Master of Great Calamity Chapter 767: Why resist

? The Lord of Darkness?

Looking at the man with a high crown and black robe, and listening to what people around him called him, Fang Yuan was suddenly startled.

He stood there, his eyes condensed, his breath seemed to be frozen.

This is a feeling he hasn’t had in a long time!

I didn’t expect to see the Lord of Darkness here, although he has long been curious about this life.

Furthermore, when he first heard that the Lord of Darkness also understood Tao Yuan’s true understanding, Fang Yuan always felt that there would be some connection between himself and him sooner or later. The two of them are always in some places, extremely similar, and extremely different.

The Lord of Darkness claimed that he understood the Tao Yuan Zhen Jie, while Fang Yuan really understood the Tian Yan art from the Tao Yuan Jie Jie, but he did not speak to others. The Lord of Darkness wanted to push the catastrophe into the world, and Fang’s principle was to recognize his responsibility and resist this catastrophe. Back and forth, the people under the Lord of Darkness have appeared in many places where Fang Yuan’s destiny trajectory intersects. It is like six big exams, like dragon trails, like a devil’s edge, and then at this moment, in this devil Yi Sensen’s great freedom is in the Palace of Gods and Demons……

It is not unusual for Fang Yuan to kill a lot of the Dark Messenger.

But he didn’t expect that he would see the Lord of Darkness here…


As soon as the Lord of Darkness appeared, the energy in the surrounding world became heavier and heavier.

This kind of heaviness, every breath is intensifying, as if the void is dignified, turning into a tens of thousands of power, under this pressure, everyone feels like a mountain is pressed on their shoulders, darkness The messengers knelt down, the masters of the monster veins, in front of this person, actually seemed to be unstable, some of whom had a slightly weaker cultivation base, fighting with their legs, unable to help themselves, slowly kneeling down…

Only when he moved the mountain and barren ape, he became more and more angry at this time. It was not that he did not want to kneel down, but that the spirit of the demon ancestor he invited was still on his body. He wanted to kneel, but the demon ancestor could not tolerate it. Kneeling to a junior, so he roared furiously. Suddenly, his surroundings soared and bloody, turned into a huge palm, and slapped down at the Lord of Darkness.

Facing the palm of his hand, the Lord of Darkness raised a finger and tapped it.

The blood-colored palm is almost three times the size of his whole person, but this pointing makes people feel like they are about to prop up the sky, that huge blood-colored palm is in front of his finger , On the contrary, it seems extremely small.


There was not much movement, just a very slight noise.

The scarlet palm was pointed by the finger, and a crack appeared.

Then from where the crack started, the **** palm began to collapse inch by inch. This collapse was not the end of the **** palm collapse, and it continued to spread back to the demon ancestor’s body. The scared demon ancestor flew away, yelled tragically, and finally couldn’t bear to move the mountain and barren ape. With his knees bent, he knelt on the ground and dropped his head.

At this moment, the demon ancestor blood body collapsed and stopped.

Void and silent, quietly, with wind blowing, that black figure became the center of the world.

“Don’t be afraid, there are still some things you need to do in the future, so I won’t directly destroy your family’s assets!”

The Lord of Darkness glanced at the trembling Demon Ancestor’s blood body, smiled politely, and comforted them.

Then he pointed to the white burial monument and said: “I just came to take away such a thing!”

Following his finger, the immortal burial monument seemed to sense something, and in a flash, the devil’s intent skyrocketed, shaking the world.

“Don’t panic, I know where you should use it, and I won’t let you down!”

The Lord of Darkness smiled, and assured the funeral monument.

And the monument to bury the immortals, it seemed to understand, the devil’s intent was restrained, and it was much quieter.

“Respect… Lord…”

At this time, suddenly there was an extremely strenuous voice, it was the ape who moved the mountain.

At this time, it was not the meaning of the demon ancestor on him, but his own will, supporting him to call out this sound.

The Lord of Darkness turned his head and glanced at him, then smiled: “Say!”

While talking, he had already walked to the immortal burial monument, lightly patted a few places with his palm, and displayed some extremely weird methods. Observing the methods skillfully, very weird, but there was a hint The meaning of the secret to the heaven and the earth, Fang Yuan saw similar descriptions in a certain Taoist scripture. It should be a long-lost method of the magic way, which can pass the heavens and the earth.

