Master of Great Calamity Chapter 677: Yumen God Pass

The plan was settled, Fang Yuan was calm, and accompanied Mr. Zhu to talk to the great immortals in Yunzhou, and asked some things, then he said goodbye to Mr. Zhu and embarked on the journey again, Mr. Zhu With gray hair, Yin Yin told: “Be careful!”

Fang Yuan smiled and saluted, and assured Mr. Zhu: “Sir, don’t worry, there are not many people who can hurt me today!”

He left the Funiu Mountain slowly, and gradually saw the self-cultivation figures behind him, Fang Yuan’s expression also sank, and he secretly considered the affairs of the prince of the Jiuzhongtian Dynasty, although he met in Yunzhou It was just a matter that was difficult to tell clearly, but he still had a bad premonition, and because of this premonition, a little unhappiness was born in his heart!

No matter what purpose the prince of the Jiuzhongtianxian Dynasty did this, he was dissatisfied.

Yizhang often rushed towards the Western Jade God Pass in Kyushu, and the atmosphere seemed a little depressing. After Fang Yuan left soon, he didn’t want to bear it anymore. Suddenly, the dragon stopped, just when people around didn’t know what he wanted. When he was doing something, he suddenly flew out of the jade, his big sleeves raised into the air behind him, and his mana roared everywhere, and said in a low voice: “Don’t follow, come out!”


Three hundred miles away, on a seemingly empty mountain, a certain void was suddenly trembling by Fang Yuan’s blow. A thin figure snorted and was directly photographed in the void. After she came out, she floated out like a paper kite, and before her figure fell to the ground, she was directly rolled out by Fang Yuan’s mana, and in a flash, she was pulled in front of Yu Nian.

“From Baxiazhou to Yunzhou with me, what do you want to do?”

Looking at the thin shadow, Fang Yuan frowned, condescendingly, and asked in a low voice.

“Who is this person who followed Ba Xiazhou all the way to here?”

The surrounding Sea God Guard, the old deacon, and the three Snow Demon old demon, etc., all stared at that figure.

But I saw that she was actually a pretty girl who looked very delicate, and her cultivation base was just a middle-level base. She was weak and she was a fair and pretty time, but her face was puzzling. With a hint of sang mulberry, Fang Yuan’s mana was pulled from three hundred miles away. Although she hadn’t put a heavy hand, she was also obviously injured. At this time, there was blood on the corner of her mouth.

“Is it a member of the Kunuche Empire?”

“No, even the spies of the Nine Heavens Dynasty, the cultivation base cannot be so low…”

“With such an idea, I would dare to peek into Wangqingdao Daozi’s account, it can be said to be bold!”

There was a faint whispering voice. The practitioners looked at the woman, but couldn’t guess her identity for a while, but the old deacon was obviously very experienced in the face of such a small role, and he was cold. Said: “Yuanjiao spy on the Daozi Shengjia, you must be ill-intentioned, and report your identity and teacher’s door quickly, otherwise the old man will use the method of searching for the gods, based on your cultivation base, I am afraid I can’t bear it!”

The woman lay down on the ground for a long time before finally raising her head slowly.

Her eyes looked extremely complicated. Looking at Fang Yuan, she was a little uncomfortable, a little annoyed, and more of a look of indescribable awe. After opening her mouth several times, she finally asked with a trembling voice. Said: “You…you don’t recognize me?”

Fang Yuan looked at her calmly, and said: “Report your name!”

When the woman heard Fang Yuan’s indifferent words, she felt a little bit more aggrieved, and she was so excited that she said, “I…I’m Dong Su’er, did you forget me?” Was it? You used to be in the secret realm of the Jin Family in Tianlai City, and a single point broke my Dao Heart, which caused my cultivation to stagnate, and I couldn’t make progress for ten years. Now, I have lost the original speed of cultivation like a bamboo. I…I I just remember that you asked me to come out after ten years, I…I can’t help but come to you now…”

When the people around heard these words, they suddenly looked a little surprised, their eyes swept over Fang Yuan and the woman.

Especially the two silver-haired, black-haired old men from the Tianshu Gate were amazed, and then looked at Fang Yuan a little contemptuously: “How old was my family ten years ago? You are obviously a little baby. I did such a cruel thing to others…”

“Knowing to come to me, it means you are still saved!”

Fang Yuan naturally remembers the identity of Dong Su’er. Although ten years have passed, her appearance has not changed much, and her facial features are still that shadow. For this little freak who had almost no hindrance in her cultivation. , He was not so easy to forget, so he nodded, and said: “Since you are coming to see me, why should you follow along all the way and show up directly?”

When Dong Su’er heard this, she seemed to have some impertinence, and said: “But now…your cultivation base…identity…”

She had something to say, she seemed embarrassed to say it, but everyone heard what she meant.

Fang Yuan smiled faintly, and said: “Your arrogance back then and your humbleness today are both a kind of fault that needs to be corrected!”

Dong Su’er’s face changed a little, but she still lowered her head.

