Battle of the Third Reich Chapter 47: Street Fighter (4)

Watanabe didn’t realize what was going on at first, and he reached out his hand to take the thing off his face and check it out. When he found out that it was a greasy cotton yarn, the Army Ottoman immediately went into action. Get furious.

“Dalida! Kuno!” Watanabe reached out and wiped his face, and found that the snow-white gloves were covered with black oil.

“Who did it! Bastards! Stand up! You navy bastards!” The army chief had never suffered such insults in his life. Angrily, he raised his hand and drew the saber from his waist to the surrounding people. The navy sailor roared.

“My lord of the wing!” Of course, the army soldiers on the truck would not be so stupid to watch their wing captain being humiliated in public. They hurriedly jumped out of the truck with their rifles, and then formed a circle around the wing captain. He straightened his bayonet towards the surrounding Marines.

“What are you doing! Do you want to bully people? Do you think we have no weapons in the Special Marine Corps?”

The Marine Special Marine Corps is also arrogant, and has never paid attention to the Army at all. Besides, the one behind them is a major general, and this Army wing captain is not enough.

Although I don’t understand why the Commander didn’t show up yet, it’s okay. It’s not that the Marine Special Marine Corps has never fought with the Army. In any case, it must not lose to the opponent in terms of momentum. The Marines also took up Type 35 rifle with bayonet.

No matter how you look at it now, the number of people on the Marine Corps is dominant. If the army horse dung is smart, you should clip your tail and bow to the special Marines. But these marines didn’t think about it carefully. If the Japanese Army were really that smart, they wouldn’t fight this horrible battle.

“What are you doing! Get out of the way! Red deer!” Army Chief Cao cursed, pointing at the Marine Corps ensign.

“Kunoya, what are you talking about, horse dung?”

“What about you, take this group of octopus eggs and make way, otherwise I will be welcome.”

“What did you pig head say? Do you want to be beaten?”

“Asshole, I killed you.”

“Come on, watch me blow your pig’s head with one shot.”

Both sides were dazzled by anger, and the atmosphere on the scene was about to erupt.

“Let down all the guns!” Watanabe Osaka ordered his opponent loudly. Adjutant Fujiwara had just used a whole pot of water, but there were still black stains on the face of the captain.

“What do you want to do! Do you initiate infighting in front of the Chinese man? Where is your commander?” Watanabe questioned the Landing Corps ensign.

Watanabe’s mind was slightly calmed by the adjutant’s use of cold water, and he immediately noticed the power gap between the army and the navy.

As an imperial officer, the commander of the regiment appointed by the emperor, and the dignified army chief, he is not guilty of being entangled with these navy soldiers. What’s more, he is still in charge of military orders at this time. The task given, the unlucky one will definitely be yourself.

As for these **** Marines, the military command will take a year’s work on them and the staff headquarters, and the final result will definitely be the same as usual.

There is an old Chinese saying that a hero does not suffer from immediate losses. Watanabe considers himself a Japanese hero, of course he will not be so stupid to turn his face with these octopuses.

“All down the guns.” The ensign of the navy also ordered that he would not leave any excuses for the army. Anyway, this incident was completely the other party’s fault. There was no need to expand the situation and cause trouble for his own officers.

“Have you invited the commander? Why can’t the commander come.” The team leader turned his face and asked his subordinates in a low voice. It has been a few minutes since there has been a disturbance here, and no Marine Corps officer came to the front to check. The team leader felt a little strange.

“The commander’s car is still parked there. Isn’t the one standing next to Captain Murayama? Alas, what happened over there? Everyone is running back.” A sergeant pointed towards Ben The team looked around and found a large group of Marines running towards the back of the convoy. It seemed that something went wrong behind the convoy, there was a loud voice in the distance, and the road was crowded with marines in navy blue uniforms.

“Fight! Fight with the army. The red deer of the army hit Captain Fujita. Miyamoto Nakasa was out of anger and wanted to kill the army horse dung himself!” a Marine shouted loudly Ran over.

“Nani!” Watanabe was also dumbfounded when he heard the news, no matter what he thought, he shouldn’t fight back.

“Who is the commander of your team?” Watanabe slapped his knife into the sheath, shouting loudly to the ensign opposite.

“Major General Takeda, in the car over there.”

