Swallowed Star Chapter 45: Dilemma

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Chapter 20 Chapter 45 Difficulties

Golden-Horned Beast walks on the seawater of endless Nether Sea. Its claws are like heavenly pillar, tens of thousands of kilometers high, and its body is over 90,000 kilometers long. The tail of the scaled armor is completely comparable to the trunk of Divine Body … The wings of the scaled armor completely cover the world at the first show, and the infinite Divine Power is contained in it.

Each inch of Divine Body fits Top Level Zenith Treasure setBeast God Armor‘!

The natural scale armor and the Zenith Treasure scale armor fusion have five small and one large six sharp horn on the skull! And because of the relationship of ‘Beast God Armor‘, Golden-Horned Beast looks even more embarrassing.

“Perfect Divine Body!”

Divine Body for more than 90,000 kilometers! I now have more Divine Body than before.” Luo Feng was excited and happy.

Since innate talent secret skillI Become Universe‘ can be used at any time, in Micro Universe, you can definitely increase your strength again.

“Roar ~~~” Golden-Horned Beast roared up his hair.

“Everything is ready, it’s time to find the Heavensol Exalt.” Luo Feng smiled. “At that time, Correct changed the domain type Zenith TreasureNine Cocoon River ‘with the community contribution because I could not deal with Heavensol Exalt and felt weak. Way to get the fourth black metal plate. I didn’t expect so many things to happen.

The original plan was just to get a fourth black metal plate, so that Golden-Horned Beast can achieve a perfect Divine Body and perform ‘I Become Universe’.

Now it’s better than planned!

Top Level Zenith Treasure set ’s Beast God Armor ’, advanced Zenith Treasure ’s‘ Chopping ’, and self-created ’s Universe Lord Extreme secret skillcultivation 108 ten million Secret Rune Chart school accomplishment, making Luo Feng more confident. To deal with the Heavensol Exalt of Automaton race … will be able to catch it and take another pair of Zenith Treasure wings.

“The problem now is that I have to find this Heavensol Exalt.” Luo Feng was wearing Tribulation Armor, carrying Cutting Moon Blade, Shi Wu Wing and spreading out … With Golden-Horned Beast clone and many other clones in World Ring, they left Divine Country and started to go to Primordial Star.

Although several major clones all go to Primordial Star, normal Humanity expert will gather a incarnation even ‘Virtual Universe’.

But Luo Feng is not necessary-

Because Hentai Nether Sea is the largest Divine Body of Luo Feng and one of Luo Feng’s clone, through Virtual Universe Sense device, Luo Feng consciousness can naturally connect to Virtual Universe.

Virtual Universe, Great Alliance City in starry sky, an open-air bar in the inner city dedicated to Great Alliance Universe Exalt communication.

Luo Feng strolls in.

Luo Feng.”

Blade River.”

On the way, other Universe Exalts greeted Luo Feng with enthusiasm, but they only stayed away from Luo Feng, but they all blocked the quiet talk: “Primordial Star was about to open that year, many Universe Exalt and Luo Feng borrowed Zenith Treasure. I heard that even Luo Feng’s Senior BrotherReunification Exalt ‘went. I borrowed it, but Luo Feng didn’t borrow it. He said he would also go to Primordial Star, but Primordial Star already opened nearly 2 era, and he has never entered. “

“Don’t have enough strength to go to death? He is not a fool. He is equal to a treasure house of to move. If he enters, he will be spotted as soon as he enters. Those alien race will besiege him. But he did not do well. If you do n’t dare to go in, do n’t look for excuses! If you really do n’t want to borrow … just say you do n’t want to borrow. ”

“Yeah, isn’t it good? It’s just a fiction that he wants to go in too, really …”

This outdoor bar gathers thousands of Universe Exalts from Great Alliance. When Luo Feng arrived, it did cause some discussion, but it was all private … After all, Luo Feng can kill Barking Mirror King at Undying stage. Once it enters Universe Exalt in the future, it will become ‘Universe Overlord‘ is almost nailed down, and no one wants to really offend Luo Feng.

Cosmotwist Exalt.” Luo Feng shouted.

The stout big man with a big triangle holding a blackjack, turned his head, and immediately laughed: “Blade River!” even came over.

“Sit over there.” Luo Feng walked directly to an empty table and sat directly on the huge chair, because Great Alliance ethnic groups of expert Divine Body have different structures. Although these chairs are exquisite, they have a common feature –big enough!

Cosmotwist Exalt sit directly.

Luo Feng ordered a fruit wine at will, and the waiter of Undying immediately served wine, and he could be a waiter here … Absolutely a lot of Undying expert dreams, because Universe Exalt, which is hard to see at ordinary times, can be easily seen. If you are lucky, maybe Able to associate with a certain Universe Exalt. You can also occasionally hear confidential information in the universe.

Blade River, you are busy, and you will not come to me if you are fine.” Cosmotwist Exalt put down the blackjack and laughed, “Say, what is it.” The surrounding sounds have been blocked.

“Help me find alien race Venerable.” Luo Feng said.

“Who?” Cosmotwist Exalt.

Heavensol Exalt.” Luo Feng said, “I want to know the news of Heavensol Exalt, which Primordial Star is he in, and what coordinates is Primordial Star in that.”

“The Universe OverlordHeavensol Exalt‘ of Automaton race, the one who transmitted the universe under the name of” eight shuttles “?” Cosmotwist Exalt was surprised, “What are you looking for? He is not easy to mess with, although there are not some terrible Special Lifeform Universe Overlord, but it is also extremely A difficult Universe Overlord. “

“You don’t need to worry about it, do me a favor.” Luo Feng said, “Once you get the news, notify me.”

