Battle of the Third Reich Chapter 46: Blumberg (7)

   The time has come to solve these problems, and Xu Jun’s determination is extremely firm.

   But how can these problems be completely solved? It is not enough to rely on strengthening production management and a moderate occupation policy.

  Xu Jun believes that the market for military products, which occupy an important position in the national industrial system, will continue to shrink before the current European repairs the wounds caused by the war. What people need now is to rebuild their homes instead of the army. Prepare for war.

  The shrinking of those huge military industry companies will trigger a series of reactions. The decline in the demand for raw materials and a large number of emergency layoffs will lead to a sluggish market that will drag down the corresponding civilian production companies and directly affect the speed of social and economic recovery in Europe. .

   Therefore, Xu Jun believes that the first thing he has to do at present is to open up new markets for European industrial products, increase the demand for goods, and stimulate the European industrial system to get back on track.

  Ammunition production is the most famous high-profit industry in industrial production. Sometimes the difference between the cost of a shell and the selling price is more than twice, and the profit can be doubled as the technological content of the product increases. This is a crazy profiteering industry. An old-fashioned light bomber with a total cost of about 27,000 marks can be priced from 60,000 to 80,000 marks on the international arms market.

  German munitions, in particular, have always been known for their excellent quality and reliable performance, and after being tested on the European battlefield, the reputation of German weapons has reached the highest point in history.

   However, due to the strict control of arms exports by the Nazis, only a limited number of dependent countries and allies could obtain German weapons. Moreover, due to the limited productivity of German military industry enterprises, the domestic demand of the Wehrmacht must be satisfied before orders from other countries can be fulfilled. This has resulted in a situation where German weapons have always been in a priceless market in the international arms trade.

   If Xu Jun wants to open up the overseas arms market, he must first expand the scale of military production and improve the efficiency of the German military production system.

  Xu Jun decided to mobilize the entire European military industry, conduct all-round cooperation on the basis of mutual fairness, pull them into the advanced production system of German military industry, and establish a huge production and sales group , And speed up the recovery of the European economy with the resulting high profits.

   Xu Jun does not naively think that being an arms dealer alone can revive the European economy. This is only the first step in the start of the entire European industrial chain.

  The development of military manufacturing companies will drive other civilian manufacturing companies. Xu Jun’s goal is to turn Europe into a world high-end product factory. Both civilian and military products can occupy an important share of the world market.

   Xu Jun has set his sights on China. China is now the world’s largest demand for arms. The amount of ammunition she consumes on the battlefield every day is enough to shock all the board directors of Krupp or Rheinmetall. Even a blind man can see the huge profits hidden behind it. This is why German military industry companies have been expressing regret and distress for losing the Chinese market.

  ”It is necessary to re-enter the Chinese market. This is the most important goal for Germany at present. It is a crucial step for Germany’s re-emergence in the world and a crucial step for the rejuvenation of Europe under the leadership of Germany. Whether we can achieve this goal, it depends It depends on your Excellency Marshal’s visit to China whether this time goes well.

  Marshal Blumberg, I hope you know how difficult the mission is on your shoulders. Whether you can take this step well will directly affect all of Germany’s later strategies. If you can complete this arduous mission, you will surely go down in the annals of history, my dear Marshal. “

   Xu Jun stared at Blumberg’s eyes and said seriously.

  ”I understand, my head of state. As you said earlier, this is indeed a major event that will affect the historical development of Germany and the whole of Europe. I feel that I can take on this important mission Excited, and at the same time I am very grateful for your trust and expectation of me.

   but. . . . You have not told me how we will face obstacles from Japan. Based on what I know about them, they will definitely react extremely strongly to this matter. They will definitely do everything possible to sabotage and obstruct this cause, even by using force. If things really develop like that, we might start a head-on confrontation with Japan in Asia. How should we deal with it then? “

   Blumberg frowned and asked.

   He saw a broad and beautiful prospect from Xu Jun’s plan. He was excited that he would be a witness to history, and he was also worried about obstacles in the process of the plan.

  ”Yes, your Excellency Marshal, we will definitely encounter obstruction and destruction from the Japanese side, and we will definitely be involved in wars in Asia. This is inevitable, even if we do not engage in arms trade with China, we will not deal with China. With aid, the Japanese Empire will still have fierce conflicts with Germany in Asia.”

   Xu Jun picked up his teacup and continued after taking a sip of tea.

  ”Under our new European Occupation Policy, Germany is bound to establish a closer relationship with the European Low Countries. While holding the leadership of the whole Europe, Germany is bound to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding the interests of European countries , Which includes their interests in their respective colonies. And most of the colonies of European countries are in Asia, where there are rich resources, producing the rare mineral and energy resources that are most needed in the reconstruction of Europe. These resources are also the Japanese Empire. The most urgent and most needed.

   Judging from the current situation in Asia, the Japanese Empire will never let go of these resources. They have consumed too many resources in the war with China, and this country has become a slave to the war. The Sino-Japanese War is evolving into a war of attrition between these two eastern countries, and judging from the intelligence we currently have, the final victor of this war of attrition is definitely not the Japanese Empire. “

   Xu Jun opened the humidor on the table and drew a cigar.

  ”The United States has announced the abolition of the “Japan-U.S. Treaty of Commerce and Navigation.” If the Japanese Empire cannot obtain new sources of resources within two years, they will quickly be dragged down by this war. They will not be willing to lose this The war that consumed almost all of their national power, so they will definitely reach out to the European colonies in Asia, where they have valuable resources that they can continue this war on.”

