Swallowed Star Chapter 20: Release Origin Ancestor

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Chapter 29 Chapter 20 Seeking Origin Ancestor Release

World Beast in Void looks at the life in front of the skeleton: “Bone Lord?”


Thousands of World Beasts can communicate with each other and stop eating. The latest chapter of the temple

“According to the plan, we should keep a slave. The two idiots, Zhen Jia and Rock Dragon, don’t know the latest news at all.”

“Take this Bone Lord.”

“Accept him.”

Nine hundred thousand World Beast are all sound transmission, quickly negotiate this matter.

“Since you are willing to trust us,” said the black and ugly World Beast, “I give you this opportunity.”

Bone Lord has a bit of bitterness in his eyes, but still appreciates his orders.

“Don’t have the slightest resistance.” World Beast looked at him indifferently.

“Yes.” Bone Lord respectfully responded.

The two single eyes of World Beast suddenly began to show bleeding patterns. The two blood patterns were rotating … Bone Lord watching the two patterns in the eyes of World Beast, they felt that soul was faintly disturbed.




I saw that plane space in the small scale universe began to collapse. The origin already of this small scale universe was almost swallowed up. Naturally, all space in the entire small scale universe began to collapse and annihilate. Soon, origin completely disappeared, and all plane space It’s all broken like glass, all beings are gone.

World Beast, World Beast, World Beast !!!” A man with three pairs of black wings hiding in a distant Void sighed in agony. His small scale universe already was over and the ethnic group was over.

Silver River Lord you are really useless. I will believe you if you wait. My clan will take a step first, and your Humanity will surely become extinct!” The second Samsara era roared golden armor True God roaring, he did not choose to escape, but stayed with himself The small scale universe lives with its own people.

The family is extinct, the universe is extinct, and he has no possibility of transcending reincarnation. When he is three Samsara era full, he still has to die. Holy church

It’s better to die now than to die alone in the future.

“I am one of the God Eye True Lord and Universe Sea eight males, and also the first expert of Universe Sea. I know so much information! I am willing to trust you.” God Eye True Lord also asked World Beast in Void.

“Come on?” The World Beast thought in the distance.

Thousands of World Beast devouring this small scale universe all stopped at the same time.

“OK.” This World Beast nod, “I give you this opportunity.”

God Eye True Lord is relieved.

“Remember, you can’t resist in the slightest.” World Beast looked at him.

God Eye True Lord respectfully responds.

World Beast sent a black light directly to the body surface, and instantly penetrated into the God Eye True Lord internal, God Eye True Lord body armor and other treasures, and he never resisted at the moment.

“Swallow.” World Beast immediately swallowed frantically.

World Beast swallows True God. Even if you try hard to resist, you will swallow extremely fast. Not to mention not resisting.

Almost instantly, God Eye True Lord Divine Body was swallowed more than half.

“This is …” God Eye True Lord was shocked.

“Don’t resist.” World Beast said angrily, “You must consume your Divine Power to almost exhaustion, in order to convert some of the power of World Beast, to be a vassal of my World Beast.”

God Eye True Lord hesitated, then gritted his teeth and bet.

Just a moment.

All Divine Power snored and devoured everything. At the last moment of die, God Eye True Lord understood, he just showed a bitter smile, and murmured: “Havoc!” Then he completely annihilated, leaving only Some treasures float.

“Stupid.” That World Beast sneered indifferently, “Return to one of the eight males? I’ll wait for the Bone Lord to be a slave, why bother with other slaves!”

It then opened a mouth and directly swallowed the treasure of legacy after God Eye True Lord died. The latest chapter of the temple

The weapons and other treasures used by True God are not the same as World Beast! Because their power is diametrically opposite to True God and so on, naturally they cannot be owner recognition, trigger, etc., but it is okay if you hold it. For example, holding an axe and using it as a dead object is natural, but it cannot grow larger, and it cannot drive secret runes.

Universe Sea people of all ethnic groups are heartbroken.

Eastern Emperor sacred land.

Eastern Emperor First Ancestor, what do you do next?”

“We kill.”

“Kill those World Beast.”

Eastern Emperor First Ancestor stands tall on First Ancestor Tree, watching the many ethnic groups below, shaking his head and saying: “Don’t have to struggle, wait for the final fate.”

Many ethnic groups below are desperate and unwilling, but there is nothing they can do.

“Eh …” Eastern Emperor First Ancestor shook his head. All he could do was to resist swallowing on origin with his Will blessing. His Will was already Eternal True God pinnacle! Once blessing, it really made those World Beasts eat speed slowly and ridiculously, and his small scale Universe Source was stronger than Purple Moon First Ancestor.

Oh?Eastern Emperor First Ancestor was suddenly surprised, “Stop?”

He clearly felt that thousands of World Beasts in the outside world had stopped swallowing.

“I got the chance, but I’m not really strong yet. Is it over? I’m not willing, not willing to Ah!Purple Moon First Ancestor is standing in his Purple Moon sacred land Universe Source, looking around, screaming in pain, suddenly his expression is stunned, surprised and shocked Hi, “Stop?”

World Beast are moving in mighty ways.

