Master of Great Calamity Chapter 612: You can only take care of yourself first

There is no other way.

There was Qin Luanwu who was blocking the road in front, and the family of the assassin who was in pain in the back, Fang Yuan’s heart sank.

He wanted to kill Wang Zhou with a single sword, so as not to have any troubles. This sword killed Wang Zhou but saved everyone in the field. But these people have now caught up to stop him. After all, these People are also the world’s arrogant talents. It is impossible to kill people in front of them. Therefore, although he has some regrets and anger in his heart, he did not hesitate at all. He immediately made the second decision, and his sword spirit surged. , Rushed to Qin Luanwu, but he immediately withdrew and retreated, his mana surged.

“Look at the back!”

He whispered a word to Luo Feiling.

“Come on!”

Luo Feiling promised crisply, without any hesitation, his figure greeted the aristocratic family members.

She went here, but not fighting, but using her body as a shield, opening her hands to stop Fang Yuan.

Who is she? The little saint of Wangqingdao, one of the seven sacred places. Although she is not very old, in terms of identity and status, no one who entered the dragon trail this time can compare to her, and Before all the cultivators entered the Dragon Trail, they had secretly obtained a secret order to protect her no matter what happened, who would dare to attack her directly?

Boom! boom! boom!

The complexions of all the Taoists of the family have changed drastically, they have already sacrificed magic weapons and supernatural powers, and tried their best to recover them.

Don’t say hurt her, even if she wipes her hair.

Fang Yuan’s back was gone for a while, and there was no hesitation anymore, his arms shook, and his body was full of blue energy, like the Yangtze River, surging and terrifying, straight to the person in front of him Qin Luanwu, Wang Zhou and others suppressed the past.

His blue aura is like a mountain, how important is it?

Qin Luanwu and others are aware of the horror of this blue aura, and they dare not be entangled by it, and each exerted their physical powers to stop them, especially Qin Luanwu, with both hands in front of him. Fayin, a golden mansion, actually formed a translucent mountain in front of him, and the blue aura rolled in. When he encountered the mountain, he immediately separated to the two sides, failing to cover all the cultivation.

It’s just that, although it was not possible to directly suppress the cultivators, the turbulent energy also contained powerful power. For a while, it became a stalemate. Fang Yuan couldn’t stop them, but they Also unable to get out for a while.

Fang Yuan didn’t care whether he played the power or not, but after displaying his magical powers, he vacated his body and flicked his big sleeves outwards, but like a blue dragon, he flew to Li Hongxiao’s body, anxious. Anxiously break into her sea of ​​knowledge: “Leave with me!”

However, Li Hongxiao hesitated a little on her face, but just looked at Fang Yuan quietly and did not come over.

She did not speak, nor did she release her spiritual thoughts, but her intention was obvious.

At this moment, she didn’t know what Fang Yuan was doing.

Although Fang Yuan is in danger, she will help, but after all, she still can’t abandon the mission for Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan’s heart sank, looked at Li Hongxiao, turned around and left.

At this time, Luo Feiling was opening his arms, and sent a ruthless message to the Lu Family Daozi and others: “If you have the ability, just hit me…”

Lu Jia Daozi and others were forced by her alone, shame and angry, but they really did not dare to beat her.

But a few of them were forced by Luo Feiling. In front of Fang Yuan, there were still a few others. It was the third team who had entered the temple with Fang Yuan before, Song Longzhu, Xu Yuren, and Wei Long Jue, Ban Feiyuan, Yuan Xiao, Zhong Taihe and others did not participate in the dispute after they entered the hall, and they stood relatively far behind, but at this time they happened to block Fang Yuan from going.

When Yuan Xiao and the others saw Fang Yuan’s violent action, they were full of anger and shouted, “You crazy man, when are you going to make trouble?”

In the loud shout, a sea of ​​swords slashed towards Fang Yuan.

“Get out of the way!”

At the time of crisis, Fang Yuan naturally did not want to talk with them. The expression on his face sank to the extreme. With a flick of his sleeves, the green carp, the red bird, etc., all appeared around him, carrying a thunder waterfall, straight Sweeping around, like a thunder sea falling from the sky…

Boom! Bang! Bang!

Facing this sea of ​​thunder, not only Yuan Xiao’s flying sword was resisted, but even the whole person was shocked to take a step back. The walls and wooden beams of the entire hall were shaken by this terrible thunder and lightning. There was a rustle, and all the practitioners who had surrounded them before, facing the terrible thunder light, felt a tingling scalp of terror. They had no time to think about it, and they all withdrew and stepped aside!

And taking this opportunity, Fang Yuan pulled Luo Feiling up, and the two of them fluttered their clothes and hurriedly escaped outside the hall.

At this moment, the only people who stopped in front of him were Song Longzhu, Xu Yuren, Wei Longjue, Hou Guier and others standing at the back.

