The Grandmaster Strategist Chapter 15: Build a secret camp

     Chen Zhen, who was standing in the distance, saw my sadness and walked up and said: “My lord, by the way, if Li Ye knew that the adults were so sad, he would definitely blame his subordinates for not serving the adults well.”

   I took a look at Chen Zhen, and saw that there was a deep worry in his eyes, and said lightly: “Do you still hate Xiao Shunzi and this official?”

  Chen Zhen said frankly: “The villain never complained to the adults. At the beginning, the villain was trapped and his life was on the horizon. If it weren’t for the adults to save, the villain would have been executed long ago. The villain is a Shu, an adult. It’s a Southern Chu official. It’s no surprise to worry about the loyalty of the villain. Although the villain is a bit uneasy at first, after all, the manpower of life and death, but these days, the villain has never been able to get the antidote on schedule, without any additional requirements and Obstacles, as long as the villain is dedicated to his duties, he will certainly not suffer, so the villain will never complain.”

   I took a look at him, but he was shrewd, and continued to ask: “I offered plans to even Poba County and Luocheng, and killed King Shu, don’t you hate me?”

   Chen Zhen knelt down in the tunnel: “The villain is only a spy in Shu. He was born and died only for power and wealth, but until the demise of Shu, the villain was still a spy who lived and died. , The villain did not betray, and the kingdom of Shu perishes, we little people still have to live, the adults are courtiers of Southern Chu, it is only natural for them to offer plans to break Shu, although the villain is a citizen of Shu, he has no responsibility for revenge for the kingdom of Shu. Ruthless, but since the country has no ability to protect the people, there is no need for it.”

   I smiled slightly, and said: “Your temperament is very similar to mine. In fact, Nan Chu will only perish for a while. What will you do then?”

  Chen Zhen said: “Although I don’t know what the adults have to do with Dayong, I believe that adults can save their lives by then. Chen Zhen is not talented and has already suffered the pain of the country’s subjugation. As long as he can live in peace, Chen Zhen is not confident Will sellers seek glory.”

   I shook my head. This kid is clever and doesn’t say a word of euphemism. He should see through my personality. If he talked like this in Shu, he would be dead. He took out a pill and said: “This is the antidote. After you take it, you can get rid of all the toxicity. You don’t need to take the medicine every month.”

  Chen Zhen took the antidote without hesitation: “Subordinates are willing to be loyal to the adults.”

   When I saw him so refreshed and confident, I asked: “You didn’t know that this poison was given by me?”

  Chen Zhen laughed and said: “The villain has long known that it was poisoned by adults. Generally, people who use poison will be very confident. If Master Li is good at poisoning, he won’t impose additional restrictions on me. “

   I thought to myself, this person is so savvy, it seems that I should be more honest, so I said: “In this case, I might as well say clearly, if there is only one guard, as long as you have to do your best to save my life, it will be enough. You don’t need to be loyal. After all, you’re just a substitute for Xiao Shunzi. If you want to do things with you, you have to be loyal and trustworthy. From now on, the officer is surrounded by wolves and is full of crises. You die at every turn. If you are not a faithful person, staying is useless. If you don’t want to, tomorrow I will let Xiao Shunzi get rid of your prohibition, and you will leave. If you really follow me, I will treat you like a confidant and treat me After success, I will naturally give you a suitable arrangement that will not treat you badly, but it may not make you soar. What do you think?”

  Chen Zhen prayed again: “The villain is helpless. If you leave the adult, but can do some murder and over-the-counter activities, you will be bound sooner or later. I see that the adult will not rot with the grass and trees if he lifts the weight lightly. If the adult does not Dislike it, the villain is willing to work for adults.”

   I will lift him up, trust him for the time being, I asked: “In that case, I want to ask you how we should act now.”

   Chen Zhen looked a little excited, and said: “If an adult wants to avenge his wife, no matter how he acts, he needs to have an absolutely controllable force in his hands. Except for the villain, Li Ye is not a free body, and his strength is too weak. , If you rely on others, if there is a conflict of interest, adults will inevitably be restricted in their behavior.”

   I nodded slightly, and the spy from Shu Kingdom really deserves its reputation. Now, what I need most is to build a force of my own, protect myself, and eradicate the enemy, but if you want to build force, you must have sufficient financial resources. This what can we do about it?

   In the next few days, I hid in the study and thought about how to build this power and how to maintain its survival. While flipping through the book, I was thinking about it, and I couldn’t make this power too large, which would easily cause it. Other people’s attention also costs money and food, and it cannot be too small to be of no use. The most important thing is to have your own financial resources.

   A few days later, Xiao Shunzi came. After knowing what I thought, he suggested to start small. He and I poured out the gold and silver we got in Shu, and secretly bought the place away from me. A Zhuangzi not far away, and then found some twelve or thirteen-year-old children to train. According to my requirements and his ideas, these children are basically stubborn and stubborn children without parents. First, Chen Zhen trained their basic martial arts, and after Xiao Shunzi sorted out some of the martial arts I gave him before, he made a martial arts training plan. According to him, if he trains for two years or so, these children can be second-rate. Skills, coupled with specially trained them to assassinate and spy stunts (this is Chen Zhen’s specialty), then it can come in handy.

