Master of Great Calamity Chapter 707: I also want to get rid of troubles

“Stop the trouble?”

When Fang Yuan saw so many people appear, he rolled up his boundless ferocity, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

He glanced at the countless Yuan Ying masters, and his face became cold.

That is an unimaginable force.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s almost hard to believe that there are so many masters of Nascent Soul in this world, and it’s even harder to believe that so many masters of Nascent Soul come for themselves. They are all covered with their faces, revealing a pair of murderous eyes, but for their realm, there is no big difference if they don’t cover their faces. They just cover their faces symbolically. Three or four miles away from Fangyuan, some ten miles away, he couldn’t wait, and he fought over!


The magical powers, some evoked the squally wind between the heavens and the earth, mixed with endless wind blades, and some drew the clouds in the sky, turning them into ice crystals like sharp arrows, and some drove them into pieces. Some of the giant stone puppets released life-killing monsters, and some directly controlled certain magic weapons. In the void, they attracted countless sword lights, whistling, and overwhelming the sky!

If it’s just a magical power, a magic weapon, it’s not terrible.

But when so many people are vying to take action, it is an unimaginable situation…


At this moment, Fang Yuan’s expression became extremely solemn.

He was hunting and hunting in a green robe, with his hands violently closed on his chest, a huge bronze door appeared out of thin air and stopped in front of him.

The great change, the torrent of various magical powers, magic weapons, and weapons will come in the next breath, one after another, like a continuous river, sturdy bombardment to the square Above the bronze gate that Yuanji raised, its momentum was as if the sky broke and the earth cracked. It was a force that was beyond imagination, unparalleled strength, and Fang Yuan, who hit it directly, stood unstable and took a step back.


The next moment, the seven demon gods of the Jiuyou Palace also gritted their teeth and breathed out demon breath at the same time.

Seven magic breaths intertwined, and once again hit the bronze gate in front of Fang Yuan, and then hit Fang Yuan back a step.


Immediately afterwards, the three thousand-man army, connected to the tail, arms and arms, has become three huge circular formations. Their mana is united in one place, the formation is spinning endlessly, the circle is hidden in the circle, and the mana is horizontal. It directly stirred up three tyrannical and boundless forces, and each immortal army swept through a black and crushing aura, like the fighting will of the three groups, and hit Fang Yuan forward one after another.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

Fang Yuan stepped back three steps, and the bronze door in front of him was almost shattered.

The bun on his head was also shaken away, and the black drifted across the sides, and the wind hit and flew in the air.

“Kill me?”

He raised his head, his eyes looked a little cold and even more indifferent.

“Stop the trouble?”

He looked at the eight demon gods in the void, looked at the four old Xiu who were wearing red robes and iron masks on their faces, and looked at the small ones guarding any place outside. In the gap, dozens of Nascent Soul monks who covered their faces and were full of killing intent, finally swept around this battlefield, quickly setting up a large array, trying to push themselves into the dead end of the three thousand immortals. military.

So many masters of Nascent Soul, such a big battle, almost revealed the background of a holy place!

How many people want to die on their own to set up such a huge game?

His face also has a sudden distortion.

There was also an indescribable anger rising in my heart.

Those people, although they have covered their faces and concealed their identities, how can their magical powers and magic weapons be so easy to change? Fang Yuan is also considered to be well-informed and knowledgeable, only from their magical powers. On top of the magic weapon, many people were recognized.

“Zhongzhou Ancient Family’s Method of Leading the Sky…”

“Donghailan Island’s earth-holding technique…”

“Also, those talented supernatural powers with a demon-like aura…”

Have so many families sent their Supreme Elder here?

As for the army of three thousand immortals, it’s easy to recognize!

The big formation they used was formed from their own great circle.

Taking the risk of assassinating the gods of the devil’s border, I don’t know how much effort it took, fighting endless losses, to send such a diverse infant and fairy army into the depths of the devil’s border, and the infamous Jiuyou Palace , There are even some Yaozu masters teamed up…

Do they not hesitate to do this to let themselves die?



“Have you seen, how many people want you to die?”

At this moment, the bone skeleton still sits quietly in the void, staring coldly at Fang Yuan. The black hole in the eyes seems to hide endless compassion and compassion: “You are too proud , You forced them to go too far, so they will kill you at all costs. Because you are so wrong, so many people have gathered together and will definitely kill you…”

“You think you are walking a road for the world…”

“…But in fact, this is just a dead end!”



The indescribable power penetrated Fang Yuan’s Dao Heart, and seemed to refine Fang Yuan’s Dao Heart.

Especially there are so many Nascent Soul monks around, and there are even a moment of besieged by the three thousand immortal army, the desperate meaning of being unable to go to the sky and nowhere to enter the earth is more like a tide , Seems to drown Fang Yuan, this kind of power firmly fixed Fang Yuan’s Dao Heart, and the collapse of suppressing it for life is a kind of power that can’t make Fang Yuan give up everything…

But facing the countless people, facing the skeletons, Fang Yuan slowly raised his head after all.

There is endless anger in his heart, but it is suppressed by force.

“What you said is great!”

His voice seemed very calm, and he dangling his sleeves to put away the magical power that closed the sky.