Their status is embarrassing, and they were originally ranked last.

Seeing that the form has changed drastically now, Fang Yuan has actually become the target of public criticism. Their expressions are also very complicated, but when they look at each other, they still puff up a mana at the same time, pushing forward like a tide.

As soon as Fang Yuan’s face condensed, he must pump up his mana to fight them.

But I thought, Song Longzhu and the others didn’t rush towards him, but passed by him, like a wall, and pushed back towards Fang Yuan’s back, thinking All the repairmen who wanted to catch up with him stayed behind.

At the same time, Xu Yuren’s divine aspirations were passed in anxiously: “Anything else, we at least believe that you will not go to evil cultivators, Fang Yuan Daoist, the form is critical, you save your life first, and then slowly prove yourself Be innocent, we can only help you here!”


Fang Yuan didn’t expect them to do this.

The bottom of my heart was slightly moved, and he passed by them in an instant, but did not leave directly. Instead, his sleeves shook and sacrificed something.

That is a toad…

The metallographic Lei Ling of Zheng Fangyuan!

After ten years of tempering on the snowy field, this toad has grown up.

It used to be the size of two watermelons, but now it is almost like a hill.

As soon as the toad appeared, it was in the air. Under Fang Yuan’s heart attack, his big mouth suddenly opened, like a cave, a powerful suction appeared from its mouth, now following the practice of the toad. There are more and more sources of the mysterious small world of Tianlaicheng, not only the size is getting bigger and bigger, the strength is getting stronger, the suction in the stomach is far from what it was ten years ago.

In addition, it appeared behind Song Longzhu and the others, but these people were not wary. They were swallowed by the toad. Song Longzhu, who was shocked, yelled: ” Damn, we are already helping you, you are actually playing a black hand behind your back…”

Before the words were finished, they were swallowed into their stomachs, and the voices were inaudible.

At this time, Fang Yuan naturally didn’t have time to explain. Together with Luo Feiling, he also rushed into the small world in the belly of Toad.


The toad yelled, and jumped out of the temple. His body was like a mountain, but it was extremely fast in one shot.

And when it jumped outside, it covered the sanctuary of the hall, and it immediately showed its shape, but this toad jumped, but rushed to the southwest corner, and it was unexpectedly grasped with great precision. A flaw in the big array rushed out directly.

It was obvious that Fang Yuan had already deduced this big formation before he wanted to leave or enter the hall.

With such a precise method of breaking the formation, even Ban Feiyuan in the temple couldn’t help but concentrate a little at this time.

“Do you want to escape after doing such evil things?”

In the hall, the leader of the second team, the nine saints of Xuanzong’s eyebrows were like frost, and she shouted, her figure was already flying in the air, and then her hands were lightly raised, and a dazzling silver light flew out. In midair, she slashed to the toad. At this time, knowing that Luo Feiling was also in the toad’s belly, no one dared to kill the toad, but she was so spicy that she ignored it.


What people didn’t expect was that the toad took a hit, but didn’t burst. Instead, it took it forcibly, and then, with the power of this silver light, it speeded up and crashed heavily. Defensive outside this hall, after reaching the night sky, Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling’s figures reappeared, a blue aura curled up the toad, with one hand, Luo Feiling rushed straight into the sky.

At this time, Fang Yuan had already used the Bahuang footwork, his speed was terrifying, and he would disappear in no time.

“Damn it, was he able to escape?”

“Chasing, no matter what, I must kill him!”

“He took away the little saint of Wangqingdao…”



Seeing Fang Yuan fleeing, all the cultivators were shocked and angry, and drove out of the temple one after another. Some yelled in a low voice, some were angry. No one expected that there are so many masters in this hall. Fang Yuan actually escaped from the game. At this time, I wish I could immediately catch up and take him down, but Fang Yuan’s speed is so terrible, how can he easily catch up?

“Sister Luo, have you forgotten that your responsibility is not fulfilled?”

At this moment, only Qin Luanwu had never panicked, but frowned, and one of the three strong lines in his forehead suddenly opened.

The vertical line was actually a vertical eye. A cloud of phantom in that eye disappeared in the hall in an instant, but at this moment, Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling, who were fleeing in a hurry, appeared behind them. There was a faint shadow, with some anger, he shouted heavily.

Fang Yuan suddenly turned around at this moment, watching the shadow believe Brother Fang Yuan! “

And Luo Feiling turned his head directly, said something in the void, and the red dagger turned around and slashed.

Facing this dagger, the shadow seemed a bit angry, but after all, he did nothing and let the dagger pass by.

Seeing Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling disappear into the night sky, the breeze was faint, and the shadow slowly disappeared.

In the main hall, Qin Luanwu closed his eyes, looking sullen, and slowly stood up.

There seems to be a touch of intolerance on the face.


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