Swallowed Star Chapter 50: Go to death

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Chapter 15 Chapter 50 Going to Death

Luo Feng glanced away, this treasure room is made of g-class metal, and with the mysterious Sacrifice Secret Rune, it is unrealistic to want to break out.

“Aboriginals, what do you want to do!” Green Gold King held the spear of lightning, his voice was booming, and he glared at the Clan Elder and Chika.

Purple Bell King and Tiger Thorn King also looked at the Chika coldly.

Although the treasure room door is closed and you ca n’t go out, the four major expert hearts such as Luo Feng and Green Gold King are not panic, because you can escape through ‘Divine Country‘, but you do n’t trust each other and you want treasure, so Will not choose to leave directly for a short time.

Just then-

Treasure outdoor.

The two stream of light are flying quickly, and then parked outside the treasure hall, the door cloth and Latimer in native expert of Correct.

The two looked at the two Faith Symbol locked on the door of the treasure room, both excited and painful.

pā!” and “pā!” ​​Menpo and Latimer reached out and easily won the Faith Symbol.

The two of them looked at the treasure room hesitantly. They both knew … in the treasure room their Clan Elder was inside.

Clan Elder!” Menbu and Latimer in his heart are suffering.

“Not yet!” A voice penetrated directly into their ears, “Hurry up, the ethnic group inheritance must not have a hint of laziness.”


Mengbu and Latimer gritted their teeth and immediately turned into flowing light and left the treasure room.

Clan Elder, you come out alive, you must come out alive.” Menbu shouted hoarsely at the corridor.

Clan Elder!” Latimer also shouted.

A voice came from the corridor: “I will definitely be alive if I can live, but the probability of me being alive is very low. As long as you can bring back all the inheritance in the inheritance room, I have no regrets.”

Clan Elder!”

Clan Elder!” Latimer and Menbu tears.

In this moment, in the core control room of Ji Tower, God ’s Lord Pue is watching this scene with excitement and pain. This plan is the ‘inheritance Plan’ formulated by 虬 Chika. The whole plan is to obtain a higher probability. Faith Symbol, the plan is very simple. The Nataka card appeared with a treasure to attract these alien race expert, and then led the alien race expert to the outdoor of the Treasure, asking for Faith Symbol to open the treasure. At that time, Faith Symbol was left on the door. A picture of looting treasures into the treasure room naturally attracted those alien race expert to grab the treasure, and when the door of the treasure room was closed, Faith Symbol fell into the hands of Menbu and Latimer.

The door is dead and alien race expert cannot get out.

Mengbu and Latimer can naturally go to the inheritance room and take away all the countless inheritance in the inheritance room.

There are two lucks in the whole plan:

The first is whether expert, such as Green Gold King, believes that Chika is willing to go to the treasure room with him.

Will expert such as Green Gold King and Ran Chika rush into the treasure room together, and who will pay attention to the Faith Symbol on the door and ask to win Faith Symbol, but even if they win Faith Symbol … 虬 Chi card will control the door secretly Shut down, so that Chi Chika can directly say: “Faith Symbol must be on the door, otherwise the treasure room door will be shut.”

In general, both of these involve a bit of risk.

虬 Chika himself rushed into the treasure room first, and trapped himself in the treasure room … This is the main reason for the success of the plan. Suppose he does not enter, or escapes as soon as he enters. Green Gold King and other expert will naturally follow him. He will not be locked up in that treasure room, which will affect the inheritance plan.

“Three brothers.” God Lord Pue shouted in pain, “You can, you don’t need to enter the treasure room.”

“If I do n’t go in, they wo n’t go in, they do n’t go in … Menbum, they wo n’t be able to get Faith Symbol easily, and the inheritance plan will be hindered.” ! “

“Well, it’s all for the tribe.” God Lord Pué also silently nod.


In the original three treasure rooms, the first treasure room contained few treasures and belonged to the treasure room in the Ming Dynasty. There are many treasures in the second treasure room, which are real treasures. The third treasure room has countless secret skill suitable for Yan Ji Continent aboriginal body structure, which is the real ethnic group inheritance.

Room inheritance is the most important of the three treasure rooms to the ethnic group. She Chika does not allow herself failure. So what he entered … is naturally the second treasure room.

In the treasure room.

“What am I going to do?” Zhe Chika, who was hit by the wall of lightning, smiled at Green Gold King, “expert of alien race, guess what, what do I do?”

“Still playing with me.” Green Gold King voice boomed.

Luo Feng frowning at the Chichi card, always feels that the Chichi card is in a wrong state, as if it is a stable win.

“Say, why would you want to open that treasure chest?” Green Gold King pointed to the ancient treasure chest bound by 12 chains in the center of the whole treasure room.

“Hum, hum.” 虬 Chika looked at Green Gold King with a smile.

“Don’t you want to die?” Green Gold King forbeared anger and growled.

“Smart!” Was stunned by lightning‘s spear, but Chika looked at Green Gold King, and said softly, “I just want to die!”

The Purple Bell King, Tiger Thorn King, and Luo Feng next to each other are a little bit wrong, and Green Gold King is also a moment, then they ca n’t believe this native expert.

