Master of Great Calamity Chapter 556: Inanimate Sword Tomb

Flying Mountain, Liulixue, Yunxia Peak… Fang Yuan crossed the ninth snow line, and checked the topography on the map bit by bit, making sure that he was walking in the right direction. Of course, doing this is only when the reaction is slow to the extreme. After the ninth snow line, the terrible wind and snow is completely beyond his imagination. It seems that it is not human to resist, every wind and snow, They can directly penetrate people, as if they have been smashed by a long time, but they are not dead.

Even Fang Yuan didn’t understand why he hadn’t been frozen to death, or that he had no time to think about these trivial things, but with a hint of hope in his heart, he sighed and moved his numb double Legs, walk forward step by step.

The mana of the whole body seems to have been solidified, but fortunately, Fang Yuan’s cultivation is extremely solid. When he built the foundation, he was originally built by the five elements. Among them, there is the power of water, which can melt the wind and snow. The Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue that he cultivated has pushed the changes to the extreme. Now that the wind-cold method is running, he can barely protect his heart, making him last longer.

But this kind of faction is equivalent to being under terrible magical attacks from time to time, and the pressure is too great to imagine…

Fang Yuan himself didn’t know how long he could last, or he didn’t think about it anymore.

Without life and death, there is only a great road in front of you.

Even though his thinking has become rigid, his instinct is still destroying him.



Little by little, step by step, a line of deep footprints was left on the snowy field. After the wind and snow, it became very light.

Gradually, he didn’t know how far he went into the snowy field. When he looked up, he saw a splendid brilliance at a certain moment, like sky light and fairy, hovering in the sky for a long time. At that moment , He stared at that gloriously for a long time, until a meow awakened him, then lowered his head and continued to trudge on the seemingly endless snowfield.

In fact, after the ninth snow line, it is very close to the inanimate sword grave on the map, but now he walks alone like this, but the speed is extremely slow, and this road is also It is so long that it seems to be endless.

But Fang Yuan now has forgotten the time and everything around him, and he has a thought in his heart, either to die or to the end, so he holds on like this, never stops, the practitioner is here The advantage at this time is actually revealed. If it is a mortal, it would have been frozen to death and exhausted at this time, but the cultivator can forcibly control his physical body.

As long as a thought is still there, even if the body is dead, it can continue to move forward.

Fang Yuan didn’t know if he was dead, but he knew that he hadn’t reached the end, so he never stopped.

Before, he would take a break every other way, but now he doesn’t even take a break, because he knows that once he stops, he will immediately be in a state of complete extinction. There will no longer be the possibility of reaching the end.



“Brother Fang Yuan…Brother Fang Yuan…”

There seemed to be a phantom sound coming from his ears, Fang Yuan’s divine consciousness was frozen stiff, so it was vague, like a drum in the air. After a long time, the voice became clear, and he settled. Realizing that it was Jin Hanxue calling herself, and now her face that was not so good-looking, which was also frozen by the wind and snow, was showing a surprised expression at this time. While holding herself, she pointed to the back…

Fang Yuan’s eyes were dull, and after using a lot of energy, he turned his gaze away.

Then he saw a bottomless cliff!

The cliff is unfathomable and the bottom is invisible. The wind and snow dance in the air, and it is impossible to leap. On top of the cliff, there is a black stone gate. Behind the stone gate is a mysterious iron suspension bridge that can only be passed by one person. , Spanning a distance of hundreds of meters, the other end plunged into the vast invisible wind and snow. In the wind and snow, it swayed and made a toothless “creak” sound.

“The Gate of Profound Sword?”

Fang Yuan lost a lot of energy before reacting.

There was a bit of bitter joy in my heart.

On the map of Wusheng Sword Tomb, the last mark is such a cliff.

In other words, according to the map of Inanimate Sword Tomb, I saw this cliff and waited until the Inanimate Sword Tomb had been found.

My own path is coming to an end.

“Let’s go!”

Fang Yuan said two words with difficulty, and then walked forward slowly.



Finding this cliff is not worthy of joy. Before the Inanimate Sword Tomb, there could be no trials. This bridge should be just one of the trials. It might not be easy to pass through. It’s just now, Fang Yuan didn’t have any more mind to think about it. He just gathered the strongest mind, deduced it, and after confirming that there were no restrictions on the bridge, he walked up.

The wind blows the bridge and shakes.

Below is an unfathomable cliff, and the sky is full of wild winds.

You can’t fly by, you can only walk over, and if you fall, you will surely be crushed to pieces by the wind below.

