Battle of the Third Reich Chapter 41: Wechat (4)

   “Mr… You…”

   Weierle said in an anxious voice from the side that the brain of the chief of staff is now running fast, trying to organize the most suitable sentence to calm the anger of this adult.

   Although he is not very clear why the head of state is so angry, no matter what, he must fulfill his responsibilities as the chief of staff. This is really not the right place for the head of state of Germany to be so angry.

   However, the next moment Weierle was surprised to find that the Führer’s anger had suddenly disappeared just like it had erupted. The cold light in Xu Jun’s eyes has disappeared, and the familiar gentle face is still in front of him, and there is even that charming smile on the corner of his mouth. If it hadn’t been for the fearful expression on the French vendor’s face, Weierle would almost doubt that the pressure he had felt before was just his own illusion, and whether that terrifying pressure had ever existed. It seems that the noble dictator of the empire has finally learned to use reason to adjust his emotions and suppress his exuberant anger. Weierle is greatly relieved by this.

   But, is this really the case? The chief of staff still has some doubts.


   Xu Jun is still smiling, so brilliant in Weierle’s eyes that it is a little unreal.

   “Listening to what Mr. Alfonso said, I am more interested in this lunch now.”

  ”Do you still want to go to that restaurant? I suggest you change one. There should be more than one Chinese restaurant in Paris. We can have many choices. We can also taste the flavors of other places. Well, like that Turkish restaurant over there, I have never eaten Turkish food.”

   Weirler’s diligent suggestion, it seems that his premonition is correct, the adult still has not been able to change his somewhat willful temper.

   “The things I decided will not change, Weierle, today we will have a Chinese meal at that restaurant, and I am already hungry now.”

   Xu Jun lowered his face and glanced at Weierle coldly, his eyes filled with the threatening meaning of stopping you from trying.

   “Then… everything is up to you, sir.”

   Weierle was killed by spike as always.

   “Yes, there is nothing in the world that can stop the things that Mr. decides. Don’t worry, Mr. Weirler, there will be no problems with me.”

   Randolph said excitedly, from Xu Jun’s eyes and words, what this smart guy felt. I thought it was just a boring shopping for dinner, but now it seems that there may be a good show to participate in. The young adjutant quickly raised his paws to support the leader’s decision.

  ”I am even more worried if I have you, this bastard, let’s see how I go back to clean up you.”

   Weierle gave Randolph an eye attack, but the latter smirked to show that he was now invincible.

   “Don’t have an accident…”

   The depressed chief of staff felt his forehead start to swell again.

   Xu Jun and his party left the stall and continued toward their destination. As the meal time approached, the street became more and more lively. The streets are filled with the tempting smells from restaurants on both sides. Turkish barbecue, Indian curry, Italian pizza, French bread. The smell of food stimulates the appetites of tourists, tempting them to walk into the beautifully decorated restaurants and take them out. They are full of money pockets. Xu Jun was not affected in any way, he seemed to have lost interest in those foods. Weierle knew that the head of state was a food lover, and he would be very excited to stop and hang around in normal times, just like when he first walked on this street. However, now he was pacing slowly without saying a word, turning a blind eye to the restaurants on both sides, which was really abnormal.

   Weierle walked behind Xu Jun anxiously, thinking about the vendor’s words, he wanted to find the root cause of the Führer’s unhappiness.

   “We are here.”

   Xu Jun stopped suddenly, and Weierle, who was worried, almost ran into him.

   “Are we there? Ah, sorry, sir, I’m lost.”

   Weierle nodded apologetically to Xu Jun, then turned his face to look at their goal today.

   This is a medium-sized restaurant with a small facade and simple decoration, but it has a strong oriental atmosphere.

   Xu Jun’s current mood can be described as mixed. After coming to this world, this is the first time he feels that he is so close to China. The familiar red doorposts, the familiar cornices, the familiar carved beams and paintings, everything is so familiar, those lines, those decorations, those patterns, the palace lanterns hanging high, and the dragons with their heads bowed. Appeared in a dream.


   Xu Jun looked at the vermilion plaque hung on the door lintel, and looked at the neat and round font, his eye sockets could not help getting wet.

   “Sir, what’s wrong with you?”

   Randolph was a little puzzled when he saw the Führer standing at the door of the hotel but not entering.

   “Ah, nothing, just fascinated by this style, don’t you find it very charming?”

   Xu Jun quickly concealed and wiped the corners of his eyes, took a deep breath, then smiled and said, but his voice still trembled.

   “Well, this is the oriental style, it’s really charming, sir.”

   Weierle noticed Xu Jun’s strangeness, and he sleekly freed Xu Jun.

  ”Oh, this is the oriental style. It seems to be different from what I saw in the photo. Well, what style is that? That should be the Japanese restaurant that Alfonso mentioned. .”

   Randolph said on the side.


   Xu Jun snorted coldly. He really didn’t want to see anything in Japanese style now. In his opinion, it was nothing more than the style that plagiarized the architectural style of the Tang Dynasty in China, but then he was seen by himself. Frightened.

   What kind of stuff is this?

   There must be something wrong with the aesthetic ability of this restaurant owner. What Xu Jun and the others are presented with is a smorgasbord of things. Although it is a Japanese-style wooden sliding door, it is installed on a Renaissance-style arched door frame with two fat little angels with wings carved on it. A string of red, green and green light bulbs hung between the Japanese-style square lanterns hanging at the door, and the image of a Japanese samurai was painted on the menu plate written in French. The whole door* colored flags fluttered, and national flags mixed with various signal flags were tied to a rope and struggled feebly in the wind. In the middle of the door lintel, a small flagpole was erected obliquely, on which was hung a small Japanese navy flag that looked a little ghostly, and seemed to be hanged to death, doing the final twitch.

