Kingdom’s Bloodline Chapter 37: Failed

“So, my power of ending has the characteristics of the rumored “Sword of Disaster”?”

In a side room of the temple, Wiya Caso hugged her arms solemnly. M.LWxS Lewen Mobile Network

On the pile of debris in front of him, Cohen is bandaging his previously scratched arm.

“It seems to be like this-at least it feels similar,” the police officer was absent-mindedly dealing with the injury, while looking at the attendant in front of him: “Are you really a student of Teacher Chatier?”

Wiya glanced at Putila and Raphael on the other side of the room, and sighed.

“Swear by my life and honor,” he reluctantly said: “Three years ago, on the eve of the awakening of the power of end, I was qualified to enter the house of inheritance. Teacher Chatier taught me a set …Special swordsmanship.”

Wai Ya’s eyes stayed in the air, thinking of the past.

The sharp and unmatched unreturned front was born at that time.

Cohen carefully observed his expression, and at the same time recalled all the interrogation and identification methods he had learned during his service life and the work of the Security Service.

But he still couldn’t see anything.


Cohen secretly said in his heart.

The Sword of Disaster is clearly the sinner and traitor of the Tower of End, and that power is considered taboo by Jedi.

But why, why would Master Chatier’s students…

Also, why is the power of the Sword of Disaster taboo? Is it that the destructive power is too amazing? The fighting style is too fierce?

Something is wrong.

Cohen thought instinctively.

Cohen has another question in his heart.

Sword of Disaster, Secret Section.

His eyes turned to Raphael, who was discussing something with Putila.

Cohen slightly squeezed his fist: Not now, they are still in danger.

In the end, Cohen shrugged, but the vigilance in his eyes still didn’t let go: “I will remember to ask, Miranda is the seed of the Pegasus family, she knows Master Chatier very well.”

“Oh,’undefeated Miranda’,” Wiya’s eyelids moved slightly, and Cohen looked at each other: “I’ve heard the name for a long time.”

“I guess so,” Cohen looked at Wiya’s expression and hummed softly, “After all, he is the nearest chief.”

Wiya looked back at him and nodded.

“Thank you,” the prince’s young attendant muttered, “Whether it is your misunderstanding or your understanding, Officer Karabyan.”

But he immediately changed his words: “And should you tell me about the Sword of Disaster, after you chased us half a street with the sword in this name?”

Cohen’s pupils tightened slightly.

“I can’t say more,” the police officer patted him on the shoulder, “but since you are the son of Count Gilbert Castle, you are also the prince’s attendant…”

Cohen smiled at Wyah: “I think your suspicion is temporarily relieved.”

Huiya’s face was a bit unnatural for a moment.

“Huh,” Huaiya’s cheeks moved slightly, and his voice raised: “If I’m not his son?”

Cohen raised his eyebrows and glanced at Huaiya.

But in the end he just shook his head and said nothing.

Wiya exhaled from his nose, seemingly dissatisfied.

“That’s right.”

The attendant raised his head:

“You and Rolf have a holiday?”

Looking at the bewildered expression of Cohen at that moment, Wya snorted to the right and motioned: “That lame, dumb.”

On the other side of the room, Rolf, who was wearing a silver mask from his throat to his chin, was staring fiercely at this side while enduring the splint of a star soldier’s broken arm.

Cohen scratched his head, avoiding the opponent’s sight a little awkwardly.

“Uh, is that right?” The guard made a helpless head shake: “Do you know why he is dumb?”

Wiya frowned.

“That’s our holiday.” Cohen raised his eyebrows and concluded.

The attendant looked at Rolf, then at the guard, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Wai Ya let out a sigh of relief: “You know, His Royal Highness saved his life, so he is now serving His Highness…”

“Okay, I see,” Cohen said with a headache: “I will try to talk to him as little as possible…if he can still speak.”

At this moment, a small figure walked into the room, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

That was the second prince of the Star Kingdom, Thales Canxing, with a heart-wrenching look.

