Battle of the Third Reich Chapter 502: Offensive (2)

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“I’m not ready at all, how can I advance, are the adults in Sa Kaeo Mansion going crazy?” Captain Depan stomped out the cigarette butts on the ground.

“Remember that Kun Nai Bu Phong told me before going to Paris. Now the situation in Bangkok makes him very worried. The world situation is no longer like half a year ago. Siam has lost the opportunity. Only stupid people will choose to stay here. It’s time to go to war with France.” Lieutenant Tribunesi, the deputy company commander, raised his head from the map and said, looking at the worried company commander.

“We are now in the Kingdom of Thailand. Be careful to be heard by the administrative officer, otherwise it will be a trouble.” Captain Depan took out the cigarette case from his pocket and took out another cigarette.

The Royal Siamese Army, now called the Royal Thai Army, has deployed two infantry regiments along the border between Siam and French Indochina. One is the Eastern Corps stationed on the Thai-Cambodian border. There are five infantry divisions in the organization. . The other is the Northeast Army Corps deployed on the bulge between Siam and Cambodia and Laos, with three infantry divisions under its organization. In addition, there is a backbone corps directly under the Central Command, with about two brigades and five battalions, serving as the general reserve team to guard the capital.

In the armed deterrence operation that began last month, almost all the main forces of the Eastern Army of the Siamese Army were dispatched, and a battle line was launched along the Thai-Cambodian border, with a total force of 15 battalions and approximately 63,000. Officers and soldiers. In addition to the ten standard infantry battalions, the regiment also dispatched two cavalry battalions and only one armored battalion, and also provided two battalions of artillery to provide cover for the above troops.

To tell the truth, if it were to follow the original development of history, these troops would really give the French a headache. Regardless of quantity or quality, the Siamese Eastern Army had a clear upper hand in this area.

French Indochina had only 60,000 troops deployed in Cambodia at that time, of which 48,000 were local troops composed of Khmer, that is, the town security forces, using weapons from before the First World War, training and Morale is basically negligible.

So in fact, only the French colonial corps with 12,000 people actually resisted the Siamese army’s attack. The French colonial army in history lacked everything that would allow them to win. They lacked supplies, Lack of heavy equipment, lack of modern training, and lack of courage to fight the enemy dead.

Furthermore, French Indochina still lacked intelligence support. Even after the war, the headquarters still knew nothing about the situation of the enemy.

The gap between the two sides may seem large, but in fact the land battle in this war was quite speechless.

Because Siamese officers received French military education, and almost all senior generals have diplomas from military schools such as Saint Cyr in France, the two armies use the same tactics, and even soldiers receive the same training. .

You must know that the French army’s tactics have not changed for more than 20 years, and they are still the same old tricks at the end of World War I. So two troops using the same tactics, using light weapons of similar performance, the central part of Cambodia is vast. The plains and bushes fought a rigid field offensive and defensive battle.

Neither side spent time building positions. In fact, they did not prepare the resources to build positions, so the scale of war quickly tilted toward the Siamese army with heavy firepower and armor.

In history, the French commander found that relying on the existing firepower and troops could not stop the opponent from advancing, so he chose to retreat temporarily to avoid the edge, waiting for the rear to gather the army to fight another defensive counterattack. As a result, the battle soon It turned into a marching training of one advance and one retreat. The Siamese pushed forward and moved forward, and the French quickly withdrew after a little resistance until the two sides ceased the war. The two armies were killed, injured, missing, and captured less than two thousand. People, so that in the mouth of a certain head of state who has not yet crossed, he called it a tedious war of pecking each other.

However, the situation has changed dramatically now. France has deployed a total of 50,000 troops in Cambodia, of which 30,000 are regular troops from the mainland. This is not a colonial force that lacks training. They participated in the European campaign and learned how to fight a modern war from the Germans. These French officers and soldiers all have actual combat experience and want to fight a decent victory from the bottom of their hearts. , Used to soothe psychological trauma.

Now that the blood of these French soldiers has been completely ignited, they can’t wait to use the blood of the enemy soldiers to dye the French flag red, use the enemy’s head to prove their worth and strength, and use victory. After the wine, wash away the smell of potatoes from your hands.