Two Great Sacred Land‘s origin is too difficult to swallow, Eastern Emperor sacred land has the strongest resistance, and Purple Moon sacred land has a slightly weaker resistance, and it is far more than those of the True God small scale universe.” World Beast sent a message, “It really takes a long time to swallow Devour all. The Two Great Sacred Land universe will not affect us in the slightest, let them go for the time being. Our time is very important now, we must hurry up … Luo Feng is our greatest enemy. “

“Continue to set off.”

“Sweep the first Samsara era and the second Samsara era first.”

World Beast are extremely unified.

The small scale universe, the first Samsara era and the second Samsara era races, begin to die out one by one. Many help messages, scolding messages, and cursing messages were all passed to Primordial Universe, and the various ethnic groups in Primordial Universe including Luo Feng, they could only be silent about this, they could not help it.


Since my Divine Power incarnation has been with Mo Luosa, it is clear that 900,000 World Beast are all spreading towards Primordial Universe! Even if they are eating the same small scale universe, they are more than one million light years away from each other! Never give Luo Feng a chance.

For help, cursing, and resentment, a lot of messages continue to come.

In the Primordial Universe era, all ethnic groups were also worried, and each in his heart was heavy.

Ethnic groups, one after another …

Elder God Cult.”

Luo Feng and Primordial Chaos City Lord appeared in Elder God mystical region. They are the current leaders in Primordial Universe. When World Beast destroyed the first Samsara era and the second Samsara era, they came to Primordial Universe, but they came to Elder God Cult.

Oh! Huh!

The two of them went directly to the Elder God hall. The three Elder God and Sense arrived at them. They deliberately lifted the blockade and let them arrive directly at Teleportation.

“Three Elder God.” Luo Feng, Primordial Chaos City Lord stepped into the Elder God hall side by side.

Juvenile Elder God, old Elder God, Twinface Elder God, all sit on the throne, among them old Elder God opens: “Silver River Lord, Primordial Chaos City Lord, now the most critical moment of Correct, it is estimated that World Beast will arrive in a day or two. Such a critical moment, how do you two come Is that here? Wait a while, I will also arrange for my Elder God Cult and some expert to go to Milky Way sacred land. “

“Three.” Primordial Chaos City Lord directly said, “World Beast struck, they are numerous, and it is naturally more terrible to swallow origin. I and Milky Way came here to hope that origin Will will release Origin Ancestor! Without Origin Ancestor Will blessing, his small scale universe is afraid It will be swallowed in an instant. “

The True God small scale universe is swallowed by thousands of World Beast, and can persist for several minutes.

But Primal Universe and True God Will blessing are indeed instantaneous.

“Please origin Will, release Origin Ancestor.” Luo Feng also said.

“Put Origin Ancestor?” The three Elder God looked at each other.

If it is normal, the two of them would have directly rejected Luo Feng and Primordial Chaos City Lord. After all, Origin Ancestor provocation origin Will was suppressed. How can origin Will be easily released? But now it is extraordinary, it can be called the life and death moments of the entire Primordial Universe.

“I’ll contact origin Will.” Cang Lao Elder God said.


“We are waiting.”

Primordial Chaos City Lord and Luo Feng responded one by one, but their tone was obviously putting pressure on them!

Either Origin Ancestor must be released, otherwise, Primal Universe is almost doomed.

Boom ~~~

An invisible monstrous pressure has come, and origin Will has come. All three Elder God closed their eyes and listened to the will of origin Will. For a long time, all three of them opened their eyes and apologized to Luo Feng and Primordial Chaos City Lord.

This apologetic helpless look makes Luo Feng in his heart shake, not good!

“Can origin Will release Origin Ancestor?” Primordial Chaos City Lord is Tie Qing’s face.

Luo Feng also stares at three Elder God.

The three Elder Gods looked at each other, and then the boy Elder God said: “origin Will already tells us everything, Origin Ancestor will definitely not be released, but origin Will will no longer suppress his Will, so he can gather a Divine Power incarnation in Primal Universe, also Good Will blessing his small scale universe. “

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng frowned. “Since Will is no longer suppressed, why not release it directly?”

Origin Ancestor was suppressed, even Will.

Origin Ancestor cannot even condense Divine Power incarnation to the outside world, otherwise Primal Universe wouldn’t have to be managed by Primordial Chaos City Lord. Origin Ancestor only relies on secret skillVirtual Universe‘, this secret skill has a wide range, so he can use this secret skill to spread his Sense everywhere.

But his true body and Will are still suppressed.

Milky Way.” The old Elder God sighed, “Origin Ancestor was extremely powerful at the beginning, and now you get ancient civilization inheritance by your hand, even stronger! If he comes out, he will not be able to compete with Milky Way with the help of mechanical flow treasures. How much worse. If such strength comes to resist World Beast, it will naturally increase the vitality of my Primordial Universe side. If it can be put? origin Will has already let him go. In order to reassure you, the truth tells you that Origin Ancestor violated Paragon Rule and was affected by natural law. Restricted, so origin Will only suppressed him and did not have the right to release him. If you can solve the World Beast catastrophe and make great contributions, then you can release Origin Ancestor. “


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