Master of Great Calamity Chapter 648: The last method

“How could this be, how could this be…”

Looking at the red sun in the void, the red light filled the sky, and I felt the will slowly awakening in the void, as if one eye after another opened from all directions, all At this moment, the monk was completely panicked, and the Six Gods without the master also yelled desperately: “Could it be that our fighting technique has caused too much momentum to awaken the dragon soul?”

I can’t describe their expressions at this moment. They struggled for a whole day. I don’t know how many people have paid an unspeakable price. Only when Guo just repelled the inexhaustible legacy, thought that hope was coming, but the result was There was this unexpected scene.

This makes their hearts, unspeakable misery and despair.

“What happened?”

Sitting next to Ban Fei-Yuan in the same place, the three hundred and sixty-one mathematics were dancing. At this time, his eyes were blind, his ears were abolished, and even with the collapse of his spiritual consciousness, God Niandu has become weak to the point of indescribability, and he is no longer so sensitive to the outside world. He thought that his task had been completed, and his last ray of spiritual thought was about to dissipate, but suddenly he felt something was wrong, so he suddenly felt something wrong. Tensed, exhausted all his strength, opened his mouth and drank to the surroundings.

Li Hongxiao and others all showed hopelessness, but they looked worried and gray, but they didn’t know what was happening around them. They just looked at the anxious Ban Feiyu and couldn’t bear to tell him the truth. After all, he In order to seal the Sancun Lingshan, I paid too much.

“The seal is complete, everyone is very happy…”

Li Hongxiao held his palm, and a divine sense penetrated into his sea of ​​knowledge.

“It turned out to be like this…”

Ban Feiyuan showed a lingering smile on her face and nodded slowly.

But when Li Hongxiao turned his head and looked into the midair again, his face was already full of tears. In midair, the Sancun Lingshan was like a round of scorching sun, radiating radiantly, casting a red and **** light on them Everyone’s face is like mockery.



“Haha, I got to this point after all…”

On the other battlefield, Lu Xinyao was clearly about to be sealed by Luo Feiling, but at this moment, she burst into a loud laugh, sounding like a scream, with a stern voice: “That guy, arrange It’s so ingenious. All of you are just pawns. They are just pawns in his fight with Yi Lou. In this confrontation, he won the battle after all…”

He laughed wildly, completely as if he had changed a person: “However, this is already in my expectation. That guy is terrible, he knows everything, knows everything, you know this girl Why do you want to cast an effect on him? Just because this girl realized my existence, she was afraid of me, so she went to that person, and that person, just glanced at… He just glanced at it, and saw through me The existence of such a person, how can you fight, how can you fight him?”

In her laughter, Luo Feiling fell silent.

She looked very calm at this moment, turning her head to look into the dragon trail.


At this moment, as the countless dragon souls opened their eyes, the sky and the earth were red, and the countless spiritual veins changed. At this time, the spiritual energy flew around and gathered together, it seemed to be a sudden In general, people who have opened up the Qi Meridian and Eight Meridians, the meridians and collaterals all become smooth all of a sudden, and they have countless strengths, but what follows immediately is the consumption of potential…

The earth began to crack, huge mountains began to collapse, and rivers began to dry up.

It was originally a beautiful wind and shadow, generally magnificent dragon trails, mountains and rivers. At this time, they turned into a magical land, huge trees ignited the sky, and the relics of the forests rushed away, and then was swallowed by magma gushing from the ground , Turned into a skeleton…

Everyone is desperate!


With the emergence of the great changes in the world, the spiritual veins scattered throughout the dragon traces gradually gathered at this time, forming a huge spiritual vortex centered on the area where the Sancun Spirit Mountain is located. , And within the spiritual energy vortex, an orange beam of light suddenly appeared, rushing straight for nine days, and churning out the dark clouds in the sky into a huge black hole…

In the cave, a thick black mist poured in, with a desperate force.

There is a remnant that was disturbed by the tremendous changes in the world and flew around. It was flying past the black hole. It was stained with the black aura. It suddenly changed, and a black flame began to ignite from the living creatures. Suddenly, that room turned into a dead thing, screaming hideously in the air, with faint eyes, ghost fire rising from the bottom of the eyes, and then spreading its wings, and slaughtered the other creatures around him.