“Wow,” Sergeant Karabyan said with a slight question in his tone, and said to Wya: “Is he always like this?”

Wiya shook his head, also confused.

Putila stepped forward.

“His Royal Highness,” the skinny deputy envoy asked teasingly, “The date with the Goddess Haoyue is over?”

Thyls came back to his senses, he looked up, his face confused.

“Putila,” he muttered, “What is the significance of the existence of gods?”

Cohen raised his eyebrows slightly, and he poked Huaia next to him.

“Ah, I knew it,” the guard glanced at the prince’s face and said helplessly: “Never discuss life with the priest, they will only mess up your mind.”

“Fortunately, it is not the sacrifice of Mingye,” Huaiya shrugged: “They are more crazy.”

Putillae glanced at the other two people blamelessly.

“I don’t know the answer to this question, Your Highness,” the deputy envoy raised his chin slightly, condescendingly, and his eyes sharpened when he looked at Thales: “But I’m pretty sure, no matter what they are, Nor can you change your current situation-as an unlucky prince in trouble.”

Thyls was slightly startled, and then he broke away from the conversation with the chief priest just now and focused his attention on him.

“Yes, the current situation, the current situation,” Thales shook his head, forcing himself to start thinking about the current situation.

He turned his gaze to Putila, and immediately remembered when they had just fled here.

Tyles looked at the thin man who habitually rubbed the pipe in his hand, and couldn’t help squinting his eyes, looking at him carefully.

“You, Putila,” Thales frowned, thinking of something: “When I was taken away by Rumba, it was you… found Miko and Nicolai, and saved me. Came out?”

Putila raised his eyebrows slightly, shook his head, and quietly approved his words.

“Probably so.” He said softly, seemingly indifferent.

Thyls was surprised: “You…how did you do it?”

Putila sighed slightly.

“It’s actually not that difficult, Your Royal Highness.”

The thin deputy envoy stared at his pipe closely, as if there were some nice lines on it.

“Shortly after you disappeared, disasters appeared. The city was under martial law. The Blade Guard followed King Nunn’s elite, but the King disappeared in battle,” he said indifferently: “Simple things suddenly became complicated. “

“But the scent of conspiracy in the air has grown stronger.” Putila lightly nodded his chin.

“But how do you know, know where I am…” There was confusion in Thales’ eyes.

Putilai’s gaze turned to the ghost of the wind on the other side of the room.

“Rolfe came back in embarrassment,” Putila withdrew his hand that was about to take the flint and steel: “The only news that he brought back was the three words’Black Sand Collar, Star, and Captive’ ——After considering the consequences and connections of these things, including traps, everything is clear.”

Tyles’ face moved slightly.

“While King Nunn’s order was still valid, I evacuated everyone in the mission from the Palace of Valor as quickly as possible,” Putila said: “Then contacted Secret Science.”

“Secret Branch?”

Thyls opened his mouth wide: “Are you still in touch with Secret Branch?”

“When I was young, I worked with them for some time.” Putila shook his head, seemingly not wanting to talk more.

There was a move in Thales’ heart, and another thought came up; “What about Nicolai? The Blade Guard?”

“It was purely a surprise–I didn’t expect others to help, but the people who disappeared with the king, including Nicolai and the personal guards of the Blade Guard,” Putila shrugged.” So I guess, no matter who our enemy is, the Blade Guard is our only remaining ally.”

“Allies?” Thales looked puzzled.

“Yes,” Putila nodded: “Although time is tight and resources are limited, we finally formed a temporary tripartite alliance like us, the Secret Division, and the Blade Guard.”

Although it is not very reliable.

Each party is very wary of the other two parties and hides many secrets.

Putila secretly said.

“Secret Science has channels for intelligence and the enemy, and the Blade Guard has manpower and an internal position.” Putila glanced at Raphael, and shook his head with exclamation: “So the rescue plan began—even though we didn’t Not sure if the person there is you.”

