Master of Great Calamity Chapter 547: 7 points are true, 3 points are false




   Fang Yuan’s words had almost no ups and downs, but they stirred up waves like a stone.

   The whole hall became silent, and after counting the breaths, it was followed by a shocking discussion. Several of the four elders stood up, their eyes piercing Fang Yuan’s face like nails. Coming, it was like a wild beast choosing people and devouring it. It seemed that if Fang Yuan said that if a word was false, he would immediately rush up to divide him up and eat it, and all of them became ghostly.

   While facing this gaze, Fang Yuan was just expressionless, his gaze calm and unmoved.

   Young Master Chengtian, who was sitting in the main seat, his face also gloomy. After a while, he gently raised his hand, and the commotion around immediately ceased, and then his gaze fell on Fang Yuan’s On the face, said: “What are you saying seriously?”

   Fang Yuan raised his head to meet his gaze, and said: “Fang’s body injury is a proof!”

   There were many people around who looked at Fang Yuan’s body subconsciously, secretly guessing how his injury came from.

   Young Master Chengtian was silent for a while, and suddenly asked with a smile, “What does that inanimate sword mound look like?”

   Fangyuan said: “I didn’t see what it looked like. I only knew that it should be a huge underground palace. It is located more than 10,000 miles to the east, near the seventh snow line, and there are three huge buildings next to it. The snow-capped mountains sandwiched that domain in the middle!”

The elder Feiyou next to    heard this, his heart moved slightly, and he whispered to Young Master Chengtian: “What he said should be the area around Xuenv Mountain, where there are three peaks rising from the plain, like gods. It’s a place where the wind, snow, and scorching wind are blocked a lot by the three peaks, so the area is much warmer, but it is a good place to stand!”

   After hesitating a little, he added: “And the disciples of the imperial court are here to report that there are indeed many disciples of the sword washing pond near that area. We thought they were trying to build swords there. Lu, what it looks like now…”

   Young Master Chengtian listened, but he didn’t comment, and gently raised his hand, there was a demon girl next to him, and sent a scroll.

   He opened the scroll on the case in front of him, but saw that there was a map inside, and many terrains had been derived. He looked up at Fang Yuan and said, “According to you, this underground palace should be located on the seventh snow line. It’s nearby, but look at this legendary map of the inanimate sword mound. Although I have not fully derived its original appearance, it can be seen that the end of this map is after the ninth snow line!”

   The people around me listened to it, and their faces suddenly became a little surprised.

   The words of the young master of the sky are on the point. Now this map scattered on the snowy field is a recognized map of the inanimate sword mound, which can be matched with some of the clues they have privately grasped. In any case, although this map requires a lot of deduction to determine its true original appearance, from the overall perspective, it can be determined that it points directly to the deepest part of the snowfield.

   But Fang Yuan said that the Wusheng Sword Tomb is located near the seventh snow line, what’s the matter?

  ”The young leader is extremely true, but do you know…”

   Fang Yuan heard this question, but his face remained unchanged, and he said lightly: “I originally released this map?”

   The evil sword repairmen around all became quiet, their eyes were cold, and they looked at Fang Yuan.

   This incident was originally suspected in their hearts, so it was not surprising at all.

   Fang principle went on, saying: “I said before that when I was studying in Langya Pavilion, I found the sword script written by a senior swordsman named Ling Zhao. It doesn’t make much sense, but the map on the last page aroused my interest. For this reason, I made a special trip to Xueyuan. At that time, in order to break through the siege and interception of the Xijianchi, I had to release the map and motivate the public to break through the line of defense. , It’s just that I’m not a fool, how could I give the real map to others in vain?”

When    talked about this, he paused slightly before pointing to himself, and said, “All the maps released are seven points true and three points false, so that everyone can use them for my use and achieve the general trend. I won’t let people find the real inanimate sword mound, the real map, only in my heart, but unfortunately, I don’t know how the sword washing pond robbed me of the underground palace, otherwise, nothing I didn’t intend to share the inheritance and other treasures in the Sword Tomb with anyone, even if you inherited the heavenly sword…”

  He paused before saying: “When I first came into contact with you, I was just using you as a cover!”

   After hearing what he said, the whole hall immediately became quiet again…

   is too real, right?

   This is the original six leaders with a great reputation and promising future……

   Isn’t a person like this full of sorrow, courtesy, justice and benevolence?

   When many people who have inherited the heavenly swordsmanship first entered this way, they would still say some beautiful words every day. Why this is not very polite, saying all the dark thoughts in his heart, even want to use it Have you admitted everything about Chengtian Sword Art?

   However, besides sighing, many people nodded secretly.

   In the eyes of the practitioners of Chengtian Swordsmanship, people’s hearts are inherently dark.

   Then, Fang Yuan naturally said that the darker his heart, the greater the truth…

   Even Young Master Chengtian fell silent. He glanced at Fang Yuan, his eyes were a bit complicated, with a smile on his face.

   He deliberated on Fang Yuan’s words in his heart, slowly raised his head and said: “How long has it been since Xijianchi found that inanimate sword grave?”

