I Am Supreme Chapter 143: It turned out to be him!

In front of Shangguan Lingxiu, the middle-aged man smiled. It was a kind of letting go of everything, and finally there was no more worrying relief smile.

The gentle woman next to him, who is intimate with Wei Ran, is even more blessed. She pointed her finger at Shangguan Lingxiu, then pointed at Lord Yunzun next to her, and then held her hand tightly. Took her husband’s hand.

At this moment, looking at Shangguan Lingxiu’s smile, there is something strange about it.

It seems to be a blessing, it seems to be a reminder, and it seems to be…

But the middle-aged man shook his head and squeezed his wife’s hand fondly. It seemed that the wife wanted to say something, but the husband stopped him. A helpless smile appeared on the face of the gentle woman, and she glanced at Shangguan Lingxiu again, her mouth curled.

Immediately, the man and the woman turned around at the same time, and bowed solemnly in the direction of Eastern Tiantang. Then he stood up straight again, turned around, and took another deep look at Shangguan Lingxiu. The middle-aged man waved his hand.

Then he took the hand of the woman next to him, picked up the child, and suddenly a steed appeared in the air, and the three fell on the horse’s back at the same time.

The steeds carried three people, and galloped between the half clouds and half fog, and they rushed. The people and the horses suddenly turned into a breeze and disappeared.

Although the tablet in front of Yun Yang and Shangguan Lingxiu did not move at all, the three packs of bones suddenly collapsed at the same time.

There is a significant difference in the amount of weight in his hands. Shangguan Lingxiu immediately wakes up like a dream, and hurriedly opened the package to observe the things in the package.

Unsurprisingly, there was nothing in the three skeletal packs, and only a cloud of ashes remained.

“That was the invincible ancestor…” Shangguan Lingxiu’s eyes were hazy, but with a smile: “His old man finally achieved his wish and left with peace of mind. He took his beloved wife and son to Jiuquan together, and accompanied him in the dark.”

Yun Yang let out a long sigh of relief, and said, “Yun also opened his eyes today. As expected, the heroic spirit is immortal, and the world will last forever!”

Shangguan Lingxiu smiled with tears: “This is also the first time I have seen the invincible ancestors. I really deserve to be the predecessors of my Shangguan Jiangmen. This style and manner have never been seen in any general today. Been there.”

Yun Yang said solemnly: “Invincible is invincible!”

He had to admit that it’s no wonder that Ziyou Empire would rather use despicable means to destroy the invincible general of the Shangguan. That invincible look is really…too heartbreaking!

It seems to be… Even among the millions of troops, as long as this person comes out, he will be an undefeated existence!

He is an invincible hero!

And this feeling has long been deeply etched into the hearts of everyone on both sides!

No one would think that he could defeat such a strong one on the battlefield!

“Heavenly Hero!”

Yun Yang gave his own evaluation: “It’s a pity…” Halfway through, he didn’t go on.

In any case, Shangguan’s invincible wish was finally fulfilled!

Don’t say anything afterwards, lest you blaspheme this invincible hero!

May this invincible general, love his wife and son, go well all the way, Huangquan will not be lonely!

Giving the remains of the three members of Shangguan Wudi’s family to Shangguan Lingxiu is a node where all the affairs of this Ziyou trip have ended. Yun Yang really wants to take a good rest.

Since this period of time, especially in the last few days, he is really exhausted. First, he arranged plans and sneaked into Zilong City, always hanging a heart, fighting with Ziyou high-level leaders, and finally seeing After Lao Dugu, followed by a series of battles, after rushing out of the Purple Dragon City, it was almost overdrawn before the Moon Soul River was drained to the border of the Purple Dragon City.

Although the water of the Moon Soul River seems to be very powerful this time, Yun Yang knows his own affairs, and what he can drain is actually only a small part. Speaking of drawing all the water of the Moon Soul River, It was impossible to kill Yunyang.

