Battle of the Third Reich Chapter 132: Lamu (Part 2)

At that moment, Lamu felt that the whole world had collapsed. At first he tried to refuse to believe this fact. There was still a glimmer of hope in his heart, because he knew that Indian police often make mistakes. Maybe they treat other people as Raj. Especially, this is not impossible.

But then he received a phone call from the newspaper. The other party confirmed the police’s news because another reporter from the newspaper was also on the scene. He witnessed the process of this tragedy.

In fact, Rajet completed the work of the newspaper the day before. He was originally scheduled to take yesterday’s train and return to Hyderabad from Karachi. At that time, the Indian railway system was all managed by the British and operated strictly according to the scheduled timetable. There were very few cases of delay. But this time something went wrong. The train from Karachi to Hyderabad was cancelled that day, and the next train would not depart until midnight the next day.

In fact, Rajet had another option at the time, which was to take a local long-distance bus, but Rajet had serious motion sickness problems. He was bumpy for seven or eight hours in the strong curry smell. Just think about it. He shuddered. So he could only stay in Karachi, waiting to take the train at midnight the next day.

The next afternoon, when Rajet was strolling on the street, he came across a newspaper colleague who was also stranded in Karachi. Under the strong invitation of the other party, the two of them went to a famous Turkish restaurant in Karachi for dinner. Rajet never dreamed that this would be his last supper.

Rajett usually doesn’t like to drink. At the instigation of that colleague, he made an exception and drank a glass of local absinthe.

This is a prestigious and strong distilled liquor. The history can be traced back to the ancient Greek era. The main raw material is absinthe, and spices and herbs such as fennel and cloves are added according to the local flavor. The ancient Greeks believed that this kind of wine can cure hepatitis, because it has a certain calming and analgesic effect after drinking. It was used as a medicine from Roman times until the Middle Ages.

In the early twentieth century, cinchona tree bark was added to the material of this wine. The French Army used it as an anti-malaria medicine and distributed it to soldiers in the trenches of World War I for drinking. Because absinthe has a special medicinal aroma, in the early twentieth century, this wine has countless fans all over the world, many of whom are world celebrities.

Absinthe was once extremely popular in Europe and America and even threatened the wine market share. So the major vintners united and began to encircle the absinthe. They claim that the herbs in absinthe wine can cause hallucinations and seriously endanger human health. The wine also contains some slight toxicity, which can cause death if overdose. Among thousands of absinthe lovers, there will always be several cases of health problems due to excessive drinking. These special cases are regarded as “iron evidence” by the businessmen. After a group of bought-in experts advocated, from From Switzerland to the United States, countries around the world have imposed bans on this wine.

However, the Indian colonies did not ban the sale of this kind of spirits, because the hot Indian peninsula is raging malaria, and absinthe does have a good control effect.

This wine has an alcohol level of forty-five degrees, which is not a big deal for Europeans who are used to drinking spirits, but Rajet usually only drinks some wine at most, and has never tried such a strong wine. . As a result, after two cups, Rajet was a little on the top.

Holding on finishing this dinner with colleagues, Rajet wanted to go back to the hotel and lie down before going to the midnight train. Just when they left the hotel, the colleague suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom. The colleague asked Rajet to wait for him at the entrance of the hotel, and then he sent Rajet back to the hotel. At this time, Rajet’s drunkenness was a little overwhelming, and he wanted to go outside to get some fresh air, so he agreed to his colleagues’ request.

While Rajet was waiting on the sidewalk, a black car drove quickly from the intersection. I don’t know what happened to the driver at that time. The car suddenly crossed the middle lane and straightened towards the road. Rajet on the opposite side rushed over. The poor young man had lost his ability to react due to the effects of alcohol. He stood there stupidly watching the oncoming car, as if he hadn’t understood what had happened. Just in full view, Rajet was hit by the car, and then the two-ton car body ran over the young reporter. In the end, the car hit the exterior wall of the hotel. The force was so strong that the front of the car smashed through the brick wall and rushed into the restaurant. When Rajet was killed, the colleague just came out of the bathroom. He witnessed the tragedy through the glass door of the hotel.

Lamu has forgotten how he got to Karachi. When he started to remember, he was standing in the morgue of Karachi police station, facing the broken body of his best friend. Because of the crushing of the wheels and the scratching of the chassis, Rajet’s body was completely unrecognizable, but Lamu distinguished his friend’s familiar face from the scarred round face at a glance.

