Earth’s Best Gamer Chapter 417: New sacrifices

The area directly covers more than 70% of the entire base, and the building is extremely majestic “Dragon City”!

The most central area, which is enough to accommodate nearly 10,000 people at one time, is the area of ​​the Qiyun Hall. A dozen core personnel and outstanding figures stand.

At the center of a nine-fold altar measuring several meters in size, a white pendant stone is placed a certain distance from a black civilization soul.


A five-foot-long yellow five-claw dragon of luck appeared in the air.

With a move of both eyes, two golden lights were shot directly at the bottom of the “Dingshui Stone” exploded by the Northern King of Yuanren, and the ninth-tier quasi-leader civilization that was rewarded after completing the “Hundred Geological Struggle” task. Above the stone.


The special grade “Dingshui Stone” is activated.

The environment above the altar suddenly transformed into a “test battlefield”.

At first glance, the water is endlessly calm and waveless. In the center of the water, except for some important parts, almost all of the body of a petite figure is exposed, and the neck hangs down to the chest. “Ding Shui Shi” woman.

It is the “North King” who is the only female of the four females in the Yuan Dynasty!

A pair of bare feet, standing on the surface of Libo, just because the seawater below her feet was pinned by the white-lighted “Dingshui Stone” on her neck.

“City Lord, are you sure we want to use this ‘Dingshui Stone’ to attract a ‘Feng Shui type’ outstanding person?”

“This queen of Yuanren has a very high martial arts, and her single-handed ‘Bone-Making Palm’ is even more insidious… Coupled with this battlefield environment, Feng Shui-type outstanding person, I’m afraid I can’t pass the assessment, right?”

Seeing that this entire area is the “assessment battlefield” of the waters, Qin Youyu’s tone is somewhat puzzled.

Yes, this time the sacrifice, Dragon City is going to take in a “feng shui master”.

The reason why I dared to say with certainty what type of personalities to attract is because after a stronghold is promoted to the extraordinary, it also has an impact on the “sacrifice” of the personalities, that is, the ability to use a sacrifice Express the “needs” of your base to the talented people who meet the requirements.

For example, when using the “Thunder halberd” to sacrifice, you want to attract a famous “proficient in the halberd method”, while using “Dingshui Stone” you want to attract a famous minister who is good at water control.

Of course, this requirement can only be vague, there is no way to be specific to a certain person.

For example, to directly express this “Dingshui Stone”, Longcheng wants to find the big breasted “female emperor” in “The Pirate” or “Zhao Linger” in the fairy sword!

This cannot be done.

Moreover, since it is a “requirement” rather than a mandatory “requirement.”

Strictly speaking, Renjie may also ignore this point. As long as his grade corresponds to the evaluation and sacrifice, he can still choose to come even if he does not have this “demand” ability.

In other words, even if one specifically said during the sacrificial offering, “One day the Kui star and the dog cannot come”, the former Liangshan leader can actually come by force.

Of course, this is unlikely to happen under normal circumstances.

After all, since he is a “great person”, he must have his own arrogance in his heart.

There are so many human bases, there is no need to forcefully descend into one base to be criticized!

Of course, when a stronghold mentions “needs”, it must also consider the status of the “sacrifice” itself, and avoid obvious inappropriate “needs.”

For example, if the “Thunder Halberd” is used to sacrifice, but the person who is asked to come is a civilian.

It is very likely that no one will respond, wasting the energy of stimulating the sacrifice and the soul of civilization.

Because the personal strength of the Southern King of Yuanren ranks first among the four kings, not even inferior to the Emperor of Yuanren, and the power of Thunder is the most overbearing power!

Although civil officials can also master extraordinary powers of the same level, they are absolutely incomparable with Yuanren Nanwang in terms of combat experience.

Now that the power of a stronghold is completely self-sufficient, a high-level sacrifice failure will have a stronger impact on the development of the stronghold than in the past!

“So, why would you use the “Dingshui Stone” to attract a “feng shui type” outstanding person?”

And this is actually the reason why Qin Yueyu felt confused.

Feng Shui, Feng Shui.

Since it is named after these two characters.

Its core naturally focuses on “wind” and “water”!