The white waves seen in the eyes of everyone are true and true, but apart from the huge waves at the forefront, there are only a few sporadic currents behind them; they are by no means as powerful as those seen in the eyes of the Emperor Ziyou .

The so-called terrifying boundless water potential is full of bluffs created by Yunyang with the holy water decision. The so-called life is like a play and depends on acting, nothing more!

If Yun Yang’s holy water tactics cultivation base can really draw the entire Moon Soul River here, there will be no incident that he said half an hour will arrive, but in fact it will only arrive after a full two hours.

I’m late, that’s the real reason.

At that time, Yun Yang, he had exhausted all his spiritual power, and still could not successfully drain the Moon Soul River to the border of Zilong City. In the end, Lulu had made great efforts, and this was lucky enough to successfully attract a part of Moon Soul. River water!

In order to drain the Moon Soul River to this point, Yun Yang’s spirit power was directly consumed seven or eighty-eight!

It can be said that Yun Yang’s condescending high posture when facing Ziyou emperor and ministers, ten percent of them are bluffing, so he is imaginary!

However, the subsequent Little Bear incident once again consumed most of Yun Yang’s physical strength, and when he looked “easy” to leave from outsiders and turned into a stream of water, he had actually gone to the end of the oil lamp. To the point of dryness!

Yun Yang almost fainted in the current, relying solely on willpower to sustain him, and then he was able to stay out of the vision of the people away from Ziyou, and only then did he recover in his leisure time. At that time, Lulu informed that the death of the little bear had turned for the better, and this was another trip to the dense forest, which brought the little bear back to life and restarted the change of repair.

Of course, the rescue of the little bear made Yun Yang’s profound energy that had just recovered, taking time again!

So when Yunyang landed on the Shangguan Lingxiu boat, it was the weakest and most powerless moment in his life. The only feeling was that he was exhausted to the extreme, and his eyes were darkened, and he could fall asleep almost at any time. past.

At this time, if an enemy happens to arrive, Yun Yang is afraid that he will really have no choice but to wait and be killed!

Life Ling Yuan is not a universal method, a panacea, at least it is powerless to Yun Yang’s current state of exhaustion!

Now that the matter of Shangguan’s invincibility has come to an end, Yun Yang felt that he could no longer support it, and said without a word: “Shangguan girl, can you prepare a quiet room for me? Don’t disturb you. I need to take a break.”

After hearing the unexpected words of Master Yun Zun, Shangguan Lingxiu was instantly aware of it. This Master Yun Zun seemed to be exhausted these days!

Those things he has done are simply not what a normal human can do!

No matter which one it is, it is a miracle beyond imagination!

How can there be no loss after doing such a thing?

Even if there is a peerless cultivation base in the body again, at this stage, I am afraid that the whole person will be exhausted, right?

Not to mention that Yun Zun has never been good at physical strength?

“This matter is really my negligence.” Shangguan Lingxiu apologized, and even if he gave the order, no one was allowed to board the third floor of the ship.

Then directly vacated the largest bedroom on the third floor, tidied up a bit, and then quietly retreated.

Yun Yang waved his hand, and a cloud of mist came out and settled at the door of the room; this was the last safety measure he could make by his now exhausted thoughts.

Once someone wants to forcefully enter this room door and touches this cloud of mist, Yunyang will be alert and awake for the first time and respond in time!

Then, he just lay down on the bed, almost asleep before his head was on the pillow.


Yun Yang only feels that his whole person is in a trance, like a fairy, like a dream, and drunk.

Suddenly, it seemed that he was once again with the brothers, and the nine people went out on the task together… There was a soft, happy smile on the corner of his asleep mouth.

“Big Brother, 2nd Brother, 3rd Sister, 4th Brother, 5th Brother, 6th Brother, 7th Brother and Myna…”

“What are we going to do today? Well, Dafubao? Well, I happen to have the information there. Wait for me and I will make a plan.”

“What’s going on today? Okay, let me make the plan.”

