Master of Great Calamity Chapter 926: Sure enough, this is the first step

   The development of the matter was beyond the expectations of the elders. Although the storm caused by the resource exchange this time was really bizarre, the practitioners did not develop in the direction of suspicion. The three gods only appeared and took it immediately. The second elder of the Wuyou Tianxian Old Association was really surprised, and each one was full of doubts, looking at Mutingyuan, who was restrained by the three gods and searched for the soul.

  With Mu Tingyuan’s cultivation base, in front of the three gods, there is no room for resistance, and even thoughts can’t be moved.

   But the three gods displayed their supernatural powers and impressed Mu Tingyuan’s heart, but their complexions gradually changed.

  The development of the matter seems to be different from what they imagined. They have a method of deduction. It was after negotiation that they believed that Mu Tingyuan’s behavior was somewhat abnormal from the beginning of this resource exchange. When it was serious, it was necessary to search the soul to confirm certain things, but unexpectedly, after some confirmation, the result of the matter was beyond their expectations, and nothing was obtained…

   They did not find any signs of Mu Tingyuan being manipulated, cursed, or ecstatic.

  In terms of their cultivation, if there is no sign of it, there is only one reason…

  … Mujeongyuan is indeed not lost!

  …Everything he does is actually from his heart?

  ”My heart is God, but God suspects that I am controlled by others?”

   The second elder Muting Tingyuan was severely injured, and was restrained by three gods just now. He searched for his soul forcibly and destroyed the foundation. After a long time, he slowly raised his head, extremely frustrated. , His face was dilapidated, looking at the Worry-Free God, he shouted and died in anger.

  Worry-free God fell silent.

   The other two Gods of Forgiveness and Lihate also fell silent.

   Things seem to be out of control?

  The Great Elder of Wuyou Tianxian Old Hall slowly walked out of the crowd and looked at Mu Tingyuan’s body that had disappeared. It took him a long time before Mu Tingyuan’s angry eyes closed, slowly He raised his head to look at the Worry-Free God, and said: “All the decisions made by Ting Yuan have been discussed with me in advance, and I have agreed to them. If God is suspicious, look at my heart!”

   Worry-free God’s pupils shrink slightly.

Behind the elder   , more people stood up without speaking, but with a clear attitude.

   Some of these people still have wounds on their bodies. They were all wounded by people who were forgotten and hated for two days during the dispute just now.

   “Let’s break up!”

  Worry-free God watched them quietly for a long time before he said three words faintly.

   This fairy meeting specially convened in order to solve the problem has ended without end, and everyone’s heart is like a boulder.

   In the Temple of Li Hate, the three gods sat opposite each other. After a long time, the lord of Li Hate said lightly: “I calculated with the number of Li Heng, I think there must be an odd number in your worry-free heaven. , I just landed on Mu Tingyuan. I didn’t expect it to be different from what I expected. Perhaps it was because the unusual method was too peculiar. Waiting for leisurely, I couldn’t find the trace, or maybe…”

   Having said this, he stopped talking and didn’t go any further.

  Worry-free God continued for him: “Or maybe, I’m the second elder of Worry-Free Heaven, I died unjustly!”

   Li Heng God noticed the dissatisfaction in the voice of Worry-Free God, so she said nothing.

   “This matter…”

   Wangshou God spoke slowly, as if he wanted to persuade.

  Worry-free God interrupted his words directly, saying: “Stop all of you who preside over the exchange of fate!”

   The two gods Wang Chou Tian and Li Hentian were silent when they heard this.

  Of course, they can understand the meaning of Wuyou God’s words. Because their second elder of the Immortal Association was killed, which caused dissatisfaction throughout the Immortal Association, they wanted to take the heads of the elders of their two parties. Will the anger be calmed?

   It’s just that the Xian Lao Hui are all outstanding figures in their side of the world, and they are also the hands and feet that help them deal with all affairs between the world and the earth. Some of them are their children or disciples, who have a decisive influence. Cut easily…

  ”Or it can be solved elsewhere!”

  After a while from hating God, he shook his head slightly and said: “A person can’t be cut!”

   Wuyou God suddenly turned his head and looked at them.

   Forgotten God gave a wry smile, and said: “If we cut it casually, the people under our hands will be messed up too!”

  Worry-free God took a deep breath and suddenly stood up.

   But after a long time, he slowly sat down again and said with a smile: “Then what do you guys say?”

   The last thing, when the resource was exchanged, was settled by filling up the amount according to the ratio of Mu Ting Yuansheng’s premise. The Worry-Free God and the elders of the Immortals and Elders also returned to Worry-Free Heaven. It has been satisfactorily resolved.

   just after returning to Wuyoutian, Wuyou God quickly asked the elder to do something.