The sacrificial offering is the “fixing water stone” that can lock the water, and only the “wind” is left. The heroes who come are like a broken arm, how can they pass the test?

“There are two reasons.”

In response to Qin Yueyu’s doubts, Guo Wei next to him has answered Jiye’s behalf.

“First, since the place of inheritance gives the stronghold the ability to increase the’demand’, it also means that it allows the stronghold and the talent to choose between each other.”

“Our’Dragon City’ was the first stronghold on the planet to advance to the ranks, and now it is even more full-fledged. The requirements for outstanding people can be higher than other strongholds.”

“Second, this time, the spirit of civilization that was sacrificed this time has reached the ninth step of Transcendence, and it is supported by the power of transcendental strongholds. The difficulty of the arrival of outstanding people is less than that of Zhao Yun, Li Yuanba, and Zhou Yu. Many times.”

“Using this ‘fixing water stone’ to increase the difficulty can be regarded as our stronghold’s own test of the descendants. Those who can descend should have the potential and strength not inferior to the previous three…”

Guo Wei’s technology glasses are shining brightly.

As for whether there will be a “no response” situation, he is not very worried.

Because “Dingshui Stone” is a sacrifice with “rare” attributes, it also means that the scope of introduction covers the extraordinary characters of the entire Dragon Kingdom civilization. Among these people, no matter how many pairs of “Dragon City” “those who are interested!


And as Guo Wei said.

Although there is an obvious conflict between the “Dingshui Stone” and the “Feng Shui Talent”.

But after the “assessment battlefield” was pulled, there was only a pause of eight or nine seconds, and white light appeared on the opposite civilization soul!

[“Yi” says: Sunda is the wind. The Xun hexagram says: heavy Sunda to declare fate, and it also goes: Those who slap everything, don’t catch the wind, and the wind disperses.”]

At the same time, there was also a chanting sound above the altar.

However, this time it is not a regular “poem title”, it is more like some “discourse”.

[“The wind, the command of the heaven and the earth, the cause of the yin and the yang, the renunciation of the blame, and the sacred person.”]

And accompanied by the sound of chanting.

Although there is no obvious change in the “assessment battlefield” composed entirely of waters, everyone feels it as if an invisible force is brewing!

[“Every wind moves the leaves for ten miles, sings for hundreds of miles, swaying branches for two hundred miles, falling leaves for three hundred miles, folding small branches for four hundred miles, folding large branches for five hundred miles.”]

The voice continued, and the soul of civilization, the quasi-leader of the ninth rank, quickly condensed into a human form in the strong white light.

However, this sentence seems to be somewhat inappropriate.

Because “leaves and branches” are mentioned in the whole sentence, but only “water” exists on this battlefield.

But if you think about it carefully, these words are obviously reflecting the intensity of the “wind” through the changes in the trees, and it is obvious that it is not just “trees” that can reflect the wind.

Water, the same can be done!


When the first sentence of the word “moving leaf” was pronounced, a slight ripple appeared in the ten-li area around the water surface around the Yuanren female Bei Wang who stepped on the water surface.

And the ripples gradually turned into waves with the reading, and the covered area gradually changed from ten miles to hundreds of miles. When the last sentence “fold big branches” was read, the entire range of five hundred miles above the water surface was all The waves are up and down!

[“A thousand miles of folding wood flying sand and gravel, five thousand miles of plucking trees and roots.”]

Another The intensity of the wind has become extremely astonishing, and a huge wave of nearly ten feet high is set off on the water!

[“Where the wind is very strong, one day and one night will be windy for thousands of miles; two days and two nights will be half wind under the sky; three days and three nights will be full of wind under the sky.”]

And accompanied by this last sentence.

The soul of civilization finally fully condenses into a human figure, but it is a figure who wears the clothes of a civil official from the Tang Dynasty, holds a circle of ancient books in his hand, and wears a little Taoist style decoration.

The transparent waters that originally evolved from the “Dingshui Stone” have already been flooded by the blue gusts of wind, and the entire field of vision of Dragon City watching the sacrificial rituals is full of terrible waves!

Several rookie players who had the opportunity to watch the “special spot” had their faces pale and their legs softened.

Light pen


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