“Of course, the result is very good.” After that, Putila glanced at Miranda and Cohen: “There are surprises.”

Tyles lowered his head and was silent for a long time.

After a while, he looked up again.

“Thank you, Putila.” He heard himself saying this, his tone lost and lost.

“Thank you.”

Putillah saw the prince look like this, he couldn’t help but sighed:

“It’s just my job.”

Tyles turned his head and glanced elsewhere.

Then he was shocked.

“Wait, where is Edda?” Thales’ eyes widened, looking for the figure of the elf guard.

But Putila just shook his head, looking worried.

“A long time ago, she set out to find you, and she has not yet returned.” The deputy envoy gently squeezed the pipe in his hand: “I thought you would come back with her.”

Thyls was slightly startled.

“I know,” he murmured, “she…she said she was going to block a powerful enemy.”

Unexplained thoughts flashed in Putila’s eyes.

“Really.” He stared at Thales closely.

“Then you can only choose to believe her.”

Thyls didn’t speak.

The look of Edda came to his mind.

He clenched his fist involuntarily.

“And before there…” Putting a strange glow in his eyes, he turned around and looked at the other stars in the room: “We have to plan the next step, Your Highness.”

Tyers slowly slowed down when he heard the words: “Next?”

Are there any next steps?

Thyls suddenly remembered the letter from Gilbert.

In the letter, the former foreign secretary tirelessly encouraged the Prince of Stars, and he did not hesitate to teach him his experience and insights in dealing with the North, and he was full of confidence in his words.

Thyls lowered his head bleakly.

For a moment, the moment after reading the letter, he thought he had completed Gilbert’s entrustment perfectly.

Successfully alleviated the contradiction between Exeter and the Star Kingdom.


Putilla’s sharp eyes passed by the surrounding stars, passed by Willow who asked veteran Genard for his skills, Rolf who adjusted his arms, and Miranda who was meditating alone, before returning to Thales. Body.

“Yes,” the deputy Xingchen made the earth’s tone abruptly raised, solemnly: “Our next step is to leave Longxiao City, leave Exter.”

Thyls frowned slowly.


What a relaxing word.

A month ago, a week ago, or even a few hours ago, when he heard this word, his heart would jump, and then he couldn’t wait to cheer in secret.

Leaving at that time means liberation and end.

Leaving this rugged and hostile country, ending the **** journey.

But now…



“In a nutshell…” Raphael’s voice came from behind Putila, and the figure of the secret person appeared in front of Thales.

“Flee, escape,” Raphael’s expression remained calm, his tone still relaxed, but he was unconsciously nervous: “Before the dragon kingdom under conspiracy and lies swallows us all.”


Tyles’ breathing became disturbed.

He clenched his fists again.





“Wait, the Exeters—what do I mean by the White Blade Guards?” Cohen saw Raphael coming, and he stepped forward and asked him: “After all, they are Brought out.”

A cold voice came from the door.

“Not much difference.”

Everyone was stunned, only to realize that Nicolai was already standing at the door of the room, with a pair of cold eyes cast at them.

Milk stood beside him, his expression still dull.

“Our staff will take Miss Walton away.” The meteorite seemed to have treated the new wounds on his body and changed the damaged clothes: “I will go alone to inform the Prime Minister of Lisban, he is your majesty. One of the most trusted people.”

Hearing the plan of the meteorite, Thales’ heart moved and he frowned.

“The Prime Minister?”

“Will he help you?” The prince couldn’t help but asked aloud: “For example, resisting and even destroying Rumba, and confirming the truth?”

“There is still room for recovery?”

Nicolai did not speak.

But his eyes are getting colder and colder.

Thyls also realized something.

He also breathed unconsciously with Matsushita’s lips that were about to question.

The one who answered the prince’s question aloud was Mike next to Nicolai.