Fang Yuan groaned for a while, and said: “I want to go to the devil’s side to make contributions, do you want to come together?”

Dong Suer nodded without hesitation, and shouted: “I’m going!”

Fang Yuan smiled and said: “Then you can follow along!”

He noticed that someone was following from the beginning, but he was too lazy to pay attention to it. Until just now, he thought that this person was related to the Kunou Heavenly Empire, and he frightened her over, but he did not expect it to be the cause and effect that was left unintentionally back then. It is also very useful to think of Dong Su’er’s talent in those days. If you train it well, you may be able to help when you get to the devil’s edge.

“My…My cultivation base…”

Dong Su’er’s face was a little surprised, but she soon became a little embarrassed, and looked down at herself.

“I was able to break your Dao Xin, but now I can help you reshape the Dao Foundation!”

When he said this question, Fang Yuan’s face appeared calm, and his voice appeared confident.

Dong Su’er finally showed a touch of color on his face, nodded vigorously, jumped up quickly, and walked to Fang Yuan’s Yunian. By her side, the three old demon who came up on the snowy field immediately covered their faces. Laugh, honestly practice etiquette: “Fairies are polite…”

Dong Su’er was taken aback, wondering if the Jindan overhaul next to her husband was so polite?

A line of ritual accounts, once again set off slowly, straight to the Yumen Shenguan in the west of Kyushu.

After passing through Yunzhou, it is the ancient road to the demon grave. This place is becoming desolate, and there are no big Taoist and immortal gates. Fang Yuan and others gradually speed up, and it took another seven or eight days. From left to right, a group of ritual tents finally slowly approached the legendary ancient and sacred Yumen Shenguan. Looking from a distance, only a large desert can be seen, with rare human traces, yellow sand flying everywhere, covering the sky.

Occasionally, the sand dunes are swept away, and the bones are exposed, and they look sad.

In the depths of this desert three thousand miles, there is a black ancient city standing among the yellow sand, as if it has stopped the wind and sand between the sky and the earth. Around the deserted city, there are two incomplete statues of gods holding soldiers, counting For thousands of years, I have been looking to the West…

“Here is the Yumen God closed?”

Fang Yuan was on top of Yu Nian, looking up, his heart moved slightly.

This is the first time he has come to Yumen Shenguan, but he has seen its records on the Dian Lian.

This sacred pass is a gateway to Kyushu, standing between the demon domain and Kyushu. It is said that in ancient times, it was originally a portal used by Kyushu to resist the demon domain’s attack. But then, the catastrophe came, Kyushu and There were also fewer conquests between the demon domains, but this gateway was used to build a large teleportation formation, which became the place where Kyushu transported materials to the devil’s edge, which was of great significance.

After crossing Kyushu by myself, the goal has been achieved, so I can send it directly from here to the devil’s edge.

The old deacon beside him said solemnly: “Daozi, can you tell the people in the gate to come out to meet you?”

Fang Yuan shook his head and said: “Come on this road, the etiquette is complicated, it has caused me a headache. Since the ancestors specially ordered it, and there are other deep meanings, I did not refuse, but now it has been abrupt It took ten days to walk for a month, and wasted a lot of time. When you get here, you can avoid it. Have you already sent the edict to the gods in long as they will send it When the big array is ready, you don’t have to do that unnecessary thing, just go straight to the trap!”

The old deacon had no choice but to smile, and said: “Since Daozi has ordered, he dare not violate it!”

As one said, he simply put away the ritual account, and immediately the old deacon was in front of him, waving his big sleeves, and suppressing the wind and sand that covered the sky, and then the lazy dragon pulled up. Yu Nian, Lin Er Baba flew past Shenguan.

“God will come, greet any loss, and hope to forgive sin…”

Just three hundred miles have passed, and suddenly I heard a loud shout in the Jade God Pass.

Revolving, I saw the civil war flag of the **** pass flying, and the voices were full of voices. Three Yuan Ying overhauled and led three hundred black armor gods to greet them from inside the pass. Some people shouted from a distance, holding the immortal edict, and their words respectful. , Very polite, the people around Fang Yuan heard it, and they were all startled. Unexpectedly, the people in the Jade God Pass greeted him, and smiled for a while, waiting for them to come.

But what I didn’t expect was that the three Yuan Ying’s overhaul rate 300 black armor gods came out of the barrier, but they didn’t come in this direction. Instead, they turned left and turned toward the north. , The mana is rolling, leaving only a piece of sand rolling…

The two old men at the pivotal gate had their robes straightened that day, but they didn’t expect that they would never come.

Suddenly he was dumbfounded, and he was stunned for a long time before he said: “What the **** is this? Did you welcome someone in the wrong direction?”

Fang’s principle is that he narrowed his eyes, shook his head, and said: “They didn’t accept the mistake!”

Before the voice was over, I suddenly heard a faint loud shout from the north: “His Royal Highness of the Nineth Heavenly Empire arrives, and the strangers are leaving!”

All the Xiu listened, and were faintly surprised, turning their heads to look.


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