I Made the World Mutate Chapter 764: Mixed invasion

“Brother Xiao, what do you think of my research direction, which is not desirable?”

When referring to the experimental research, Zhao Qian’s eyes were bright, and when he asked Xiao Mu, his face was full of expectation.

Xiao Mu replied helplessly, “Brother Zhao’s research direction is naturally desirable. But Brother Zhao has ever thought that at present, my Datang site does not need such mutant plants that can use magical techniques. What?”

“No need?”

Zhao Qian frowned, his expression immediately showing loss. Xiao Mu’s words made him feel a shock.

A smile appeared on Xiao Mu’s face, “Brother Zhao, do you know what kind of fruit I need most at the Datang Site?”

“Energy Fruit.”

Zhao Qian responded quickly. As a researcher who loves mutant plants, he is very aware of the current situation of the Tang site.

“This is it.”

Xiao Mu’s expression became serious, “Brother Zhao, the strategic resource of energy fruit, my Datang site has been in a state of lack. As a result, not only has the power of the mutants increased slowly, but also because of energy fruit. The lack of data caused slower recovery after the war.”

“It is precisely because of this that my Datang site is always at a disadvantage in the battle with the Life and Death Sect, and the casualty rate remains high.”

“If we can have more energy fruits, we can change everything.”

“Brother Zhao, why not study how to increase the production of energy fruits? If you can study successfully, not only will it be a great contribution to the entire alliance, I believe that Brother Zhao’s name can even spread throughout the world and the world.”

“Brother Xiao said very reasonable.”

Zhao Qian’s eyes suddenly brightened, and Xiao Mu’s words moved him. For a researcher like him, the most important thing is that his research can be recognized by others.

“Brother Zhao, I am now in charge of the logistics department, responsible for the management of the planting base of mutant plants. If Brother Zhao is interested in the research of energy fruit production increase, I would like to hire Brother Zhao as a technical consultant for the plant planting base. Specially responsible for the research of energy fruit production increase.”

Xiao Mu strikes while the iron is hot and invites Zhao Qian.

“It’s no wonder that Brother Xiao suddenly appeared here. He wanted to poach me.”

Zhao Qian glanced at Xiao Mu suddenly, then smiled: “But, I promised, what else in the world is more interesting than focusing on research?”

Xiao Mu Yixi, I didn’t expect to get through Zhao Qian so easily. Then he said: “I will send someone to prepare a laboratory for Brother Zhao at the planting base. If Brother Zhao is interested, you can come and have a look at any time. “

“In addition, in the process of researching energy fruits, if Brother Zhao has a need, he can directly bring it up to me. I will definitely try my best to satisfy Brother Zhao.”

“Brother Xiao, rest assured, I will not be polite to you.”

Zhao Qianxin responded with joy.

Leaving Zhao Qian’s laboratory, Xiao Mu went to the planting base and specially arranged manpower to prepare a laboratory for Zhao Qian at the planting base.

Xiao Mu only intends to let Zhao Qian participate in the research work to increase the production of energy fruits. As for the planting base, it is naturally impossible to hand over to Zhao Qian to manage, otherwise he is worried that Zhao Qian’s weirdness might turn the planting base into What it looks like.

After arranging the work of the planting base laboratory, Xiao Mu returned to the logistics office.

But not long after he stayed in the logistics office, he suddenly received a help message from the medical team. Xiao Mu, who received the help message, had to rush to the medical team again.

“Hello, Team Leader Xiao.”

At the gate of the medical team, a worker from the medical team waited for Xiao Mu. When he saw Xiao Mu, he greeted him.

“What happened?”

While Xiao Mu asked the question, he took the opportunity to take a look at the abnormal person in the medical team.

The strength of this mutant is slightly lower, only the mortal realm peak cultivation base, the power of cultivation knows that it is divine power at a glance.

The sacred power healer said: “The abnormal person in the foreign affairs team was injured, and the injury was relatively serious. The strength of the three abnormalities in the medical team who practiced the power of life and death was too low, and they could not heal the injured for a while. Injury.”

“Because we know that Team Leader Xiao has also cultivated the power of life and death, we asked Team Leader Xiao for help. Our team leader is leading three life and death healers to help the wounded maintain their injuries and prevent them from getting worse. , Please don’t be offended by Team Leader Xiao.”

“The wounded is the big one. Your team leader is not wrong. Go, take me to see the wounded.”

Xiao Mu motioned to the divine power healer to lead the way.

