Master of Great Calamity Chapter 526: Family Events

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Above the snowy field, the harsh climate has created batch after batch of snow beasts. It’s hard to imagine how they grew up in this blizzard and cold place, but this vast wind and snow is also Created the power of these snow beasts…

Starting from the outside of the snowfield, the more you go inside, the smaller the number of snow beasts, but correspondingly, the strength is stronger than one. Just after the fourth snow line, some top fierce ones have appeared. The existence of beasts, each one can fight the strong golden core, and in the snowfield, legend has it that there are even more powerful and terrifying, which can swallow the raw infant for food. Favorite this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

Of course, to ordinary practitioners, these snow beasts are nothing less than the horrible existence of wind and snow, but for the other party, they were only his test stone for now.

All the way to the depths of the snowy field, the snow beasts he encountered became more and more terrifying, but Fang Yuan has never unlocked his magical powers. No matter how dangerous he encountered, he has always been a pure swordsman. Enemy, fight the snow beast.

Now he has a fire in his heart, and he has a posture of going all out.

Although he has determined that this kind of training has little effect on improving his sword intent, he is still working desperately to practice. Even if he can’t improve his sword intent, he has a little more understanding of swordsmanship to make his sword aura. It’s good to be more condensed…

In the process, he also honestly recalled the process of his own sword training.

When he was leaving Qingyang Sect, he was chased and killed all the way, but he was also killed by Qingyang disciples, including his master, Mr. Zhu, who gave up his life to protect each other, and was touched for a while, and finally got in with Gan Long During the life-and-death battle of the sword, he unintentionally achieved the sword intent, and now he can’t help but think, can it be said that he needs such a touch now to be able to increase the sword intent again?

But such a touch was felt by someone inadvertently.

Now I deliberately think about it, I am afraid it is of no use…

That’s all!

Since this road is difficult, let’s go step by step!

Of course, as he walked step by step like this, the fierce beasts on the snowy field have suffered.

When I passed the fourth snow line, I encountered a group of snow wolves, each with the strength of a low-level beast, and the victory was a large number of snow wolves with hundreds of mid-level beasts. Under the leadership of the king, Hulala stirred the wind and snow and surrounded the Fazhou.

Fang Yuan single-handedly rushed into the snow wolf pack with a sword, killing dozens of snow wolves, and staring at the Snow Wolf King.

The Snow Wolf King was frightened by his eyes, and slowly took the remaining snow wolves back into the wind and snow.

When I reached the middle domain after the fourth snow line, I encountered a group of snow beetles. This is a more fearful existence than ordinary snow beasts. They don’t eat people into bones and never give up. Fang Yuan fights alone. The sword, before blocking the ark, killed a full seven or eight hours. Before slaying the ark, the snow beetle’s corpse piled up a high mountain, and it became like a blood gourd, full of blood.

But in the end, Fang Yuan took a sigh of relief, found out where the insect mother was, and killed it with a single sword.

Then it was the fifth snow line, and I ran into a strong snow bear…

…Then the snow bear saw Fang Yuan’s desperate look, and ran away with the child!



And when Fang Yuan hurried slowly, fighting the snow beast all the way to sharpen himself, in a snow valley less than three hundred miles away from him, he was also whispering about something, in this snow valley. , There were three or four snow-white Dharma boats parked, and they were all stamped with strict Dharma seals. They were strictly protected and were not afraid of wind and snow. It was obvious that the things on the Dharma boat were very important.

Beside the Dharma boat, there are more than a dozen practitioners dressed in snow-colored cloaks, and a black fierce ape whose body is covered with needle-like black hair, the size of which is the size of a small hill. At this time, he was staring at a treasure mirror with a serious expression.

The precious mirror was flying in the air at this moment and spinning, a faint light flew out from the mirror, faintly sweeping across the surroundings, and in the process, the scenery inside the mirror was constantly changing , Seems to be taking this treasure, looking for something.

“Is it stronger if it can’t be broken?”

On the shoulders of the black ape sat a woman wearing a snow cloak. After waiting for a long time, she couldn’t help but urge.

“Although this thousand-mile streamer can be used to find people, it can’t move too fast. If that person is really the leader of the six paths, then the divine consciousness must be strong, and the destructive mirror light will be too strong. When I photographed him, he found out…”

Someone next to him explained in a low voice, and while speaking, he looked at the woman in the snow cloak.

The woman didn’t say much, but her attitude was quite right.

So the person in charge of the mirror can only continue to look for it like this.


After a while, suddenly on the mirror surface, there was a tremor like water ripples, revealing a face painting.

I saw a man in a blue robe reflected in the realm. At this time, he was a single man with a sword. The three-headed snow python was as thick as a magic disk, and the sword was sharp. , The wind shook the snow, fierce, and did not let the wind fall in front of the three snow pythons.

“It’s north, two hundred miles away…”

The person holding the mirror looked at the woman on the shoulders of the black ape: “Miss Wan’er, is that him?”