“I did not expect so many people to want my life…”

While he said this, the blue air around him turned, revealing a golden toad, raised his head to the sky, opened his mouth, and spit out half of the hilt of an evil sword that looked like a ghost. , And then Fang Yuan stretched out his hand, held the hilt of the evil sword, and whispered: “They don’t agree with what I did, so no matter what, they must kill me, as if people in this world want me to die…”

When he said this, he slowly pulled the evil sword out of the toad’s mouth.

At this moment, the aura on his body suddenly soared, like a god’s residence standing in the world: “So what?”


When he said this, he suddenly shot his sword.

The sword light is like a divine rainbow, sweeping away the black fog between the sky and the earth, and also sweeping away the despair around it.

The sword slashed directly at the bone skeleton in the sky, causing the void to be torn in a split second. The huge bone ghost disappeared, and the divine light above his head seemed clear to the extreme at this time. , Is also powerful to the extreme!

“It’s impossible…”

The one-horned ghost king who was driving the bone skeleton spurted blood in this instant, and his face changed drastically.

He couldn’t understand why Fang Yuan still didn’t shake Dao Xin?

There are people with firm Dao-mindedness in this world, but there is absolutely no person with Dao-mindedness!

Even if Fang Yuan’s heart is firm, he shouldn’t be so indifferent when he sees so many people killing himself.

Whether it is anger, disappointment, or pain, it will give his Dao Xin an opportunity to take advantage of, and the Jiuyou Secret Method White Bone View can take advantage of this line to wait for an opportunity to suppress him, and even Control it directly with the view of bones.

This view of bones is originally a secret method of gods and demons!

But he couldn’t imagine that Fang Yuan was actually indifferent…

“They were originally attracted by me, how did they shake my heart?”

What he couldn’t see was that a gloom flashed across Fang Yuan’s face as he watched those people rushing in coldly.

“Slay this dog…”

“Give back a quietness to this devil…”

“Be careful not to let him have a chance to destroy the Ten Thousand Dragon Soul Orb…”

As soon as the cultivators in the distance saw Fang Yuan’s sword, the surrounding situation immediately set off huge waves.

In a blink of an eye, there were countless loud shouts, and the eight demon gods joined hands to control the thunder and dark secrets. The sky is full of weird black thunder and lightning, like a thunder waterfall, falling straight from the sky, as if to Fang Yuan’s body The shape is directly submerged.

The more than a hundred masters of Yuan Ying, who are even more terrifying, are unwilling to give Fang Yuan a chance to breathe, rolling in.

To be able to appear here, none of them is simple, each controlling different magical powers and magic weapons, and they are coming one after another. More than 30 Yuan Ying joined hands, and the power is beyond description, I am afraid it will transform the gods. Monk, dare not take a blow from them directly!

The surrounding three thousand immortal troops were also prepared for a long time. They all started together, and a big formation was formed. Fang Yuan was trapped in the center of the formation. The force of the tumbling army directed towards Fang Yuan to suppress it. , Like a grinding disc, it seems to be crushed directly…

Eight demon gods, more than 30 mysterious masters of Nascent Souls, and four elders who do not know their origins, but whose cultivation bases are surprisingly high, three thousand masked men, these powerful forces are afraid Even the **** of transformation can be trapped and killed, and when they decide to kill one person at the same time, the murderous aura can almost directly scare the person out of their fighting intent and turn around and flee!

This kind of power is a game that one party must kill!

Fang Yuan is not allowed to run away, nor is he allowed to survive.

At this moment, Fang Yuan did not escape strangely, but was murderous, and greeted him with a sword!

“Just because what I want to do touches your interests…”

“Just because, I didn’t give you the dragon soul, I let you down…”

“Just because, I want this devil’s profound armor to gain a foothold with meritorious service, threatening your status…”

“…So, you don’t hesitate to put a dead end to assassinate the dignified generals?”

Fang Yuan’s voice contains boundless anger, but it sounds calm, facing the huge waves, his expression you are going to get rid of me for your own sake? “

He held the sword in his hand and rushed forward directly: “I also happen to be doing this for this world, to get rid of you all!”


He cut out with one sword!

Between the sky and the earth, a dazzling white light appeared, and it traversed the void, reflecting the sky and the earth, and as the sword light appeared, countless black demon spirits poured out of the void. Rolling and rolling, gathered in groups, like a large army instantly appeared in the air, and then followed Fang Yuan’s sword light, rushing straight towards the black pressure…

“Haha, after holding back for three thousand years, I can finally let go and have a big meal…”

At this moment, there was a strange laugh in the distant void.

Someone turned their heads in astonishment, and saw a bright light rushing through the boundless black fog. It was a man standing up, with a limping leg and a paw shrunk. Under the armpit, he wore a pair of flowered pants, which looked strange, but his eyes were shining, but there was a surprise. With a strange laugh, his body suddenly became bigger and turned into a thirty-foot-long dragon.

“In order to have a good meal, I washed my pants…”

It smiled weirdly, and rushed over directly, driving the boundless wind and thunder, and rushing into the crowd to kill.

“Do not disturb Daozi, I will also…”

On the other side, there was a loud shout, and I saw that he was a mighty veteran. It was the old Deacon Motobu of Wangqing Island, and beside him, there were more than a dozen people with him. The masters with profound aura, but some of the profound armored generals in the Demon Suppression Pass, and some demon’s edge generals who are loyal to Wangqing Island, under the guidance of a white cat, hurriedly broke through the darkness and rushed over. .


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