“Lao Jiu, don’t be too tired. Combination of work and rest is the long-term way. There is no need to rush for a while.”

“I’m not tired! Why am I tired? As long as everyone gets together, no matter how much I do, I am not tired!”

“I just miss you guys, think hard!”

During his sleep, Yun Yang was in a trance and felt something was wrong. I’m with my brothers now. What do I want them to do?

The brothers are all looking at themselves and smiling, are they laughing at yourself and silly? !

“By the way, Brother Fifth, have you found Sister Yue? You picked her up, right?”

“Little brother…” Yun Zuiyue’s figure appeared, with the same smile on his face, still amiable.

“Sister Yue, you cheated me to death, killed me, scared me to death…” In his sleep, Yun Yang cried loudly: “I thought I was hurting you and killing me. You…I, I…”

He cried and screamed in relief, and for a while, all the accumulated pressure in his heart, all the grievances, all the buried thoughts, all poured out like a river bursting.

Yun Yang, who is lying quietly on the bed, is asleep, with a smile from the bottom of his heart on the corner of his mouth, but there are rows of tears from the corner of his eyes…

The laughter in the dream continues, and the nine people are still doing tasks endlessly; Yun Yang only hopes that the tasks will never be completed. There is always something to do!

Because of this, we can always be together, together forever.

Unfortunately, even if there are many and complex tasks, when they come to an end, the tasks are all completed, and the speed of the tasks is far beyond Yun Yang’s expectations. It is clear that the tasks were successfully completed, why should I Is the heart unwilling? !

What am I unwilling to do? !

It seems I am really tired and stupid!

“Everyone, wait and eat cabbage tofu!”

This is the proposal of Big Brother.

The brothers responded in a rush.

The next moment, all the nine brothers came to the dilapidated tavern.

The old Dugu is still crouching as before, sitting in front of the door, watching the brothers come in, with warm and comforting smiles on his old faces, just like watching his long-lost son return together.

There is still a table for one person, one dish of cabbage tofu for one person, and one pot of wine for each person. The refreshing fragrance immediately filled the small room.

Yun Yang ate greedily, feeling the warmth in his heart almost overflowing while eating.

So delicious!

It’s so delicious!

I can’t eat enough no matter what!

Yun Yang found out that all of his dishes had been eaten, but there was still a plate full of them in front of each of the few brothers. They were flying their chopsticks and ate to their satisfaction.

Like a kid who ate his sugar first, or Zhu Bajie who ate the ginseng fruit first, Yun Yang, who was coveting 30 feet, completely ignored his image, stood up, picked up his chopsticks, salivated his face and leaned forward to put it on again. A chopstick was blocked by a group.

“Don’t let me eat?” Yun Yang was taken aback.

The boss Tuzun raised his head, impressively the face of the prince, looking at Yun Yang warmly: “Old Jiu, we eat, you can’t eat it.”

“What is it that I can’t eat? It’s all the same thing, I just finished a plate!” Yun Yang stubbornly said, “I’ll take one bite! Just one bite! Wouldn’t the brothers reward the younger brother with one bite?” /

In the face of a certain cloud from stubborn to acting like a baby, and even shameless, the brothers all smiled warmly, looking at him, but Qi Qi resolutely shook his head and rejected it.

Old Dugu crouched, smiled kindly, stood aside, smiled and said: “Why bother with this point, it is not easy to want to eat? Didn’t I teach you how to do it? I want to eat, not myself Do it?”

“No!” Yun Yang stubbornly: “I will eat theirs, I have to take a bite for everyone, what else is rare to make by myself?”

At this moment, Yun Yang’s voice was still in his ears, echoing in his heart, and the tavern suddenly disappeared.

The big brothers are no longer in their original positions. They all got up and went away. Eight or nine people were talking and laughing. Old Dugu followed them, talking and laughing all the way to the distance. No one paid any attention to him.

Yun Yang looked around blankly for a while, at a loss.