“It’s hard.” The man who suffered a huge blow overnight, the former blade guard, the king’s former official, Byrne Melk seemed very tired, his voice was very hoarse, as if he had been polished by sand : “The direct bloodline of the Walton family has been severed, leaving a little girl who cannot be inherited.”

Tyles turned pale.

More than that.

In his heart, a small voice was talking to him.

The consequences are more than this.

It will be worse.


“Perhaps, Longxiao City is destined to usher in the leadership of a new family,” Putila also sighed and said in a low voice: “But Exter will continue to survive–even a prime minister Cannot be changed.”

Nicolai raised his head sharply.

Two blushes appeared on his pale face.

“But the truth still needs to be spread, and the hatred must be washed away with blood,” the meteorite gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with endless anger and hatred: “Your Majesty’s blood enmity is a shameless shame.”

Melk on one side sighed deeply, and Thales could feel it: He felt complicated towards the late King of Co-Export.


The king.

The unforgettable king, the king who died so tragic or heroic.

Nun Walton VII.

Tyles lowered his head, only feeling cold in his heart, as if King Nunn’s head was still spinning under his feet.

His words rang in his ears repeatedly.

“In that case,” Putila turned the subject and asked seriously, “Miss Walton, where are you going to take her?”

“Everything far away from the threat of the Rumba.” Nicolai raised his gaze, his eyes pierced, as if he had restored the image of the shrewd, capable, and straightforward commander of the Blade Guard.

“Complete our unfulfilled responsibilities to Walton, together with the king.”

Tyles lowered his eyelids.

Little slippery head.

Her fate…

The day before yesterday, last night, this morning.

Her fate has been reversed countless times.

Every time, I fell into a deeper abyss.

Putilai rolled his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

“How about going to the Star Kingdom?”

The deputy envoy muttered and seemed to be making a serious suggestion: “That’s a place that Rumba and even Exter can’t reach-far away from the disputes in Exter.”

Thyls moved in his heart.

He remembered the words of the Red Witch: “Since things cannot be done, take the blood of a Walton back to the stars as a bargaining chip, right?”

Nicolai snorted coldly, in a bad tone.

“We have discussed this issue,” the meteorite said coldly: “You know my attitude, Empire.”

Melke also shook his head slowly, his expression serious.

“Behind the conspiracy, the darkroom is also involved,” Raphael intervened. He stared at the ground closely. There was something in the words: “Although the blade is good, there must be a gap.”

“I haven’t forgotten the origin of all these disasters, my kid,” Nicolai clasped his arms, cut his eyes at Raphael, and then smiled lightly. : “However, at this time, your stars should also be overwhelmed-thanks to your own gift.”

“Others may not be clear, but Rumba wants war,” the meteorite said coldly: “With what happened today, maybe he will get his wish soon.”

Raphael frowned.

Thyls was chilled.

Overwhelming self-care.

Got your wish.



Star Kingdom…Tyles closed his eyes and couldn’t help but think of Broken Dragon Fortress and the people in the fortress.

Sonia Sutherley, a heroic, heroic fortress flower.

The violent, inaccessible Kingdom Fury, Araka Mu.

There are countless soldiers of the Fury Guard who died in the charge in front of the fortress.

Tyles closed his eyes tightly, shaking slightly.

[The soldiers under me, including your mission, died more than half. 】

[Just to send you here. 】

The volcanic furious warrior, Baron Mu’s voice echoed in his mind.

【Don’t let them die in vain. 】

Tyles was shaking more and more severely.

Death in vain.

White death…

Looking at the meteorite’s provocative eyes, Raphael stopped talking.

“I strongly recommend that you reconsider my proposal.” Putila insisted.

“Oh? Then you might as well consider my proposal?” Nicolai turned to the deputy envoy, sneered and replied: “I may not be able to convince the Earl of Lisbane by myself, but if I am stigmatized, The fearless and dangerous star prince should be more convincing if he walks with him.”

He cast his eyes on Thales.

