Master of Great Calamity Chapter 549: Many mountains and wilds to grab treasures

“How dare he come?”

“Where did he have the courage to lead people to attack my underground palace?”

The people in the underground palace reported to the people below, and were shocked at the same time.

Flying up, rushed to the underground palace, standing on a snowy peak outside the underground palace, and looking into the distance, you can see that the south is densely packed with large numbers of people and horses, each with different costumes, obviously not belonging The same door, but each holding the magic weapon, the momentum is fierce, at least there are nearly a thousand people, in the spiritual world, this is already a terrible number, and farther, there are more practitioners who are constantly rushing. Come, look at this underground palace, it is like a tide, and the snowy field will come over!

“Fang Yuan child, it really is that Fang Yuan child…”

Whether it is the real tiger or the six old women, they are already shocked and angry when they see this scene.

Fang Yuan, who was standing on the back of a Suzaku entwined with thunder and lightning, stared sharply at the group of casual cultivators. His eyes revealed infinite murderous intent. This child dared to show up here, so naturally, this Everyone was brought here…

It’s just that they didn’t understand for a while, how could so many people dare to attack the underground palace?

In just a few days, how did this kid gather these people?

At this time, it is naturally not difficult for him to see that the monks gathered by Fang Yuan clearly do not belong to the same fairy gate. Most of them are wild cultivators on the snowy field, as well as the elders of various schools in Selangor. People can really be regarded as a group of mobs, but, the more these mobs, the more difficult it is to control, how can he be attracted all at once now?

“When the old man goes out and kills the kid himself…”

The six old women didn’t think so much. When they saw it, they were so angry that they shouted and rushed out.

But at this moment, Real Tiger Tiger’s expression changed, he stretched out his hand to hold him, and shouted: “Something’s wrong!”

The six old women startled slightly, followed his gaze, and their eyes changed instantly. They had already noticed that it was not just the mobs in the distance, but there were also many old monsters with advanced cultivation. At this moment, he was hiding in the surrounding void, secretly peeping at this underground palace, and he was faintly surrounded by others. If he rushed out, he might encounter something.

“Quickly, run the underground palace, don’t let anyone in!”

Hu Zhenren shouted in a deep voice, and gave urgent orders.

The underground palace that was about to be destroyed, was immediately destroyed by someone hurriedly. The array was lingering in all directions. At this time, there was no fear of being revealed, and it directly destroyed the extreme, with the three snow mountains. For the angle of the formation, layers of Ruo Ruo Wu’s light staggered and intertwined into a huge barrier, and the two great Yuan Ying on the southern snowy mountains also appeared.

And above the underground palace, several passages opened, and the fully armed clan guards also drove out.

It’s just that the underground palace was originally meant to be destroyed. Many of the important formations have been removed. Now they are barely destroyed. It looks majestic, but it is also full of flaws. The number of people is obviously much smaller than the casual repairs outside.

Hu Zhenren was frightened and angry, his heart sinking, his gaze swept toward Fang Yuan fiercely, and he yelled: “Fang Yuan, you colluded with the Dao of the Devil and killed the Fourth Master Yuan family, Elder Min Xijianchi, sin Unforgivable, sooner or later it will be the end of the corpses and bones, and now I am bold enough to bring people over, but do I live or die? I am really not afraid of suffering from that ten thousand swords?”

The words came out, shaking the four fields, even the sound of wind and snow was suppressed, and it spread all over the four fields.

And the crowd who had just rushed out, clamoring anxiously, were also taken aback by the sound and quieted a little.

At this moment, Fang Yuan, who was between the cultivators, stepped on the Suzaku Lei Ling, covered in thunder light, just looked up coldly and looked forward. The sound was not loud, but it was enough for everyone to see clearly. : “What did you do, you really didn’t count it?”

Hustle Tiger’s eyes became harder when he heard this.

It’s just in his heart, but he couldn’t help but sink deeply. This kid was really brave, and actually leaked the disappearance of the underground palace, but he still didn’t understand how he made these snowy fields. With such a courage, how dare to gather together and take the supplies of the underground palace?

Should it be said that these snowfield repairs were indignant when they heard about this?

When did these people have such backbone and courage?

Even if these people know about the underground palace and are indignant, they don’t have the courage to come and besieged…

Is this going to be a mortal enemy to the Dao Tong and Xijianchi?

To take a step back, these people really have such courage, how did the child mobilize everyone in just three days to besiege the underground palace together, you must know that there are many materials in this underground palace , Hasn’t such a big attraction yet, right?

For these people to confront the sword washing pond and the great tracts, there must always be enough temptation!