   Xu Jun put down the cigar cutter, picked up the lighter and lit his cigar.

  ”Do you think they will launch an attack on these colonies? Are they ready to go to war with the whole of Europe? This is crazy. They can buy the resources they need from those colonies. This is a wise choice.”

   Blumberg’s eyes widened in surprise.

  ”They are such a crazy people. They spent too much national power to defeat China. To be able to win that war, they had to take risks. Their gold reserves were in just four years after the war broke out. It consumes 86%, and they don’t have enough funds to start international trade.

  In this situation, they can only choose to plunder rather than trade. What’s more, we will not agree that those colonies will start resource trade with Japan. This is too stupid. This will make Germany lose the Chinese market forever, and it will also trigger a conflict of interest with the United States. Not only will we not be able to get any benefits from the Japanese, but we will also be dragged into their camp by the Japanese, which will seriously damage Germany’s national reputation and interests.

   Moreover, from my personal point of view, any help to the Japanese Empire is intolerable. I am extremely disgusted with this greedy and crazy country and everything they do. “

   Xu Jun frowned and spat out a smoke ring.

  ”However, at this stage, we don’t have to worry about Japan’s fierce response to this. They are not yet ready. They are not yet ready to confront European countries, especially Germany. Before all the preparations are made, they will endure and continue to maintain their relations with European countries on the surface.

   In order to achieve the goal I mentioned earlier, the Command Department has made a budget. The Japanese Empire needs to carry out a large-scale strategic mobilization on the Chinese battlefield, using more than four divisions and a large number of navies. And air power, and from now on we will produce and reserve a large amount of war materials for this strategy. I don’t think they will rashly launch an armed attack on the European colonies at least until the end of next year.

   Of course, we can’t take this lightly. Who knows what these Japanese will do in the next moment. Before that, we must complete the military deployment in Asia and try our best to ensure that when that day really comes, we will not be caught by those groups. The crazy dwarf was caught off guard.

   In the preparation phase, we must keep a low profile and confidentiality in the adjustment of our Asian strategy. We must not excessively stimulate the nerves of those madmen, at least until we are fully prepared. “

   Xu Jun paused and made a gesture to Weierle, who immediately pulled out a file from his file bag.

  ”In order to confuse Japan, we will start the arms trade with the Chinese government in the name of the French government at this stage. I have reached a secret agreement with Petain on this, and he is also very worried about the security of that remote French colony. , And the marshal is also full of interest in the profits of the arms trade. And now, my marshal, for your trip to China, the command department has made a complete plan.”

   Xu Jun handed the document to Blumberg.

  ”You will fly through Romania to Iran, and then take a passenger ferry to the Dutch East Indies, where you will meet with the rest of your mission, and then you will arrive in France with our first shipment Indochina, it’s been a long journey.”

   “Meet other members of my mission in the Dutch East Indies?”

   Blumberg tilted his head and looked at the document.

   “Yes, my marshal, they set off two weeks ago. According to the French Navy’s report, they have now reached the east coast of Africa.”

   “My head, did you mean the French Navy? They still carry our first shipment?”

   Blumberg couldn’t help but grow his mouth.

   “Yes, you heard it right, it’s the French Navy. This is another deal between me and Petain, my dear marshal.”

   Xu Jun smiled and flicked off the ashes from the cigar.

  ”So, how should I face these French people.”

   Blumberg knows that there are some things he should not ask.

   “Think of them as allies of Germany, my dear Marshal. Germans now have to learn how to make friends in addition to defeating the enemy.”

   “My head, may I know what the first shipment contains? I want to prepare for this mission.”

   Blumberg put the document back on the table.

  ”Of course, General Weierle, show the list of goods to the marshal. My marshal, documents related to this trip to China will be sent to your office soon. If you need any information, you You can directly ask General Weierle.”

   “Thank you very much, my head.”

   Blumberg took the list and reviewed it.

  ”30 H35 tanks, 15 B1 tanks, 50 Panhard armored vehicles…”

  ”This is which is assigned by the French government to the French Indo-China colonial forces~ However, if the Chinese side urgently needs it, a part of it can be allocated and the quoted price will be increased by 20%.”

  ”Twenty 155 heavy howitzers, fifteen 75mm infantry guns, and eighty-five 45mm anti-tank guns…”

  ”This is also assigned to the French army, but if the Chinese side needs it, it can also allocate a part of it. The price is the same as above.”

  ”This…My head of state. Can you tell me which goods on this list belong to us, it looks like these are French equipment.”

  ”Well, this… Actually… These are all the spoils we have seized. I think instead of putting these weapons in a warehouse to rust, I might as well sell them early and save a lot of money. A cost of destruction.”

  ”Well, my head of state. Will the Chinese government be unwilling to buy these old weapons? I think the first transaction is very important. We can provide a batch of brand-new German-made weapons, which can give the Chinese government a good Impression, this is also good for future transaction development.”

   Blumberg is a little worried about the sale of second-hand goods.

  ”Don’t worry about this, my marshal. These French weapons are in very good condition and are carefully selected from the trophies. For example, most of the 20,000 M36 rifles are brand new and have never been used. Only fell once at most.”

   Xu Jun explained with a smile.

   “Have you fallen once?”

   “Well, some French soldiers acted rougher when they surrendered.”

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