As far as I can see, the sky is thousands of miles high, the yellow sand is everywhere, and I look far away. There is no cloud of smoke in the vast thousands of miles, not even a tree or a grass.

In this land, there are no creatures at all, and even in this whole world, there is only one living thing left!

Naturally, no one cares about himself.

Yun Yang said blankly: “Where are you going? Why don’t you bring me?”

The ten or so people in the distance talked with each other intimately. The backs went further and further, and no one had any reaction to their own questioning.

Yun Yang felt even more anxious, and rushed out: “Wait for me! Wait for me! Wait for me to go with you!”

However, the people ahead are moving faster and faster, and the distance between each other is getting farther and farther. The figure at the other end gradually turns into a group of small black spots, and then completely disappears. Then Yun Yangruo felt that the elder brothers had become stars in the sky.

Still looking at himself with blinking eyes.

Then, the wind, rain, snow…

Heavy rains, floods, fires, thunder catastrophes, countless disasters from heaven and earth, blood and fire, and a devastated world, only oneself is constantly struggling, constantly fighting, constantly screaming, it is that kind of need help, need help, You need someone to accompany you on this journey.

However, no one came.

I’m the only one supporting, supporting, supporting…

Still in a trance, the figure flickered in front of him, and the old Dugu reappeared again with his waist, still with that warm smiling face, looking at himself with pity: “Child, go back, this shouldn’t be where you came from! “

“I won’t go back!” Yun Yang yelled, tears in his eyes, and insisted: “I won’t go back!”

Lao Dugu looked at himself pityingly, and whispered softly: “Child, remember to… take care of yourself…”

After speaking, he stretched out a hand, seemed to hesitate, and then patted Yunyang with a palm on his shoulder.

Yun Yang yelled, only feeling that his body was completely uncontrolled and involuntarily backing away.

The old Dugu in front of him is farther and farther away from him, and gradually disappears completely like everyone else.

Unfortunately, he is still involuntarily continuing to fly back, Yun Yang flies and struggles vigorously, while yelling: “I won’t go back! I won’t go back! You never want to leave me!”

“Every day I say that brothers are one heart, and that life and death are shared every day. Now you want to leave me, how can it be so easy!”

Yun Yang yelled: “There are no such cheap things in the world! I will find you in the world!”

“Don’t leave me alone, I am the only one left in this world! What’s the point of having me alone?”

“I’m the only one, can’t you see? How hard did I suffer?”

“I can’t hold it anymore!”

“I can’t hold it anymore! You take me away!”

“Take me along!”

“Take me away!”

“Wait for me!”

“Big brother, brothers, wait for me! Wait for me!”



Shangguan Lingxiu’s face was full of tears and sadness.

Since yesterday and now, she has been sitting here, and the Yun Zun inside has been asleep for a day and a night; afterwards, suddenly somehow, like a nightmare, she was totally uncontrollable crying and shouting. Hoarse and low growl, thrilling…

She can hear Yun Zun’s babble clearly, although most of them are ill and can’t understand clearly; but after all, some of them can still be understood.

And these are things that Yun Zun in a sober state will not say even if he is killed!

He is a **** in the Yutang Empire!

A living god!

How can you show such a fragile emotion?

Perhaps, only when he is so tired that he can’t support himself, and his fatigue is overdrawn to the point where his subconscious mind can’t control it, coupled with the huge physical and mental shock…so that he really can’t bear it, he will One or two in the dream, right?

Especially when I heard that…

“I won’t go back, I won’t go back, you never want to leave me!”

“Don’t leave me alone, I am the only one left in this world!”

“Can’t you see, how hard did I endure?”

“I can’t hold it anymore!”

“Take me away!”

“I miss you guys, think hard…”


Shangguan Lingxiu cried and turned into tears.

At the place of translocation, if you are Yun Zun, brothers who have been together for the same siblings, in one day, all died in battle…

Just leave yourself, live alone, what will happen to yourself?

