Earth’s Best Gamer Chapter 126: Yang Zhi’s ability


However, even though Meng Lao was watching the fire, combined with Ji Ye’s intelligence, he successfully defeated the metal man’s plan.

However, the real battle still requires head-to-head.

After all, it is human beings who have invaded the opponent’s territory. In any case, metal people have the advantage of defending the city!


In Wu Song’s ranks as the right army, Youzhai soldiers screamed.

Just because after the ambush was exhausted, the Metal Man chose to take the right army led by Wu Song and Gongsun Sheng as the key target of attack!

Without reservation, the speed also increased a lot of “metal blades” shooting, but it exploded the mahogany shield in the hands of a soldier, and even the double armor could not stop a large number of mortal class Fire attack!

Especially those “blue bomb knives” glowing with blue light, which are much faster than ordinary metal pieces, and can even be said to be turned by metal people after flying out, even if they are perfect people like Wu Song, It feels a bit difficult to deal with.

After all, even if his sword technique was amazing, he could say that he saw the trajectory, and when the Blu-ray knife changed its direction, he also changed its direction to forcibly intercept it.

However, the ensuing electric current burst and the metal fragments flying around after the explosion cannot be avoided!

Fortunately, because I guessed that this kind of situation might happen earlier, everyone who entered the territory was actually equipped with a piece of “soul jade” after the Jiushu was transformed by the talisman. The cyan shield inspired by it can be certain. Resist these tiny metal fragments scattered in time!

In addition, the metal people show their weakness and hide some of their methods. How can humans not hide their methods?

As we progressed all the way tonight, only Chu Yin, Ju Xiaoqian and Ji Ye who had been exposed in the afternoon attacked, and the rest were defending. The purpose was also to cover up the “soul attack” weapon. This card.

“Where to go!”

After opening the cyan shield and blocking the “Blue Bomb Knife” fragments that rushed towards him, Wu Song stepped on his own unique Yuhuan Step·Mandarin Duck Feet, his figure resembling electricity, but suddenly rushed out of the formation. Follow the metal man who attacked him.


His eyes were on the trajectory of the opponent, and with a wave of the “Tiger Soul Knife” in his hand, a faint blue blade came out of the black blade and hit the metal man with a skateboard appearance!

After these days, Wu Song is already familiar with this perfect weapon. Although it is only a sword aura, the “ghost flame” that burns the soul is completely self-evident for this weak soul creature. .

Although there is no obvious injury on the outside, the blue light of the skateboard metal man suddenly disappeared, and after flying for a certain distance, he rolled from the air and fell to the ground!


And Gongsun Sheng, who wore a robes of the Jiugong Dao, melted away the “blue bomb knife” flying towards him with a thunder light, and directly threw the “mirror dragon sword” in his hand!


The next moment, this perfect fourth-order sword flew in the air, and behind it was a white mist-like “air column” flashing with thunder.

Ordinary thunder does not make much sense to metal people who have mastered the “electromagnetic power”, but the “soul thunder” triggered by Gongsun Sheng with the mirage dragon sword is specifically used to attack the “soul”.

And on the speed of flight…


A metal man with a grinding disc shape was “overtaking” by the mirage dragon sword while flying, and the blue light on his body flickered in the thunderous “exhaust gas”. He followed closely and was attacked by Wu Song. In the footsteps of the metal man.

However, on the entire battlefield, the most repressive heroes against metal men are not the two “perfect level” Wu Song and Gongsun Sheng.

It’s Yang Zhi, the “blue-faced beast” who belongs to the outstanding level!

“Success to death!”

Compared with Wu Song’s right army, who was under a key attack, the left army led by Yang Zhi suppressed the metal man in the opposite direction.

Just because the “Black Mountain Armor” on his body is a Tier 5, and it is a completely enclosed equipment, even if it is the attack of the “bomb knives” glowing with blue light, it is impossible to break through his defense.

In addition, after the extraordinary power of the “Black Mountain Sabre” in his hand is activated, he can even lose the blue light on his body when the blue bomb knife flies within a certain range, and when it cannot explode and cannot reverse its direction , It is really easy for Yang Zhi, who is a Tier 5, to block this “flying knife”!

However, what really suppresses the metal man is when he arouses the extraordinary power of “Black Mountain One”!

Om! A large amount of black energy representing the power of the soul emerges from the Black Mountain Armor, but it forms a black figure with closed eyes at a height of about a meter. The breath exudes is not inferior to the “Wolf King” beside Ji Ye. “The Soul” how much.

