Swallowed Star Chapter 43: Desolate Beast Qiniu

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Chapter 43 Desolate Beast Qi Niu

“It’s hard to become Black Fighter?” Luo Feng asked in a curious manner, and even asked, “I see in the book that becoming Black Fighter seems to be just a legend. ‘Blood Fighter‘ seems to have some hope.”

“That is of course.” Tall Blood God Guard said with a smile, “Black Fighter, that’s the pride of my Blood River Continent. Endless years can produce a Black Fighter. Now there is no Black Fighter for already for a long time. After all, fusion Blood River Crystal, one for each fusion, yes The physical requirement is a ten-fold improvement, and everyone’s body has limits, to a certain degree … that is, baleful aura of Ancient God’s Ruin, which will not work on the human body. At that time, there was really no hope. “

Luo Feng is startled.

The limit?

Yes, now I only have two Blood River Crystals, fusion, and my body is still improving under baleful aura. But the body has its limits after all. Until then, staying in Ancient God’s Ruin is useless.

“I hope my body can take longer.” Luo Feng thought to himself.

“Come, 97. Let me introduce you.” This tall Blood God Guard went to other people, “I am the Team LeaderAh Yi‘ of this Blood God Guard, you can call me Team Leader later. This is Ah Er, Vice Team Leader. “


“Hello ninety-seven.”

Bronze Battle Armor Fighter came to know Luo Feng, because they all know that Blood God Guard is the most important and personal guard of the blood **** tyrant, and it is his arm. In the future, this group of people will die together, so of course they must begin to get familiar with each other. In the future, they will all be brothers.

“Ninety-seven, you are the youngest.”

“What is it?”

“Haha, seventy-three, don’t look down on ninety-seven. This ninety-seven is the only one of us who can be absorbed by Firmament Level.”

“You guys, ninety-seven, that killed a Blood Demon. According to the level of external race people, it is Blood Demon of ‘Territory Lord 1st Rank‘.” Blood God Guard Team LeaderAh Yisaid with a smile, “The energy difference is ten times, so is Blood Demon. Those who have crossed the threshold of law, but 97 have won crisply. In the law perception, most of us are probably less than 97. “

A group of Blood God Guards suddenly surprised and looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng is secretly surprised.

I was surprised that this Team Leader knew the classification of ‘Territory Lord 1st Rank’. Second, this Team Leader knew that he had won simply and neatly, and knew that the Blood Demon had entered the law threshold.

The previous adult didn’t say much at all.

“It seems that I was all combat before he was observed.” Luo Feng thought to himself, “Yes, he and Vice Team Leader, as well as the blood god. All three are ‘World Lord Rank‘. World Lord Rank can use World Power …… World Power is mysterious and unpredictable. I can’t find this Earthling true body, and it’s normal. “


Team Leader Ah Yi smiled at Luo Feng, “In the future, we will all be brothers of life and death, we will all be members of Blood God Guard!”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nod.

“Haha … come, follow me.” Team Leader Ah Yi looked at the others, “you all go back and forth, one by one, what is the cultivation of cultivation?”

“Yes, Team Leader.”

“Understand, Team Leader.”

“What is it, come back to chat with you.”

A group of bronze figures said, and then turned into stream of light, and flew in all directions.

Team Leader Ah Yi led Luo Feng to the bottom of giant pit and said while walking: “Ancient God’s Ruin is the oldest and most unpredictable place of my Blood River Continent. The old expert of our Blood River Continent was here to resist the attack of the sky external race group. The power of the sky external race You cannot imagine. “

Oh?” ​​Luo Feng surprisedly said, “How strong is the sky external race group?”

“I don’t know.” Ah Yi shook his head. “In short, it’s terrible. You think about it. At the time, many Undying Spiritual Gods were die in Ancient God’s Ruin, and you know how bad the combat is.”

“Without mentioning the external race group, I remind you now … Ancient God’s Ruin! Don’t run alone in the Ancient God’s Ruin.” Ah Yi seriously said, “Adult is now cultivation in the bottom palace of this pit, our responsibility for Blood God Guard is Responsible for protecting adults and killing enemies for adults. Adults cultivation, we naturally follow Ancient God’s Ruin cultivation. “

“Yes.” Luo Feng nod.

It’s a good thing at Ancient God’s Ruin cultivation.

“There are many dangerous places in Ancient God’s Ruin. This giant pit is just one of them.” Ah Yi points to the sky, “above, there is a baleful aura vortex in the middle of this giant pit abyss, and the baleful aura at the core of vortex is terrible. The killing Will there It ’s also unbearable, it ’s terrible. “

vortex?” Luo Feng became even more curious, in fact he had detected it before.

“Well, the bottom of the pit and the top layer of giant pit, the concentration of baleful aura and already is very thick.” Ah Yi exclaimed, “but the closer to the core of vortex, the more amazing the concentration. It is said that … the most core position, the concentration is at the bottom of the pit Almost 10 times! “

“Nearly 10 times?” Luo Feng was really surprised.

Before he broke into the 8-fold area, already could see the vortex core with his naked eyes, but did not dare to continue.