“Dark monster…”

“Then…is that the passage through which the dark magic breath comes in?”

I don’t know how many people have seen the existence of that passage and screamed in despair.

“The Great Tribulation… has come?”

As the dark passage is opened for longer, more and more relics are contaminated with the dark magic breath, turning into hideous dark monsters, rushing to kill in all directions, fierce and unpredictable , With a breath of despair.

But facing the attack of so many dark monsters, the monks were not even willing to resist.

They are all in despair!



“Sure enough, are you still here?”

Luo Feiling’s small face, at this time, also turned pale.

She looked up at the passage that seemed to pass through the two worlds, and the terrible magical breath that had penetrated into the dragon trails from the passage on that day, and even at the other end of the passage, there seemed to be some People felt a more terrifying existence, which finally made her face a wry smile, her eyes were a little haggard, and she looked towards a place in the south.


There, Fang Yuan, covered in blood, stood up. He opened his eyes angrily and stared at the sky fiercely.

Blood is almost splattered in his eyes.

He has never had a moment in his life with such a sordid expression on his face.

While roaring, he desperately propped up the only mana in his body, held the sword in his hand, and his figure suddenly soared into the sky. At this moment, a sword light that had appeared extremely dim, but held him Endless unwillingness and anger, straight to the sky!

He slashed towards the passage, as if he was going to cut it out by himself!

But he only flew less than a hundred feet away, and suddenly his mana was weak, and he fell heavily.

The fall was not light, and it seemed that he could hear the sound of his bones breaking.

He was full of unwillingness and wanted to get up again.

But no amount of unwillingness and anger can change the fact that his body is broken and his mana is exhausted.

The only thing he can do is to fall and get up again and again.

It wasn’t until a soft little hand supported him that he finally managed to stand still, turned his head, and saw Luo Feiling, her little face was full of unbearable colors, and several shining The tears fell straight to the corner of her mouth, but she still managed to keep calm, and whispered: “Senior Brother Fang Yuan, don’t hold on any more, sit down first, you have done enough, good enough…”

“We are going to fail…”

Fang Yuan looked at him and said in despair: “But how can we fail?”

“We will not fail, we will win no matter what…”

Luo Feiling helped him, smiled, with teardrops on his face, but smiled brilliantly, and said: “The Lord of Darkness thinks how smart he is, in fact, he is stupid. He thinks he is No matter what, we will win, but in fact we are the final winners. It doesn’t matter if we fail to seal the Sancun Lingshan. We still have a way to always win them…”

While speaking, she slowly turned her head and looked at the red sun like the scorching sun in the midair.

“Where are you going?”

Fang Yuan suddenly turned his palm, grabbed her means, and drank heavily.

“I’m not going anywhere…”

Luo Feiling turned his head, looked at Fang Yuan, shook his head slightly, and said: “I can’t go anywhere!”

While she was talking, her figure remained motionless, just let Fang Yuan hold her hand, but behind her, there was a red light faintly, and the brilliance floated high into the sky. , And then appeared a huge red luan, with an indescribable red streamer on his body, like a chain of silk, inextricably linked, the invisible deterrence gently and softly radiated in all directions.


The countless awakened or awakened dragon will seem to be irritated by this will. In the void, there are countless invisible energy machines that strike at a distance, each with a kind that can destroy the sky. The general will to destroy the earth.

However, the red luan flew in the air, but gently waved his wings, defeating all his will.

Nothing can stop it, it flew directly above the red huge wings obscured the sky, and the ray of divine light suddenly spread over the sky at this moment. It was like turning into a piece of cloud, which wrapped the three-inch spirit mountain into the red scorching sun, and then the cloud rose, rushing straight to the channel above the nine heavens…

“Senior Brother Fang Yuan, thank you very much, you are so amazing, great…”

Luo Feiling turned around, looked at Fang Yuan softly, smiled as before, eyes bent into crescents, showing a strong little white tooth: “This time you really did more than me I have imagined that I have never seen anyone more powerful than you, nor have I seen anyone more responsible than you. This really shows that I have a good vision of people, and I picked the best one at a glance… …”

“But, I want to say sorry to you…”

Her voice was slightly lower, and she said sadly: “You have done a good job, and I should do my own thing too…”


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