Master of Great Calamity Chapter 477: The army crushes the border and breaks the mountain gate


Guan Ao’s sudden knife is so terrible, the knife is as strong as the wind, and the flames of anger are soaring. It can be seen in a radius of ten miles.

The old man in black was originally an eloquent person selected by the Yin Shanzong anxiously, in order to let him make this matter small, trivial, and perfunctory, but who I could think that the other party was so unreasonable, and he just slashed over. He was good at speaking, but his cultivation was not good. Facing Guan Ao’s knife, he was scared and lost his soul, turned and ran into the mountain gate.

“Why did you do it directly?”

It was not just the black-clothed old man who had been condemned by the Yinshan Sect. Even the monks of the Daoist tradition around Fang Yuan were stunned. They followed, but for Fang Yuan’s divine method, they didn’t intend to be true. A hands-on, I thought that this kind of thing is just to accompany you to ask for justice, and lower your head under Yinshanzong. Yinshanzong is not a court of Yuewang. How can there be any reason to go directly?

This makes the people in front of them look at each other a bit, very embarrassed.

But who would have thought that Guan Ao slashed out with this knife, and all the practitioners in the back also saw it clearly, knowing that they had already started their hands, and their hearts were immediately ecstatic. Some people didn’t know what was going on, they were big. Shouting, a swarm of swarms rushed over.

As far as they are concerned, they feel that they are behind, wave the flag and shout, just take advantage of the fire, anyway, there is someone in front of it…

For the Shoushan disciples of the Yinshan Sect, they were panicked when seeing so many people and horses oppressing the realm, and seeing the horror of Guan Ao’s knife, they frightened their parents and elders into the big formation, and then Before they had come back, they heard the sound of shouting and killing outside. They were so frightened that they did not hesitate for a moment, and immediately smashed the large formation, and all of them shot out.

And this is usually the characteristic of the outermost mountain guarding formation of the mountain gate. The outermost formation is not honestly played by others. They are both offensive and defensive. Such a destructive action. The foremost Fazhou was immediately affected.

“The overbearing Yinshan Sect…”

“Dare the demon, do you want to kill directly?”

On the front of the ark, all the practitioners were too watchful, so they were trapped by the light, and they were shocked. Some people hurriedly destroyed the defense on the ark, but some were More politely, he sacrificed various magic weapons directly.

The people behind saw that the front was really moving, and they couldn’t wait to squeeze forward one by one, pushing the people in front backward.

The most helpless thing was that Fang Yuan’s Fa ark belonged to several Orthodox Fa arks in Zhongzhou. They did not expect that this was just a blink of an eye. How could they really start fighting, and turned to look at Fang. Yuan’s face was gloomy, and when he reached his mouth, he swallowed.

“Finally, no matter what, I’m talking about the divine law first…”

For people like them, they really don’t pay much attention to Yinshan Sect.

If there is any fear, it is just a worry that a war with the Yinshan Sect will provoke the immortal alliance to find it, but now that the situation has risen, they don’t want to rush, there is no way, anyway. Fang Yuan is up to it, let’s fight first…

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

At this time, Fang Yuan just said nothing, his sleeves shook, and the ten blood beasts worshipped.


If this blood beast is used to guard the core mountain protection formation of Yinshan Mountain, it is estimated that the effect is not great, but the outermost formation is not a problem. As soon as it flies out, it becomes larger in the wind. Ten fierce beast statues were made and suppressed in the outer formation of Yinshan Sect, but suddenly the outer formation, facing the mountain gate, became useless, and the disciples were exposed.

“Where did the wild dogs dare to attack my gate?”

Those peripheral disciples were shocked and angry, shouting loudly.

And a group of Dharma boats roared and rammed straight into the Yinshan Sect. Only the shadows were shaking in front of them. I don’t know how many Yinshan Sect disciples rushed over like a fierce and evil spirit to resist the crowd. At this time, they too I don’t understand what’s going on. It’s just that everyone has forcibly attacked the mountain, and where there is any kind of politeness, when they see someone, they hurt the killer.

However, on the other hand, the more powerful and detached existences are on the front of the ark, the situation has already risen, and the elders will not wait for the orders of these elders, and they will welcome them. The Yinshan Sect disciple fought over.

In an instant, the outermost disciple of the Yinshan Sect was dead and injured.

At this time, some of the people in the back who really had enemies with the Yinshan Sect, or who were going to take advantage of the fire, also squeezed to the front. When they saw that there were many corpses on the ground, they suddenly felt confident. , Rushed in with joy to find someone to fight with him.

The chaos has started and it can no longer be contained.

The number of people who have followed Fang Yuan is so large and powerful that it is unimaginable. How can they be comparable to the Yinshan Sect? Everyone has followed this battle, and they are full of confidence. The meaning of beating a falling water dog, I am afraid that the person in the front will not really hit the dog. At this time, I saw that the Yinshan Sect actually became a falling water dog, but the fights were more vigorous!

While watching this scene, Fang’s principle is to let go of his heart, and everything is under control.