Lamu didn’t cry, he didn’t even shed a tear, he just stood silently in front of Rajet’s body, watching the slightly opened eyes of his close friend. Lamu stayed in the morgue for a full hour until the impatient administrator forced him to leave. Before leaving, he closed Rajet’s eyes with his hands and bid farewell to his best friend in Hindu etiquette.

Two days later, Lamu took Rajet’s body from the morgue. At that time, he drove a truck that he didn’t know where he got, and left Karachi with the coffin containing Rajet’s body.

For the next full year, Lamu was almost silent to find a trace. He did not return to work at the spice shop, nor did he go to the colonel’s house. Only the landlord who rents out the apartment will receive a letter sent from other places every month. The place of sending the letter changes from time to time, but the contents of the envelope remain the same. It is a half-sheet issued by the Reserve Bank of India. The other half of the rupee banknote will be received next month, which happens to be the two-month rent of the room where Lamu and the others rented it. This is the only proof that the mixed-race is still alive in the world. (This was a popular mailing method in India at that time. When Indians had to mail banknotes, they would send half of them first, and then send the other half after the other party received them. This was an effective way to prevent theft from being picked up. )

One day a year later, a well-dressed young gentleman came to this apartment. It took a while for the landlord to recognize that this man turned out to be Lamu. The poor boy seemed to have made a fortune outside. .

Lamu didn’t have any kind of courtesy with the courteous landlord. He just thanked the landlord because he kept their room during this period. Then Lamu said he decided not to renew the lease. This time He came to take away the items left in the room, because he will move to a state to the north to live.

Lamu bought a second-hand box truck locally and removed all personal belongings in the room, most of which were relics of the Hudson family. This was the last time he appeared in Hyderabad. Since then, no one has heard about Lamu, and the mixed blood has disappeared in this world.

About half a year later, at the Royal Air Force Recruitment Office in Mumbai, a chubby British youth handed in an application form. The name in the name column was Rajet Hudson, 20 years old. Five years old, a noble citizen of the British Empire.

He brought a high school diploma and a full set of ID documents issued by the colonial government with him. He also showed a letter of recommendation written by Mr. Fox, a retired British Army colonel.

The officer at the recruiting office did not doubt the identity of this young man at all. This face has British descent at first glance. Although there is a slight difference between himself and the photo on his ID, the photo looks to be taken several years ago, and As long as a person gains weight, the face shape will naturally change. I would like to mention here that most of the ID cards in Europe at that time did not have photos on them. Most of them were just a few fingerprints and the official seal of a management department.

The recruitment conditions for the British colonial forces have always been relatively loose, because the service location is far from the mainland and there is no need for tedious screening work. This Mr. Rajet Hudson’s identity history looks flawless, so after passing the basic medical examination he became an honorable Royal Air Force soldier.

Hudson worked very hard in the army, and soon he was favored by his superiors. He was promoted to corporal six months later and managed a logistics team.

In the eyes of the boss, Rajet Hudson is a qualified soldier, and he is very smart and expensive. He always has a way to get some rare goods from outside, and he is very good at socializing. Almost every officer has benefited from him.

Hudson’s military rank began to improve steadily. It took him only five years to be promoted from an ordinary non-commissioned officer to a second lieutenant in the Royal Air Force. Although it was only a temporary military rank during the war, he became an officer of the ranks. One member.

“To be honest, this really opened my eyes to me, Major Randolph.” Jurgen put down the report page.

“Where did he go then?” Randolph asked, frowning.

“Sorry, Lieutenant Colonel, I don’t understand your question very well.” Jurgen raised his eyebrows.

“Where did this Lamu go after the friend’s body was brought out from the police station.” Randolph looked puzzled.

“That’s what I’m going to talk about below, Lieutenant Colonel, please be patient and listen to me going down.” Jurgen smiled and bowed to Randolph.

PS: Thank you for your support. I continue to ask for monthly tickets. There are still more than 400 votes left. I don’t know if I can catch up before the end of the month.

It seems that today’s number of votes is not up to the goal, and I can finally take a day’s rest. Four consecutive days of double change is a record that has never been seen since the book’s revision. I myself can’t believe that I finished.

Continue to inform, I hope everyone will tell each other that from today to the end of the month, for every two hundred monthly passes added to this book, a special chapter will be added. In order to recover the ranking, the author has spared no effort.

I hope everyone will continue to support.

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