Master of Great Calamity Chapter 538: Can’t escape

The Snowfield Underground Palace involved so many materials and played such an important role. Naturally, the families behind them did not dare to be careless, but they were also careful in doing things and did not want to attract the attention of the Immortal League, so they sent There are not many masters who have condemned this snowy field. Except for some who are guarding various secrets and are not on the snowy field. Today, there are only four Yuan Yings who remain guarded in the underground palace, relative to the importance of this underground palace. Come on, there are not many four Yuan Ying, but they are Yuan Ying after all…

Now, the four Yuan Ying have all been driven out and surrounded themselves…

Fang Yuan sighed lowly. When he was supposed to panic, he calmed down strangely. . Fastest update

By this time, panic is useless.

“You…so bold…”

It was the Yuan Ying from the east. I saw this person wearing a tall, thin, skinny like a sick tiger, but the aura on his body was very heavy, the wind and snow were blowing, his robe There was a clatter, it was obvious that he did come from the real body. These Nascent Soul monks could have used Nascent Soul to get out of their shells and condense the Dharma, but they did not dare to do so easily on this snowy field.

Because it is too cold on the snowy field, the wind is screaming, and the Dharma is out of the cave, and it is easy to be blown away by the cloudy wind.

The Yuan Ying Daxiu’s gaze slowly swept down, and when he saw the corpses of Yuan Xiaowan and others, his face became extremely ugly, a divine thought fell, and the corpses of those people were covered inside. , Blocked the wind and snow, and then looked at Fang Yuan.

There was an indescribable resentment in those eyes.

“You are the one who is brave!”

Fang Yuan stood in the circle without any expression on his face.

It seems that he has forgotten his fears and worries, and eliminated all negative emotions. After hearing the other party’s words, he even looked up at the Yuan Ying overhaul, and greeted him with a low drink: “The Great Tribulation General At this point, the world is in danger, but you are at this juncture to risk the world’s greatness and not disobey the world, with double intentions, to build this underground palace to avoid the catastrophe. Who can be bolder than you?”

The Yuan Ying Daxiu who resembled a sick tiger heard these words and couldn’t help but frown, and looked at Fang Yuan coldly: “The ants still survive, let alone human beings. For thousands of years, the League has helped the Immortal League to achieve this general trend. Is it less effective than your child? Now we build this underground palace in the snowy field, and only leave a ray of incense for the world, what is it?”

“Leave incense for the world?”

Fang Yuan was secretly angry, looking up at him and shouting: “You are stealing luck from the world!”

The angrier he got, the words that had been held in his heart for the past few days came out: “The Great Tribulation is not a troubled world, a troubled world will come, and it will always pass. The dragons and snakes will rise all over the world and compete for the world. It is for strategy, but we In crossing the Tribulation, if the Tribulation cannot be overcome, everything is empty. What is the use of the resources you leave on the snowfield, but it is a bit later than the people in the devil’s side to die…”

“When even this Tianyuan does not exist, where do you need to use your strategy?”

I felt refreshed when I asked these words in front of the Yuan Ying.

After hearing what he said, a dark anger, even shame, flashed across the faces of the Yuan Ying in the field. An old woman in a golden robe from the west took a step forward and whispered: ” Ignorant children, how much do you cultivate, and dare you to point the world?”

Fang Yuan turned around to look at her, and said sensibly: “Although I am not high in cultivation, I also know the rise and fall of the world, and I am here!”

His voice was indignant, and it spread far in the wind and snow.

After that, his breath is a little confused, his eyes are low, waiting for the answers from these people.

But the other party obviously didn’t answer him, but his face was more embarrassed. An old turtle-backed man in the south was obviously a little impatient. He waved his cane severely and sneered: “It’s silly to read with this. What the **** is this kid, just kill it!”

Several Yuan Ying in the field had this intention and took a step forward.

The wind and snow became more prosperous in this instant, roaring endlessly.

But at this moment, a sword sounded suddenly, and the clearness was extremely clear, but it was a woman from the north who was playing the sword. It was Elder Min, Yuanyingjian from Xijianchi. She looked at Fang lightly. Yuan glanced at him and said: “I really didn’t expect you to be so courageous to prevent you from entering the snowy field. You must come in and arrest you everywhere, but you changed your clothes and ran into the underground palace…”

She stayed aside, her voice lowered, as if she was thinking about it. After a while, she raised her head and said, “This time, we don’t have any reason to spare you, but I don’t want to kill it. You, be good, and tie your hands!”

The other Yuan Ying in the room listened to it, and looked at her with some puzzlement.

It seems that I don’t understand it. At this time, why don’t you just cut it with a single sword and take it back?

When Fang Yuan heard this, he straightened up against the wind and snow.

He looked at the Yuanying Sword Fairy seriously, and whispered: “Can you take me?”