“Yes.” Ah Yi seriously said, “It’s very dangerous there. Even my Will can charge up to 5 times the area. It is said that … we adults can break into the 7 times area.”

“7 times?” Luo Feng thought to himself, almost worse than yourself.

It may rush to 7 times. The blood god, Qi Qi, who can be called Blood River Continent trillion, is also worthy of the name. After all, simply talking about Will … I am much better than many World Lord pinnacle expert.

“So, you have to be careful.” Ah Yi seriously said, “Once you rush in and get attacked by the killing Will … it will become the same Blood Demon you killed before.”

“Yes.” Luo Feng seriously nod.

“This giant pit is one of the dangerous places in Ancient God’s Ruin. There are millions of such places in Ancient God’s Ruin. All of them are extremely dangerous and are baleful aura gathering centers.” Ah Yi sighed, “There are still some dangerous It may not have been discovered for countless years. Anyway, chasing and entering will be miserable.

Luo Feng was taken aback.

Millions of this place?

“Come with me, go to palace.” Team Leader Ah Yi turns into a stream of light.

Luo Feng keeps up.

Luo Feng looks at the palace standing in front of the red baleful aura. The palace is one or two kilometers long and seven meters high.

“Come in.” Team Leader Ah Yi entered palace, and Luo Feng followed.

Soon on the second floor.

“Oh?” Luo Feng moved his ears and looked at a room in the distance. The door of that room was open, and there was a faint groan.

Team Leader Ah Yi sees Luo Feng, explaining: “There is a place to support Blood Demon.”

“Oh.” Luo Feng nodded slightly.

Blood Demon, which is the Fighter of the madman.

“Our Blood God Guard residence is on the third floor.” Team Leader Ah Yi came to the third floor, walked along the corridor, and pointed to both sides of the corridor more than ten meters wide. No. to 200, now there is a master in the first 96, your home is the 97! “

palace on the third floor, room 97, the door opens automatically.


A green light shines on Luo Feng who just stepped into the room.

“This is it?” Luo Feng was startled.

“Don’t be surprised, this is the Intelligent Optical Brain that manages the entire palace.” Team Leader Ah Yi said with a smile, “These Intelligent Optical Brain were some of the techniques obtained from external race during the World War Ancient God’s Ruin. However, it is very difficult to make Intelligent Optical Brain, even if it is Undying Temple, only high-level. “

“Oh.” Luo Feng has an envious expression.

Intelligent Optical Brain? There is more in the universe, how much you can buy. My own is advanced. I don’t know how many times Living AI.

Room 97 is 20 meters high and 30 meters long and wide.

“This is your original set of Powered Battlesuit.” Team Leader Ah Yi points to a neat pile of items placed on the ground. “This kind of original Powered Battlesuit will be worn on your body according to your Genesis Power strength and defense strength is also different. .At the same time, it can change according to your mind, it can seal all the vital positions. Even if it is broken, it can be quickly repaired. It is a very advanced battlesuit. In Blood River Continent, only a few can have it. “

“Hmm.” Luo Feng stared at the bronze battlesuit.

“That’s the communicator!” Team Leader Ah Yi pointed to a wristband next to it. “Wearing it, you can contact other people in Blood God Guard or adults! At the same time … adults can also know you through the communicator Where! “

Luo Feng in his heart.


Surveillance device.

“The adults have orders. If there is a Blood God Guard, they will leave the adults for more than 100,000 kilometers before they get the orders of the adults. This is a betrayal of the adults and is a capital punishment.” Team Leader Ah Yi stared at Luo Feng, seriously said, “You must remember … once you betrayed the adults With your future status in Undying Temple, you will have nowhere to go throughout Blood River Continent. “

“Understand.” Luo Feng nod.


Luo Feng Feels slightly shaken on the ground of palace, oh! Boom! The sound of vibrations sounded heavy, as if a giant was approaching the room step by step.

Oh?Team Leader Ah Yi was taken aback and left the room.

Luo Feng followed the room and came to the corridor. At a glance, you saw the front of the corridor more than ten meters wide. There was a four-hoofed Desolate Beast about twelve meters high and twenty meters long. At first glance, It is a bit similar to the creature of cattle on Earth. The muscles of the whole body are twisted like steel bars, and the two curved sharp horn heads rush forward.

The thick hooves with water tanks are thick and powerful.

The whole body is bronze, eyes is blood red, the strangest thing is its sharp horn, the sharp horn is sharp and heart-wrenching. Just when the Desolate Beast walks in the corridor, sharp horn tears the air and causes shock.

“Master Qiniu.” Ah Yi salute.

“Hmm!” This four-storey Desolate Beast Qiniu overlook is written by Luo Feng, a fierce Aura spreads out, “Is he new to the 97?”

“Yes, Master Qiniu.” Ah Yi said, and even sound transmission gave Luo Feng, “Ninety-seven, this Desolate Beast Qiniu … on the strength is better than adults. The status in Undying Temple is also very high. and An adult is like a brother. “

Luo Feng is sound.

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