“OK, trivial.”

Cosmotwist Exalt nod.

“Haha, thank you, come, drink.” Luo Feng raised the glass, he just enters Virtual Universe with endless Nether Sea consciousness, naturally leisurely. Immediately chatting with this Cosmotwist Exalt here about some of the things that happened to Primordial Star. In the past 20,000 years, many things have really happened.

When Luo Feng and Cosmotwist Exalt were drinking, they suddenly heard an angry drink.

Gan Wu! It ’s not that I forced you too much, but I was just killed in Primordial Star and was reversed by Universe Lord. resurrection came over! You have to know the price of resurrection … This time I reversed resurrection and made me owe The contribution value of the ethnic group reached 1.3Zenith Treasure points! I accumulated over the years and completely contributed to the ethnic group, and I ca n’t make up for the owe to the ethnic group this time, which is worse. You owe my treasure … I did n’t force you in the past, but now … “A loud, loud voice sounded.

Look a lot of Universe Exalt at the outdoor bar.

Luo Feng, Cosmotwist Exalt also look.

Oh?” ​​Luo Feng frowned slightly. There were two experts sitting in another corner in the distance. One was angered with purple skin, the scalp was silver alien race Venerable, and the other was Gan Wu Monarch.

Gan Wu Monarch is also embarrassing. Take a look around, and even shield the surrounding sound to continue to talk.

“Block what!”

“Why shield?” alien race Venerable once again blasted the surrounding shield, and angrily said, “Gan Wu, you and I love trillion years, you owe me, I know you are not easy, I have never asked for … but now I This is the situation. I urge you, but you always delay … you really let me … “

Gan Wu Monarch sits there, looking ugly.

Then alien race Venerable gradually suppressed the low voice tone when it appeared, and stopped angering.

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng frowned.

“It ’s not because of reversing time and space resurrection!” Cosmotwist Exalt shook his head and sighed, “Reversing time and space resurrection is contrary to the operation of the universe natural law, so every time, Universe Lord must be injured. Like the alien race VenerableBroadplum Exalt‘ just now. He is universe advanced Venerable … you know, resurrection Universe Overlord must be Great Axe Founder. “

Luo Feng nod.

Yes, even if Primordial Chaos City Lord goes to resurrection Universe Overlord, it will be enough to make Primordial Chaos City Lord die.

resurrection a universe advanced Venerable, will hurt Universe Lord, and the injury is not minor.” Cosmotwist Exalt sighed, “Universe Lord shot and injured, of course, the cost of each shot is certainly not small. Like that Broadplum Exalt this time die at Primordial Star, was After resurrection … the contribution value of the owed ethnic group has also reached 1.3Zenith Treasure points, which is equivalent to an ordinary Zenith Treasure. Generally, Universe Exalt cannot afford it, and it can only be returned slowly over a long period of time.

“As for Gan Wu Monarch, he is worse than Broadplum Exalt.”

“Worse?” Luo Feng frowned.


Cosmotwist Exalt said, “1008 Universe Country Masters are extremely old Universe Exalt.”

Luo Feng nod.

Yes, since the number of Universe Country reached 1008, the Humanity ethnic group has never opened up Universe Country, mainly because there is not enough territory. Obviously, it can occupy the position of 1008Universe Country Master, which is indeed very old Universe Exalt.

“Long live, it also means that their potential is almost reached its peak.” Cosmotwist Exalt shook his head and sighed, “Since endless years, Gan Wu Monarch has been die three times, three times have reversed time and space by resurrection. It can be the price of resurrection … the whole big Very. Especially one of them was die in Primordial Star, and the Zenith Treasure that he borrowed was lost. Although the other two did not lose Zenith Treasure, they also lost some set great treasure, etc. “

Luo Feng heard the sigh.


On death, Zenith Treasure is lost.

“If he really dies, just stop it. But after resurrection, of ​​course he borrowed his Zenith Treasure and of course asked him to ask for it.” Cosmotwist Exalt said hurriedly, “The owed to the ethnic group can be returned slowly, not too much. But owed to other expert Yes, it is often asked. It is not easy for other expert to have one Zenith Treasure. “

Gan Wu Monarch, has been reversed three times in time and space resurrection, less than six Universe Exalt. It also owes to the ethnic group.” Cosmotwist Exalt helpless, “He is difficult to stand up, unless he can rise to the level of Universe Overlord. But he cultivation Have n’t stepped in for so long, want to step in? Difficult! ”

“In fact, even those ancient Monarchs, even if they have the power of clone, dare not borrow Zenith Treasure to go to dangerous places such as Primordial Star. They are afraid of death.”

“Unless you have the strength or ambition, dare to borrow Zenith Treasure.”

“The current Gan Wu Monarch is a long-term incubator in Ganwu Universe Country, and manages Universe Country to train newcomer generation after generation. This is also a method of earning contributions. Although it is very slow, it is not dangerous. The universe with a low degree of mystical region, “Cosmotwist Exalt said,” reduced to this point … can only be regarded as bad luck for him. “

“But this is in my Humanity group, there are Universe Lord reversing time and space resurrection again and again.”

“If you are in a weak group, you are dead. So he is lucky. He died resurrection three times.”

Luo Feng looks around.

Gan Wu Monarch is communicating with Broadplum Exalt, apparently calming each other’s emotions.

: Chapter 2 arrives, Tomato continues to write Chapter 3! ro! ~!

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