“I just want to die.”

“Do you understand me?”

“It’s been too long, I’ve lived too long, and I’ve been in too much pain for too long. The community has suffered the catastrophic disaster. I have been struggling for years, too tired and tired. It’s time to end.” There is a slight relief in Ka ’s eyes, “Maybe I can drag one or two alien race powerful Champion when I die, haha, it is really happy.”

“Not good.”

“This aboriginal is crazy.” Both Purple Bell King and Tiger Thorn King were shocked.

This aboriginal 虬 Chika is also Champion pinnacle. Assuming he blew himself up, Green Gold King may be all right, but the two of them are bad.

“I got it. inheritance eventually.” 虬 Chika closed her eyes and smiled, “I have done enough.”


“My lover … when you are old die, I want to leave with you. But I can’t, now … I will accompany you to sleep in the quiet place forever.” Close The smile on the eyes of Zan Chika’s face seemed very quiet, and the energy fluctuations followed him exploded.

“No !!!”

Pue, the Lord of the Control Room, saw a scene in the virtual projection, and growled in pain, “No !!! Third brother, don’t, don’t do this!”

Xiū! Xiū!

Two stream of lights flew into the control room, and Correct got Latimer and Menb of inheritance. They both looked at the scene in the virtual projection and stopped.

Clan Elder!”


Treasure room.

“No!” Tiger Thorn King‘s eyes widened and it blasted the wall next to it, but the wall of this treasure room was too hard.

Lunatic, Lunatic, Lunatic !!!” Purple Bell King gritted teeth in his heart cursed wildly.

“It’s Lunatic.” Green Gold King also growled and stood indifferently.

Luo Feng is wrapping her wings together and silently saying, “I don’t know if I can survive it.”

The horror card that bursts into fear throughout the body is smiling, and then closed its eyes. “Booming ~~” Every cell in the whole body instantly and completely burns out a terrifying horrible energy, cultivation trillion All the Undying Divine Body of the year gathered at this moment to erupt!

“Peng ~~~” is comparable to the violent energy of a million World Lord kings who combined to hit the entire treasure room.

The treasure room is so big, there is nowhere to hide!

“I can’t die!” Tiger Thorn King growled.

“Huh.” Purple Bell King hummed, and the body surface faintly appeared purple Zhong Ying.

Luo Feng wraps itself with wings.

Green Gold King looks at all this indifferently.

A powerful energy storm swept across these four experts. At this moment, Tiger Thorn King and Purple Bell King are desperately desperate.

“Peng!” After the impact of Shi Wu Wing and silver armor double weakening, the shock of the last layer of Luo Feng, Cloud Contact battlesuit, was still completely shattered. Cloud Contact battlesuit is as tough as Champion primary Humanity, even if it is generally Champion advanced expert, it is difficult to directly Shattered Cloud Contact battlesuit.

It’s completely shattered, which means that there is a big gap.

The impact of “Booming ~~~” was weakened by Cloud Contact battlesuit, and the remaining shock shocked Luo Feng‘s body, destroying 80% of it instantly, and it can be repaired quickly with a lot of energy.

The Green Gold King, Purple Bell King, and Tiger Thorn King without Shi Wu Wing and General Armor are all different.

Green Gold King stood there indifferently, the body was shattered instantly, and immediately reunited again, still indifferent expression, looking at Purple Bell King, Tiger Thorn King, Luo Feng coldly.

The misery in the treasure room is needless to say, but in the core control room.

Pue, Latimer, and Menbu are all in pain. The ethnic group is destroyed. They have been struggling under the leadership of 虬 Chika, who is their spiritual leader and has been sheltering them from the wind and rain. Many Difficulties and dangers are solved by 虬 chika. Now that inheritance has been obtained, 虬 chika has left forever.

“This is a last words left before Master die, let me give you to him after his death.” The voice of Ji Tower A.I sounded through the control room.

Pue, Latimer, and Menbu are holding their breaths.

At the same time, the sound of red card sounds.

“Pue, Latimer, Menb, when you heard this, I have die, forgive me, I am an evader! In the years of trillion, I am only for the support of faith, now inheritance get, I I ’m satisfied, and I ’ll leave it to you. Remember, the treasure room door already is closed, those alien race ca n’t come out at all, and they ca n’t open the treasure chest. I believe they will eventually choose Divine Country to send away. Just arrange a quietly to get the treasure in that treasure chest! “

“This is the perfect result. Assuming there are other alien race coming, you immediately enter Divine Country through the space channel and destroy the space channel.”

“Get ready for both hands.”

“Pue, my brother, Latimer, Menb, children, the future of the community is left to you, forgive me for escape …” No more voices.

Pue, Latimer, and Menbu couldn’t help crying.

The Undying Spiritual Gods that survived the extermination of the tribe support each other. In the years of trillion, the relationship has been very deep, and Chichika has always been sheltering the ethnic group from the wind and rain.

“You’re not running away, third brother, you didn’t run away, you’re just too tired, too tired, you need to rest.” Puén muttered, while Latimer and Menbu were already crying.

For ethnic groups, their Clan Elder 虬 Chika … die

***: Chapter 1 is here!

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