   I also thought of a way to make money. I thought that the jewelry I designed at the beginning was not only exquisite in patterns, but also can be made by first-class craftsmen, so it was favored. Although I am not particularly good at these crafts, I read many books. I have read a lot of books on **** techniques, so I designed a lot of drawings in batches, some of which are news from the agency, some of jewelry and clothing, and some delicate playthings. The most popular is that I improved the corona by using the cycloid principle. This is the book I read about the big food. The above mentioned the principle of cycloid. I made it with great pains. In order to facilitate the craftsman’s production, I deliberately reunified the tools of weights and measures, according to the drawings. With the tools provided, you can make clocks and watches. These drawings are all produced under the name of Tianji Pavilion, and I ask for 10% of their profits in return. As for the person who came forward, Han Wuji, he was a colleague of Chen Zhen. He escaped from Chengdu after the fall of Shu Kingdom. Because of the strict governance of Dayong, he went to Nanchu in order to make a living. He was only good at murder and plotting. Without the ability to make a living, he almost died of poverty and sickness. At the beginning, Chen Zhen was ordered to find a suitable child for training, which happened to save his life. I saw that this man was still sturdy and didn’t have to be a killer robber to survive, so I let him He serves as the director of Tianji Pavilion, which does not actually exist. Let him secretly use my design to cooperate with people. At first, he needed to find someone to cooperate. Later, as soon as a new work appeared, he secretly held a small party and invited qualified businessmen to bid. The winner received the drawings and other information, as long as it was kept secret. Rigorous and can be produced exclusively. The reputation of Tianji Pavilion was spread secretly in Nanchu, and no one advertised it loudly. After all, that would have lost the opportunity to bid, that is, the possibility of making money. The invitation of Tianji Pavilion has not only become a symbol of strength, but also a symbol of integrity, because if you do not have a good reputation, no matter how strong you are, you will not get an invitation from Tianji Pavilion.

   was just to make money at the beginning, but later I found it very interesting. Through the Tianji Pavilion, I can get a lot of confidential information. In order to get my drawings and designs, many people are willing to exchange all kinds of secrets. Of course, I made Han Wu Ji more cautious. I must not miss my hand or be followed by others. Han Wu Ji did a good job. Later, the power in my hand gradually became stronger. I also sent a group of twelve people to catch the cold. With no plan to dispatch, Tianji Pavilion thus became one of the most famous secret organizations in Southern Chu.

   After more than a year, I saw that the income was enough, and I started to reduce the design, only issued a symbolic one every month, and only called for the bidding of the business firms that had cooperated, and then their businessmen simply formed the Tianjixing Meeting means a guild that cooperates with Tianji Pavilion. If you want to participate in this guild, you must get three referees and then the Tianji Pavilion agrees. The Tianji Guild soon became a powerful guild in Southern Chu. I can control 10% of the profits of all businesses in this guild through stocks. In the first year, I got 600,000 taels of income. These businesses are all reputable, well-funded, and highly influential businesses. I can’t control their operations, but losing me will make them miserable. This is enough for them to do anything other than rebellion for me.

   In addition, I started to join the training of the “secret camp”. The secret camp is my code name for this power that I will master. I started by teaching them to read and write, even if they can’t write poems and lyrics. I also have to read my carefully selected poems and classics, because it is impossible for me to keep a group of killer characters with me, so they must learn these etiquette advances and retreats and learn to play various roles that can appear around me.

   After careful study and discussion with three people, Xiao Shunzi and Chen Zhen, I divided the secret camp into four groups. The first group is called the Tiger Group. This group is good at attacking toughness and being the main force in killing. They are both good at rivers and lakes. With martial arts, you can fight warriors whose martial skills are higher than their own, and they can form an army to besiege the enemy or stand by for help. They can be competent for the role of bodyguards; the second group is called the dragon group. This group has a small number of people. They are young people who are good at special skills. I will list and teach what I have learned in my chest. These people are very interested in one or two of them, and they have worked hard to study. I also teach them especially. Some are good at accounting, some There are people who are good at underwater kung fu, and some are good at construction. These people will be able to work alone in the future and are suitable for acting alone. Basically, they will be sent by me to handle different types of foreign affairs. Most of them are under the hand of Han Wushou. Members; the third group is called the dark group, which is good at stealth, assassinations and assassinations. Basically, I will not let them appear next to me, but only perform the tasks that I have explained, because this group has no future, so I agreed with them to work for me for ten years. Within ten years, there should be no fetters. After ten years, they will get a generous fortune and let them live a normal life. Of course they can still work for me at that time. , Just do some less dangerous work, get corresponding rewards for each task completed; the fourth group is called the hidden group, each of them is a well-trained spy and undercover, basically they can pretend to be various characters to listen to news. Their specialty is not martial arts, but good at disguising and probing. After completing the training, I carefully selected eight people in the secret camp. They are all outstanding in each group, and they can all pretend to be my servants. People are under my direct command, not only to protect me, but also to carry out my orders at any time. For the convenience of appointment, I give them the surname Jiang, and their names are called Chiji, Pirateli, Baiyi, Yulun, Shanzi, Quhuang, The names of Huali and Luer are their rankings. If there is a loss or replacement, the person who replaces them is also called this name.