“Bold fanatics, dare to attack my mountain gate, no sin…”

The Yinshan Sect’s reaction was extremely fast. The defensive disciples at the outermost periphery had just been defeated, and they heard a lot of shouts in the void. Several elders and deacons came quickly, casting magic weapons across the void, towards the ship’s side. Fang Yuan called!

“Hmph, the Yinshan Sect has a big tone!”

But Fang Yuan faced those attacks without paying any attention to it, and he didn’t even look at it.

On the ark next to him, the Nangong family’s great elder and several other powerful elders saw this, but they snorted coldly, and rolled up their sleeves, relying on their self-cultivation. , These elders who rushed to Fang Yuan’s body were vulnerable. One by one, they were bounced away by mana. When they landed, their expressions were already gray.

However, when these elders of the Daoist lineage started, they were determined, but none of them hurt them, but the problem is that the situation is too messy now. These people have just landed and have not got up yet. Has been overwhelmed by countless people around.

Seeing this scene, the elders also sighed in a low voice, thinking they might as well just kill them.

A group of people came into the Yinshan Sect, some fished in troubled waters, and some took advantage of the fire.

But the overall strength is undoubtedly much stronger than the disciples who guard the periphery of the Yinshan Sect.

In an instant, the outer defenses of the Yinshan Sect have been demolished in a mess and mess.

Some people ran fast. At this time, they rushed to the inner door defense, but when they saw that the defense inside was relatively strong, and there were not many people following him, they ran back cursingly…


At this moment, in Yuankong, several shouts suddenly sounded.

Those voices are all powerful and unpredictable. This drink shook the valley and buzzed, causing the rocks to fall from the mountain wall, but it made the surrounding people happy just now. Xiu was shocked, the noise was much less.

Looking up, I saw several elders wearing black robes with large sleeves and robes coming volleyed in the air. Each of them was a generation with a deep breath, presumably not a low status. This one rushed to the vicinity, in midair. Standing in the middle, looking up, I saw that the mountain gate had been broken, and the immortal monument handwritten by the ancestor master was shattered. A group of peripheral disciples were injured or died, and they were in a mess, and their hearts also gave rise to endless anger.

The first one was a middle-aged man in a blue robe. He restrained a few people next to him. He also suppressed his anger, bowed his hand to the others, and said in a deep voice: “You guys, I don’t know how much I have done. What’s wrong, make you hit the door?”

“Yin Shanzong colluded with demons and did a lot of evil, and asked us what evil did we do?”

“Yes, many unrighteous acts will kill themselves. It’s time for Yinshan Sect to pay off the debt…”



When I heard the middle-aged man ask, before Fang Yuan could answer, many people scolded.

The middle-aged man was naturally unable to answer in the chaos.

His gaze flickered, but he looked straight at Fang Yuan, and shouted, “This is my little friend Fang Yuan. Five years ago, you killed my Yinshan Sect’s true transmission. We have all swallowed it. , I heard your fanfare and encouraged all the practitioners to come to the door. My Yinshan Sect just sent someone out to tell you that the etiquette was extremely good, why are you so rude and deceived Yinshan Sect so much?”

“You said you swallowed this breath?”

Fang Yuan also had a sharp gaze. He stepped forward and shouted: “I said you usually collude with Southern Wild City. I think you don’t recognize it. Even the Immortal League has concealed it. But five years ago, your Yinshan Sect disciple gave The demon’s life went into Qingyang to find me, but it was fake?”

The middle-aged man in the blue robe, hearing these words, sank slightly before saying: “This is true, but since my Yinshan Sect has made trouble in Zhongzhou after the blood envoy in the Southern Desolate City, he has strictly forbidden disciples and demons. From this contact, some things were discovered. That Gan Longjian indeed colluded with demons, and has now been ordered by my sect master to remove all of his due status from the school…”

Speaking of this, it seemed to be a little bit sad. He made a sigh of relief to the surroundings and sighed: “All of you are here to bear witness to my Yinshan Sect. This fact is not because of my Yinshan Sect. Pie, I won’t have a few scumbags, but I really don’t know about this. The old man doesn’t know what nonsense this kid has used or what benefits he has given…”

Speaking of this, I have a deliberate meal: “I have blinded you for a while, but I ask you to be aware of it. Don’t be impulsive and make a big mistake!”

This remark has some alluding to all the main roads taking advantage of Fang Yuan.

The purpose is, naturally, to combat the aura of various traditions…

As long as the will of so many cultivators is disintegrated, with Fang Yuan alone, how can their Yinshan Sect look at it?

But what they didn’t expect was that these Orthodox elders and messengers were all scheming, how could there be a simple one?

After listening to his words, all Wei Ran did not move, his complexion remained unchanged, and even laughed out loud…

“…We did receive benefits, who will come if there is no benefit?”

“Yes, do we have the blame for the Yinshan Sect for the benefits that we receive by our ability?”

“If you have the ability, you will also benefit…”

In a whisper, someone from behind shouted: “Why doesn’t the front move anymore? Didn’t it mean to take advantage of the fire…”

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