Fang Yuan retracted his mind and walked straight forward.

Based on his cultivation level, he still can’t see the restriction above, so he can only take one step.

After all, this bridge stands here for people to pass through.

With this thought in his heart, Fang Yuan could say that he was mentally prepared to welcome everything, but to his surprise, he walked in the front and Jin Hanxue walked in the back. The two were one after the other, fearful. But when I walked to the other end of the iron bridge, there was no abnormality, until I walked through the confused wind and snow in mid-air, and stepped on the solid ground with my feet, it was a little unimaginable.

“Could it be that the prohibition on this suspension bridge has been decayed for too long?”

Fang Yuan could only think in this way, and then walked forward.

Crossing a winding snow road and bypassing a mountain wall leaning like a sword, a river appeared in front of Fang Yuan.

As early as the first snow line began, it was the cold of dripping water into ice, but on the current snowfield, after the ninth snow line, a river suddenly appeared, wide and boundless, clashed, from the far east Come and flow straight to the west!

The river is clear, cold, beautiful, and weird!

“Is this the second trial?”

Fang Yuan stood by the river, thinking that this must be a trial.

Jin Hanxue looked at this river, and wondered in a daze: “Is this the quiet river that never freezes as recorded by our Jin Jiadian? This is the kind of Dao that can help people to build the foundation of the heavens. It actually exists. Here, right in front of you…”

Then her eyes became horrified: “There must be something weird with such a river here?”

The white cat felt her heartbeat increase and despised her for being timid.

Then it stretched lazily, and it was ready to come out and do something.

But Fang Yuan didn’t wait for it to come out, he already staggered towards the river.

Looking at the wide glacier, he thought about it with the few thoughts left now, but he really couldn’t see anything. He just swept away his eyes, looked around for a few times, and saw More than ten meters away, there is a strange stone boat floating on the river, mooring on the bank, the river is clear, the stone boat is like ink, and it seems to have a strange beauty…

Since there is a boat, let’s go boating over…

Fang Yuan walked over directly, lifted his steps onto the strange boat, picked ice to make slurry, and slowly paddled over.

“Brother Fang Yuan, you…”

Jin Hanxue yelled anxiously, making her whole body cold.

The strange boat is just there, there must be some mystery…

Why did you go straight up?

I want to stop, but in this icy world, she doesn’t have much life to speak of, how can she stop it?

So she could only watch Fang Yuan row a strange boat and drift towards the other side.

Not only was she stunned, but the white cat who just poked her head out of her chest was also stunned.

…This fool, is he going to drown?

But in their horrified eyes, they saw Fang Yuan rowing to the other side of the river honestly, jumping off, and then the strange boat drifted back along the river automatically, Fang Yuan looked back at them. It seems to be waiting for them to row over too…

Jin Hanxue was completely stunned, and she had no choice but to set foot on the strange boat and row over.

Behind, they went all the way forward, through the Iron Sword Forest, through the Valley of Fire Ash, and walked through a cave that was eroded by the wind and snow. Everywhere, it seemed so dangerous that people dare not dare. They rushed through, but they just passed without wind and wave, using the safest method to pass. Not only Jin Hanxue, but also the white cat’s eyes that had been shrunk in her arms turned round.

Walking forward little by little, finally passed through a mist of snow and came to a snow valley.

Fang Yuan, who was walking in front of him, suddenly stood still, staring at the front blankly, not moving for a long time.

Jin Hanxue also hurriedly followed, following his gaze, there was a complex emotion in her heart.

Kongsheng Fifth, the sword is buried here!

In front of Fang Yuan, there was a black stone stele with words drawn by sword marks.

The stele cannot be seen how old it is. It seems to have been here for tens of thousands of years, but the writing is still clear.

“This is the Inanimate Sword Tomb?”

Jin Hanxue felt joy in her heart: “Here is the inheritance of the three sword demon?”

She felt like she was in a dream, she could hardly imagine that this legendary inanimate sword mound was really found?

Fang Yuan’s face obviously doesn’t have much Even if you look closely, there seems to be a trace of worry, but after watching the stone monument for a long time, he bypassed the stone monument and walked forward. After not taking a few steps, he felt that the underground ice and snow was soft, and then he fell straight down, fell on the same soft snow, raised his head wastefully, and saw the Fangdong Mansion.

It was a deep and dark, yet ancient cave.

In other words, this is a stone palace, a vast, vast and ancient stone palace.

It is hard for people to imagine how such a stone palace was built on this extremely cold snowfield.

But this is also understandable. If there is really no magic, what a lifeless sword mound?


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