Unfortunately, Captain Depan doesn’t know this. He is worrying about how to complete the tasks assigned by his superiors. He is commanding a cavalry company, the second company of the 12th Cavalry Battalion of the Royal Thai Army. In fact, there is no horse in the establishment. The whole company is currently the most fashionable mechanized infantry.

Of course, this is also learned from the French, using armored vehicles and tanks instead of horses, they are modern cuirassiers.

However, the Siamese army is not as wealthy as the French army. This mechanized infantry company is equipped with only six Rolls-Royce armored vehicles and four Carden Royd tracked machine gun vehicles, or Mark IV ultralight tanks. This company is also equipped with twelve half-ton trucks to carry baggage and conventional infantry. In terms of equipment and soldiers, they are the first-class troops in the Siamese Army.

The problem is that all the officers and soldiers, including Depan himself, have never actually fought a battle. Only in the past few weeks, they have carried out some intensive training, such as live ammunition and off-road driving that were rarely carried out because of concerns about the loss of equipment. . The officers and soldiers seem to be a bit tough on the surface, but Captain Depan, who has actually gone to Europe to meet the French army, knows very well that if he wants to fight with the regular French troops, the current preparations are far from enough.

But now the time that worries him has arrived, and the superior suddenly issued an order requesting the cavalry company to immediately enter the first-level combat readiness state, carry all the ammunition and equipment, and move forward to the border.

The above command is very clear. The cavalry company will act as the spearhead of the right wing of the entire army, penetrating the French line of defense, and penetrate the Cambodian border town at the highest speed. Following him are two elite infantry battalions, who are responsible for covering the flanks of the Depan camp and are also his reinforcements.

As for the overall strategic deployment, there is not much he can learn at this level. He only knows that once the forward force opens a gap in the defense line, the entire army will follow up from behind. This will be an unprecedented offensive. action.

In addition, according to the news he received from the inside of the division, the fuse that triggered the ground offensive should be the air force. They even launched a bombing of the French without notifying anyone. Action.

However, after discussing with Tribune, Depan felt that the Air Force could not have such courage. There should be high-level support behind it, and even the headquarters of Bangkok might be involved. But this is obviously not something an officer of their level can guess. All they can do now is to keep their duty and fulfill their duties.

It’s just that the Siamese Army who lacks intelligence support now has a feud between the Siamese and the Khmer, and it is almost impossible to send spies to the Khmer, and even to buy the inside line, because Gao The cotton people are happy to use the heads of Siamese spies to exchange some rewards for the French colonists.

Although Siam’s air force reconnaissance planes have increased the intensity of transit investigations, they have only detected some border military installations and cannot obtain intelligence on the deployment of the Now Siam only knows that the French army is in the poem. At least two battalions of infantry were deployed on the border of Khafong Province, but they did not know the equipment level of the opponent nor the situation behind the French army.

The last piece of news that the agents who finally sneaked into the poetry and combing wind sent back to the country before being arrested was that there were only a few French troops in the city, and no armored units were found.

“The fuel has been replenished, Mr. Captain.” A non-commissioned officer came forward and reported.

The 1934-style field uniforms currently used by the Siamese Army are similar in style to the British Army. They are brown-green single-breasted uniforms with metal service emblems on the vertical collars. Soldier uniforms have no epaulettes, officers and senior non-commissioned officers. With hard epaulettes.

This company is equipped with a 38-type rifle purchased from Japan, so the infantry wears a full set of Japanese-style cowhide ammunition boxes on their waists, but the belt is a French double-shoulder strap. The officers and non-commissioned officers also wore French-style officers’ armed belts, and the map pouches and water bottles on their waists were also French-style.

Because it is now in combat, everyone wears French Adria helmets on their heads. The body of the helmets is painted dark green. The front of the helmets bears the Siamese Army emblem made of copper.

Senior non-commissioned officers and officers in the Siamese army can choose to wear long leather boots or short leather shoes, while all soldiers wear short leather shoes and leggings. This is exactly the same as the French army.

“Keep going, one platoon is the vanguard, and the company is following them. Everyone cheers up. We are going to regain the land occupied by the Khmer. This is an extremely glorious task. Marshal Kan is waiting for our good news in Bangkok, for the king, for honor, go forward!”

Captain Depan climbed onto the Rolls-Royce wheeled armored vehicle as the command vehicle, stood on the door pedal, pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed to the west.

PS: Catch up, thank you for your support. (To be continued.)

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