   Fang Yuan shook his head and said: “I don’t know!”

   Young Master Chengtian frowned and said: “How many of them are stationed there?”

   Fang Yuan shook his head again, and said: “I don’t know!”

  The evil swords around the people repaired, but their brows wrinkled tighter.

   And the Young Master Chengtian glanced at Fang Yuan with a smile.

   Fangyuan sighed and said: “To tell you the truth, I had to work so hard to get to the underground palace, but as soon as I got there, I found that many people were transporting supplies out. It was cold for a while, only after a few peeks from the side, I was discovered by several disciples of the sword washing pond. One of them was Xiao Qin, who was the white robe I had seen before. Under the competition, I killed her. However, this movement also shocked the masters in the underground palace, Yuan Ying Jianxian chased them all the way!”

  ”Washing the sword pool white robe?”

An elder beside    was excited when he heard it, and asked with concern: “Where is her spirit?”

   Fang Yuan glanced at him: “At that time, I still have time to think about this?”

   The elder lowered his head in shame.

   The elders next to him gave him a glance, and then exchanged glances. It is not difficult to find that the expressions in each other’s eyes are full of joy and sorrow. Naturally, the joy is that there is no life sword tomb. After receiving the definite news, no one thought that Xijianchi would be the first to go first. Of course, they were all old and difficult people, and they exchanged secretly and then continued to ask questions.

  ”What does the real map look like?”

   “How did you escape the Yuan Ying Jian Xian chase?”

  ”How did you find the sword scripture in Langya Pavilion?”



   No matter how rigorous a lie, asking for more details, there are always times when they are exposed. They must have this idea in their hearts, but when Fang Yuan made the plan in his heart, they had already considered all aspects. Many places have been smoothly rounded up, but it is not that these people can find flaws casually, but the more they ask, the more they feel that Fang Yuan’s words are straightforward.

   After all, Fang Yuan seems to have an elegant face, and he doesn’t seem to be lying.

   Of course, what these people don’t know is that people who read too much don’t look like they will lie. It’s just because they disdain to lie. If they really decide to lie, they will The lie is true…

   “If you say this, it’s no wonder that the disciples of the sword washing pond have appeared more and more on the snowy field during this period…”

   “Yes, it is said to be closed on the surface, but secretly it is making a fortune in a muffled voice…”

  Someone else wondered: “They found the location of the Inanimate Sword Tomb so much ahead of everyone?”

   But soon someone sneered and replied: “Hehe, we heard about the discovery of the Inanimate Sword Tomb, and we went to the Selangor Imperial Sword Sect to look for clues. At that time, there was a sword washing pond. Did the disciples come to take care of their business? They said that the road is uneven. In fact, I think they also went for this purpose. The Imperial Sword Sect was finally destroyed. We got all their allusions, looked for clues, and got the result. Not much, maybe it was completely taken by the sword washing pond before us…”

   What you say, what I say, the more you talk, the more you match up.

   Even if Fang Yuan said something that they didn’t expect, they explained it by themselves.

   When it came to the end, someone couldn’t help but sighed. It was Elder Feiyou who frowned and smiled bitterly: “Even if we know this, what can we do? The sword pool is so powerful, can we still fight against them?”

   The elders who said in one sentence felt heavy and silent.

The sentence    really came to the point.

  In the eyes of the world, Chengtian Sword and Washing Sword Pond have fought against each other for hundreds of years, causing the Washing Sword Pond to suffer a lot of losses, and it has not been destroyed. But only they themselves knew how the days came over these years. If they could really stand up against each other, how could they only hide in the snowy field until now?

  In a whispered discussion, someone looked at Fang Yuan: “Fang Xiaoyou, seeing you have said so much, is there a good way?”

   Fang Yuan looked at his nose, his nose at his heart, and said lightly: “I have a way, but I don’t have to say!”

  After hearing this, the evil repairmen gave him a surprised look.

   But Fang Yuan looked up at Young Master Chengjian at this

   Seeing this, the young master Chengtian laughed and sighed: “I know the way you said!”

After    was silent, he also secretly speculated, but smiled: “Honestly, your method is really not a good way, but it seems to be the only way, but before that, I There is one more question for you…”

   After all, he pondered slightly, and said: “Where is the sword scripture you found in Langya Pavilion now?”

   As soon as he heard what he said, all the evil cultivators around were energetic and looked at Fang Yuan with concern.

   “The sword scriptures are naturally still in Langya Pavilion, and no one can easily bring the scriptures from Langya Pavilion!”

   Fangyuan frowned and replied, the evil spirits around him suddenly darkened.

   But Fang Yuan thought about it, then said: “But I remember every word on the sword scripture!”

  The evil repairmen were startled when they heard that, their faces immediately smiled, and anxiously said: “Then write it down, thousands and thousands, no one can be wrong!”

   Fang Yuan nodded, thought about it, looked at Young Master Chengtian, and said: “I can write the sword scripture, but the young master should at least exchange the Supreme Secret Art of Chengtian Sword with me?”

   Young Master Chengtian showed a smile on his face and said: “No problem!”


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