   What surprised Xu Jun and the others most was that there were two guys in black Japanese school uniforms standing on both sides of the gate, who looked like a waiter, and I really don’t know why the Japanese put such two at the gate. Something.

   The Eastern and Western cultures are mixed here in a mess, not only does not give people any sensory enjoyment, but from top to bottom, it reveals the master’s kind of nouveau-like superficiality and ignorance.

   “That is… It seems… Maybe… It should be a hybrid style, Randolph… You need to improve your taste.”

   Weierle looked at it for a long time, shaking his head and replied.

   The two small Japanese men at the entrance of the Japanese restaurant are now arrogantly looking at Xu Jun’s place. The rude eyes make Xu Jun feel extremely upset. The head of the Third Reich suppressed his anger fiercely and glared back, incidentally, spitting on the ground.

   The two Japanese obviously did not expect this kind of reaction. They were a little overwhelmed by the sudden provocation, and hurriedly looked away from them.

   The imperial head of state, who was slightly satisfied with the effect, turned around happily, and walked into the Telford Building with his head upright and his men.

   The space inside the restaurant is larger than Xu Jun had imagined. The spacious store hall is neatly arranged with seven or eight tables of eight immortals, and the tables are not covered with snow-white tablecloths in accordance with European habits. The interior decoration and layout all maintain the true color of a traditional Chinese hotel, clean and tidy, and simple and elegant. There are several hanging scrolls hanging on the snow-white whitewashed wall. Although they are not masterpieces, they are really vigorous. A screen was erected in a corner of the shop hall with a picture of a pine and crane painted on it. According to Xu Jun’s judgment, the back should be the kitchen where the dishes were served.

   The French vendor was right. Although it is time for dinner, the whole hall is empty and there is no customer.

   Xu Jun suddenly became a little bit confused. Since the local French guests are afraid to come here for dinner, but what can stop the group of German soldiers under them, they are not afraid of drunks making trouble, maybe they would like to have something that does not open their eyes Hit their guns, but why didn’t even German soldiers come in here?

   But then he wanted to understand that anyone who came in would be frightened away by the scene in front of him, who would dare to eat in a restaurant that was empty at the peak of dining. In general, this kind of restaurant either has bad food or service problems, and maybe they bring slaughter customers. Those German soldiers are not stupid. They are originally unfamiliar with their lives. Of course they will be discouraged when they see this situation.

   “Strange, how come there is no one.”

   Randolph broke the silence on the sidelines.

   “Yes, there is not a waiter.”

   Weierle frowned.

   Indeed, not only can we not find a guest here, there is not even a waiter, and the entire lobby is quiet and depressing.

   “Is anyone here? We are here to eat, is there anyone?” Xu Jun asked loudly.

   “Ah, there are guests, Abba, come out soon, there are guests…”

   There was a string of crisp shouts behind the screen, Xu Jun was stunned at that time, the familiar Wu Nong soft language, the familiar local accent, how long has it not been heard, one year, two years still is. . . . For half a century.

   Then, a Chinese boy wearing a waiter’s clothes rushed out from behind the screen.

  ”Gentlemen, good noon, I’m very sorry, something happened just now. Welcome to Defu Building.”

   is fluent in French, with a slight accent, but very accurate.

   The boy graciously stepped forward to entertain him. The expression on his face showed that he was very excited now.

   Xu Jun looked at the boy up and down, yes, this was just a child, only about fourteen or five years old at most. It was the age when Xu Jun was absorbing knowledge. The neat and tidy uniform is a little too big for the boy’s skinny size. He has a straight neckline with a bow tie and an apron around his waist. He is dressed as a standard European waiter, but it can’t hide his childishness.

   “Let’s just sit here.”

   Xu Jun sat down at a table near the window.

   “Mr. would like to have something to order. We have the purest Chinese food, all kinds of dim sum, the best in Paris.”

  The boy stood beside Xu Jun politely and put a menu in front of Xu Jun.

   “Ah, good noon, dear guest.”

  A middle-aged man walked out from behind the Like the boy, his face was also full of excitement.

   “Several of the first batch of guests that our store entertained today, our store will provide you with the best service, which will definitely make you satisfied.”

  The middle-aged man smiled and spoke to Xu Jun in pure French.

   It looks like he is about forty years old. He wears a pair of thin-rimmed glasses, a blue gown, and a pair of traditional Chinese round shoes on his feet. If in China at the time, this was an ordinary merchant dress, but in Europe, this dress is really rare.

   “This is the manager of this shop.” The boy introduced him.

   “Oh, hello, Mr. Manager.”

   Xu Jun is also a little excited now, but this is the first time he has met his compatriots since he came to this world.

   “He is your father, right.”

   Xu Jun said to the boy.

   “Oh? How did you know.”

   The boy’s eyes widened in surprise.

   “I can understand Chinese.”

   Xu Jun said with a trembling voice.

   “And, you two look alike, kid.”

   Weierle raised his head and looked at Xu Jun in surprise. Randolph opened his mouth blankly. The Chinese boy stared and couldn’t speak, and the middle-aged man squinted his eyes, all because of this. . . . What Xu Jun said just now was a standard Mandarin.


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