Not to mention, when you are only yourself, you still have to continue to bear so many responsibilities!

Almost the spiritual pillars of the entire empire are all carried on their shoulders!

Take revenge!

There is still something to do!

Be responsible!

To fight, to fight! To face endless traps, to face all the despicables, all the sordid, all the noble, all the…

The spies of the court, the forces of the arena, the hostile countries, the battlefield from all sides…

The above were originally the responsibilities shared by nine people, each with its own division of labor, and each contributing his own strength, but now, there is only one person left, but things are many times more numerous.

The loneliness, the loneliness, the helplessness when alone is alone, but they still have to go forward, unswervingly continue to support, and persevere…

Even if you’re an iron man, I’m afraid you won’t be able to hold it long ago?

It is said that this time the Ziyou Empire assassin is a relative of one of the nine statues, and Yunzun finally came this time, but once again witnessed the death of a relative…

Even if you have cut countless enemies in this battle and won a complete victory, what is the use? It is still difficult for your loved ones to come back!

In this world, I feel lonely again!

The heart is broken and the soul is also lost!

Master Yun Zun, how did he sustain it?

Even if you have a dream, you need to take everyone away, so that you can cry and scold in your sleep in the private time space that is absolutely yours…

Shangguan Lingxiu felt the loneliness and loneliness that was almost desperate. She only felt a heart, almost torn apart.

Shangguan Lingxiu really couldn’t imagine how strong body and mind it would take to withstand all this?


“Sure enough, it was him, it turned out to be him…”

Shangguan Lingxiu murmured in tears.

In fact, Shangguan Lingxiu had already doubted the identity of Yunzun for a long time, especially when the Sky-Swallowing Leopard came to report the news before, that meow…

Nowadays, Yun Zun is in a room separated by a door. Yun Zun in his dream has never hidden his true voice; Shangguan Lingxiu can hear the original owner of this voice.

The gentleman Yun Zun who has been helping himself, helping Shangguan Jiangmen, helping Yutang Empire, laughing and cursing in the face of the generals of the four countries, is Young Master Yun!

That Yun Xiaohou master!

That Young Master Yun who doesn’t seem to be forever clean, it seems that there will never be any dust on him!

That gentle smile, that standing back.

Although in the outside world, I have always been wearing the name of the dude; but if you investigate carefully, you will only find that there seems to be no dude’s deeds that can be connected with the head of the Yutang dude…

Even though the words are so slick~IndoMTL.com~, no matter when and where, I have never seen him really bend his waist even once!

Then Young Master Yun who looked at him, smiled faintly, and called himself “Sister Lingxiu”!

It turned out to be him!

It turned out to be him!

Shangguan Lingxiu finally understood, Ming realized a lot.

No wonder I always feel that Yun Yang has a lot of secrets in him. It seems that he will never be able to touch his bottom. His heart will never understand what he is thinking, what kind of pursuits and ambitions he has…

No wonder I always feel that this man has a deep heart and never reveals his true feelings. Even if you are laughing and cursing, even if you are swearing on the street, even if you are arrogant and unreasonable……

However, all stocks are so illusory and unreal. It seems that at any time, what is seen by outsiders is not the real himself!

That’s it!

It turns out that Yunyang in the eyes of the world is just an illusion, a complete illusion!

It turns out that Yun Yang is Yun Zun!

It was Master Feng Zun whom the entire Yutang Empire regarded as the **** and the only savior!

Along the way, with so many things in his heart, where can he get it easy?

Where can I show my true feelings?

It’s just the many things that are now on his shoulders. I believe that if you change to any person, you will probably be crushed already!

But he can still be as gentle as jade, so that no one can see it, it is all easy and freehand!

However, in his bones, he is so lonely and cold, no one can understand.

No one can help him share even a little!

If it wasn’t for this time to be so tired that he almost collapsed, who would have thought…he would be Yun Zun? !


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