“Yes, Team Leader Xiao, please follow me.”

The sacred power healer led Xiao Mu back and walked into a courtyard.

And this yard is obviously a kind of large medical array. There are various healing fruits and energy fruits planted around the yard. Through the power of the large array, the energy from the energy fruits and the healing fruits are directly absorbed and input into the large array. The injured person in the middle position is treated for his injuries.

When Xiao Mu and the Sacred Power Healer arrived, Shen Youzheng, the leader of the medical team, brought three life-and-death mutators to maintain their injuries for the wounded in the center of the big array.

The team leader, Shen You, is not practicing the power of life and death. At this time, he is responsible for maintaining the operation of the treatment array. The other three mutants who have practiced the power of life and death take turns to infuse the power of life and death into the wounded. The injured repaired his injuries.

The injury of the injured person is too serious. Not only is the head missing half, the trunk connecting the head and the limbs is also missing by a half, and all the limbs are severed.

Such an injury can be said to be extremely serious for a mutant who has not practiced the power of life and death. If it were not for the three life and death healers who tried to use the power of life to maintain their vitality, this mutant was already alive. Died.

The three healers who have practiced the power of life and death are relatively low in strength, and the highest level is only the mid-Yin Shen realm cultivation base.

But even if they are both in the middle of the Yin God Realm, the vitality that this mid-Yin God Realm mutant can provide is far inferior to that of Xiao Mu in the middle of the Yin God realm.

Xiao Mu just glanced at it and guessed that the reason was because the level of life and death condensed by this mid-Yin God Realm mutant was too low, resulting in limited life force that could be used.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Shen You suddenly raised his head. When he saw Xiao Mu, his face immediately showed joy.

At this time, the energy consumption of the three life and death power healers is too great, and the energy stored in the power seed is almost exhausted. It is already difficult to continue to use the life force to keep the wounded from getting worse.

The arrival of Xiao Mu made Shen You and the three life-and-death healers refreshed. Shen You hurriedly nodded and signaled to Xiao Mu, asking Xiao Mu to take care of the injured.

Xiao Mu took the shot without hesitation, stepped into the big formation and sat down, and infiltrated the wounded with a mass of force.

At this time, Xiao Mu has entered the middle stage of the God Spirit Realm, and his strength is at least ten times stronger than that of the Yin God Realm Miserable.

One after another vigorous vitality hit the injured person, the injured person’s injury was quickly contained, the flesh and blood bones re-grown, and the body recovered little by little.

“Old Xiao, thank you very much!”

When the injured person’s head recovered for more than a half, a voice came from his body and thanked Xiao Mu.

“It’s you, Du Wenzhen.”

Xiao Mu recognized the identity of the injured from the voice, and found that it was Du Wenzhen, a friend he had met when he was on the task force, and he was immediately surprised.

“Hey, don’t mention it, Old Xiao, give me more energy.”

In Du Wenzhen’s sigh, with the acceptance of Xiao Mu’s birth strength, the speed of body repair accelerated.

Half an hour later, Du Wenzhen’s limbs grew out of his torso little by little, and he could speak smoothly, “Didn’t I accept a mission some time ago to explore the Moulin Village in the Blue Domain of Jia.”

“The task team asked you to explore Moulin Village?”

Xiao Mu was a little surprised. He had been paying attention to Moulin Village in Jialan Domain, but he didn’t expect that the task force sent his acquaintances to explore.

“I volunteered to go there. Isn’t the reward for exploring Mulin Village high?”

Du Wenzhen let out a wry smile, “As a result, who knew it would be so unlucky, I actually encountered the power of the gods of the life and death sect. Fortunately, I was lucky, and finally escaped from the hand of that power, but it is a pity All my partners who performed the task with me died in the hands of the strong man.”

Then you are really unlucky.

Xiao Mu took a few glances at Du Wenzhen, and found that Du Wenzhen’s cultivation level has reached the peak of Yin God Realm, and the distance to Consummation is almost the same.

This means that as long as Du Wenzhen has good aptitude, he can immediately become a powerhouse of the gods when he reaches Consummation.

But despite this, Du Wenzhen, who only has the peak cultivation of Yin God Realm, still does not have any God Spirit Realm powerhouse who can defeat the Life and Death Sect.

Not to mention, the powerhouse of the God Spirit Realm of the Life and Death Sect may already have a karma. In this case, the gap between the two is even greater.

I have to say that Du Wen is really lucky to escape from the power of the gods.