In angrily, I was about to talk again, and suddenly felt something was wrong…

After Fang Yuan’s words fell, the various sects who flocked to the underground palace immediately clamored and yelled: “Yes, the inanimate sword mound is my snowy heritage, why? Do you monks from other places come here to occupy?”

“It is the sword washing pond, it is impossible to swallow the inanimate sword mound…”

“Such inheritance, if the sword washing pond only eats alone, will you not be afraid of being held?”



“The Unborn Sword Tomb?”

Hearing these four words, the real tiger, the six old women, and all the masters who rushed to the underground palace were all shocked together. At first they were a little surprised, but they saw the incomparable indignation of the people. When Fang Yuan’s expression was in his heart, he suddenly realized it, his eyes swept across the crowd, Fang Yuan’s expressionless face, gradually came to understand the originality of Yiying…

“This kid’s poisonous strategy…”

“He actually said that the underground palace I was waiting to build was an inanimate sword grave?”

“Moving flowers and trees, inciting the greedy hearts of all repairers, at this moment, I can’t explain clearly anyway…”

Thinking of this, one by one suddenly felt sinking.

This is troublesome, and all the cultivators are coming, and things about the underground palace can no longer be hidden. Even if they use the power of the big formation, they can draw all their power over to prevent these people. Offensive, but in a short time, it is impossible to transport the materials away and clean up all the hands and tails. In other words, the fairy league will hear about this snowy field sooner or later…

This kid has driven all the big families to the absolute path…

Obviously they only needed three days to solve this problem, but they didn’t get it for three days!



“What can I do this time…”

The six old women had a sullen face and couldn’t help swallowing.

Even their cultivation bases and identities felt a sense of panic at this time.

These snow field repairs, if they just heard about the underground palace, they might still be suspicious, they might not dare to come and investigate with a big fanfare, and even if they come to investigate, as long as there are no large numbers of people coming, they will also have time. Clean everything up.

But now it’s all over!

These people usually dare not provoke them and provoke the sword washing pond, but when they mistakenly think that this underground palace is the inheritance of the three sword demons, they become bolder. In the spiritual world, what is more attractive than the legacy of the predecessors?

And when they all gathered, it was impossible for them to clean the end of their hands.

More importantly, seeing that there are more and more practitioners coming from around, the underground palace is surrounded by layers…

Under the eyes of so many people, nothing can be done!



“Oh my god, the ancient Taoism scroll, the endless treasure, is inside, why let them have it alone?”

“Yeah, let’s go in and get it together, and get our share…”

Just as the masters in the underground palace looked different, while thinking hard about countermeasures, the casual practitioners outside couldn’t help it.

They can rush here in time, because they entered the snowy field early and are following the route indicated on the map. Now, they are suddenly pushed by some people in the dark. This lifeless sword tomb is here, how can I be restrained in my heart?

If you have the courage to run to the seventh snow line in the snowfield to find the treasure, the courage will naturally not be too small.

Plus, now that they are crowded and powerful, they are more courageous.

More importantly, from a distance, there are still countless people rushing over. For them, those people are also coming to grab the treasure from them. At this time, it is natural who enters the underground palace first and takes advantage , So I was very anxious one by one.

Seeing that more and more people came from a distance, and within the three snow peaks, more and more people were defending. Finally someone could not hold back, shouted, and threw a talisman forward, who I don’t know who lost this talisman, and the power is even more pitiful. It was extinguished without flying to the edge of the big formation, but this seemed to be a signal that immediately aroused everyone’s anger.


It’s like opening a gate to release water, and the huge waves rushed straight ahead!

Soon, all kinds of magic weapons blasted directly on the big formation, shaking the light and trembling, and in the void, there were already some old monsters who could not hold back, making a sound With a strange smile, he rushed forward. The big formation was barely destabilized. It seemed awe-inspiring but lacked defense. Now how can it deal with so many crazy people?

When it was not too much, part of it was broken, and the crazy monks rushed in.

The clan guards who were guarding the big formation hurriedly stepped forward to stop them, but in order to cover their eyes and ears, they did not send too many people to the underground palace to guard them. Now they are all worried. Where can I lift up and come to fight…

Even the masters from all walks of life in the underground palace, are aware of the existence of those old monsters, and dare not take action.

In this way, it is even more difficult to stop these cultivators who seek treasure.

In just a few, someone rushed into the snow peaks, the stratum cracked, found the entrance, and then rushed in. This deeply hidden underground palace is already in this place. Under the madness, it was completely exposed to everyone…

All the masters who guard the underground palace are a little frustrated, only a wave of rage remains…

“It’s over, it’s all over…”

“The trend is over, we…what else can we do now?”

“What to do?”

Someone smiled helplessly: “This is the end of the matter. What else can we do besides killing the kid to vent his anger?”


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