Battle of the Third Reich Chapter 198: Check in

British gentlemen will fight to the end only in two situations, one is about honor, and the other is about business. Lobster soldiers have no honor at all. They are fighting their lives as a business. Soldiers do it for the few pennies a week, and the generals do it to recover the investment they made before the army. Regardless of whether it was the Opium War or the Boer War, as long as it had something to do with business, the London parliament would be as excited as a chicken.

Before the “exploration report” provided by the German side, the British cabinet had a very ambiguous attitude towards the Middle East issue. Although it had long been dissatisfied with the “ungrateful” Saudi government, politicians were also worried that rashly launching a war might trigger the surrounding area. The chain reaction of the country.

Saudi Arabia has taken control of Mecca and Medina. Every year Muslims from neighboring countries go to the Holy Land for pilgrimage. Ibn Saudi Arabia has considerable influence in the Muslim world.

The surrounding Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean coast and the southern part of the peninsula are all traditional British spheres of influence. Palestine, Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, etc., are now either British protectorates or autonomous colonies. These areas may have various mineral resources or occupy important coastlines and ports. It is an indispensable link in the imperial global strategy. Although the British Empire has declined by this time, the foundation laid by the ancestors is not something that can be thrown away.

However, when the Germans put a detailed “resource survey report” on the table of the British cabinet, British politicians immediately changed their thinking because the nature of the problem was different. The issue of national strategy, and here is a big business worth tens of billions of pounds.

The well-informed lords of the House of Lords are full of words starting with H and F. They have never dreamed that there is so much oil under that barren desert. Facing the twelve-figure reserves, even Prime Minister Chamberlain could not sit still. He even repeatedly asked the German ambassador to verify whether the data in this report was problematic, and whether it was a careless foreign secretary. Hit a few more zeros.

After getting the affirmative answer from Germany, the House of Lords passed the Chamberlain cabinet proposal by an overwhelming unanimous vote that night, and the British Empire entered a state of war with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from now on.

Immediately, London gathered two full infantry regiments and a light armored battalion from the British troops stationed in Egypt and Sudan, and directly joined the first phase of the German offensive operations. London also plans to withdraw an armored brigade and twelve infantry battalions from the local garrison as a follow-up support force. These reinforcements are expected to board in Portsmouth next week and will be able to land on the Arabian Peninsula early next year.

The timetable set by Xu Jun is very clear. Large-scale military operations must be ended before the end of the year, followed by up to one to two months of security wars, and the remaining garbage time will be left to the British.

The situation in this country is different from that in China. Most areas of the country are deserts and mountains that are difficult for humans to survive. The domestic population is extremely limited, and it has split into independent tribes. The accumulated contradictions between the tribes are still It is very deep. If there is no royal mediation in these years, these chiefs with heavy arms have already started to fight a civil war.

The geographical and climatic environment of the Arabian Peninsula is not as complicated as Afghanistan and Iran, and the local nomads’ weapons are backward and rigid in tactics. In the face of modern investigative methods, it is impossible to conduct guerrilla warfare.

Don’t look at the Middle East in the 1940s from the perspective of the Gulf War. These nomads carried single-shot rifles, rode Arabian horses and camels, and ate date palm mutton. Drink yogurt and spring water.

At that time, the scale of the city on the Arabian Peninsula was not as good as a village in the future. Only the city center had some mud brick and rammed earth buildings. The surrounding area was a patch of tents. Not to mention the use of artillery bombardment. A white phosphorous grenade can burn the whole city.

More importantly, the enemies they are facing now are not bound by so many international laws and regulations in later generations. At this time, the United Nations is still invisible, let alone any human rights conventions. What the Europeans are pursuing at this time is a whole-hearted all-out war, and there has never been any compassion for the civilians of the enemy country.

The Germans have fully implemented the idea of ​​total warfare. In history, whether in Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Belarus, Lithuania, or the Ukrainian jungle, whether it is the SS or the Wehrmacht, countless brave rebels have used their lives to prove The crime and cruelty of the Nazi German army.

The African Legion, which has obtained the permission of the head of state to kill, has shown considerable patience in the war. This is directly related to the personal character of the commander. Qu Hillel is not a cruel general.

Of course, this does not mean that the locals can provoke the dignity of the National Defense Force at will. The number of villages and Bedouin tribes completely destroyed by the African Legion has exceeded 30.

Cairo can’t feel the slightest atmosphere of war in the city. This ancient city has its own rhythm. The main roads of the city are lined with various stalls, and the bustling flow of people surging in the narrow aisles between the stalls.

The afternoon sun shines directly on the dusty streets, with a dry metallic smell in the air. Xu Jun stood in front of the hotel arranged by the Cairo embassy for Randolph, looking up at the black eagle flag hanging upstairs Mantle. Xu Jun feels that Randolph really has a bit of taste. Seeing that he decorates this place, he can directly use it as a scene for “Return to the German Army Headquarters” Randolph is not going to be on the front line this time. After too long, he still had the mission entrusted by the head of state, so he did not take away all the attendants. A squad of flag guard soldiers and torture experts from the General Security Bureau stayed. The criminal network case has not yet been closed, and it is still digging deep.

In order to report the disappearance of Randolph to the ambassador, Captain Ditrets took the remaining Grey Swords and flew back from the Yanbu Port base and now lives in this hotel.

There are also the two French ladies who did not find their relatives, because the police have not found the missing French archeological team, and they promised Horn and Krieger to wait for them to return, so they still stayed in the hotel and did not leave. . Besides, it is difficult to find a safer place in Cairo. After all, no hotel will set up a machine gun at the door.

Xu Jun made a secret visit this time. Although the Cairo Embassy was notified, he did not pass the news to the people in the hotel. This is completely understandable, the whereabouts of the head of state is a state secret, how could it be known to these insignificant little people.

As a result, when Xu Jun and his party appeared at the entrance of the hotel, the guard flag team soldiers who looked at the door could hardly believe their eyes.

“Hi! Reinhardt!” After making sure that he was not insane, the SS almost reflexively raised his right hand.

Sergeant Claire of the torture team was walking out of the hotel with a cigarette in his mouth. He was abruptly startled by the cry of the sentry. The SS sergeant looked towards the door, but when he saw clearly the incoming When the face was over, the sturdy man who was over 1.9 meters tall immediately rolled his eyes with excitement and collapsed on the stairs.

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