   One month later, the great elder returned to the sacred mountain and reported to the God of Worry: “Everyone has checked, and there is no sign!”

  Worry-free God does not move his eyebrows, and said lightly: “Everyone?”

The Great Elder    said in a deep voice: “All those who have seen the visitors of Tianyuan in Shenshan have been carefully checked, and they have been carefully examined before and after, and have asked all the details. Today, there is the god’s immortal servant. It proves that at the beginning, these people just followed the orders of God to discuss the Tao with Yuan Lai Ke, and they did not have any other contact for three days before and after. I have taken every one of those people carefully. After taking photos, I don’t see the slightest turbidity in their spirits, I’m sure there is nothing wrong!”

   What he didn’t say was that the mind-watching mirror can illuminate people’s minds, but if the opponent’s cultivation level is too low, it may damage the opponent’s spirit, so he did not go to the daughter left by Qu Changbai, but, also Read it carefully by other means.

   Although it was said, when she was casting the investigation, she seemed to see some strange colors in the girl’s eyes.

   But subconsciously, he didn’t want to talk about it.

  Worry-free God fell silent and stopped speaking.

The elder    was bold, and suddenly said: “The minister has a word, I don’t know if it should be said!”

   Worry-free God looked at him and nodded.

The elder    said: “Perhaps, the so-called unusual number is false!”

   Worry-free God’s pupils are slightly condensed, with sword light hidden.

In the voice of the great elder, there is also some sadness, and he whispers: “Today’s Worry-Free Heaven, some people’s hearts are already floating!”

   “Sure enough, is this day still?”

  Worry-free God thinks about this matter carefully, and the sea of ​​knowledge freezes onto the two gods of Forgetfulness and Lihate.

   There was a sudden ripple in his long calm mood.

  No one knows the situation better than him.

   Under this catastrophe, Tian Yuan will inevitably die. The three of them have not discussed whether to help Tian Yuan to survive the catastrophe, but the existence of Tai Huang Tian made them all feel jealous. I didn’t dare to act rashly, so I decided that it would be better to stay still, not to care about Tian Yuan’s survival, and wait until the disaster passed, and then find a way to solve the matter of the Emperor.

   But, if Tianyuan is dead, what will happen to the future demon breath?

   Actually, in their hearts, the three gods had already thought of a safest way.

   There is only one way to keep the tripartite heaven and outer heaven safe forever.

  ”Perhaps, I should prepare early!”

  Worry-free God took a long time before he slowly said: “It’s just after the Fairy Meeting!”

   The elder in front of him was shocked when he heard the words, and after a long time, he slowly bowed to God.



   “If you want the three parties to be safe forever, there is only one way!”

   And today, Li Heng Tian, ​​Li Heng God and Forgotten God, are also talking in Li Heng Tian Palace.

  The God of Forgetful Sorrow looked indifferent, as if he was telling a little thing: “If you want to ask for the stability of the world, you can only think of another world, as an alternative to Tianyuan. In fact, this is to protect me from the sky. The best way to worry-free is more suitable than Tianyuan. As long as you win Wuyoutian, you can introduce the infiltrating magical breath into Wuyoutian once every three thousand years, and use the Wuyoutian creatures to resolve it. , Worry-free days carry the catastrophe, we can see every move, and even at critical moments, we can send troops to assist. The three thousand-year cycle The situation will be better than it is today, and we can also control it. Take the initiative!”

   “If we do this, we don’t have to deal with the outside world. No matter who the Taihuangtian is, we can’t help it!”

   Forget the sadness of God, and smiled softly, and said: “It was an obstacle to face in the past, even if the three of us know it well, no one will tell it in advance, but now, Lao Wuyou has a deep hatred. If you think about it too much, it doesn’t make much sense!”

   Li Hate God listened quietly, without showing sympathy or denial.

   He looked up, Li Hentian was a clear blue sky without a trace of haze.

   is different from Wangsorry and Wushou Ertian. Li Hentian is located in the center of the two days, so it has two natural barriers. Under the invasion of the dark magic breath, Wangsorry and Wushou will be stressed first, and therefore, If you have to choose one side to introduce the magic breath, you must also choose between forgetting worry and worry-free. Li Hentian has a transcendent status and is also the most stress-free side of the world…

  …The initiative is in the hands of Li Hentian!

  Wangshou God smiled and looked at Li Hate God.

   Li Hate God knew that he had to express his opinion, so he smiled indifferently, and said: “Things always have to be resolved, but you must not rush for a while and get confused. So, everything is waiting. Let’s talk about it after the Three Heavens Fair!”


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