When everyone around me heard this, they were all startled, and laughed loudly. The laughter was not fake, it was really funny, but it was like seeing a kid who just could run away. Threatening adults, the old woman in the south giggled a few times, then looked at Fang Yuan, and said with a low smile: “You kid is called the leader of the six, so you really don’t know you?”

“Now the four of us are here looking at you, do you think you can escape?”

They all felt like a joke, and with a helpless sigh, they were ready to take down Fang Yuan.

But also at this time, Fang Yuan appeared extremely calm instead, just lowered his head and calculated silently. After counting his breaths, he raised his head and looked at the Yuan Ying with a smile on his face. Monk said: “Calculate now, time is almost there!”

Seeing his seriousness, the few Yuan Ying were suddenly startled.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a series of “booms”, coming from the location of the underground palace in the east, and then, I suddenly saw the direction of the underground palace, countless red lights rose into the sky, and then turned into Pieces of light and rain covered half of the sky…

Several Yuan Ying in the room was shocked and shouted: “What did you do?”

Fang Yuan stayed in the formation, his expression unchanged, said: “I have been in the underground palace these few days, and I have been arranged by your people to repair the formation. Since you know that I am the leader of the six ways, you should know what I don’t Few, especially the formations. It is the question I have worked hard to participate in the research. It can either set up the formation or break the formation, and even secretly change some key points and ruin your big formation!”

When these Yuan Ying heard this, they were already furious. Someone directly slapped an angry palm and patted down.

But at this moment, the turtle-backed old man yelled anxiously: “The underground palace is important, that is the lifeblood, Sister Lu, the real tiger, you two quickly go back, sit and watch the underground palace, you must not be destroyed by him. With the foundation of the great formation, the two of us will take him down here!”

After hearing what he said, the old woman in the golden robe and the man with tiger disease only hesitated for a while, then turned around and left immediately.

They are also really worried. For the underground palace, the most important thing is naturally the Xuantian imperial palace formation, which is the lifeblood of the underground palace. Now that they have heard the problem, they can see how the underground palace releases signals. How can we not worry about the urgency?

Furthermore, there are two Nascent Souls in the self-trapped formation of the six leaders, which is enough to take him down.

The most important thing is to solve the troubles in the underground palace first, so as not to be destroyed too much.

“Elder Min, let’s not be polite to him. Please break this kid’s shell before…”

Among the remaining two Nascent Souls, the old turtle-backed man is even more polite.

He also knew the truth about Ye Changmeng, so he flew up and hit the area where Fang Yuan was.

Yuan Ying makes a full blow, how terrible is it?

A rod shot down, stirring half of the void into a raging wind, and the naked light filled most of the sky, as if a mountain was heavily suppressed. Compared with the changes in the sky caused by this rod, Fang Yuan’s array It was bleak.

Elder Yuan Yingjian Xianmin watched coldly at this time, faintly guarding the southern void.

Although she could see that the big formation Fang Yuan hurriedly laid was very good, she also knew that with the full blow of the master Yuan Ying, this big formation was really useless, and the turtle-backed old man didn’t have to go. Analyzing what the formation of Fang Yuan’s big formation is, and where is the formation, it is enough to knock this big formation into pieces with brute force…



Fang Yuan naturally understood this truth, watching the turtle-backed old man knock it down with a stick, and he remained absolutely calm.

Just when the rod hit the big formation, he let out a deep breath.

Suddenly, the large array laid under the rush reversed in an instant, and all the power shrank towards a center. The old man’s stick on the back of the tortoise knocked it down. It was already done. The preparation of the great array of light resistance, but did not expect this great array to suddenly give birth to a strong gravitational force, but to attract him with this rod, the bottom of my heart was suddenly shocked.

He changed his mind, used his supernatural power, and pulled the crutches back…

At the next breath, this great array shrank to the extreme, and then suddenly spread. The old man’s pulling force was too heavy and he couldn’t hold back for a while. Instead, he retreated directly into the void, but he appeared in front of him. It’s a billowing snow and smoke…


With such a sudden change, even the Elder Min who was in the air slightly raised his eyebrows, and kept his eyes on it.

She thought that Fang Yuan had set up such an array between because she wanted to fight the stubborn resistance, and it lasted for a while, but she didn’t expect that he knew that he couldn’t resist it, so she directly put this big array After breaking open, Yuan Ying almost suffered a loss, and also messed up the situation easily. With this courage and reaction, she gave Fang Yuan a high look.

Looking down, I saw that in the billowing smoke below, a blue air rushed out, and fled into the sky like an arrow from the string. This elder Min saw the sword and knew that it was Fang. Yuan’s true body, sighed in my heart, and slowly shook his head……

“Under the absolute power gap, what is the use of doing this?”

With a low sigh, he suddenly drew out the wooden sword beside his waist, and cut it down in midair.

Suddenly, the sword qi was enchanted between the world, and it cut straight behind Fang Yuan!


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