Because the face of this black shadow is exactly the “Black Mountain” of the human race in the cultivation world!

“No… it’s not him, it should be me!”

However, under the helmet, Yang Zhi shook his head again.

At the next moment, the black shadow composed of the power of the soul suddenly changed into Yang Zhi himself!


After Sombra opened his eyes, a breath of cruel fighting on the battlefield, accompanied by a large amount of black energy containing the power of soul, instantly covered the metal man on the opposite side!

War intent!

This is the special ability that Yang Zhi has condensed after he has cast the fifth rank.

He had withstood the test of Montenegro before, and thus realized his “will to fight”!

Strictly speaking, this is actually a type of “mental attack”, and it is because the “Black Mountain A” was exploded by the black mountain in the form of “Pluto”, and therefore it also contains a soul-like attack. .

For the metal people who can be considered weaknesses in terms of their spiritual power and soul, this attack method that should not exist in their civilization is undoubtedly extremely deadly!

“Swish, swish, swish…”

The six metal men who blocked the Left Army in Erlong Mountain Village all fell from the air like dumplings, and the sparks from the impact on the ground even illuminate the shadow above Yang Zhi’s head.

After the metal man fell, the Black Mountain Sabre in Yang Zhi’s hand swung at them.

The sword in the hands of the black shadow, who has absorbed his own fighting spirit behind him, also swept along!


A black energy with the power of the soul rushed out in a fan shape, causing the two metal races that fell to the ground closest to him to be killed instantly!

“Puff, puff, puff…”

In the team behind Yang Zhi, the soldiers holding the soul attack weapon and the Jiushu who have been fully protected from any harm!

All attacked and fell on the other three metal men.

Also in a blink of an eye these metal figures tremble, and then there is no movement!

“Noise, nourish, nourish…”

And this sudden change undoubtedly caused the blue light on the metal man who besieged Wusong’s side to flash rapidly, eagerly communicating in the way of his own race.

The number of metal people is not very large. Counting that they were killed by Ji Ye, there are currently more than 30 in total. In theory, even if there is something hidden, it is estimated that the number may not be too much.

This is also a very normal thing. After all, all personnel have reached a metamorphosis-level race, so it must be impossible to say that the number is the same as an ordinary ordinary-level race.

It also means that the six who blocked the left army of the Erlong Shanzhai were taken down by Yang Zhi at once, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the metal people’s destruction!


Well, it’s not that all six metal men have been wiped out.

The metal man who fell the farthest among them was struggling to roll into a hole in the metal ground before the human attack came, but saved his life.

The battlefield designed by the metal man in order to ambush humans is far more than simple on the surface. There is also a very complicated channel system under the battlefield.

Ji Ye used the Soul Wolf King to drill down and took a look during the battle, and she found that she was connected in all directions and could reach all corners of the battlefield!

It feels like the people of Longguo once used “tunnel warfare”, but the tunnels dug by these metal people should be called “high-speed tunnels.”

Because the metal man uses the “magnetic levitation” ability inside, it can support the location of the battlefield super fast.

“Swish, swish, swish…”

Because of this, after Yang Zhifamously defeated the metal man who was blocking the left army.

The metal guy immediately drew out the team from the attacking left, and sent a full ten metal guys to this side to focus on the response!

Furthermore, the metal man changed his previous fighting style and continued to pass through underground passages, moving to the side and back of human beings to make surprise attacks.

This undoubtedly caused a lot of trouble to the humans who had the advantage, because in this kind of night conditions, humans did not find the trajectory of their activities underground.

Even Li Qing can’t help it, because for this peculiar creature, his combat power detector can only say that he gets the opponent’s strength level when he sees a metal man, but it cannot detect mud monsters and The mirages feel the “life fluctuations” of each other the same way!

In addition to there is another reason that his combat detector is about to run out of energy.

This piece of initial equipment, which is of great help to the Erlong Shanzhai stronghold, is very helpless and will run out of times.

“We will attack the stronghold directly!”

With the “Soul Wolf King” and a little sweat on his forehead, Nie Xiaoqian, who was already somewhat insufficient in mental power, once again killed a metal man.

Ji Ye swept the battlefield decisively.

Outside the core of this stronghold, the metal man can indeed rely on his high mobility to play “tunnel” battles in the underground.

However, the core of the stronghold cannot be moved!

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