   Although these children are still young, they have achieved great achievements in martial arts under Xiao Shunzi’s training. Although Xiao Shunzi cannot teach them his own martial arts, after teaching them the martial arts that I have compiled, Fight with them again. These children themselves are pursuing and have stubborn personality. They work hard to take more tricks, so they can reach the standard. Some of them are not eligible or shaken. Finally, Xiao Shunzi abolished martial arts, and then used the medicine I provided to destroy his memory. And in front of everyone, because Xiao Shunzi told them very clearly at the beginning that if the goal is not met, then Xiao Shunzi secretly arranged these children to do various stable jobs such as buddies. Under the planned training of Xiao Shunzi and I, these children only knew that they were loyal to me. They did not have a sense of belonging to Nan Chu and Dayong. I finally built a strength of my own.

  After the power is established, it is just to use it. I think the situation in Nanchu is relatively stable now, so it is planned by me and directed by Chen Zhen. These children take turns to participate in different tasks. Let them become mature from immature, become cruel, and become calm and ruthless. The two biggest tasks are one of my partner firms. They are lustful and want to swallow my dry shares. In order to be effective, I let The secret camp was dispatched. The hidden group was responsible for collecting information. The hidden group was responsible for clearing out the masters employed by the firm and all levels of the firm’s management. The Tiger group finally made a thunderous blow, causing the death of more than 300 people in the firm. The dragon group was ordered to use the law. The contract took back everything we deserved. This is an action that I personally planned. It was ruthless and well-planned, and the effect was obvious. No one dared to deceive the Tianji Pavilion. Although many innocent people died in it, for me, their deaths were even worse. Deterrence, so that when people choose to offend me or betray me, they will consider the consequences.

   The most direct consequence of this action is that the Tianji Pavilion is naturally transferred underground. People will not be uneasy because of its mystery and dare to commit such a **** crime. Then the Tianji Pavilion itself represents blood and cruelty. Looking forward to getting benefits from me and being afraid of my revenge, then the Tianji Pavilion brand will stand firm.

   The second operation was both public and private. Dayong’s spy network noticed the value of Tianji Pavilion before the Southern Chu court. Liang Wan planned an operation and sent someone to threaten and lure a businessman from Tianji Guild to use him to enter The bidding meeting of Tianji Pavilion wanted to use the opportunity of cooperation to control Tianji Pavilion, but she was too greedy. Although the businessman successfully got the opportunity to cooperate, their probing and tracking were quickly discovered by members of the Dragon Group, and then the team was secretly discovered. Heyin Zubuwang found out the root cause. After I got the report, I arranged an appointment and declared that the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion would appear. However, Liang Wan, who received the news, sent a capable hand to participate, and was surrounded and killed by me. Shunzi masked his shot and killed all two of Liang Wan’s top masters. We disqualified the businessman from participating in the guild and forced him to hand over the profit that should be allocated to me for a In the first place, although he did not go bankrupt, he was quickly devastated after losing his credit and a lot of money.

   I have not only protected the reputation of Tianji Pavilion, once again expressed the transcendent status and determination of inviolability of Tianji Pavilion, but also severely hit Liang Wan’s arrogance. I am really satisfied.

   When I saw Liang Wan’s loss and Xiao Shunzi went to inquire in person, after learning that Liang Wan had received reprimand and punishment from Da Yong, I just said coldly: “This woman, she forgot about herself She is the secret spy responsible for listening to the military sentiments of the South Chu and the people. She should not develop her own power without authorization. If the South Chu court was too stupid and weak, she would have been captured and killed. If not, I would keep her. As long as a letter is sent to Prince De, Zhao Jue will arrange for the military to eradicate her completely.

   Xiao Shunzi asked: “My lord, when are you going to deal with her?”

   I faintly looked into the distance and said, “Wait, the time will come soon. Dayong can’t sit still, Xiao Shunzi, we have also lost some personnel in this operation. You have to strengthen their martial arts. , I will continue to improve their talents, we can’t afford to lose now, I don’t have another two years to waste.”

  Look at the information in my hand. It is the information returned by the members of the hidden group I sent to Dayong. “The King Yong fought smoothly at the North Han border and will soon triumphantly”, “The King Qi is diligent in training”,” Dayong’s military department is conscripting.” “Emperor Yong re-employed his former navy captain Ren Haiwang.” Although all this news is trivial, I can see a lot of things. Looking at the clouds in the distance, I know that the storm will soon The meeting is coming. Even though the storm is so violent, even I will cover it, but even if I have tried my life, I will avenge her. Looking at the ring on the right middle finger, I smiled faintly.


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