The woman sitting on the shoulders of the black ape, staring at the figure in the bronze mirror, two hate shots in her eyes, and after a while, she said: “This is this person, this Despicable man, the old lady personally asked Langya Pavilion for an opportunity to pass on the Immortal Dharma. He paid countless prices, but in the end he seized this opportunity from me, causing me to be reprimanded by the old lady, saying that I was I didn’t live up to it, and drove me to the snowy field for training… I will not forget this person even when I turn to ashes!”

“Sure enough, it was the six leaders of those four years ago that had ruined Miss chance!”

The surrounding monks glanced at each other and said in a deep voice: “You don’t need to be angry, you don’t need to be angry, this time it is him who caused the trouble, it is he who inspired thousands of Selangor monks to go to the snowy field, which made the crowds here. Miscellaneous, it also made us have to wait here. Xijianchi is probably the one who wants his life most now. After we notify Xijianchi, someone will come to him…”

“Notify the Sword Washing Pool?”

The woman on the shoulder of the black ape said angrily: “When the man from the sword washing pond rushes over, he doesn’t know where he is going, the vast snowy field, how to find him? Or he didn’t find us at this time, Leave him on this snowy field for now…”


The surrounding monks were taken aback and hurriedly advised: “Miss Wan’er, don’t be impulsive. We are ordered by the family to come to the snowy field to do this important event related to the fate of the family. We must not leak. Now that there are people everywhere on the snowy field, we are worried that we will be found out, so we can only hide in this snow valley and wait for the sword washing pond to clear a safe road before proceeding. Now the sword washing pond news is still No, how can I provoke other mess at this critical time?”

Speaking these words, the faces of the other monks also showed extremely worried expressions.

One after another said: “Yeah, miss, now we are still guarding these supplies, it is better to wait for the signal from the sword washing pond!”

“Yes, personal grievances, nothing more important than this family event…”



In response to the persuasion of the people around, the expression on this woman’s face changed slightly and seemed a little unpleasant, but after a long while, she had returned to normal, with some gentle and well-behaved expressions on her face. The people around laughed and said: “Several seniors, I really underestimate me. I’m not a ignorant. How can I ruin the family plan because of a little thing?”

After hearing this, the monks were relieved, but at this moment, Miss Wan’er suddenly chuckled and said: “You are worried that you will leak your whereabouts, but ah, I But just want to take his life casually, why do you need to show up?”

While speaking, there was a bit of pleasure in his eyes, and he sighed: “It’s really a chance God gave me. I met him on this snowy field. I really can’t help him in other places. But at this time, I have the ape ancestor by my side…”

The other monks heard them, their eyes became worried again, and they wanted to persuade them again.

But Miss Wan’er waved her hand coldly and said: “Don’t worry, he won’t know how to die after he dies!”

After that, he looked at the fierce ape next to him, and said coquettishly: “Ape ancestor, you won’t help me this time?”


The fierce ape beat his chest to show his boundlessness.

Miss Wan’er immediately smiled happily…




Fang Yuanzheng used his swordsmanship and was worthy of beheading two snow pythons. He also suffered a whole body injury, but he did not dare to relax. He cheered up and faced the last snow python. At this time, the two of them, It was half a catty against eighty-two. The snow python was injured not lightly, and Fang Yuan was also exhausted. It was when no one could help anyone, walking down the snow mountain, they wanted to make a fatal blow.


After the two found an opportunity, they fought out at the same time.

As soon as the snow python’s body was tangled, Fang Yuan was already rolled up, the snake mouth opened wide, and the poisonous mist was sprayed, and the cage moved towards Fang Yuan. However, Fang Yuan also shook his long sword sharply, and the sword energy smashed the poison. The fog stirred towards Sifangyuan, and then waited for the opportunity to slash towards the Seven Cun of Snow Python.

“This battle was still narrowly won in the end, but in the future, he has to persuade him to stop killing like this!”

Above the ark, the kind-eyed Yan old demon sighed: “The snow beast inside is too powerful, he can’t deal with it with kendo anymore!”

A few others also nodded in agreement.

Fang Yuan’s crazy energy hasn’t been reduced since passing the third snow line, but it’s time now.

This way is a snow beast, but if he kills like this again, it will be him.


What everyone didn’t expect was that just when Fang Yuan was about to kill the snow python with just one sword, an invisible force suddenly struck from the horizon. At this moment, the surrounding snow suddenly There was a big change, a white poisonous bee that looked like a grain of snow, suddenly rushed out of the snow, straightened up the tail of the bee, and rushed towards Fang Yuan fiercely.

At the same time, the surrounding snow waves are torrential, but a group of snow wolves rushed from afar and attacked the boat.

Above his head, there was even more wind and snow stagnating, but a huge giant eagle flew in the distance and pounced towards Fang Yuan.



This scene happened suddenly, and no one in the room reacted.

Old Demon Yan was stunned for a while, “Oh” yelled: “It’s not good, the retribution really came…”

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