“I didn’t expect this mission to be so frustrated. When I return, I will report the mission experience. I hope that the site can send the strongest to investigate in Mulin Village.”

Under the full assistance of Xiao Mu, and absorbed a lot of vitality, Du Wenzhen’s mutilated body finally grew bit by bit, and the trauma was completely cured.

As for the injury of the spirit, it will take a long time to recover.

As soon as the injury recovered, Du Wenzhen said goodbye to Xiao Mu and the staff of the medical team, and returned to the task team to report on the mission experience.

After Du Wenzhen left, Xiao Mu left the medical team. Du Wenzhen’s injury made him feel the same.

In the past, I explored alone, rarely participated in the collective affairs of the Datang Site, and did not realize how dangerous the battle between the Datang Site and the Life and Death Sect was.

Du Wenzhen’s experience gave Xiao Mu a new understanding of the battle between the Life and Death Sect and the Datang Ruins.

“The Sect of Life and Death is indeed stronger than the Curse Gate, but the distance between me and ordinary mutants was too far before, so I didn’t feel this.”

“The work of the logistics office is indeed too important. We must find a way to do it well. Only in this way can we help the entire Datang site and reduce the casualties of the Heavenly Court and the human war.”

Xiao Mu thought while walking, and suddenly realized the importance of the logistics department.

From the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw light flashing around his waist, Xiao Mu lowered his head, and saw the sensor symbol presented by Huang Yuan flashing.

“Senior Huang is looking for me for something? He and Yan Qingxu are exploring the Shattered Space. They are currently in the Shattered Space. I don’t know what is coming for me suddenly.”

Thinking that the collapsed space where Huang Yuan was in was full of dangers, he suddenly contacted himself at this time, most likely it was a help after distress, Xiao Mu hurried to Huang Yuan’s temple.

“Little Xiao, you are finally here.”

After Xiao Mu saluted the god, Huang Yuan’s voice came from the god, and he opened his eyes following the god.

“Senior Huang, what can you suddenly contact me?”

Xiao Mu knows that Huang Yuan likes to go straight, so he doesn’t go around.

“Lao Yan and I found such a thing in the depths of the shattered space.” Huang Yuan’s psychic face raised his right hand, and a cigarette appeared on the altar table.

“This is?”

Xiao Muxin picked it up. It was a dark green bronze block with the size of a palm, but it was obviously changed. Whether it was of good texture or hardness, it was completely different from ordinary bronze blocks.

Xiao Mu felt the weirdness of the bronze block for the first time. He secretly adjusted his divine power in his hand, and squeezed the bronze block with his five fingers, but he felt that his tentacles were extremely hard. With his cultivation strength, it took a lot of effort. The strength left fingerprints on the bronze block.

“Senior Huang, is this ordinary bronze?”

“It’s ordinary bronze.” Huang Yuan nodded lightly.

“How could this be?”

Xiao Mu felt puzzled. How could ordinary bronze be so hard that it would be difficult for him, the mid-level **** spirit realm powerhouse, to leave fingerprints on its surface?

It’s not uncommon to make ordinary materials stronger, but they are all made by the strongest. For example, Emperor Miao Yi, who was on the cycle of reincarnation, successfully used his authority and supernatural power to build a Naihe bridge on the cycle of reincarnation using ordinary yellow paper.

At the moment, this piece of bronze obviously has nothing to do with Emperor Miao Yi, who is at the level of the gods, why is it so hard?

Huang Yuan said: “In the depths of the collapsed space~IndoMTL.com~ there is the power of chaos. Although it is thin, it often appears.”

“This piece of bronze in your hand has changed because of contact with the power of Chaos for many years.”

“The power of chaos can turn everything it touches into chaos, but if this top-level power is extremely thin, to a certain extent, and the power of erosion is weakened, it cannot turn everything it touches into chaos.”

“Not only is it impossible to turn all things in contact into chaos, after long-term contact, the matter will even be transformed and become extremely hard, comparable to the material of the magic weapon, this piece of bronze is like this.”

“Senior mean?”

Xiao Mu’s heart moved, he suddenly realized why Huang Yuan had to contact him at this time.

The voice crossed the space and revealed from Huang Yuan’s divine appearance through divine consciousness, “Lao Yan and I are going to explore the depths of the collapsed space to see if we can find other materials that have been transformed by the power of chaos. .”

“But, as you also know, the depths of the shattered space are likely to hide a great danger, and the righteous gods may fall. The two of us will explore for you. You must at least respond.”

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