“Take me to see him immediately. The chaos must be stopped right away.” Watanabe strode towards the Ford parked on the side of the road, holding the scabbard. After all, the power of the senior officer was there, and the Marines did not Dare to stop, holding the rifle and flashing on both sides.

Walking to the front of the Ford car, Watanabe’s boot roots saluted into the car together. What annoyed him was that the other party just rolled down the rear seat window.

“Your Excellency Takeda.” Watanabe stepped forward and bowed slightly.

“I’ve seen you, it’s Watanabe United Captain of the 120th Wing.” Takeda poked his head out of the car window.

“I flashed to my waist in the accident just now, and I can’t get out of the car now.” The Rear Admiral said with a cold face.

“I’m sorry, your Excellency, it is an emergency order, so I asked the driver to drive faster and injured you. I am really sorry.”

Hearing that the Marine Corps commander was injured by his adjutant’s reckless driving, Watanabe hurriedly lowered his figure. This can be a big or a small matter. Maybe he will go to the headquarters of the dispatched army in China. Reckless punishment will not run away.

“Your Excellency Takeda, now there is a conflict between my soldiers and your subordinates. I hope you can order this fight to stop. If there is any problem, we will sit down and solve it slowly after the mission is over. If it is really from the army Wrong, I will go to my door and personally apologize to the Marine Corps officer Zuo.”

Watanabe’s attitude is very decent. The old veteran Dazuo did not say anything to death. He expressed his meaning very clearly. He hoped that the navy could give him face. If the military affairs were delayed, he would not be afraid to go to court.

“Watanabe Daisuke, you are going to the Bund. It just so happened that I also received the order of the dispatching fleet headquarters, and I was about to lead troops to fight against your army’s rebellion. Not only did your truck ram into mine The queue also resulted in the death of three of my Marines. The Special Marine Corps must negotiate with the Army for this matter. So before the responsibilities are confirmed, you and your subordinates should act with me.” Rear Admiral Takeda Speaking lightly.

Not only is he not going to stop the conflict there, but he also wants to detain Watanabe together. Since the opponent has fallen into the hands of the navy, it is really a fool to miss this opportunity. Under the arrest of Watanabe and his crew, the dominant power is completely in the Marine Corps. Even if the Army and the Navy are sued because of this, the Army has lost its face and the Navy will be the biggest winner.

“Your Excellency, are you kidding me?” Watanabe didn’t expect the other party to tear his face directly.

“I am the captain of the Army Infantry Wing. Your navy has no right to detain me.”

“Did I talk about the seizure? I just asked you to act with us, Watanabe Daisuke.” Takeda replied with a sneer.

“Your Excellency, do you want to be an enemy of the entire 13th Army?” Watanabe tightened the saber sheath.

“You are just a wing captain, Watanabe Daisuke, and can’t represent the army. Captain Murayama, please take Watanabe Daisuke to the truck behind, and then take a few people and bring several army generals there. Kimura Captain, go to the back to remind you, what the **** is going on with Miyamoto, the horse dung has not been resolved up to now.” Major General Takeda raised his wrist and pretended to look at his watch.

“Your Excellency Takeda, I warn you, you must bear all the consequences.” Watanabe said with his saber in his hand.

“Captain Murayama is a black belt in of the four famous kings in the Shanghai Marine Special Marine Corps. I advise you to give up resistance, Watanabe Osa.” Takeda raised his hand and dusted the front of his uniform. chest.

“If it weren’t for the fact that you couldn’t get out of the car, I wanted your horse dung to look good when I parked just now.” The Rear Admiral looked down at the faint water mark between the legs of his army pants with a calm face.

“Tsukamoto, what is your waist circumference?” Takeda asked the driver.

But before the driver could answer, there was a scream in his ear. Takeda quickly turned his head and looked around, only to find that Chief Murayama was lying on the ground and struggling. The appearance of a first-class swordsman.

“Are the four kings of the Marine Corps? Judo black belt? I am the sixth dan of kendo, and Higo Ryu may pass it all.” Watanabe threw off the blood bead on the saber.

“Ji…Ihezhan? I didn’t expect you to be a swordsman.” Takeda started to glance sideways, but found sadly that no one was by the car at this moment.

“Tsukamoto, stop him.” The Rear Admiral commanded the driver while leaping toward the door on the other side.

But before the Rear Admiral grabbed the doorknob, the driver’s wailing came in his ears, and the car door behind him was pulled open.

PS: I’ve said that the second chapter is here, it looks just past ten o’clock.

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