But the second prince still closed his eyes tightly, motionless.

“Of course,” Nicolai turned around and looked at Miranda who was wiping the long sword. “The same goes for the heir of the Duke of the North.”

Raphael snorted softly.

Cohen rolled his eyes.

Putila sighed: “Let’s go back to the previous agenda.”

Nicolai smiled and stopped talking.

Raphael returned to the topic calmly with an expression:

“What are your reliable exits from the city? Avoid the eyes and ears of the black market, patrol team or dark room.”

“Not much,” Nicolai shook his head: “There were a lot, but Kaslan…he knows a lot.”

Raphael squinted his eyes: “We have one…”

At this moment.

“What will happen?”

Everyone was slightly startled.

A few seconds later, everyone reacted and it was Thales who interjected.

The second prince who has been silent for a long time.

Nicolai frowned: “What?”

Thyls raised his head, eyes lost.

Suddenly, many people flashed before his eyes.

Kaiser, Gilbert, Jenard, Sonia, Araka, Willow…

But in his mind, Thales couldn’t catch a single one.

“We’re leaving,” Thales’ voice became extremely hoarse, like a long-dried river:

“Go away.”

Putila seemed to feel something, he walked keenly behind Thales, held his shoulders, and gestured softly.

But Thales didn’t seem to notice.

He still speaks softly, his voice trembling tiredly:

“Exter, what will happen?”

“Stars, what will happen?”

Cohen and Wyah looked at each other, their faces looked ashamed, and turned away.

Raphael doesn’t move, but hands are slightly clasped.

“We came with the mission of making peace, but we just left.” Thales’ voice was low, but in the quiet temple, it made people feel uneasy:


Thyls didn’t understand, so he sneered with complicated emotions.

He just feels tired.

Very tired.

“The future of the stars and Exter,” he resisted the discomfort of his throat, gritted his teeth and said: “What will happen?”

Miranda sighed in the distance, and the sigh was clearly audible.

Putila said nothing.

His eyelids droop slightly.

His face is exhausted and frustrated.

But he immediately raised his gaze and shot directly at Thales.

“Your Highness,” the deputy envoy’s voice was also very tired, “Actually you know it.”

“Isn’t it.”

Tyles was shocked at that moment and couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

“Exter lost a king,” Putila said in his longest and deepest tone: “Dragon City has lost the lord family.”

Nicolai’s face flushed, his teeth gurgled, almost crushing his posterior molars.

Milk tilted his head, his eyes mournful.

“But Xingchen became the scapegoat for the murderer.” Putila continued.

Cohen lowered his head deeply, and Miranda squeezed the hilt in his hand.

The deputy envoy slowly took out the flint and steel from his arms.


He lit the tobacco in the pipe.

“Rumba resolved his greatest threat and held the situation tightly in his own hands,” Putila chuckled, but there was a deep chill in his words, “I don’t know what his next plan is. .”

In the room, the smoke from Putila’s hand rose slowly.

Raphael stared at Thales quietly, his expression stiff as ice.

“It won’t be a good thing anyway.” The deputy envoy slowly held the cigarette holder, his face serious, and his gaze stared.

The next moment, Putilai suddenly bit the cigarette holder and took a hard breath.

He exhaled a breath of smoke, his expression struggling.

“Indeed, you and us, our entire mission, are burdened with the expectations and burdens of the entire stars, and come with the mission of eliminating the scourge of war.” Putila’s speech speed slowly Breathing gradually became rapid, “But it’s time to recognize the facts.”

Tyles closed his eyes and took a deep breath of smoke-scented air.

Sure enough.

As Putila said.

Tobacco produced in Northland.

It’s choking.

Very spicy.

Very… uncomfortable.

Thyls exhaled smoke, his eyes flushed with smoke.

The tears never stopped.

In the misty smoke, Putila slowly turned his head and cast his eyes to Thales, his eyes released a painful and firm color:

“Your Highness.”

“We failed.”

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