Gang’!”

   “You, don’t kill me… We Tiger Gang, there are a total of 700 people, and the Jiaolong Gang are ranked as the two major forces in Guobei County in the city!”

   Facing Dian Wei’s “fierce aura” from close range, the thin man’s eyes were frightened, his body trembled, and he said.

  ”He is lying. There are only seven people in their gang, and everyone is the’master’… However, the “Jiaolong Gang” he mentioned is indeed the most populous, and it is the largest in Guo Beicheng The power is even above the county government backed by the court!”

   In the Golden Dragon Car, a player stared at the person through the car window, and a pair of white light appeared in his eyes.

   This is a closed beta player who was reincarnated on Erlong Island. The Earth class is a micro-expression master. His talent is “Mind-Reading”, and he can read what the person in front of his eyes is thinking at this time. Jiaolong Gang, the power is still above the county government… Well, Dian commander, let him take us to the county government! “

   Ji Ye naturally doesn’t care whether this person tells the truth or lies.

  If Dragon City really wants to kill people, let alone a flood dragon gang of hundreds of people, even if it has thousands of people without enough masters.

   can’t resist the two super “fierce gods”, Li Yuanba and Dianwei, who have both fallen into the ninth rank!

   However, Dragon City came to Guobei County to establish a branch, and he had to try to see if he could subdue these people.

   Naturally, it is impossible to say that all of them were killed. Before the facts came, Ji Ye had instructed Li Yuanba to prevent him from killing casually!

   However, the problematic teenager who was addicted to the game had obviously thrown his words behind his head in the rage.

   Fortunately, killing some people to gain power is also a plan.

   Then both enlightenment and prestige were applied, and it was not difficult to win a small county.


   Ji Ye stretched out her hand, and from the pile of beautifully-shaped boxes, she took out a stone that seemed to be picked from the ground and held it.

   Then some golden light burst from the fingers between the fingers. When it was released, the half-fist-sized stone had turned into golden gold!


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest URL for mobile version update:

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