It’s just that this technique is extremely difficult to practice, and it’s the ancestor of a magical way, and I don’t necessarily understand.

This Lord of Darkness is so proficient. Could it be that he is the descendant of the magic way in this life?

Moving the mountain and barren ape has the permission of the Lord of Darkness, so that there is enough power to speak: “Master, our demon realm, has always followed in your footsteps, and I will speak for you. I don’t know how much I have contributed. Power, but you… lie to us?”

“It’s not a lie, it’s a guide!”

The Lord of Darkness displayed the magic seal in his hand, but he answered very seriously, saying: “You ten major monster veins, in order to facilitate your own control of the monster domain, you only want to enlighten, but not to teach, this also makes the whole The demon races are all foolish and stubborn. They don’t know the truth. It is you, and only clever, just like the existence of this great palace of God and Demon. If you take it out from the beginning to discuss with the other great demon veins, it will be resolved long ago. All the questions have been solved, but you have to participate in the research on your own, and you have dragged it to what it is now…”

“Now I am the same!”

He said, smiled, and said to Moshan Barren Ape: “If I told you in advance that I need to bury the immortal monument and also need the mighty gods and demons, then you will definitely not agree, and would rather continue to let these The magic treasure is rotten here, and will not agree, so for the sake of the overall situation, I can only deceive you. After all, for the final purpose, the intermediate methods can actually become unimportant!”

Moving the mountain and barren ape clenched his teeth, he was full of anger, but at this moment, he could not refute it.

After an unknown period of time, he suddenly said: “Then…I just want to ask one more question, does the Lord think the plan will succeed?”

The Lord of Darkness heard this, and the movement in his hand slowed down a bit, and after a while, he smiled slightly.

“Where do I know if he will succeed, I will just try to ensure his success!”

After all, he turned his head to look at the burial monument, and said lightly: “However, in any case, it is not as easy to build a **** as it is to destroy a dike, so what I do is relatively easy. In fact, I have never been an enemy of the world, but the world is helping me. Whether they admit it or not, they have done a lot for me!”

At this time, he looked at the burial monument, his tone became a little proud: “If this is a game of chess, this is my son!”



Moving the mountain and barren ape heard his words, his heart is heavy, he hates this person, but he also knows that the demon domain now has no chance to quit, so he gritted his teeth for a long time before forcibly raised his courage , And asked again: “Master, I just want to ask you for my ancestors… the last chance you mentioned, will…will it be fair to the demon domain?”

The Lord of Darkness turned around at this time, looked at him and said: “Yes!”

He said seriously: “When I reshape the immortal world, you monsters, like the human race, have the opportunity to rise!”

Moving the Mountain Wild Ape heard these words, as if he had vented all his courage and bowed his head heavily.

At this moment, the Lord of Darkness had finished casting his set of magic seals, and the immortal burial monument suddenly changed its appearance. The original immortal burial monument seemed to be fused with the world, and the monument was It is the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth are the stele, but at this time, it is different. The heaven and the earth are the heaven and the earth, and the stele is the stele. The connection between the two is forcibly removed by his magic seal.

“Now I want to take this monument, will you stop me again?”

The Lord of Darkness smiled and glanced at the young masters of the demon veins, but in the end, his eyes suddenly fell on Fang Yuan.

It seems that his sentence was originally said by the other party.

In fact, at this time, Fang was originally the most prominent person on the court.

Because all the humans, demons, etc. have knelt on the ground, but Fang Yuan is still standing there.

Even though this world has already come under countless pressures, like an infinite mountain pressing on his shoulders, Fang Yuan did not kneel.

“I don’t know what you said about reshaping the fairy world…”

At this time, Fang Yuan also used all his mana so that he could speak, and then he looked at the Lord of Darkness seriously, and said: “But I always want to ask you, you…I want to destroy This world, still want to save this world?”

The Lord of Darkness smiled and said: “Of course it is completely destroyed!”

He answered so easily, as if everything was taken for granted.

Fang Yuan felt a deep incomprehension in his heart. He looked at the Lord of Darkness steadily, and asked the entangled questions in his heart: “I am in the same world, but I don’t want to help this world resist The robbery, on the contrary, will cause the robbery to come early, what do you think?”

The Lord of Darkness also looked at Fang Yuan, looking a little serious, and said: “The Great Tribulation comes from the world, why resist?”

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